The purpose of this chapter is to reduce traffic and improve air quality within the City of Santa Rosa by promoting the development of trip reduction programs at existing and future work sites.
(Ord. 2948 § 1, 1992)
Government Code Section 65089.3 requires cities and counties to adopt and implement a trip reduction and travel demand ordinance.
(Ord. 2948 § 1, 1992)
An increase in new employment opportunities is anticipated in the City in the next 20 years.
Increased employment in the City will create an increase in traffic coming to, from, and within the City.
Trip reduction programs reduce peak hour traffic.
Reducing vehicle trips correspondingly reduces traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, energy consumption, and noise levels.
The City's general plan recognizes a policy of providing vehicle alternatives to the automobile for efficiently transporting large numbers of people to local and regional destinations. It encourages people to use alternative transportation and devise strategies to reduce traffic congestion at peak hours.
Participation of private and public employers is critical to the success of trip reduction programs.
(Ord. 2948 § 1, 1992)
For the purposes of this chapter the following words, and phrases shall have these meanings:
"Average vehicle ridership"
(AVR) is the number of employees arriving or leaving a work site during the peak hour period divided by the number of vehicles, excluding buses, bicycles, and motorcycles those employees use to arrive or leave the work site, averaged over the survey week.
is a motor vehicle occupied by two to six employees travelling to a work site.
"Commute trip"
is the work-to-home or home-to-work trip.
"Commute alternatives"
are carpooling, vanpooling, public transit, bicycling, or walking.
is any person working for an employer for either wages or salary eighty or more hours per month on a permanent, temporary, or part-time basis who either reports to work or is assigned primarily to a work site on a regular schedule. The term excludes contract employees, independent contractors, field personnel, seasonal workers, and volunteers.
"Employee survey"
is a form designed to provide information to calculate AVR for the work site. It will ascertain how the employee travels to and from work.
is any public or private employer, including the City, with a permanent place of business in the City. "Employer" shall not include contractors and businesses with no permanent place of business in the City.
"Employer trip reduction program"
is a program developed and implemented by the employer to provide information, assistance, incentives or other measures for employees to increase AVR and reduce the number of commute trips.
"Field personnel"
is an employee who spends twenty percent or less of their work-time at the work site and uses their personal vehicle to carry out their work tasks.
"Peak hour period"
is six a.m. to 10 a.m. weekdays.
"Transportation coordinator"
is the person designated by the employer who is responsible for administration of employer requirements under this chapter.
"Transportation manager"
is the person designated by the employer who has budget authority for implementing the requirements of this chapter.
"TSM coordinator"
is an employee of the City.
is a van occupied by seven or more employees who commute to a work site.
"Work site"
is any place of employment, base of operation or predominant location of the employer. All buildings or facilities occupied by the employer within the City and within a radius of .5 miles of a single centrally located building or facility occupied by the same employer is considered a single "work site."
(Ord. 2948 § 1, 1992)
Average vehicle ridership is established to measure progress toward achieving an increase in the use of commute alternatives and reducing peak hour vehicle trips. The following are AVR goals:
By July 1, 1993, the AVR shall be 1.20.
By July 1, 1995, the AVR shall be 1.25.
By July 1, 1997, the AVR shall be 1.30.
By July 1, 1999, the AVR shall be 1.35.
(Ord. 2948 § 1, 1992)
Voluntary Program-Employers With Less Than 100 Employees Trip Reduction Information Program. Every existing or future employer with less than 100 employees and schools and school districts are encouraged to post and distribute annually current marketing and informational materials on commute alternatives and their impact on reducing congestion and air pollution. Distribution should include existing employees and new employees when hired. Informational materials may be provided by the City or the employer.
Mandatory Program-Employers With 100 or More Employees Transportation Program. Every existing or future employer with 100 employees or more at the work site within the time period for notification specified herein, shall do the following:
Information Program. Each year, post and distribute current marketing and informational materials regarding commute alternatives and their impact on congestion and air pollution. Distribution shall include new employees when hired.
Transportation Manager. Within 30 days following notice from the City, appoint a Transportation Manager for each work site. An employer having more than one work site within the City may appoint one Manager for all work sites or a separate manager for each work site.
Transportation Coordinator. Within 30 days following notice from the City, appoint a Transportation Coordinator for each work site. Within 60 days following appointment, the coordinator shall complete a coordinator training course approved by the City, unless the coordinator has had one year of experience as a Transportation Coordinator. A Transportation Manager may also function as a coordinator, provided the Manager meets the qualifications set forth in this section.
Notification. Within 30 days of making or changing the appointments, notify the TSM Coordinator in writing of the appointments required by this section. Notification shall be mailed first class, postage prepaid, to the TSM Coordinator. Notification shall include the following information regarding each appointee:
Business hours;
Business telephone number;
Business mailing address.
Development of Employer Trip Reduction Program. Within 120 days following notice from the City, develop an employer trip reduction program that outlines the program objectives designed to achieve the trip reduction goals set forth in this chapter. The employer trip reduction program shall remain at the employer's work site and be made available to the City upon request.
Annual Employee Survey. Each year, during the month of May, conduct an employee transportation survey at the work site. The survey form shall be provided by the City. The survey must be conducted during a five-day period, Monday through Friday, that does not include any special events or holidays that would alter commute behavior. Employees not returning a completed survey will be counted as driving alone in calculating AVR. Surveys shall be returned to the City by May 31st, for processing.
Annual Report. Within 30 days of receipt of survey results from the City, submit to the TSM Coordinator an annual report describing the employer trip reduction program, the survey results during the reporting period, and the employer trip reduction program intended to be implemented the following year. The report shall cover the preceding year, or that portion of the preceding year the employer was in business.
The annual report shall contain the following information:
The average vehicle ridership determined by the annual survey;
The number of off-street employee parking spaces provided by the employer;
The number of preferential parking spaces provided for vanpools and carpools;
A list of all informational and marketing efforts, services and incentives included in the employee trip reduction program for the current year, whether provided by the employer or a third party;
A list of all informational and marketing efforts, services and incentives to be included in the employee trip reduction program for the following year, whether provided by the employer or a third party.
Informational Meeting. If requested by the City, the Transportation Manager, coordinator or other person designated by the employer, shall attend a meeting held by the City to provide information about developing and implementing commute alternative programs.
Proof of Compliance. At such time when the Bay Area Air Quality Management District adopts a trip reduction rule, employers subject to this chapter and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Trip Reduction Rule, may file the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's proof of compliance with the City in lieu of complying with this chapter.
(Ord. 2948 § 1, 1992)
The City shall provide the following:
TSM Coordinator. City shall designate a TSM Coordinator.
Technical Guidance and Support. The TSM Coordinator shall provide guidance and support to employers in complying with the provisions of this chapter.
City Evaluation of Trip Reduction Program.
Annual Evaluation. The City Manager or designee shall review employer compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The evaluation will include a review of employer trip reduction programs, annual reports, and employer surveys.
Report to City Council. The City Manager or designee shall submit an annual report to the City Council describing the results of the trip reduction program and the achievement of the goals of this chapter. The City Manager or designee may recommend any changes to this chapter necessary to achieve the goals established herein.
Implementation of Penalties. If, at any time after two years from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, an employer is not making substantial progress toward achieving the AVR goals stated herein, the City Manager or designee may recommend to the City Council that enforcement measures be initiated in addition to the general provisions of the Santa Rosa City code.
(Ord. 2948 § 1, 1992)