The regulations established by this Chapter are intended to appropriately limit the placement, type, size, and number of signs allowed within the City, and to require the proper maintenance of signs. The purposes of these limitations and requirements are to:
Promote and maintain economically viable commercial enterprises for the benefit of Santa Rosa's citizens;
Encourage signing which identifies businesses in a fair and equitable manner;
Ensure that signs safely attract and direct persons to various destinations;
Protect public and private property values and investment;
Reduce hazards to motorists and pedestrians which result from excessive, confusing, and distracting signs; and
Preserve and enhance the aesthetic quality of the entire community.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014)
Signs regulated. The requirements of this Chapter shall apply to all signs in all zoning districts, except on a site for which a specific plan has established separate sign regulations.
Applicability to sign content. The provisions of this Chapter do not regulate the message content of signs (sign copy), regardless of whether the message content is commercial or noncommercial.
Definitions. Definitions of the specialized terms and phrases used in this Chapter may be found in Division 7, Definitions under "Sign."
Permission of property owner. No sign shall be placed on public or private property without first obtaining permission from the property owner.
Maintenance—Continuing. Each sign in the City shall be maintained in good structural condition at all times. All painted signs shall be kept neatly painted, including all metal parts and supports. The Code Enforcement Officer shall inspect and have the authority to order the painting, repair, alteration, or removal of signs that become dilapidated or are abandoned, or which constitute a hazard to the public safety.
Building Permits required. A building permit is required for any sign that exceeds six feet in height or requires an electrical connection.
Design Guidelines. See Section 4.8 (Signs) of the City's Design Guidelines.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014)
No sign shall be installed, constructed, or altered unless a Sign Permit and, where applicable, a Sign Program approval is first obtained in compliance with this Section, or the sign is allowed without Sign Permit approval (see Section 20-38.040 below). A Building Permit may also be required. After approval of a Sign Permit and/or Sign Program, each sign installed and maintained on the subject site shall comply with the Permit and Program.
Sign Permit application. An application for a Sign Permit shall be prepared, filed and processed, in compliance with Chapter 20.50, Permit Application Filing and Processing. The application shall include required application fees, architectural elevations and plans of all proposed signs drawn to scale, with all dimensions noted, and include illustrations of copy, colors, materials, and samples of the proposed colors and materials. The plans submitted shall also show the location of each sign on buildings and the site.
Sign Permit review authority. The Director shall review all Sign Permit applications, except within the Historic (- H) overlay zone, where Sign Permit review may be by the CHB in compliance with Chapter 20-58 (Historic and Cultural Preservation) at the determination of the Director. The review authority may require conditions of approval as are reasonably necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter. This shall not apply to Wayfinding Signage, see section 20-38.080, Standards for Wayfinding Signs.
Sign Programs. A Sign Program shall be required for any multiple occupancy commercial office building or business park complex or medical complex where the individual tenant spaces are not the location or adjacent to the location of the proposed individual tenant signs. Sign Programs for other development types such as shopping centers, industrial complexes, and/or business parks where the sign locations are on the tenant spaces themselves, are optional at the owners' discretion. A Sign Program may also be proposed to provide identity and directional signage for a City recognized neighborhood or district. A Sign Program shall be approved by the Director, or elevated to the appropriate review authority, at the discretion of the Director.
The purpose of the Sign Program shall be to establish signing for all tenants and users of a complex, neighborhood or district as described above. An approved Sign Program shall prescribe the standards for all signs within the complex, building, neighborhood or district.
A Sign Program shall comply with all provisions of this chapter and is not intended to provide special or additional signing. The Sign Program shall prescribe the standards of size, number, location and types of signing permitted.
Findings for approval. The approval of a Sign Permit or Sign Program shall require that the review authority first make all the following findings:
The proposed signs do not exceed the standards of Section 20-38.060, Zoning District Sign Standards, and 20-38.070, Standards for Special Category Signs, and are of the minimum size and height necessary to enable motorists and pedestrians to readily identify the facility or site from a sufficient distance to safely and conveniently access the facility or site;
The size, location, and design of the signs are visually complementary and compatible with the scale and architectural style of the primary structures on the site, any prominent natural features on the site, and structures and prominent natural features on adjacent properties on the same street; and
The proposed signs are in substantial conformance with the design criteria in the City Design Guidelines.
Approval period, expiration, and time extension of Sign Permits. A Sign Permit approval shall expire one year from its date of issuance, unless the sign has been installed within the period or a later expiration date is stated in writing at the time of approval.
Prior to the expiration of a Sign Permit, the applicant may apply to the Director for an extension of up to one additional year.
A Sign Permit shall become null and void if circumstances occurring prior to the installation of the sign change significantly so that the sign would not be permitted under the new circumstances.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1, 2005; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)
The following types of signs and sign changes are permitted without a Sign Permit, provided that they comply with City Design Guidelines and any required Building Permit is obtained.
Agricultural signs. Signs in agricultural zones advertising sale of products or other items raised or produced on-site are allowed without a Sign Permit, providing there is no more than one sign per parcel and the sign does not exceed 20 square feet in area.
Commemorative plaques. Signs commemorating an historical building name register and/or erection date, when cut into or affixed to a permanent surface and not exceeding four square feet per building are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Construction signs. One sign per construction site announcing a construction project, architect, builder/developer, engineer, etc., and not exceeding 32 square feet is allowed without a Sign Permit.
Credit cards, trading stamps, association membership. Up to six signs per business identifying credit cards, trading stamps, or association membership not exceeding one square foot per sign are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Directional signs and notices. Signs showing the location of public facilities such as public telephones, restrooms, and underground utilities are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Garage sale signs. Up to one sign located at the residence where the garage sale sign is being conducted and not exceeding four square feet is allowed without a Sign Permit.
Governmental signs. Signs installed or authorized by the City, or a Federal or State governmental agency within a public right-of-way; and any sign, posting, notice, or similar sign placed by, allowed by or required by a governmental agency in carrying out its responsibility to protect public health, safety, and general welfare, installed on City owned property, are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Interior signs. Signs located in excess of five feet inside exterior windows, walls or doors of any building, mall, court, stadium or enclosed lobby, when such signing is intended for interior viewing only are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Non-profit organization signs. Signs and notices containing the identification of nonprofit service clubs, religious organizations, charitable organizations or associations and containing information relating to their meetings, fund raising, other nonprofit activities and not exceeding 12 square feet and occurring no more than four times within a 12-month period are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Nonstructural modifications, and maintenance. The following maintenance or modifications to signs are allowed without a Sign Permit:
Modifications to sign copy on conforming signs, or changes to the face or copy of conforming changeable copy signs;
Nonstructural modifications of the face or copy of an existing conforming sign installed in compliance with a Sign Program, provided that the modifications are consistent with the Sign Program approved in compliance with Subsection C;
The normal maintenance of conforming signs.
Official flags. Up to three flags per site identifying national, State, or local governments, or nationally recognized religious, fraternal, or public service agencies are allowed without a Sign Permit, provided that the length of the flag shall not exceed one-fourth the height of the flag pole. The maximum allowed height of a flag pole in a residential zoning district shall be 12 feet; the maximum height of a flag pole in a non-residential zoning district shall be 30 feet. Additional height may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator through the Minor Design Review process. No flag shall be located within the public right-of-way unless placed by, allowed by or required by a governmental agency.
On-site signs required for city public hearing notification. On-site signs for public hearing notification before a City agency are allowed without a Sign Permit but shall comply with the following specifications and operational procedures:
Sign area. Each sign shall be of the following minimum and maximum area, based on the size of the subject parcel.
Lot Area
Required Sign Area
Less than 6,000 sf or storefront
6 sf
6,000 sf to 20,000 sf
12 sf
Greater than 20,000 sf
24 sf
More than 1 acre
32 sf
Height limit. Sign height shall not exceed six feet.
Location. The sign shall be located not less than five feet inside the property line in residential zones, not less than one foot inside the property line for commercial and industrial zones, not within the vision triangle, and in areas most visible to the public.
Other restrictions:
No sign shall be illuminated;
One sign shall be displayed per public street frontage of the subject property; and
Removal is required within 15 days after the noticed public hearing.
Verification. On or before the required date of posting, the applicant or applicant's representative shall submit to the Department a signed affidavit of the installation of an on-site sign.
Private directional signs. Directional or informational signs not exceeding five square feet in area, bearing no advertising message, and located wholly on the site to which the sign pertains are allowed without a Sign Permit. These signs shall not impede vehicular and/or pedestrian visibility in any way.
Real estate for sale or lease signs. One real estate for sale or lease sign is allowed on any lot or parcel for each side with street exposure without a Sign Permit with the following provisions:
Each sign is entirely within the property to which it applies;
No sign is illuminated;
No sign on a lot zoned for single-family residential shall exceed six square feet in area and six feet in height;
A non-single-family residential lot that is 20,000 square feet or less shall be permitted a maximum of 12 square feet for each permitted freestanding or wall sign;
Non-single-family residential lots in excess of 20,000 square feet shall be allowed up to 24 square feet for each permitted freestanding or wall sign;
No freestanding sign shall exceed nine feet in height; and
No wall sign shall exceed 20 feet in height.
Seasonal decorations—Private property. Seasonal and/or holiday decorations and displays such as those related to Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July, not including advertising signs disguised as seasonal decorations, are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Signs required by law. Signs displayed by private individuals, when required by law or regulations of any governmental agency, including, but not limited to, service station pricing signs when such signs are clearly secondary to identification signing, are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Street number, address, and/or name. Two signs for each building not exceeding one square foot each in single-family and duplex zoning districts and three square feet each in all other zoning districts are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Temporary signs within commercial zoning districts. Temporary on-site, wall-mounted signs are allowed within commercial zoning districts without a Sign Permit for a maximum of 45 days after the opening of a new business, provided that the area of the temporary signs shall not exceed 50 percent of the total sign area allowed on the site by Section 20-38.060, Zoning District Sign Standards.
Temporary signs for City activities. Signs and notices containing the identification of city charitable activities, seasonal programs, special events, and/or City affiliated not-for-profit service clubs containing information relating to their meetings, fund raising, other nonprofit activities or seasonal programs offered, and not exceeding 48 square feet and occurring no more than four times within a 12-month period at each location, are allowed without a Sign Permit.
Drive-through menu boards excluding digital menu boards. Locations with approved drive through facilities are permitted a maximum of 30 square feet of menu reader board, with no portion of a menu board permitted to be over seven feet in height.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1, 2005; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2020-014 § 23; Ord. 2021-012 § 29; Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)
Sign area measurement. The measurement of sign area to determine compliance with the sign area limitations of this chapter shall occur as follows.
The surface area of a sign shall be calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of all framing, writing, logo, representation, emblem, or other display within a single continuous perimeter composed of squares or rectangles with no more than eight lines. See Figure 3-13.
Figure 3-13—Sign Area Measurement
Supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the display itself shall not be computed as sign area.
The area of a double-faced (back-to-back) sign shall be calculated as a single sign face if the distance between each sign face does not exceed 18 inches and the two faces are parallel with each other.
Where a sign consists of one or more three-dimensional objects (i.e., balls, cubes, clusters of objects, sculpture or statue-like trademarks), the sign area shall be measured as their maximum projection upon a vertical plane. See Figure 3-14.
Figure 3-14—Dimensional Sign Measurement
The area of any time and/or temperature device incorporated into a sign shall not be included in the calculation of total sign area.
Freestanding sign height measurement. The height of a freestanding sign shall be measured as the vertical distance from the lowest point of the base of the sign structure, to the highest point of the structure, where the lowest point of the base of the structure does not include fill, planters, or other material artificially placed to allow increased sign height. See Figure 3-15.
Figure 3-15—Sign Height Measurement
Sign location requirements.
All signs shall be located on the same site as the subject of the sign, except as otherwise allowed by this Chapter. A sign may project over an adjacent public right-of-way only when authorized by an encroachment permit as well as a Sign Permit.
No sign shall be located within the public right-of-way, except as otherwise allowed by this Chapter.
The location of all signs shall be evaluated to ensure:
That the setback is appropriate for the height and area of a freestanding or projecting sign;
That flush or projecting signs relate to the architectural design of the building. Signs that cover windows, or that spill over natural boundaries and/or cover architectural features shall be discouraged;
That signs do not unreasonably block the sight lines of existing signs on adjacent properties; and
Pedestrian and vehicular safety.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014)
Each sign shall comply with the sign type, area, height, and other restrictions provided by this Section, except as otherwise expressly provided in Section 20-38.040, Signs and Sign Changes Allowed Without a Sign Permit or Section 20-38.070 Standards for Special Category Signs.
Residential zoning districts. Each sign in a residential zoning district established by Section 20-20.020 (Zoning Map and Zoning Districts), shall comply with the following requirements.
Allowed Sign Types
Maximum Sign Height
Maximum Number of Signs Allowed per Parcel
Maximum Sign Area Allowed per Parcel
Wall or freestanding
Wall signs: below edge of roof; freestanding: 6 ft.
1 of either allowed sign type per entrance or street frontage; one rental/vacancy sign
32 sf. maximum each wall or freestanding sign; up to 6 ft. for rental/vacancy sign 70 sf. total for all signs
Commercial and industrial zoning district sign standards. Each sign in the commercial and industrial zoning districts established by Chapter 2, Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses, shall comply with the requirements in Table 3-10, in addition to the provisions of Section 20-38.070 Standards for Special Category Signs, as applicable.
Allowed Sign Types
Maximum Sign Height and Location
Maximum Number of Signs Allowed per Business/Tenant
Maximum Sign Area Allowed per Business/Tenant
Awning (1)
Below edge of roof or top of parapet (2)
3 of any combination of allowed sign types per business except that only 1 freestanding sign per street entrance is allowed.
1 sf. for each linear ft. of primary building or store frontage (for buildings with multiple frontages, 1 sf. for each linear foot of primary frontage plus 0.5 sf for each foot of secondary frontage).
The total area of all signs on a single building frontage shall not exceed the total linear feet in that frontage.
At least 10 sf., and no more than 100 sf., are allowed for each business.
7.5 ft. in height; min. of 5 ft. behind sidewalk or property line, whichever is greater. Additional height up to 9 ft. may be added through the Minor Design Review process.
Only 1 freestanding sign per street entrance is allowed. Sites with multiple tenants must accommodate all tenants on one freestanding sign.
1 sf. for each linear ft. of primary building or store frontage (for buildings with multiple frontages, 1 sf. for each linear foot of primary frontage plus 0.5 sf. for each foot of secondary frontage).
The total area of all signs on a single building frontage shall not exceed the total linear feet in that frontage.
At least 10 sf., and no more than 100 sf., are allowed for each business.
Projecting, Wall
Below edge of roof or top of parapet (2)
3 of any combination of allowed sign types except that only 1 freestanding sign per street entrance is allowed.
1 sf. for each linear ft. of primary building or store frontage (for buildings with multiple frontages, 1 sf. for each linear foot of primary frontage plus 0.5 sf. for each foot of secondary frontage).
The total area of all signs on a single building frontage shall not exceed the total linear feet in that frontage.
At least 10 sf., and no more than 100 sf., are allowed for each business.
Below eave/canopy; at least 8 ft. above a walking surface.
3 of any combination of allowed sign types, except that only 1 freestanding sign per street entrance is allowed.
1 sf. for each linear ft. of primary building or store frontage (for buildings with multiple frontages, 1 sf. for each linear foot of primary frontage plus 0.5 sf. for each foot of secondary frontage).
The total area of all signs on a single building frontage shall not exceed the total linear feet in that frontage.
At least 10 sf., and no more than 100 sf., are allowed for each business.
See Section 20-38.070(O) and (P).
See Section 20-38.070(Q).
Indoor Signs and Outdoor Signs Not Visible from a Street
See Section 20-38.070, as applicable
Limited to ground level and second story; awnings shall not be internally illuminated, except that lettering on the awning valance may be backlit; direct exterior lighting may be allowed; translucent materials are prohibited.
At least one foot below the top of a parapet, and/or the lowest point of any cornice or roof overhang, except that a sign that is designed into a building architecture, such as a dormer into a roof, may be permitted.
For calculation purposes, the area of a two-sided sign shall be based on only one face of the sign.
A wall sign may be located on any primary or secondary building frontage; no sign shall project from the surface to which it is attached more than required for construction purposes, and in no case more than 12 inches (except projecting signs); and no sign shall be placed so as to interfere with the operation of a door or window.
Figure 3-16—Examples of Sign Type"
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1, 2005; Ord. 3968 § 10, 2011; Ord. 3995 § 9, 2012; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)
Proposed signs shall comply with the following standards where applicable, in addition to the sign area, height, and other requirements set forth in the City Design Guidelines and all other applicable provisions of this Chapter.
New-car auto dealerships identification signs. The following requirements apply to new-car auto dealership identification signs:
Identification signing. Two attached wall signs, and/or one freestanding sign are permitted for new-car automobile dealers are permitted. The maximum total sign area for identification signs shall not exceed 200 square feet. Used automobile dealers are subject to the same sign criteria as traditional retailers.
Incidental window signing. Incidental window signing at auto sales agencies may be permitted up to 25 percent of window area. Window signing on vehicles for sale is permitted, provided that the signing does not exceed two square feet and is stationary. A Sign Permit is not required for incidental window signing.
Temporary banners. Temporary banners, special events displays, etc., shall comply with Sections 20-38.050 and/or 20-38.080(P), as applicable.
Dealership in the CV district. A dealership located in a CV zoning district shall comply with the design guidelines of that zone. (See also the CV zoning district requirements for signing.)
Child day care facilities identification. Each facility is permitted two nameplate or identification signs, not to exceed 12 square feet each.
Church and private school bulletin boards. Identification and directory signs shall comply with Section 20-38.060 Zoning District Sign Standards. A public, service or religious facility may be permitted a notice board not over 16 square feet, when located on the same site, in addition to identification signing. See Table 3-9 for signs proposed in Residential Zoning Districts.
Election campaign signs. Election campaign signs are permitted in compliance with all of the following requirements:
Each candidate for a public office and each sponsor or group of sponsors for or against a ballot measure shall obtain a Sign Permit from the Department prior to installing any election campaign sign.
The permit application shall be signed by the applicant and shall list the name of the person designated by the applicant for the installation and removal of election campaign signs for that applicant.
The permit application shall contain a statement from the applicant promising to remove all of applicant's election campaign signs within 15 days after the election.
The permit shall be issued without charge within 48 hours, weekends and holidays excepted, of the filing of a complete application.
In the event the applicant does not remove the applicant's election campaign signs within the allowed time period, the Department may remove or cause to be removed any signs that remain. The applicant shall pay the cost of removal. The City shall give written notice to the applicant at least seven days prior to removing the signs.
After written notice to the affected property owner allowing the property owner to protest, the City may remove signs put up without permits. To the extent required by law, the City shall obtain a warrant before entering private property. Any candidate identified in a sign and the person or entity who installs the sign shall pay all costs of removal.
No sign shall be erected earlier than 60 days prior to the election at which the candidate or measure will be voted upon and each sign shall be removed within 15 days after the date of the election.
No sign shall be a roof sign.
No sign supporting or opposing any one candidate or ballot measure shall be more than 16 square feet in area and, if detached, more than nine feet in height.
No property owner shall approve or permit or install more than an aggregate of 80 square feet of election campaign signs per lot of record per election.
No sign shall be erected on, under, above, or across any public property or any public right-of-way.
No sign shall be placed without the permission of the owner of the property upon which the sign is placed.
Each applicant for a Sign Permit in compliance with this Subsection shall obtain written permission from the property owner of any non-residential parcel or any vacant parcel prior to placing a sign on a non-residential or a vacant parcel. The applicant shall maintain the written permission until the sign is removed and shall furnish the written permission to the City upon request.
Historic District signs. Signs located within a Historic District designated by the Council shall comply with the historic guidelines pertaining to that district, and all other development criteria associated with modifications to historic structures. The appropriate application for processing signs in Historic Districts is the Sign Application. A Landmark Alteration Permit is not required; however, individual sign permits may be referred to the Cultural Heritage Board for their review and decision at the discretion of the Director.
Motion picture theater identification signs. Changeable copy signs up to 65 square feet may be permitted by the Design Review Board in addition to the allowable number of signs in Section 20-38.060, Zoning District Sign Standards.
Professional office building directory signs. Directory signing in addition to the allowable signs permitted in Section 20-38.060, Zoning District Sign Standards, may be approved by the Director, provided that the signing does not exceed 20 square feet.
Public directional signs. Public directional signs may be permitted for wineries, ice arenas, hospitals, clinics, museums and/or similar uses which are unique tourist or community serving destinations for which the Council Director determines there is an extraordinary need because the public has difficulty locating or there is a public benefit provided by the use. The signs shall be off-site, located in the public right-of-way, identify only the type of use, and not include advertising or commercial identification. The signs shall not exceed a maximum of one three square feet in area, two in number, and eight feet in height. The signs require Sign Permits and shall be installed and maintained by the city after approvals are obtained. The appropriate size, location and number of these signs shall be determined by the Director in consultation with the Public Works Department.
Public service signs. Signs that provide a public service, such as civic center, performing arts center, special civic event holiday, and time and temperature, public transit schedules etc. when not promoting any product advertising message or business identification, may be allowed in addition to the signs permitted under Section 20-38.060, Zoning District Sign Standards. This subsection does not apply to Wayfinding Signs, see 20-38.080 Standards for Wayfinding Signs.
School signs (public or private). Identification and directory signs may be permitted provided that all signing is located on site and does not exceed a maximum combined area of 100 square feet.
Service stations (permanent signing). Notwithstanding the signs permitted under Section 20-38.060, Zoning District Sign Standards, the following signs are permitted for service stations:
Three identification signs, one of which may be freestanding and the others attached to the building or canopy below the eave line, not exceeding 100 square feet in combined area;
The Director may approve additional signs, in excess of the three identification signs, describing hours of operations, self-serve, and related accessories (such as car wash, propane, etc.) provided that all signs do not collectively exceed the 100 square foot allowance;
Two price signs in compliance with State of California requirements for wording and size, as well as individual brand labels on each pump limited to a maximum dimension of five inches, may be permitted in addition to the 100 square foot allowance.
Decorations and events—Public property. Seasonal decorations and banners, decorations, and identification signs, containing not more than the name, logo, name or logo of sponsor (less than 20 percent of sign area), and date of an event may be displayed on public property at a height of greater than eight feet, if the event has been approved or recognized by resolution of the Council or their delegate. The proposed signing and decorations shall be reviewed and approved by the Director as to their design and placement on public property. "Event" as used in this Section means a major civic activity, which may be City-sponsored, and which involves expressly invited community-wide participation, such as the Santa Rosa Downtown Market, the Rose Parade, and First Night. Banners, decorations and signs may be placed up to 30 days before an event and shall be removed within five working days after the conclusion of an event. Temporary signs shall be allowed, during and within the boundaries of the event, which identify activities, features, services, facilities, goods, and food or beverages available at locations included within the event, whether or not on public property.
A shopping center, business or industrial park may be identified by a common sign, provided that only one sign shall be located on each specific street frontage which provides access to the center, or at an intersection of two streets with access to the center. A shopping center sign should identify the entire center and shall not be named for individual tenants or major users.
Subdivision signs—Permanent identification signs. Permanent identification signing attached to a permanent structure designed for the purpose of subdivision identification and located at the subdivision entry on private property, not exceeding a height of nine feet, nor two signs per entrance may be permitted.
Subdivision signs—Temporary identification and sales signs.
Temporary on-site signs, each not exceeding 32 square feet in area and one in number per entrance to a subdivision, during the time of sales of subdivision lots. No sign shall exceed a maximum height of nine feet.
Additional on-site model home signs may be permitted, provided that the signs do not exceed two square feet and a total of six signs. Other signs located on the subdivision site not exceeding two square feet each, or banners not exceeding 32 square feet, or similar displays are permitted provided that they are located entirely within the subdivision and are not visible from any street except those within or bordering the subdivision.
Temporary off-site directional signs for a residential subdivision may be permitted providing they meet the following criteria. For the purposes of this section, "temporary" shall mean signing that shall only be permitted during the time period of subdivision sales; however, in no case shall the signing remain more than nine months but may be renewed at the end of nine months.
A maximum of two signs, each not exceeding 16 square feet in area (no dimension of which shall be longer than eight feet) and six feet in height, located entirely on private property with the property owner's permission and outside of the vision triangle or the vision clearance needed for safe access to and from any driveways or other roadways in the vicinity. No more than two signs shall be located on any parcel.
It is the desire of the City that directional signs for subdivisions be located jointly in aggregate sign structures. To that end, in addition to the signs that may be permitted under Subsection (3)(a), a total of three aggregate subdivision sign structures, each not exceeding 24 square feet in total area nor six feet in height may be permitted. An aggregate sign structure shall contain space for at least four subdivision sign panels. Each sign panel shall be no larger than one foot by four feet. Only one sign panel for a particular subdivision shall be allowed in an aggregate sign structure. An aggregate sign structure shall be located entirely on private property, with the property owner's permission, and outside of the vision triangle or the vision clearance needed for safe access to and from any driveways or other roadways in the vicinity. An aggregate sign structure shall not be located on the same parcel that contains a Sign Permitted under Subsection (3)(a) or within 500 feet of a Subsection (3)(a) sign, and only one aggregate sign structure may be located on a single parcel.
Flags displayed in conjunction with subdivision sales may be permitted in addition to temporary signing providing such flags do not exceed five in number, six square feet in area each, and are not displayed above 24 feet in height.
Temporary signs. Temporary signs are any sign which is temporary, incidental, and is used for the purpose of conveying information concerning goods, services, or facilities available on the premises in addition to permanent signs allowed under this chapter. Temporary signing shall be permitted to be displayed on site for a total of 14 consecutive days unless otherwise specified. The following temporary signs are permitted:
Informational signs pertaining to events or activities occurring on the premises such as holidays, special sales and promotions. The signing shall only be permitted on four occasions throughout a calendar year, 32 square feet each in total sign area and not more than two in number;
Temporary window signing, limited to a maximum of 25 percent of each window surface;
Temporary service station signs, such as merchandise display, promotions, and signs located on gasoline pumps;
Window signs. The following standards apply to window signs in all zoning districts where allowed by Section 20-38.060, Zoning District Sign Standards.
Maximum sign area. Permanent window signs shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the total window area.
Permanent window signs.
Signs shall be allowed only on windows located on the ground level and second story of a building frontage.
Signage shall consist of individual letters, logos, or symbols applied to the glass surface; however, neon signs with transparent backgrounds may be hung inside the window glass line.
Temporary window signs. Temporary window signs may be allowed provided that the signs:
Are displayed inside a window for a maximum of 10 days;
Shall only be located within the ground-floor windows of the structure.
Business that sell hemp derived CBD products. Business that sell hemp derived CBD products shall not advertise or market hemp or hemp derived CBD products on an advertising sign within 1,000 feet of a day care center, school providing instruction in kindergarten or any grades 1 through 12, playground or youth center.
Gateway signage. Gateway signage requires a Sign Program and Concept review with the applicable Review Authority. The signs may be off site and located in the public right-of-way and may not include advertising or commercial identification. The size, location, and number of signs shall be determined by the review authority. Signs must be provided in English and Spanish.
Informational Kiosks and Maps. Informational Kiosks and Maps are allowable within the -DSA Combining District, -SA Combining District, and Transit Hubs. A Sign Program is required for Informational Kiosks and Maps. Concept Review with the applicable Review Authority is required. The signs may be off site and located in the public right-of-way and may not include advertising or commercial identification. The size, location, and number of signs shall be determined by the applicable review authority. Signs must be provided in English and Spanish.
Transit Hub Signage. A Sign Program shall be required for Signage proposed within a Transit Hub and shall be reviewed for approval by the Director of Transportation and Public Works and the Director of Planning and Economic Development. Additional Concept Review may be required by the applicable Review Authority.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1, 2005; Ord. 3968 § 11, 2011; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2021-012 § 30; Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)
Proposed signs shall comply with the following standards where applicable or where there is a conflict with other sections of this chapter.
Wayfinding Signs Program eligibility criteria. The proposed Wayfinding Signs Program would identify Business or Public/Civic Amenity locations within the boundaries of the Downtown Station Area or the North Station Area, as shown in Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17—Wayfinding Locations
General standards.
Number of signs allowed.
A Wayfinding Sign Program is required for proposals of three (3) or more new Sign Posts.
Business Wayfinding. A maximum of six (6) Sign Plaques are allowed per Business. Each Sign's Plaque face shall count as one, including those on a double-faced signpost.
Public/Civic Amenity Wayfinding. There is no maximum number of signs.
Sign Plaque dimensions shall be measured from edge to edge of plaque, not within boundaries of lines surrounding text or logos.
Sign Post
Sign Plaque
Font Size
Maximum of 8 feet in height unless placed on an approved City street furnishing
Maximum of 12-inches in height by 24-inches in length
Public/Civic Amenity Wayfinding:
2-inches minimum, 6-inches maximum
Business Wayfinding:
Business names shall be 2-inches minimum and 6-inches maximum.
Associated text may be smaller than 2-inches and shall be no larger than the business name. Logos do not have a size requirement. Businesses with the name as the logo shall follow the 2-inch minimum and 6-inch maximum requirement.
Standards for sign locations. Wayfinding Signs may be located in the public right-of-way or on private property.
General location standards.
Maintain a 3-foot distance requirement from hydrants and other fire protection equipment.
All installations shall meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act or California Building Code; whichever is applicable.
Wayfinding Signs located within the public right-of-way shall comply with the following standards:
An encroachment permit shall be required for the installation of any signs in the public right-of-way, consistent with City Code Title 13.
The location of any sign placed within the public right-of-way shall be determined by the City Engineer, or designee, during review of an encroachment permit.
Sign Posts shall be incorporated with Street Furnishing in the Public Right-of-Way unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer.
Sign Posts shall not obstruct accessible path of travel unless the Sign Plagues are 80-inches above sidewalk elevation or behind a 27-inch-high barrier.
Placement of wayfinding signs shall be prohibited on traffic signals.
Wayfinding signs may be allowed on streetlights with approval from the City's Traffic Engineering Division for specific locations and orientation.
Wayfinding signs proposed on private property shall be located outside of easements and shall meet the setback requirements of the applicable zoning district.
Design standards.
General design standards.
Signage may indicate walking time estimates to the location on the Sign Plaque but are not required.
For Signs Plaques with varying font sizes, the primary text shall meet the font size requirements in Table 3-11.
Flashing or digital signs are prohibited.
Directional arrows are required for each Sign Plaque.
Sign Header shall be prominently located on the top of a Sign Post and shall be larger in size and font size than the Sign Plaques.
The Sign Header shall include the name and imagery of the location in which it is located.
Pictograms shall be used on the Sign Plaques when required by the California Building Code and the International Code Council.
Public/civic amenities wayfinding.
Iconography and directional arrows are required for each Sign Plaque. The icon shall be positioned on the side opposite the directional arrow.
Language. Sign text shall be required in both English and Spanish.
Uniform design required. Each Sign Plague shall include the same font type, size and color.
Business wayfinding.
Iconography is optional but highly encouraged to provide clarity. Any icon shall be positioned on the side opposite the directional arrow.
Logos for Businesses are optional but highly encouraged to display an individual business' character.
One Public/Civic Amenity Wayfinding Sign is required for each Sign Post.
This standard shall not apply in areas where Public/Civic Amenities already have signage within 100 feet of a proposed Wayfinding Sign Post.
This standard shall not apply in areas where the nearest Public/Civic Amenity is more than 200 feet away from a proposed Wayfinding Sign Post.
Business phone numbers, physical addresses, QR codes, and website address text are prohibited.
Application process.
A Sign Program application shall be required for every Wayfinding Program submittal. A Sign Program application shall be submitted to the Planning and Economic Development Department, accompanied by a processing fee as required by resolution of the City Council.
A Sign Program application shall consist of the following:
Location Map.
Conceptual renderings scaled to each site location.
Color Palette.
Font Size.
Font Type.
Directional Arrows.
Proposed Sign Plaques, Sign Header, and Sign Posts.
Physical mockup to scale.
Mockup materials do not need to be exact.
Mockup dimensions and design shall be exact.
Sign Post not required for Mockup.
Changes to an approved Wayfinding Sign Program.
A Sign Permit shall be required for new Sign Plaques proposed to be installed on an existing approved Sign Program. A Sign Permit application shall be submitted to the Planning and Economic Development Department, accompanied by a processing fee as required by resolution of the City Council.
Changes to an existing approved Sign Program shall be reviewed by the Director of Planning and Economic Development and an application shall be submitted to the Planning and Economic Development Department, accompanied by a processing fee as required by resolution of the City Council.
Sign removal. Sign Plaques associated with a closed business shall be removed within 30 days after the business closes. Failure to do so may result in their removal by the City and the cost shall be paid by the business owner."
(Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)
The following signs are not permitted within the City:
Abandoned signs. No person shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any property owned or controlled by him or her, any sign which has been abandoned. Any such sign shall promptly be removed by the owner or persons controlling the premises. Any sign which is located on property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months or more, or any sign which was erected for any occupant or business unrelated to the present occupant or his or her business, or any sign which pertains to a time, event, or purpose which no longer applies, shall be presumed to have been abandoned, except that permanent signs applicable to a business temporarily suspended by reason of a change of ownership or management of such business shall not be considered abandoned unless the property remains vacant for a period of six months.
Signs on public property. The tacking, posting, painting, marking, writing, gluing, taping or otherwise affixing of signs, including, but not limited to, posters, flyers and handbills, to or on any tree, pole, post, or any other structure, whether publicly or privately owned, which is located on public property or within the public right-of-way, without the prior written authorization of the governmental entity owning or in control thereof, is a public nuisance and is prohibited. Signs posted in violation of this subsection are subject to immediate removal. Violation of this subsection shall be prosecuted as an infraction. Any person who owns an interest in or is an officer, partner or member of any business or association or venture, including performing arts groups, whether for profit or not for profit, which is advertised in a sign covered by this subsection or any person who tacks, posts, erects or otherwise affixes or procures the doing of same of a sign covered by this subsection shall be strictly liable for such violations. The posting of each sign shall constitute a separate violation.
Moving, flashing, electronic/digital and windblown signs. No moving, rotating, flashing, or changing of color intensity or signs with electronic/digitally created content (i.e., electronic reader board signs), and no windblown signs, such as posters, pennants, streamers, or strings of light bulbs, balloons, or other inflated objects are permitted. The only exceptions to these requirements are time and temperature devices, digital service station price signs, digital drive-thru restaurant menu boards, and signs installed by a governmental agency in carrying out its responsibility to protect public health, safety and general welfare.
Freeway oriented signs. Signs primarily oriented toward freeways and highways are prohibited. Signs shall be oriented toward local streets and businesses entrances.
Off-site signs (billboards).
Unless specifically allowed by other provisions of this chapter, a sign of any kind which identifies, advertises or promotes a commercial use, enterprise, business, service, or product which is not located or sold on the property on which the sign is located is prohibited.
The provisions of Subsection E.1 shall not apply to any nonconforming sign during its amortization period nor to an off-site sign that is not permitted to be removed under local regulations or laws without the payment of just compensation as required under provisions of the California Outdoor Advertising Act that validly preempt this City's police power and other authority which has been granted to it by the State Constitution, the City's Charter, and/or general law; provided, however, that any off-site sign not permitted to be removed without the payment of compensation under such provisions of the Act, shall be removed under Subsection E.1, in the manner required by law, upon the adoption of a resolution by the Council authorizing the payment of such just compensation, as may be required by law, for its removal.
Portable signs. An "A" frame sign or other sign attached to a device used to allow the sign to be rolled or moved around is prohibited. Included in this category are signs larger than three square feet affixed to a vehicle intended for the purpose of business identification, directional to a business, or advertisement of a business.
Roof signs. No sign shall be installed upon, against or directly above a roof or on top of or above the parapet of a building. Exception: if found by the Design Review Board to qualify as an architectural element designed in conjunction with the building architecture the provisions of this subsection shall not apply.
Cabinet signs. Internally illuminated cabinet signs which utilize two-dimensional plastic faces with the entire background illuminated are prohibited. Cabinet signs which incorporate three-dimensional textured faces, routed faced push-through copy and/or opaque (plastic/metal/wood) backgrounds are appropriate.
Pole mounted signs. A freestanding sign mounted to a visible structural support structure is prohibited.
Temporary and portable signs. Temporary and portable signs, except as allowed by Sections 20-38.070.O and P, are prohibited.
Vision triangle. Placement of any sign within a vision triangle is prohibited.
Other signs. Signs that are obscene, illegal, hazardous to traffic, imitative of official government signs (i.e., Stop, Danger, Caution, etc.) or obstructive to public visibility, so as to create a hazard to the public are prohibited.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1, 2005; Ord. 3995 § 8, 2012; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2021-012 § 31; Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)
General. Except as provided in Subsection E, any existing sign that was lawfully erected and maintained prior to the original adoption of this chapter on September 18, 1984, and which is in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed nonconforming as of October 19, 1984, the effective date of this chapter, and may be maintained only in compliance with the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that during the period it is allowed to be maintained, the sign shall not be changed, modified, altered or relocated. Any change, alteration, modification, or relocation shall render the sign unlawful and the sign shall thereupon either be brought into compliance with the requirements of this chapter or be removed.
Signs made nonconforming by reason of annexation. Any lawfully erected and lawfully maintained sign which becomes nonconforming by reason of the annexation to the City of the property upon which the sign is located, or by the amendment of this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.
Previously existing nonconforming signs. Any existing sign that was in a nonconforming status with respect to the provisions and requirements of Division 4, Chapter 17 of the City of Santa Rosa Zoning Code, as the same existed immediately prior to the original adoption of this chapter, on September 18, 1984, and to which the provisions of Sections 580 and 581 of the subject Zoning Code were applicable, shall continue to be governed by the amortization provisions of said Article 17, and upon the expiration of the applicable amortization period there set forth, the sign shall become illegal and shall be removed or modified to conform to all provisions of this chapter. Any nonconforming sign that was subject to abatement and removal under the provisions of Article 17 because the applicable amortization period required by Article 17 had expired, but which was not removed or brought into conformity with the provisions of Division 4, is hereby declared unlawful and a public nuisance, and the sign shall be subject to abatement in compliance with this chapter, unless the sign is in conformity with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Removal of a nonconforming sign. A nonconforming sign shall either be made to comply with the provisions of this chapter and the City Code, or shall be removed within the applicable time period set forth in this chapter. In the event that they are not, the Director shall order the sign removed by the property owner and/or by any person known to have control over or ownership of the sign. It shall thereafter be unlawful for the person to maintain the sign or permit the sign to be maintained on the property.
Manner of removal of nonconforming signs. Unless some other mode of removal is approved in writing by the Director, the removal of an unlawful, nonconforming sign shall be accomplished as follows.
Painted signs. A sign painted on a building, wall, or fence shall be removed by the removal of the paint constituting the sign or by permanently painting over it in such a way that the sign shall not thereafter be visible.
Other signs. A sign other than a painted sign shall be removed by physically removing the sign, including its dependent structures and supports; or in compliance with an issued Sign Permit, by modification, alteration or replacement thereof in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the City Code.
Modification of nonconforming signs. The structure, advertising display matter, lettering or accessories of a non-conforming sign shall not be altered, modified, changed, reconstructed or moved without bringing the sign in all respects into compliance with this chapter, provided, however, that nothing herein shall prohibit the normal maintenance or repair of any nonconforming sign.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1, 2005; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)
Unlawful signs. Any sign placed in public view for which no Sign Permit has been issued, and that is not otherwise exempted from Sign Permit requirements by this Zoning Code, is unlawful. No person shall install, place, or maintain an unlawful sign and no person shall allow, or permit the installation, placement, or maintenance of an unlawful sign on property owned by the person. The Director shall enforce the provisions of this Chapter.
Removal of unlawful, temporary or portable signs.
The Director may remove, or cause the removal of a temporary or portable sign that is constructed, placed, or maintained on publicly owned property in violation of this chapter or other provisions of the City Code.
The Director may remove, or cause the removal of a temporary or portable sign which is constructed, placed, or maintained on privately owned property in violation of this chapter or other provisions of the City Code after obtaining a warrant for removal.
A sign removed by the Director in compliance with Subsection B.1 or B.2, shall be stored for a period of 20 days from the date written notice of such storage is given. If not claimed within that time period, the sign may be destroyed. Prior to the release of any stored sign, the owner shall pay a fee of $50.00, or other amount as the Council, by resolution, may authorize, to the City to defray a portion of the expenses of removing, storing, and handling the unlawful sign.
Notice of the storage of a sign to be given in compliance with Subsection B.3 may be given by first class mail or personal delivery to the apparent owner of the sign as ascertained from the sign itself or from other information that has been obtained by the Director.
The notice shall briefly describe the sign and what is on its face, and shall state the sign has been stored by the City and that it will be released to the owner, upon satisfactory proof of ownership and the payment of the fee, during a stated 20-day period.
The notice shall state where the owner may obtain the release of the sign and contain such other information as the Director deems necessary or helpful.
Notice is deemed given on the date the notice, addressed to the apparent owner, with first class postage affixed thereto, is placed in a mail depository of the U.S. Postal Service in Santa Rosa or personally delivered to the owner or to the owner's office or home. If no apparent owner and/or no address of the apparent owner can be ascertained from the sign or other information obtained by the Director, no notice need be given in compliance with this subsection, but the sign shall be stored for at least 20 days from the date it is placed in storage before it may be destroyed.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1, 2005; Ord. 4028 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2024-005, 4/9/2024)