This Chapter establishes procedures for public hearings before the Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, Commission, and Council. When a public hearing is required by this Zoning Code, public notice shall be given and the hearing shall be conducted in compliance with this Chapter.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004)
When a land use permit, Variance, or other matter is required by State law or this Zoning Code to have a public hearing, the public shall be provided notice of the hearing in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter.
Authority to give notice.
The Director is authorized to give notice of public hearings to be held by the Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, or Commission, under the provisions of this Zoning Code.
The City Clerk is authorized to give notice of public hearings to be held by the Council, under the provisions of this Zoning Code.
A defect (failure) in the notice procedure shall not affect the jurisdiction or authority of a review authority to take action on a matter, unless otherwise provided by law applicable to and binding upon a charter city.
Contents of notice. The contents of a notice of a public hearing shall be as follows, except where another provision of this Zoning Code requires that a notice provide different information.
Hearing information. The notice shall provide the following information about a scheduled public hearing, except in the case of a Minor Conditional Use Permit (see Section 20-52.050.E.2), Minor Variance or Minor Adjustment (see Section 20-52.060.F).
The date, time, and place (e.g., address, room, etc.) of the hearing and the name of the review authority holding the hearing;
A brief description of the City's general procedure concerning the conduct of hearings and decisions;
A statement that:
Any interested person is invited to appear and be heard on the request or proposal,
Anyone so requesting in writing filed with the Department shall be notified of the action taken on the application in question, and
In the case of a Minor Conditional Use Permit, the Zoning Administrator will decide whether to approve or disapprove the application on a date specified in the notice, and that a public hearing will be held only if requested in writing by any interested person before the specified date for the decision;
The phone number and street address of the Department, where an interested person could call or visit to obtain additional information; and
Any additional information as may be required by State or Federal law applicable to and binding upon the City, including information required under the City's implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Project information. The name of the applicant; the City's file number assigned to the application; a general explanation of the matter to be considered); and a general description, in text and by diagram, of the location of the property that is the subject of the hearing; and
Statement on environmental document. If a draft Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, or Environmental Impact Report has been prepared for the project, in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's environmental review procedures identified in Title 17 of the City Code, the hearing notice shall include a statement that the hearing body would also consider approval of the draft Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, or Environmental Impact Report.
Method of notice distribution. Notice of a public hearing required by this Chapter for a land use permit, Variance, or other matter shall be given as follows:
Mailed notice.
Who shall receive notice. Notice shall be mailed or delivered, at least 10 days before the date of the scheduled public hearing, via first class mail with postage prepaid, to the following:
The applicant, if any, or the applicant's agent as designated and authorized in writing by the applicant as part of the project application;
The owner of the subject property, if different from the applicant or if there is no applicant; or the owner's agent as designated and authorized in writing by the owner as part of the project application;
Each local agency expected to provide schools, water, or other essential facilities or services to the project, whose ability to provide the facilities and services may be significantly affected;
All owners and occupants of real property that is located in whole or in part within a radius of 600 feet from the exterior boundaries of the Assessor's parcels that are the subject of the hearing, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and its master index update. The 600-foot radius shall be measured from the exterior boundaries of the subject parcels to the exterior boundaries of the neighboring parcels, without reference to structures existing on either parcels;
Any person who has filed a written request for notice with the Director and has paid the fee established by the Council's Fee Schedule for the notice; and
Any additional persons as may be deemed appropriate by the Director, Commission, or Council.
Newspaper publication.
Notice shall also be given at least once by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the City, at least 10 days before the scheduled public hearing.
In prezoning matters, the notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation, circulated in the area proposed to be prezoned.
Site posting. Notice shall also be given by:
The City posting notices in at least two public places within the City boundary as specified by the Director; and
The applicant installing a sign on the subject property in a place conspicuous to the public, at least 10 days before the scheduled public hearing, as follows.
The size of the sign shall comply with Table 6-2.
Parcel Size
Minimum Sign Area
Under 6,000 sq. ft. or store front
6 sq. ft.
6,000—20,000 sq. ft.
12 sq. ft.
20,001 sq. ft.—1 acre
24 sq. ft.
Over 1 acre
32 sq. ft.
Sign height shall not exceed six feet.
The sign shall be placed not less than five feet inside the property line in residential zoning districts, and not less than one foot inside the property line for commercial and industrial zoning districts.
The sign shall be located in a position most visible to the public, but not within a required vision triangle.
Other restrictions:
The sign shall not be illuminated;
One sign shall be displayed on each public street frontage of the subject property; and
The sign shall be removed within 15 days after the public hearing.
On or before the required date of posting, the applicant shall submit to the Department a signed affidavit verifying installation of the sign.
The area of the sign copy shall comply with standards adopted by the DRB.
Online posting.
Notice shall be given on the Department's webpage.
Alternative online postings including, but not limited to social media are encouraged at the discretion of the Director.
Electronic notice. Notice shall be emailed to the Community Advisory Board (CAB) and posted to an electronic distribution list for City public notices.
Alternative to mailing. If the number of property owners to whom notice would be mailed in compliance with subsection C.1 above is more than 1,000, the City may, as an alternative to the mailing requirements of this Chapter, provide notice by placing a display advertisement of at least one-eighth page in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the local agency in which the proceeding is conducted at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing. However, any site-specific development must include on-site posting consistent with subsection C.3.b above.
Combined notices. A notice of public hearing required by this Chapter may be combined with a notice of public hearing required by other provisions of the City Code, or State or Federal law, applicable to or binding upon the City, provided the requirements of this Chapter relating to content, timing, or methods of giving notice, are complied with in the combined notice.
Additional notice. In addition to the types of notice required by subsections C and D, further noticing may be required at the discretion of the Director, including, but not limited to, the use of a greater radius for notice for projects of particular interest, scale or size.
Public notice of Zoning Administrator action. The Zoning Administrator is authorized by this Code to consider certain applications in the first instance, including applications for a Minor Conditional Use Permit, Minor Variance, and certain Hillside Development Permits and Design Review. Prior to taking action on any such application, the Zoning Administrator shall notify by mail nearby property owners and others as set forth in Section 20-66.020 C.1. The notice shall state that the Zoning Administrator will decide whether to approve or disapprove the application on a date specified in the notice, and that a public hearing will be held only if requested in writing by any interested person before the specified dated of the decision. If a public hearing is thereafter requested in writing in a timely manner, notice of the public hearing shall be provided in accordance with this Chapter.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004; Ord. 3711 § 1 Exh. A, 2005; Ord. 2019-003 §§ 5—9)
After the completion of any environmental documents required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's environmental review procedures identified in Title 17 of the City Code, the matter shall be scheduled for public hearing on a Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, Commission, or Council agenda (as applicable).
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004)
Conduct of hearing. Hearings shall be held at the date, time, and place described in the public notice required by this Chapter.
Continuance. If it is necessary to continue the hearing or decision or any matter before the review authority, the person presiding at the hearing may, before the adjournment or recess of the hearing, publicly announce the date, time, and place to which the hearing will be continued.
Continuance with date announced. If a date is announced for a continued hearing, no additional notice for the continued hearing is required.
Continuance with no date announced. A new notice of hearing is required in compliance with this Chapter if no date is announced for a continued hearing.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004)
At the conclusion of any public hearing on an amendment (General Plan, Zoning Code, or Zoning Map), a development agreement, or a specific plan, the Commission shall forward a written recommendation, including all required findings, to the Council for final action.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004)
The review authority (Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, Commission, or Council, as applicable) may announce and record their decision on the matter being considered at the conclusion of a scheduled hearing, or defer action and continue the matter to a later meeting agenda in compliance with Section 20-66.040 (Hearing Procedure), above.
At the conclusion of a hearing by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator may instead refer the matter to the Commission for a decision.
Notice of action. The notice of action shall contain applicable findings, any conditions of approval and reporting/monitoring requirements deemed necessary to mitigate impacts and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
Mailing of notice of action.
Within five days after the final decision, or recommendation, is rendered by the applicable review authority, a notice of action (e.g., decision or recommendation), any applicable conditions of approval, and the reporting/monitoring requirements shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application.
A copy of the notice of action shall also be sent to the property owner, if different from the applicant, and to all other persons who have filed a written request for notice.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004)
Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, or Commission. The decision of the Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, or Commission is final unless appealed in compliance with Chapter 20-62 (Appeals).
Council. The decision of the Council on any matter shall be final.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004)
Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, or Commission. A decision of the Zoning Administrator, DRB, CHB, or Commission (other than a recommendation in compliance with Section 20-66.050, above) shall become effective on the 11th day following the date of application approval by the applicable review authority, where no appeal of the review authority's action has been filed in compliance with Chapter 20-62 (Appeals).
Other than amendments. The decision of the Council on any matter, other than an amendment, shall be effective immediately following the decision.
General Plan. A General Plan amendment shall become effective immediately upon the adoption of a resolution by the Council, and after the close of the statute of limitations under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Zoning Code and Zoning Map. A Zoning Code and Zoning Map amendment shall become effective on the 31st day following the adoption of an ordinance by the Council.
(Ord. 3677 § 1, 2004)