For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
"Any person"
means any person, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation or organization recognized by the state of California as a non-profit organization."
means a plea or verdict of guilty or a conviction following a plea of nolo contenders.
"Established place of business"
means a fixed place, location or building, owned by the person who uses such place, location or building as his permanent place of business, or rented or leased by the user on a yearly or monthly basis, which place may be the residence of the user if zoned for such in Merced County.
"Itinerant vendor"
means any person who has no established place of business in Merced County who goes from place to place, or from door to door, or sets up a temporary location, or place for the purpose of selling any goods, wares or merchandise at that location, or the taking of orders for the sale of goods, wares, merchandise, or services to be delivered at some future time or date.
means a 30 day calendar period.
"Non-profit organization"
means any associations, foundations, corporations or organizations recognized by the state of California as a non-profit organization."
"Temporary location"
means that a location may not be used in excess of 72 hours in any 30 day period.
means every member of the Armed Services of the United States who has received an honorable discharge or a release from active duty under honorable conditions from such service.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 1244, 1987)
Except as provided in this chapter, it is a violation for any itinerant vendor to engage in any business in any unincorporated area of Merced County, whether for himself or as agent or employee of some other person, firm, company, corporation, association or organization, without having first procured from the sheriff a permit for such purpose. The sheriff is designated as an agent of the board of supervisors for the purpose of issuing such permit.
The sheriff is authorized to require applicant to obtain approval from the following county departments to ensure the health, welfare, liability and safety of persons in said county. Departments include, but are not limited to: planning, health, public works, agricultural commissioner, fire, county risk management, housing authority, and Veterans Administration. The approval given by the departments listed above is expressly limited to Itinerant Vendors permits under this chapter and provides absolutely no permission, authority or right to any other permits that may be required by law.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 1244, 1987)
Before any permit shall be issued, an application shall be filed in writing with the sheriff of the county, signed by the applicant and declared by him/her to be true under penalty of perjury. Said applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
The application will show: his/her name; date and place of birth; permanent address and/or his temporary address, if any; business or occupation; complete information regarding the goods, wares or merchandise which he/she intends to sell; complete physical description; a description and license number of any vehicle used in his/her business; a complete record of any misdemeanor or felony convictions, if any, including the time, the place of offense, the offense for which convicted, and the disposition of same. The applicant shall also submit to the Sheriff two small current facial photographs and a set of fingerprints along with the State-imposed fee for such. If the applicant is other than self-employed, he shall also show in his application the name and address, both permanent and temporary, of the firm, person, company, corporation or association by which he is employed, or which he represents, and the nature of business and complete information regarding the goods, wares and merchandise which such firm, person, Merced County Code corporation or association sells or distributes. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain all other licenses as required by law.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 799, 1976; Ord. 1244, 1987)
No permit issued under this chapter shall be transferable, and such shall be used only by the person to whom it has been issued. The permit shall show the description of the holder, his name and address, with the names of his principal, if other than the permittee, and the nature of the business for which the permit has been issued. The permit shall also be signed by the permittee in ink, and shall bear the inked impression of his right thumb print along with his current facial photo.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 1244, 1987)
If the applicant is a firm, company, corporation, association, organization or individual that will have a number of other individuals working for same, only one permit fee will be required. However, for each additional person receiving an additional permit under the parent permit, a fee as established by the Board of Supervisors by resolution shall be charged along with application requirements. Additionally, should any person having an employee between the ages of 14 and 17, said employee must furnish a copy of their work permit as issued by the school of attendance during the school year or during summer vacation when work permits can be obtained from the Merced County Schools Administration Office. Any duplicate permit issued due to loss, etc., the permittee shall furnish another current facial photo and pay the fee for duplicate permits as established by the Board of Supervisors by resolution.
(Ord. 1244, 1987)
The Sheriff, within fifteen days after the application is received, shall make and complete an investigation of the applicant and his employer, if any, to determine whether his character and that of his employer, if any, for morality, honesty and integrity, for a conviction of any misdemeanor or felony or any other factor that would go into determining in the reasonable judgment of the Sheriff as bearing on the good character of same to receive a permit.
If the Sheriff finds nothing in his investigation to the contrary, he shall immediately issue the permit. If, however, the Sheriff's investigation discloses anything which would indicate that the applicant's character or that of his employer, if any, for morality, honesty and integrity is not good, the Sheriff shall deny the permit and forward his investigation report, his recommendation, and the application to an Independent Hearing Officer who has been appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
For each person issued a permit, the Sheriff shall collect the current fee for the calendar year as established by the Board of Supervisors per resolution. If an applicant, upon paying the fee reflected herein and he/she or his employer possesses a current business license or permit with another city, county or state agency in California, then the applicant, upon presenting a copy of such license or permit to the Sheriff, shall be issued a permit immediately, pending the completion of the investigation by the Sheriff.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 799, 1976; Ord. 1244, 1987)
Non-profit associations, foundations, corporations or organizations as recognized by the State of California as such are not required to obtain an itinerant vendor's permit, but same are required to obtain a nonprofit permit. To obtain a permit, the organization must present to the Sheriff's department a copy of their non-profit exemption status as issued by the Secretary of State of California along with a copy of their current board of directors, and a complete list of solicitors. The list must include their names, date of births, current addresses, telephone numbers, the dates and area that will be solicited and the purpose of solicitation. Such permit must be requested at least seven days before the date of proposed solicitation. All fees and fingerprinting for non-profit organizations are waived. Nothing in this chapter shall apply to merchants having an established place of business in Merced County, or to their employees Cal.Rptr. agents; nor to any city businesses located in Merced County, but said businesses must have in their possession a copy of their current business license at all times; nor to wholesalers or their representatives, employees or agents calling upon retail business houses; nor to farmers of Merced County, or their employees selling farm products grown by such farmers and sold on the premises where grown. Veterans pursuant to State Code and this ordinance are exempt from any fees. However, they are required to obtain an exempt permit and furnish all the information related to obtain such permit. It should be noted that a veteran pursuant to such code is the only one exempt therein. Same does not apply to the veteran's spouse or children providing the services as employees to same. Veterans applying for exemption must obtain a current letter from the Veterans Administration Office stating he meets the requirements of the Business and Professions Code, and a copy of their Honorable Discharge Certificate.
Excluded from the above are the following as defined and permitted by the Environmental Health Agency in Chapter 9.42 of the Merced County Code: Itinerant Restaurant, Temporary Food Facility, Food Vehicle or Mobile Food Preparation Unit.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 1244, 1987)
After said permit is issued, it is the duty and responsibility of the applicant to keep the Sheriff informed of the following: any civil or criminal court action which may arise, the status of same on a monthly basis and the final disposition of same. Also, any changes in the original application must be reported to the Sheriff within seven days. Failure to report a change of circumstances is independent grounds for the suspension of such permit.
(Ord. 1244, 1987)
Every person issued a permit under this chapter shall display on his person his permit at all times while engaged in such business, and also have in his possession written permission to be on such public or private property from said owner of such property and shall, upon demand of any peace officer, fire warden, or representative from any other agency as described in § 6.24.020, present such permit, written permission, vehicle and wares for inspection. The permittee shall also exhibit, upon request, his permit, to any person to whom he sells, attempts to sell, or solicits to purchase for delivery at any future time, any goods, wares or merchandise. The permittee shall also make a duplicate receipt on all wares, merchandise or goods sold or to be delivered at a later date, excluding non-profit organizations. The receipt will have the sellers current name, address, phone number, items purchased, cost of such items, tax, total amount due, any partial payments or paid in full, along with proposed date of delivery of said merchandise. One copy will be retained by seller and available for inspection by above said persons or agency, the second copy will be given to the consumer.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 1244, 1987)
Nothing in the terms of this chapter shall be construed as authority for any permittee to engage in any unlawful business or act or acts. It is the responsibility of the permittee to obtain and keep with him or her written permission from the owner of any private or public property during any period of time for the dates of that temporary permission that said permittee is temporarily located on such property. Only one itinerant vendor may locate on any given property at a time, and no property owner shall grant permission to more than one itinerant vendor to operate on his property at any one time.
Denial. The Independent Hearing Officer shall set a date and time for a hearing on the granting or denial of the application and give at least five days written notice thereof by mail addressed to the applicant at his permanent address. Said hearing shall be set by the Independent Hearing Officer within seven days after first receiving the report and the recommendation from the Sheriff on the application. At the hearing, the Independent Hearing Officer shall consider the morality, honesty and integrity of the applicant or that of his employer, if any, or any other factors which were used by the Sheriff in his reasonable judgment and resulted in the recommendation of denying the application for a permit. The Independent Hearing Officer will make a ruling at the end of such hearing or within five days thereafter, either concurring with the Sheriff's recommendation to deny the application or ruling in behalf of the applicant, thereby issuing the permit himself on forms provided by the Sheriff.
If the Independent Hearing Officer concurs with the Sheriff, the applicant may, within five days of mailing of such notice of adverse ruling, appeal same to the Board of Supervisors. If such applicant fails to appeal same to the Board of Supervisors within the five days of mailing of notice to same, the Independent Hearing Officer's decision is final. If the applicant should appeal same to the Board of Supervisors, the Board will follow the recommendation of the Independent Hearing Officer unless the applicant can show by clearly convincing evidence that such a ruling was in error. If the applicant fails to appear before the Board of Supervisors on the date and time set for the hearing of same, the matter is resolved on the ruling of the Independent Hearing Officer.
When same is presented to the Board of Supervisors, the facts used by the Independent Hearing Officer or the Sheriff shall not be re-litigated but shall be presented for same to review in closed session. The Board of Supervisors shall, resolve same, either by concurring with the Independent Hearing Officer, thereby denying the application, or shall resolve same by ordering the hearing officer to immediately issue the permit on forms provided by the Sheriff. The Board of Supervisors resolution of same in any event is the final administrative remedy available to the applicant.
Suspension and Revocation. The Sheriff of Merced County is authorized temporarily to suspend the permit of any person permitted under this chapter whenever it appears to him that the permittee has engaged in any unlawful business, act or acts, when any complaint has been lodged against same or when any matter comes to the attention of the Sheriff that the information provided in the applicant's application was false.
Upon such suspension, the Sheriff shall, within five working days, file with the Independent Hearing Officer appointed by the Board of Supervisors a written report against the permittee. Thereafter, the Independent Hearing Officer shall set said matter for hearing and mail a written notice of such hearing to the permittee, at his or her last known address, at least five days prior to said date of hearings. The Independent Hearing Officer shall have power to resolve same by: (a) revoking the temporary suspension; (b) by suspending the permit for any such further period as he may deem proper; or (c) finally revoking or annulling such permit as the facts may warrant.
Should the Independent Hearing Officer's ruling be adverse to the permittee, said permittee may appeal same to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors upon receiving the appeal from the Independent Hearing Officer's ruling shall set the matter for hearing and mail a written notice for such hearing to the permittee at his last known address at least five days prior to said date of hearing, the Board shall have the power to concur with or reject the Independent Hearing Officer's decision. If the applicant fails to appear at the time set for hearing, the Board will consider the matter resolved by the ruling of the Independent Hearing Officer. If the applicant does appear, the applicant will have to show by clear and convincing evidence, that the Hearing Officer was incorrect in his ruling. The Board will not allow same to be re-litigated before same but consider the matter submitted on the transcript and no new evidence shall be received at that time. The Board shall announce its ruling either concurring with the Independent Hearing Officer or resolving same in a different manner at the date of the hearing. In any event, the decision of the Board of Supervisors will be the final administrative remedy available to permittee.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 1244, 1987)
Said permit, if it has not been suspended or revoked, may thereafter be renewed yearly by the applicant paying the Sheriff in advance, the fee as set up by the Board of Supervisors by resolution for the calendar year along with supplying a new set of two current facial photographs at such new application date.
The date required for the renewal of permit is January 1 through January 31st of the renewing year. Any renewal after said date, applicant will pay an additional penalty for failing to renew license as set by the Board of Supervisors by resolution.
(Ord. 1244, 1987)
The permit issued under this chapter does not allow or authorize the use of same on the public highway or road right-of-way nor does it allow or authorize the use of same on public or private property without the writ-ten permission of the current owner in their possession at all times. A suitable paved driveway approach leading to an adequate parking area for the activity is required. No area may be used for a use where such activity is prohibited by Title 18 of the Merced County Code, entitled "Zoning." Therefore, such areas are hereby expressly stated to be prohibited areas and the use of which or failure to have written permission is a violation under this chapter, § 13.16, and § 1.28.030 of the Merced County Code.
(Ord. 1244, 1987)
Only two appropriate temporary, unlighted stand-up signs not to exceed 24 square feet each may be used on the current location as defined in § 6.24.090. No signs may be attached to any tree, post, structure, placed into the ground, or so placed to impair traffic visibility or create any hazard to traffic or property. Signs must be removed at the end of each day.
(Ord. 1244, 1987)
Any person, firm, company, corporation, association or organization who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be cited by any of the county departments listed in § 6.24.020 of this chapter. Any department that issues a citation will also forward a copy of said citation to the Sheriff's Department.
All citations will be processed through the Merced County Municipal Court and all persons shall be subject to penalties as set forth in § 1.28.030 of the Merced County Code and any Penal Code sections as deemed necessary.
(Ord. 307, 1954; Ord. 1244, 1987)