[Ord. No. 1805, 8-25-1981]
For the purposes of LOC §§ 20.14.900 to 20.14.925 the following terms shall be defined as follows:
Those channels required to be kept available for partial or total dedication to public access, educational access, local government access or leased access.
A system of antennas, cables, amplifiers, towers, microwave links, cablecasting studios, and any other conductor, converters, equipment or facilities designed and constructed for the purpose of producing, receiving, amplifying, storing, processing or distributing audio, video, digital or other forms of electronic or electrical signals.
The privilege conferred upon a person, firm, or corporation (franchisee) by the City of Lake Oswego to operate a cable communications system under the terms and provisions of LOC §§ 20.14.900 to 20.14.925.
[Ord. No. 1805, 8-25-1981]
The City of Lake Oswego, by and through its City Council, has the authority to regulate the development and operation of a cable communication system for the City of Lake Oswego and to exercise all powers necessary to carry out that purpose, including but not limited to the following:
To grant by resolution an exclusive or one or more non-exclusive franchises for the development and operation of a system or systems;
To contract, jointly agree or otherwise provide with other local or regional governments, counties, special districts or commissions for the development, operation and regulation of a system or franchise, notwithstanding the fact that the system extends beyond the boundaries of the City;
To create local improvement districts for the development or extension of a system and/or to provide for the undergrounding of the system as a local improvement as that term is now or hereafter defined by LOC § 40.02.010;
To purchase, hire, construct, own, maintain and operate or lease a system and to acquire property necessary for any such purposes;
To regulate and supervise all facets of a system, including but not limited to:
Consumer complaints
Disputes among the City, franchisees, and consumers
Fair employment practices
The development, management and control of public access channels
Rates and review of franchises for rate adjustments
Construction timetables and standards
Modification of technical aspects
Insuring adherence to federal and state regulations
Franchise transfer and transfer of control of ownership
Franchise renewal or franchise revocation
Enforcement of buy-back, leaseback or option to purchase provisions, and
Receivership and foreclosure procedures.
[Ord. No. 1805, 8-25-1981]
In the event that the Council finds it in the best interest of the City to grant a franchise for a system, the following procedures may be employed.
The Council shall direct that a request for a proposal (RFP) be prepared containing at least the following:
Information and instructions relating to the preparation and filing of bid proposals;
Requirements regarding the development, operation and regulation of a system, including but not limited to the following:
The length, renewal and transfer or assignment of the franchise, including foreclosure and receivership provisions;
A description of the franchise territory and the extension of service;
The system design, including channel capacity, channel uses, access programming facilities, specialized services, and point interconnection of systems;
Technical performance standards;
Records and reporting;
Indemnification, insurance and liability for damage;
Provision for the City to acquire the system upon revocation or expiration of the franchise;
The Council, by resolution, may:
Approve the RFP as proposed, or modify or otherwise make amendments thereto as it deems necessary.
Authorize that bids be sought for a system pursuant to the RFP.
The City may employ any services necessary to assist in the analysis of any matter relative to the RFP and the evaluation of any bids. An evaluation of the bids received shall be prepared and submitted to the Council, together with any recommendations.
The Council may award a franchise to an applicant only after a public hearing on the application and bid. Notice of this hearing shall be published in a local newspaper of general circulation in the City at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. All applicants shall be notified by mail of the public hearing; provided, however, that no defect in the notice or failure to notify shall invalidate the franchise award.
No franchise or award of a franchise shall be final until the Council adopts a resolution containing the terms and conditions thereof. The franchisee shall bear the cost of all publications and notices given in connection with the award of the franchise.
If the Council elects to jointly develop a system pursuant to LOC § 20.14.905 (2) the requirements of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section are not mandatory.
The Council may define and substitute for the procedure set out in subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section a procedure for the development of a system. The substitute procedure shall be considered at a public hearing and adopted by resolution.
[Ord. No. 1805, 8-25-1981]
The provisions of LOC §§ 20.14.900 - 20.14.925 are not intended and shall not be construed to amend or alter in any manner the franchise for cable communication services held by Liberty Communications, Inc. pursuant to Ordinance No. 1334 as amended by Ordinances 1463, 1700 and 1789. However, the City and Liberty Communications, Inc. may mutually agree to subject the operation of the franchise to any or all of those Code provisions. Any request for renewal or extension of the franchise beyond its present July 11, 1984 expiration date shall be considered a request for the Council to consider the selection of a franchise pursuant to LOC § 20.14.910.
[Ord. No. 1805, 8-25-1981]
Any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, violating or causing the violation of 20.14.915, or performing any of the acts and/or functions identified under LOC § 20.14.900, without having been awarded a franchise to perform said acts or functions pursuant to the terms of these provisions, shall be deemed to have committed a violation of the City Code. Each violation occurring in a separate day shall be considered a separate violation of this Code.
The rights, remedies and penalties provided in this section are cumulative and not mutually exclusive and are in addition to any other rights, remedies and penalties available to the City under any other ordinance or law.
Upon request of the Council, the City Attorney may institute an action in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon or other appropriate Court to enjoin the continued violation of any provision of LOC §§ 20.14.900 to 20.14.925 or a franchise granted pursuant thereto.
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1917, 5-21-1985]