There is created within the City of Palm Springs the Measure "J" Oversight Commission consisting of nine members, appointed by the City Council, to serve at the pleasure of the City Council.
Two alternate members may be appointed by the City Council and serve at the pleasure of the City Council.
The membership of the Measure "J" Oversight Commission may include, but is not limited to, residents with accounting or financial backgrounds and expertise.
(Ord. 1796 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1807 § 1, 2012)
Members and Alternate Members of the Commission shall serve for the term provided by Chapter 2.06 of the Palm Springs Municipal Code, except that in order to ensure a stagger of appointees, the initial appointments shall be for staggered terms as determined by the City Clerk.
A vacancy in the Commission shall not impair the right of the remaining members to exercise the powers of the Commission pursuant to this chapter. Five members shall constitute a quorum of the Commission, and any ruling, decision or other action of the Commission may be taken by a majority of those members present, provided a quorum is present.
Alternates of the Commission appointed pursuant to Subsection B of Section 2.59.010 may participate in all discussion of the Commission and may be appointed to any subcommittees created by the Commission. Alternates are eligible to vote on matters before the subcommittee they are appointed to, as created by the Commission.
Alternates of the Commission appointed pursuant to Subsection B of Section 2.59.010 shall not be eligible to vote on matters before the Commission except that an alternate is eligible to vote on matters before the Commission if one or more of the members are absent.
The Commission shall within 60 days of its initial meeting adopt by resolution, Rules of Procedures, which shall include and provide a method for alternates to vote on matters before the Commission, when one or more of the members are not present or unable to vote.
(Ord. 1796 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1807 § 2, 2012)
The Commission, at its organizational meeting and annually thereafter, shall elect from its membership a chair and vice-chair. The chair and vice-chair shall have and perform such duties as are commonly associated with their respective titles. The city manager may appoint an executive secretary and other staff, and provide compensation for their services as may be authorized by the City Council. The City Treasurer/Director of Finance shall be the City staff liaison to the Measure "J" Oversight Commission.
(Ord. 1796 § 1, 2011)
The Commission shall set its regular meetings by resolution or motion of the commission and shall hold adjourned regular meetings and special meetings at such times as circumstances shall require. A majority of the existing appointed members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Commission may establish such rules and regulations as it deems necessary for the conduct of its business. In matters relating to the holding of regular and special meetings, the Commission and any standing committee of the Commission, is bound by the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act of the State of California (Sections 54950, et seq., California Government Code).
(Ord. 1796 § 1, 2011; Ord. 2014 § 7, 2020)
To the extent permitted by law, the Measure "J" Oversight Commission shall review all projected revenues and recommended expenditures for the funds generated by Chapter 3.22 of this Code and shall make recommendations to the City Council within time limitations as may be established by the City Council. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
Establish a schedule of regular meeting times;
Hold meetings and make recommendations to the City Council regarding:
Programs and projects proposed to be funded in whole or in part by Measure "J" revenues and priorities;
Oversee and monitor expenditures of all Measure "J" funds, after the City Council has approved any program or project with Measure "J" funds;
Review the annual independent audit of revenues received by and expenditures from Measure "J" funds prior to the audit's presentation to the Council;
Review the Director of Finance's estimate of Measure "J" revenues for each fiscal year prior to Council adoption of the annual General Fund Budget;
Request public hearings with the City Council;
Implement a CDBG or other reasonable application review processes, to review proposed expenditures of Measure "J" revenues and make recommendations to the City Council.
Perform such other duties as the City Council may assign.
The actions and recommendations of the Measure "J" Commission shall be reported through appropriate city communication devices and methods provided or maintained by the City Manager for the dissemination of information to the residents of the City.
(Ord. 1796 § 1, 2011)