There is hereby established the Historic Site Preservation Board (HSPB). The principal roles and authority of the HSPB are (i) to issue decisions regarding applications to alter or demolish designated historic resources, potentially significant or eligible resources and new construction in historic districts; (ii) to make recommendations to the City Council regarding the designation of historic resources; (iii) to advise the City Council and/or Planning Commission in all matters concerning historic preservation; and (iv) educate and inform the community on matters pertaining to historic preservation. The HSPB's decisional authority is subject to the following limits:
On privately-owned sites, the authority of the HSPB to render decisions is limited to the site and the exterior of buildings, structures or objects. Interiors are not subject to HSPB review.
On publicly-owned sites, the HSPB's authority to render decisions includes the site, the exterior of the building, structure or object as well as the interior public spaces.
(Ord. 1970 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2030 § 2, 2020)
The HSPB shall consist of seven members, who shall be appointed by the City Council. Each member must have a demonstrated interest in or knowledge of the cultural, socioeconomic, architectural or archaeological history of the area, either through experience, training, education, or occupation.
(Ord. 1970 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2030 § 2, 2020)
Term of Members. The term of each board member shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2.06 ("Boards and Commissions – General Provisions") of the Palm Springs Municipal Code.
Attendance and Vacancies. Board members are subject to the attendance requirements as outlined in Chapter 2.06 of the Palm Springs Municipal Code. The Director shall notify the City Council of any vacancy.
Quorum. Four members of the HSPB shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business. A majority vote of those present shall be necessary to approve any item of business.
Appointment of Officers. The HSPB shall select a chair and vice-chair from among its members. The chair and vice-chair shall serve for a term of one year and until a successor of each is selected and takes office. The secretary of the HSPB shall be the Historic Preservation Officer.
Adoption of Rules. The HSPB shall adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of its business. The rules of procedure shall address the time and occurrence of regular meetings, procedures for scheduling special meetings, procedures for transaction of business items, duties of officers, and any other procedures as may be necessary.
Records. The HSPB shall maintain a public record of its resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, and shall report its business to the City Council as may be requested.
(Ord. 1970 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2030 § 2, 2020)
The Director shall appoint a Historic Preservation Officer (HPO), who shall be a City employee or retained consultant, and not an appointed member of the HSPB. The HPO shall have a demonstrated interest in historic preservation and be a qualified professional in one or more pertinent fields such as historic preservation, architecture, urban design, archaeology, landscape architecture, or land use planning. The duties of the HPO shall include but not be limited to the following:
Serving as the Secretary to the HSPB, facilitating its efforts, and, with other City staff as necessary, providing administrative support.
Accepting and reviewing applications as identified in this chapter.
Acting as an intermediary between the HSPB and City departments.
Providing technical and background information to the HSPB and members of the public, as required.
Acting as the approval authority concerning applications for minor alteration of a historic resource or Class 3 building, or for major or minor alteration or a Class 4 building or where there is a need to act immediately to protect life or property. The review and decision-making process shall be in accordance with procedures and criteria outlined herein. On privately-owned sites, the authority of the HPO to render decisions is limited to the site and the exterior of buildings, structures or objects. Interiors are not subject to HPO review. On publicly-owned sites, the HPO's authority to render decisions includes the site, the exterior of the building, structure or object as well as the interior public spaces.
Reporting to the HSPB any action taken pursuant to Paragraph (E) of this Section.
Preparing annual reports of HSPB activities to be submitted to the State Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) and made available to the public.
Maintaining a register of designated historic resources, historic districts and Class 3 buildings, and preparing historic markers to demarcate historic resources.
Reviewing demolition permit applications, as may be authorized under this chapter.
Processing, reviewing, administering and maintaining all Mills Act historic property preservation agreements entered into by the City.
(Ord. 1970 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2030 § 2, 2020)