The purpose of this Chapter is to assure that subdivision and
site development projects constructed within the City of Liberty Hill
and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), are adequately furnished
with necessary public infrastructure. These include water, wastewater,
stormwater drainage, roads, and open space resources.
Design and construction of infrastructure in the City and ETJ
shall be consistent with the policies and guidelines established in
the most recent versions of the Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan. Any
interpretation of the requirements of this Section shall be made in
a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
This chapter addresses policies contained in the Comprehensive
Plan and legal requirements for the adequate provision of infrastructure
for the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of
Liberty Hill and its surroundings.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
5.03.01 Unapproved Final Plat or Site Development.
City approvals, including but not limited to building, repair,
plumbing, or electrical permits, shall not be issued by the City for
any structure on a lot in a subdivision or on a parcel for which a
final plat or site development permit has not been approved and filed
for record.
5.03.02 Compliance with Standards.
Full compliance with the standards contained within this Code
must be obtained before the issuance of a building repair, plumbing
or electrical permit for any structure on a lot within a subdivision
within the jurisdiction of the City.
5.03.03 Review, Permit and Enforcement Authority.
In fulfilling any responsibilities in this Section that require
technical or other expertise, the City Manager or designee of the
Council shall rely on the assistance of City Engineer or another designee
for such expertise.
5.03.04 No City Maintenance.
The City shall not repair, maintain, install or provide any
streets or public utilities or services in any subdivision for which
a final plat has not been approved and filed for record, nor any parcel
or lot for which a site development permit has not been issued, nor
in which the standards contained herein or referred to herein have
not been complied with in full.
5.03.05 No Utility Service.
The City shall not sell or supply water, gas, electricity or
sewerage within a subdivision for which a final plat has not been
approved and filed for record, or parcel or lot for which a site development
permit has not been issued, nor in which the standards contained herein
have not been complied with in full.
5.03.06 Grandfather Provisions.
The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to prohibit
the issuance of permits for any lot or undivided tract or parcel of
land upon which a structure exists that was in existence prior to
the passage of this Code.
5.03.07 Required Improvements.
In the absence of any provision to the contrary, the subdivider,
developer or applicant shall provide the following improvements, as
approved in the construction plans, in conformance with the standards,
specifications and requirements of this Unified Development Code:
A. Streets
including rights-of-way, alleys, sidewalks, bridges, signalization,
and street lighting;
B. Water
system including utility easements, water distribution lines, fire
hydrants, valves, pumps, and water towers in conformance with the
terms and regulations of the provider of said utility;
C. Sanitary
sewer system including utility easements, sanitary sewer lines, manholes,
and lift stations in conformance with the terms and regulations of
the provider of said utility;
D. Drainage
system including drainage easements, channels, storm sewer lines and
inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping;
F. Permanent
monument markers;
G. Utilities
for electric and telephone service and associated utility easements
installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider
of said utility;
H. Gas,
cable television and other telecommunications service and associated
utility easements, when provided, installed in conformance with the
terms and regulations of the provider of said utility.
5.03.08 Improvement Continuity and Integration.
All improvements must be designed and installed so as to provide
for a logical system of utilities, drainage and streets and to create
continuity of improvements for the development of adjacent properties.
Pedestrian, vehicle, water, wastewater and drainage improvements must
be extended to the perimeter of a subdivision.
5.03.09 Improvement Plans.
Plans for the improvements required by this Chapter shall be
prepared and approved in accordance with the provisions contained
herein and certified for accuracy and completeness by a registered
professional engineer licensed by the State of Texas.
After completion of construction, the developer shall deliver
to the City as-built construction documents indicating all improvements,
new construction, and upgrades. These documents shall clearly indicate
the location of all improvements including the location of above-
and below-ground utilities. The documents shall include a certification
from a licensed Professional Engineer that all construction required
by this code was performed in compliance with the standards and specifications
required of this code.
5.03.10 Acceptance of Improvements.
During the course of installation and construction of the required
improvements, the City Engineer or another designee of the City Manager
shall make periodic inspections of the work to insure that all improvements
comply with this Code and other municipal, county and State requirements.
Upon completion of installation and construction of all required improvements,
the developer may seek acceptance of all public improvements by the
City by submitting the required number of copies of as-built plans
and a one-year maintenance bond in an amount as specified at the time
of final plat submittal. In addition, the developer shall provide
a statement signed by a registered professional engineer that all
improvements have been installed and constructed in accordance with
the submitted as-built plans.
5.03.11 Maintenance and Supervision.
Where a subdivision contains sewers, sewage treatment facilities,
water supply systems, parks and grounds held in common, drainage facilities,
or other physical facilities necessary or desirable for the welfare
of the area, or that are of common use or benefit which are not or
cannot be satisfactorily maintained by an existing public agency,
provision shall be made which is acceptable to the City for the proper
and continuous operation, maintenance, and supervision of such facilities.
A copy of the agreements providing for the proper and continuous operation,
maintenance and supervision of such facilities shall be presented
to the City Manager and approved as to form by the City Attorney at
the time of final plat approval or site development permit issuance
and shall be filed of record with the plat or permit thereof.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
A. A final
plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless
the land proposed for subdivision or site development is adequately
served by essential public facilities and services. These services
1. Streets
including alleys, bridges and street lighting, rights-of-way, sidewalks,
2. Water
system including wells (where used), utility easements, water distribution
lines, fire hydrants, valves, pumps, pressure tanks, water towers
and other water facilities.
3. Sanitary
sewer system including utility easements, sanitary sewer lines, manholes,
and lift stations.
4. Drainage
system including drainage easements, culverts, channels, storm sewer
lines and inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping.
5. Park
land in accordance with parkland dedication requirements.
6. Utilities
for electric and telephone service and associated utility easements
shall be installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of
the provider of said utility.
7. Gas
and cable television service and other telecommunications service
and associated utility easements, when provided, shall be installed
in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said
B. The City
of Round Rock’s Design and Construction Standards shall apply
for all public facilities within the City's corporate limits and ETJ
of Liberty Hill. This policy may be further defined and supplemented
by other codes adopted by the City.
C. Where
appropriate, a letter from each respective utility service provider
(when such utility is not provided by the City of Liberty Hill) which
states that all requirements have been met, is sufficient to meet
the requirements of this section as to the utility service provided.
In the event that the City will provide water or sewer services to
the land proposed for subdivision or site development, and the City's
engineer determines that there is insufficient unreserved capacity
in such systems to serve the property, City Council may determine,
by ordinance, that the proposed development meets the conditions provided
in Section 6.04(E), below, and authorize approval of the final plat,
replat, or site development permit.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009; Ordinance
2024-O-021 adopted 7/10/2024)
5.05.01 Purpose and Intent.
A. All
streets shall be planned to properly integrate with the existing and
proposed system of local, collector and arterial streets.
B. Local
streets shall be designed to conform to existing topography, to discourage
use by through traffic, to permit efficient drainage and utility installation,
and provide safe access to property.
C. Streets
shall be provided to the boundary lines of the tract being subdivided,
unless the City Manager or designee determines that such an extension
is neither necessary, nor desirable.
D. All
plats shall provide for the appropriate extension and connection of
existing and proposed streets in accordance with the City Thoroughfare
Plan and any other extensions and connections deemed necessary by
the City Manager or designee.
E. Intersections
shall be designed to accommodate anticipated traffic generators such
as schools, businesses, shopping centers, and population densities.
Streets should be designed with safety for all modes of travel as
the primary priority.
F. The
location of arterial streets shall conform to the City Thoroughfare
G. Curbing
shall be required for the purpose of drainage, safety, delineation,
and protection of the pavement edge. Curbing shall be designed so
as not to interfere with the movement of pedestrian traffic.
H. Except
where indicated sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all streets.
I. Streets
and improvements associated with streets shall be in accordance with
the City of Round Rock’s Design and Construction Standards.
J. Streets
shall provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles,
enhance walkability by ensuring connected transportation routes, and
provide continuous and comprehensible traffic routes.
5.05.02 Street Design Standards.
A. Street
Classification and Characteristics.
1. Local Streets.
The purpose of a local street is to provide
lot street frontage and carry traffic to a higher classification street.
Local streets are divided into three subcategories: Local-residential,
local-nonresidential or local-rural. Unless approved by the City Manager
or designee, a local street shall not connect to two separate higher
classification streets or connect directly to arterial streets. Local
streets may be designated as private streets.
2. Collector Streets.
Collector streets are divided into
two subcategories: Local and major. The purpose of collector streets
is to convey traffic from intersecting local streets and to expedite
the movement of traffic to an arterial street or other collector street.
No collector street in a residential development shall be designated
as a private street. Collector streets in nonresidential private street
developments may be designated as private streets.
3. Arterial Streets.
The purpose of an arterial street
is to carry high volumes of through traffic. Arterial streets serve
as a link between major activity centers within the urban area. Access
is usually limited to intersections, multifamily developments and
commercial driveways. All arterial streets are designated in the City
Thoroughfare Plan. An arterial street shall not end as a cul-de-sac.
Generally, arterial streets shall not permit on-street parking. No
arterial street shall be designated as a private street.
B. New
1. Right-of-Way.
A developer shall dedicate or convey at
the city’s option the amount of right-of-way for each type of
street as stated in the City of Round Rock’s City of Round Rock’s
[sic] Design and Construction Standards. Except as provided below,
the developer must dedicate or convey the required right-of-way for
all streets within the subdivision as shown on the plat. The city
may reduce the amount of right-of-way dedication for an arterial street
based on the design consideration, existing land uses, existing development
of adjoining properties, and dimensions of the proposed addition or
subdivision. In all cases, the amount of right-of-way dedicated for
any one street within the addition or subdivision shall not exceed
one hundred and twenty (120) feet wide or fifteen percent (15%) of
the total acreage on the plat submitted.
2. Street Improvements.
All public and private streets shall be designed and built in accordance with the City of Round Rock’s Design and Construction Standards. The developer must construct the full cross-section of the arterial streets designated on the City Thoroughfare Plan which are located within the subdivision unless approval [is obtained] from the City Manager or designee depicting alternative standards per the TIA criteria in section
6.11.06 Traffic Impact Analysis.
3. Private Streets.
Private streets are discouraged and
may only be permitted, with approval of the Planning & Zoning
Commission and the City Council.
4. Substandard Existing Street Right-Of-Way.
Whenever a
proposed subdivision abuts an existing street that has a substandard
right-of-way width for either the existing street or for a future
street, the developer shall dedicate the additional right-of-way for
the existing street or future street. The developer shall dedicate
one-half of the amount required for the type of street to be upgraded
measured from the existing centerline of the right-of-way or up to
fifteen percent (15%) of the total acreage of the addition or subdivision,
whichever is less. The city may reduce the amount of right-of-way
dedication requirement based on design consideration, existing land
uses, existing development of adjacent properties, and dimensions
of the proposed addition or subdivision.
C. Stub
Except for gated communities, a proposed subdivision
or addition must provide access to adjacent land subdivided by stubbing
appropriate streets to the boundaries of the proposed addition or
subdivision. When the abutting land is platted, the developer shall
integrate the stubbed streets into the existing traffic system of
streets in a logical manner as well as continue the same street classification
of the stub street. The developer shall present a schematic plan to
demonstrate how the stub street will eventually extend through the
adjacent property and connect with a collector or arterial street.
Temporary paved turnarounds shall be provided at the end of stubbed
streets which are more than two hundred and fifty (250) feet long.
D. Cu-de-sacs.
1. Cul-de-sacs are discouraged and shall only be allowed if no secondary
access can be reasonably provided to the portion of the subdivision
which is to be served by the cul-de-sac or if there is limited access
to the subdivision is due to a topographical condition on the property
or a particular physical condition.
2. Only local streets may terminate in a cul-de-sac. Collectors and
arterial streets may not terminate in a cul-de-sac.
3. The maximum length of a cul-de-sac street shall be six hundred (600)
E. Curbing.
All streets shall have standard curbing and gutter except for
the local-rural street classification where ribbon curb is allowed.
All raised medians and islands located within the street pavement
shall be bordered by standard curb and gutter, unless otherwise approved
by the City Engineer. All concrete curb and gutter shall be installed
and constructed according to the City of Round Rock’s Design
and Construction Standards.
F. Curb
1. Curb ramps are required within a street wherever a sidewalk or pedestrian
route intersects with a curb. The design and construction of curb
ramps shall be in accordance with the City of Round Rock’s Design
and Construction Standards, and shall meet the Texas Accessibility
Standards, administered by the state department of licensing and regulation
and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.
2. Whenever a sidewalk or pedestrian route crosses a raised median,
the raised median shall be cut through level with the street or shall
have curb ramps at both median curbs plus a level area at least four
(4) feet long between the curb ramps in the median.
G. Access.
All lots shall be provided with frontage on an existing or proposed
public or private street.
5.05.03 Connectivity.
Subdivisions shall have a minimum number of connections to public
roads and a minimum number of stub streets where necessary to connect
to future subdivisions on adjacent tracts of land as follows:
A. Less
than 75 lots: one (1) connection to a public road and one (1) stub
B. For
75 lots up to 150 lots: two (2) connections to a public road and one
(1) stub street;
C. For
151 lots up to 300 lots: three (3) connections to a public road and
two (2) stub streets;
D. For
301 lots up to 400 lots: four (4) connections to a public road and
three (3) stub streets;
E. For
401 lots up to 500 lots: five (5) connections to a public road and
four (4) stub streets;
F. For
501 lots up to 800 lots: six (6) connections to a public road and
five (5) stub streets;
G. For
801 lots and more: one (1) additional connection to a public road
and one (1) additional stub street for each additional 200 lots;
H. One
(1) additional stub street may substitute for one (1) public road
connection requirement if a minimum of two (2) connections are provided.
5.05.04 Medians and Islands.
A. Standards.
Medians and islands shall be landscaped with landscape materials from the Austin Grow Green Guide, the preferred plant list in Section
6.06.18, or constructed of stamped pattern concrete, brick, stone or concrete pavers. Grass turf areas shall not be less than six (6) feet in width. All medians and islands shall be bordered by standard curb and gutter.
B. Median
Median openings on arterial streets shall be
in accordance with the City of Round Rock’s Design and Construction
5.05.05 Intersections.
A. Proposed
intersections shall be designed to meet the minimum spacing requirements,
curb radii, and corner sight distances required in the City of Round
Rock’s Design and Construction Standards, and based on the following
design specifications:
B. Streets
shall intersect at right angles or up to twenty (20) degrees from
a right angle to accommodate sign design or constraints.
C. The
right-of-way line at street intersections shall be in accordance with
the City of Round Rock’s Design and Construction Standards.
D. The
centerline of intersecting streets shall be a minimum of two hundred
(200) feet from other street intersections. This offset shall not
apply to streets intersecting a street if a raised median is provided
and no median opening is aligned with either of the offset streets.
Future median openings are prohibited where two streets offset and
intersect an arterial street at a distance of less than two hundred
(200) feet; provided, however, median openings may be allowed for
one-way traffic circulation subject to the approval of the City Manager
or designee.
5.05.06 Acceleration/Deceleration Lanes.
A. Acceleration/deceleration
lanes shall be provided along existing and proposed arterial streets
when required by the findings of a city-approved TIA.
B. Additional
right-of-way shall be dedicated by plat if required to accommodate
acceleration/deceleration lanes or turning lanes.
5.05.07 Street Names and Addresses.
A. Street
Each preliminary plat shall indicate proposed
street names for streets within the addition or subdivision. The City
Manager or designee and County 911 addressing authorities shall review
and approve the proposed street names according to the following standards:
1. Street names shall not conflict with or duplicate any existing street
names within Williamson County. The disapproval of a proposed street
name may be based on but is not limited to the following: close pronunciation
to another street name, street name is too difficult to pronounce,
street names with undesirable meanings or connotations, street names
with language translation problems or street names that may cause
the theft of a street sign.
2. New streets which are extensions or in alignment with existing streets
shall bear the name of the existing street.
3. Street suffix terms shall be assigned in accordance with the policy
of the County 911 addressing authorities.
B. Final
Approved street names shall be shown on the final
C. Street
Street addresses shall be assigned by Williamson
County Addressing.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009; Ordinance 2022-O-12.14-02 adopted 12/14/2022)
A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved
unless lighting requirements as defined in this Code are met.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved
unless the proposed lot(s) or development is connected to a water
supply system which is capable of providing adequate water for health
and emergency purposes. Except for lots along an approved cul-de-sac
or where it is impracticable, all lots must be provided service connections
from a looped water main providing water flow from two directions
or sources. New developments or improvements of existing developments
should consult the City of Liberty Hill or appropriate utility provider
for compliance.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved
unless the proposed lot(s) or site developments are served by an approved
means of wastewater collection and treatment. The projected wastewater
discharge of a proposed development shall not exceed the proposed
capacity of the proposed development’s wastewater system. The
City may require the phasing of development and/or improvements to
the systems so as to maintain adequate wastewater capacity. New developments
or improvements of existing developments should consult the City of
Liberty Hill or appropriate wastewater utility service provider for
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
Water service must be sufficient to meet the fire flow requirements
of the proposed development, except where a suitable alternative means
of fire protection is approved by the City Volunteer Fire Department
Chief, or his designee, and the City Engineer. The City may require
the phasing of development, and/or the construction of improvements
to maintain adequate fire protection.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
Increased stormwater runoff attributable to new development
must not exceed the capacity of the downstream drainage systems or
adversely affect adjoining property. Where the projected runoff would
exceed capacity based on the standards specified in this Code, the
City may require the phasing of development, the use of control methods
such as retention or detention, and/or the construction of off-site
drainage improvements as means of mitigation. New developments or
improvements of existing developments should consult the City of Liberty
Hill for compliance.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)
(a) The
provision of adequate parkland for use as parks is necessary for the
protection of public health, safety and general welfare of the community.
The City has attempted to provide parks to serve the immediate recreational
needs of residents near their homes, but it faces a severe shortage
of local recreational space as new subdivisions are approved and the
City’s population grows. Accordingly, it appears that the provision
of parks can best be accomplished in conjunction with the platting
and development of new residential areas, which increase the need
for parkland and whose residents will be direct beneficiaries of the
provision of such parkland.
(b) The
subdividers of all residential subdivisions shall be required to provide
for the parkland needs of future residents through the clear fee simple
dedication of suitable land for park and recreational purposes. This
requirement shall include the residential portions of any Planned
Unit Development (PUD). Commercial subdivisions and a single-family
subdivision of one lot, having met the platting requirements to facilitate
construction of a single-family residence, shall not be subject to
the parkland dedication requirements of this section.
(c) The
subdivider shall dedicate parkland to the City as a part of the final
plat approval. The area to be dedicated for the purpose of parkland
shall be shown on the conceptual plan, the preliminary plat, and the
final plat, and shall be included in the dedication statement. The
parkland shall be dedicated to the City by general warranty deed,
and acceptable evidence of clear title and evidence that all taxes
have been paid shall be furnished by the City.
The City Council shall have the discretion to forego the transfer
of the general warranty deed to the City of Liberty Hill in favor
of transferring the land dedication to the Texas Parks and Recreation
Foundation to act as a holding agent for the real property that will
eventually become public parks or open space. The transfer of the
land dedication to the Texas Parks and Recreation Foundation may be
used for in-kind grant matches for park development grants in accordance
with State regulations[.]
(d) The
minimum amount of land required to be dedicated as parkland shall
be 8% of the total subdivision acreage proposed for residential use,
excluding acreage within the 100-year floodplain.
(e) Land
dedicated for park and recreational purposes shall be of size, character,
and location consistent with the standards outlined below:
(1) If necessary for optimum park placement, large dedicatory requirements
under this section may be accomplished by dedication of two or more
separate park sites as long as the combined area meets the requirements
set out in this section.
(2) The dedicated parkland shall provide a minimum of 50 feet of frontage
on a dedicated public street or of a width acceptable to the parks
board and the City.
(3) At least 50% of the dedicated parkland shall be level, well-drained,
and suitable for use as an open playfield.
(4) Water and wastewater connections shall be readily available at the
park site with water and wastewater lines located along the street
frontage of the park. The subdivider must demonstrate that there is
sufficient water and wastewater utility line capacity available to
serve the park.
(5) The area shall not be subject to any reservation of record, encumbrances
of any kind, or easements which will interfere with the use of the
land for park or recreational purposes.
(f) All
land proposed for dedication as parkland that is located in a floodplain
area shall:
(1) Be easily accessible and have adequate street frontage;
(2) Have any alteration of its natural character and that of its waterway
approved by the parks board and City;
(3) Be at least 100 feet in width, or of a width acceptable to the parks
board and the City;
(4) Have a configuration and topography suitable for placement of facilities
such as playgrounds, picnic facilities, and open playfields.
(g) If a subdivider is unable to meet the standards set out in subsections
(d) and
(e) above, resort may be had to one or more of the following alternatives:
(1) Dedication by the subdivider of a unique area of natural beauty or
an area possessing unique natural features or biologically valuable
(2) The combination of two or more required dedications to form a single,
viable park area;
(3) Land dedication that would expand existing parks or recreation facilities;
(4) Transfer of required parkland dedication in one subdivision to another
location owned by the same subdivider.
(h) When
an area is required to be dedicated, the City may require a cash payment
in lieu of dedication or parkland.
(1) Where with respect to a particular subdivision the City council determines that a subdivider is unable to meet the requirements of subsections
(f) and
(g) above, the subdivider may be required to deposit a cash payment with the City. The amount of such cash payments shall be in accordance with the provisions set out in this section. Alternatively, the City may accept a combination of parkland dedication and a cash payment in lieu of a portion of the parkland dedication.
(2) All cash payments shall be used exclusively for the acquisition and/or
improvement of parks.
(i) The
amount of cash payment to be made to the City shall be 8% of the fair
market value of the land proposed to be subdivided, as determined
by a qualified real estate appraiser employed by the city, less a
credit for the value of the land actually dedicated for parkland as
determined by such real estate appraiser. A subdivider, at his own
expense, may obtain an additional appraisal by a qualified real estate
appraiser mutually agreed upon by the city and the subdivider. In
such case, the City Council shall determine fair market value upon
consideration of both the appraisals.
(j) All
required cash payments must be submitted prior to final plat approval.
(k) Fifty
percent of land contained within the 100-year floodplain shall be
credited against the parkland dedication requirement; provided that
adjoining land within the 25-year floodplain is also dedicated. Land
within the 25-year floodplain shall not be credited against the parkland
dedication requirement.
(l) Unless
otherwise specified, the requirements of this section shall apply
to all residential subdivisions. Exemptions from the provisions of
this section shall be as follows:
(1) Any resubdivision of land that does not increase the allowed number
of dwelling units;
(2) A subdivision for which a preliminary plat was approved on or before
the effective date of this article, and which preliminary plat has
not expired prior to approval of a final plat; or
(3) Where there has been entered into a special agreement with the City
including specific provisions for the dedication of parkland or cash
payments or in lieu of the requirements of this section.
(m) Any
land that is dedicated as parkland and is disturbed during construction
of the subdivision must be restored by the developer to its original
condition or better prior to release of fiscal for the subdivision.
A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved
unless adequate parks and recreational requirements are provided,
based on the standards specified in this Code. All residential developments
will be required to comply with these standards and requirements.
It is the intent of this Code that parks and recreational facilities
are located and constructed to provide adequate capacity and functionality
to the residents they serve and provide safe, healthy recreational
opportunities to the community.
(n) City
Council shall have the discretion to approve any combination of dedicated
parkland or fee in lieu of a land dedication to serve the best interests
of the citizens of Liberty Hill.
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009; Ordinance 22-O-04.27-01 adopted 4/27/2022; Ordinance
2022-O-11.09-04 adopted 11/9/2022)
A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved
unless the following monument and ground control requirements of this
Code are met:
A. All monuments
and control points shall be placed by a licensed land surveyor, and
must be in place prior to the installation of any roadway improvements.
B. To the
extent it is practicable, monuments should be installed in locations
that will prevent disturbance or destruction of the monument by construction
activities. Any monuments disturbed or destroyed during roadway construction
shall be reestablished in conformance with the provisions of this
Code by a licensed land surveyor.
C. All corners
of subdivisions and points of curvature (P.C.) and points of tangency
(P.T.) along boundary lines of subdivisions shall be marked with a
one-half inch iron rod, two feet in length, set in the center of a
concrete monument six (6) inches in diameter and thirty (30) inches
deep, with the top of the concrete monument set flush with the finished
ground surface.
D. Where,
due to topographic conditions, permanent structures, or other conditions,
the view is obstructed between any two adjacent monuments, intermediate
monuments shall be set as to assure a clear view between adjacent
E. Corner
markers shall be a one-half inch iron rod, or three-fourths inch pipe,
two feet in length, and shall be installed flush with the ground.
Corners of all lots, block corners, street right-of-way P.C.s and
P.T.s shall be marked with corner markers.
F. One permanent
benchmark must be installed and referenced to the North American Datum
1983 and the State Plane Coordinate System (Texas State Plane grid
coordinates, Central Zone, Feet). Surface coordinates may be provided,
but should include a scale factor and convergence to reflect grid
coordinates. The City Manager may waive the requirement for installations
of a benchmark for subdivisions smaller than 50 acres when at least
two benchmarks are located within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision
The landowner or developer shall be required to comply with all the requirements for Fiscal Surety relating to Construction and Maintenance as detailed in Chapter
(Ordinance 09-O-02 adopted 1/28/2009)