This chapter establishes landscape standards to mitigate the effects of urbanization on the environment and to provide for an aesthetically pleasing urban setting. It is the intent of this section to establish a measure of consistency in landscaping for new projects as well as providing a mechanism to require updating and upgrading of existing landscaping in existing developments when improvements are proposed. It is also the intent of this chapter to encourage optimum use of drought-tolerant plant materials in conjunction with water-conserving automatic irrigation systems.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3812 § 2 Att. A, 2007)
The provisions of this chapter apply to all land uses as follows. See also Section 4.1 (Landscaping) of the City's Design Guidelines.
New projects. New nonresidential projects, multi-family residential projects, and single-family residential projects shall provide landscaping in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Existing development. The approval of any permit for physical alterations and/or changes in use within an existing development may include conditions of approval requiring compliance with specific landscaping and irrigation requirements of this chapter. When landscaping is required, the landscape and irrigation improvements shall be installed prior to final building inspection.
Alternatives to requirements. Modifications to the standards of this section may be approved by the appropriate authority to accommodate alternatives to required landscape materials or methods, where it is first determined that the proposed alternative will be equally effective in achieving the intent of this section.
When in conflict with City Code Chapter 14-30, Water Efficient Landscape, Chapter 14-30 shall control.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3812 § 2 Att. A, 2007; Ord. 2021-012 § 21)
Each application for approval of a project subject to this chapter shall not be approved until plans and written material showing how the landscaping requirements are to be met are reviewed and approved.
Plan preparation. Landscape plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect or other person qualified by education and experience to prepare landscape plans.
Plan content. The degree of specificity of landscape plans and written material shall relate to the type of permit or request for approval being sought. Landscape plans shall include the information and materials required by the City of Santa Rosa Landscape Ordinance (City Code Chapter 14-30).
Water-efficient landscape criteria. Landscape and irrigation plans shall comply with the requirements and guidelines of the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO), pursuant to City Code Chapter 14-30.
Changes to approved plans. Changes to approved landscaping or irrigation plans shall not be made without prior written approval of the Director.
Compliance with required plans. The construction/installation of landscape and irrigation improvements shall be accomplished in compliance with the approved plans as a prerequisite to any final approval/clearance of the use or development to which it relates.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3812 § 2 Att. A, 2007; Ord. 2021-012 § 22)
Landscaping shall be provided as follows.
Setbacks. The setback and open space areas required by this Zoning Code that are visible from public streets, and easements for utilities and drainage courses shall be landscaped, except where:
Occupied by allowed structures or paving;
A required setback is screened from public view; or
The Director determines that landscaping is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this Section.
Unused areas. All areas of a project site not intended for a specific use, including pad sites in shopping centers intended for future development, shall be landscaped unless the Director determines that landscaping is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
Expansion of structure, change in use.
Expansion of structure. When existing conforming or nonconforming structures, other than single-family dwellings, are enlarged or increased in capacity by more than 10 percent, or when an expansion in use requires more parking than is presently provided, parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Table 3-4.
Change in use. When a building's use changes to a new use, for example a retail use to a restaurant, without enlarging the space in which the use is located, there shall be no additional parking required for the new use, except that the new use shall comply with current ADA standards for parking, provided that any deficiency in parking is no more than 10 spaces, or a 25 percent overall reduction from standard parking requirements, whichever is greater. The determination for no additional parking is made by the Director of Planning and Economic Development.
Measurement of required landscape areas. Wherever this Zoning Code requires landscaping areas of a specified width, the width shall be exclusive of curbs or walls.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3812 § 2 Att. A, 2007; Ord. 2021-012 § 23)
Landscaped areas shall comply with the following standards.
Minimum dimensions. Landscaped areas shall have a minimum interior width of three feet. Landscaped areas containing trees shall have a minimum interior width of four feet.
Height limits. Proposed landscape materials shall be designed to:
Comply with the height limits for landscaping within vision triangles established by Section 20-30.070(E) (Height Measurement and Exceptions—Vision Triangles); and
Not interfere with the proper operation of solar collector devices on adjacent parcels.
Protective curbing. Required landscaping on sites within the R-3 and non-residential zoning districts shall be protected with a minimum six-inch high concrete curb, except adjacent to bicycle paths, adjacent to a landscape area designed to receive site drainage, or where deemed unnecessary by the review authority.
Irrigation system required. All landscaped areas, except areas to be maintained with intentionally unirrigated native plants, shall be provided an automatic irrigation system in compliance with Section 20-34.060 (Irrigation System Design).
Safety requirements. Landscape materials shall be located so that at maturity they do not:
Interfere with safe sight distances for vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic;
Conflict with overhead utility lines, overhead lights, or walkway lights; or
Block pedestrian or bicycle ways.
Landscape design.
Plant selection and grouping.
Plants with similar water requirements shall be grouped together in distinct hydrozones.
Plants shall be selected appropriately based upon their adaptability to the climatic, geological, and topographical conditions of the site. Protection and preservation of native species and natural areas is encouraged.
Fire prevention shall be addressed on sites in areas identified by the Safety Element of the General Plan as being fire prone by providing fire-resistant landscaping buffers between development areas and naturally vegetated areas, as identified by the Director.
Water features. Decorative water features (e.g., fountains, ponds, waterfalls) shall have recirculating water systems.
Plant materials. Required landscape areas shall include trees, shrubs, and groundcovers, as follows: See also the City's landscape guidelines and plant lists,. available from the Department.
General requirements.
Plant materials shall be selected for: energy efficiency and drought tolerance; adaptability and relationship to the Santa Rosa environment; color, form, and pattern; ability to provide shade; soil reten-tion, and fire resistiveness. The overall landscape plan shall be integrated with all elements of the project (e.g., buildings, parking lots, and streets) to achieve desirable microclimate and minimize energy demand.
Plant materials shall be sized and spaced to achieve immediate effect and shall not be less than a 15-gallon container for trees, five-gallon container for specimen shrubs and a one-gallon for mass planting, unless otherwise approved on the basis that the alternate size will achieve the desired immediate effect equally well.
Trees. Tree planting shall comply with the following standards:
Existing trees shall be retained and preserved whenever feasible.
Trees shall not be planted under any eave, overhang, balcony, light standard or other structure that may interfere with normal growth.
Trees in landscape planters less than 10 feet in width or located closer than five feet from a permanent structure shall be provided with root barriers.
Trees shall be staked in compliance with standards provided by the Department.
Number of trees:
Parking areas: Trees shall be provided within parking areas at a minimum ratio of one tree for each five parking spaces.
Street setbacks: One per 200 square feet of landscaped area.
Balance of site: One per 600 square feet of landscaped area.
Street trees: One per 20 feet of commercial frontage and one per 30 feet of residential frontage. Trees shall maintain 30 feet of distance from any curb return. The Director may modify this requirement depending on spread of tree at maturity. See Section 1.3 of the City's Design Guideline (Streetscapes).
Groundcover and shrubs.
The majority of areas required to be landscaped shall be covered with groundcover, shrubs, drought tolerant turf, or other types of plants that are predominantly drought tolerant.
Five-gallon size shrubs shall be planted and appropriately spaced in accordance with their size at maturity.
One-gallon size groundcover shall be planted and appropriately spaced in accordance with their size at maturity.
Artificial groundcover or shrubs shall not be allowed.
Crushed rock pebbles, stone, and similar materials shall be allowed up to 15 percent of the total required landscape area. Artificial or synthetic ground covers are not allowed.
Non-turf areas (e.g., shrub beds) shall be top dressed with a bark chip mulch or approved alternative.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3812 § 2 Att. A, 2007)
Control system. All landscaped areas shall be provided with an approved irrigation system that shall include an automatic master control with multi-calendar, timer, and multi-station capabilities.
Runoff and overspray. Soil types and infiltration rate shall be considered when designing irrigation systems. All irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid runoff, low head drainage, overspray or other similar conditions where water flows onto adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, walks, roadways or structures. Proper irrigation equipment and schedules, including repeat cycles, shall be used to closely match application rates to infiltration rates to minimize runoff. Special attention shall be given to avoid runoff on slopes and to avoid overspray in planting areas in median strips.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3812 § 2 Att. A, 2007)
Landscape completion certification required. Evidence of the completion of required landscaping and irrigation improvements shall be supplied to the Department by the author of the landscape and irrigation plan, the installer of the landscape or the owner of the property. All landscaping shall have an approved landscape inspection prior to Building Permit Final approval.
Maintenance. Landscaping shall be properly maintained at all times.
Irrigation equipment shall be in working condition at all times.
Litter shall be removed from all landscaped areas in a timely fashion.
Turf areas shall be mowed on a regular basis and be kept green. Accumulation of leaves, twigs, bark, and other similar materials shall be removed on a regular basis. Planting areas shall be kept in a weed-free fashion at all times.
Landscaping maintenance shall include:
Pruning, cultivating, weeding, fertilizing, replacement of plants, and watering on a regular basis;
Pruning or removal of overgrown vegetation, cultivated or uncultivated, that is likely to harbor rats, vermin or other nuisances, or otherwise be detrimental to neighboring properties; and
The removal of dead, decayed, diseased, or hazardous trees, weeds and debris constituting unsightly appearance, dangerous to public safety and welfare or detrimental to neighboring properties or property values. Compliance shall be by removal, replacement, or maintenance.
All landscaping (trees, shrubs, ground cover, turf, etc.) which, due to accident, damage, disease, lack of maintenance, or other cause, fail to show a healthy appearance and growth, shall be replaced. Replacement plants shall conform to all standards that govern the original planting installation, approved landscaping plan, or as approved by the Director.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3812 § 2 Att. A, 2007)