[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992; Ord. No. 2373, Amended, 12-4-2003; Ord. No. 2695, Amended, 2-16-2016]
Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, a utility user charge shall be applied to all persons who use property in manner which requires City utility facilities or services. The City utility user charge shall consist of the following three component charges: The water utility user charge, the sewer utility user charge, and the surface water management utility user charge. If a customer does not put property to a use which requires one or more of the component utility facilities or services, the customer shall not be charged for such component utility service.
The utility user charge shall be established by resolution of the City Council in an amount reasonable and necessary to fund the administration, planning, design, construction, water quality programming, operation, maintenance and repair of the City’s utility systems. The component utility charges shall be based on use of the component utility service, determined as follows:
The water utility user charge shall be based on the amount of water used by the customer as indicated by a water meter and/or the cost of providing water service to a structure.
The sewer utility user charge shall be based a customer’s average water use during three applicable winter billing cycles. The rationale for this method of calculating sewer use is that water is used primarily for in house purposes in the winter and is thus discharged in an equivalent amount into the City’s sanitary sewer system. If no average water charge is available for a particular account, the sewer utility user charge shall be based upon an estimated equivalent until such time as average water use can be determined. If actual average water use is lower the estimated equivalent, then the customer shall be entitled to a refund of the amount charged in excess of actual average water use.
The surface water management utility user charge shall be based upon the amount of impervious surface used by a customer. Owners or occupants of undeveloped property shall not be charged. Each customer using a location for single-family residential shall be charged a uniform rate based upon containing one equivalent service unit (ESU). The charge for all other parcels shall be based upon the total amount of measured impervious surface used divided by one ESU and rounded to the nearest whole number. The actual service charge shall be computed by multiplying the amount of ESUs measured for each use by the rate established for each ESU.
The City utility user charge shall be reviewed by the City Council in December of each year. The City Council may raise, lower or maintain the utility user charge in whole or in part. If the City Council decides to raise any part of the utility user charge, it shall hold a public hearing on the resolution prior to its adoption. At least one week prior to the hearing, the City Recorder shall publish notice of such hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and shall post notice of such hearing at City Hall and in two other public places. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the City Council from reviewing or amending the utility user charge at such other times as the Council deems appropriate.
Street maintenance fees shall be billed and collected with and as a part of the utility user charge, as provided in LOC § 37.04.010.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
Application to use the City utility system shall be made to the City Finance Department. The application shall be made in such form as may be required by the Finance Department. The Finance Department may require such application to be in writing, or may allow application by telephone or other method.
All customers receiving sewer, water and/or surface water management utility bills pursuant to LOC Article 38.06 shall continue to be customers for service pursuant to this ordinance.
All persons receiving utility service but for whom no account exists to pay for such services shall be deemed to be applicants for such service and shall be billed for such service.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992; Ord. No. 2373, Amended, 12-4-2003; Ord. No. 2566, Amended, 3-17-2011; Ord. No. 2697, Amended, 12-1-2015]
All utility user charges shall be billed to the customer at the address provided as part of the application for service. The billing cycle shall be established by the City Council as part of the utility user charge resolution.
The utility user charge shall be due and payable on the date specified on the bill, and shall be delinquent thereafter. A late charge shall be imposed on delinquent utility user charges in addition to the amount billed.
In the event that a utility customer fails to pay the utility user charge in full, credit shall be given first to the street maintenance fee as provided in LOC § 37.04.010, second to the storm surface management utility user charge, third to the sewer services utility user charge, and last to the water services utility user charge.
In the event that any utility account shall become delinquent, the City Finance Director may direct that water service to the customer be terminated and discontinued until all delinquent street maintenance fees and all delinquent user charges for the use of surface water management service, sanitary sewer service or water service shall have been paid in full. The provisions for collection herein shall be in addition to any other rights or remedies that the City may have under the laws of the State of Oregon.
If a billing error occurs, the City Finance Director may adjust the account to correct the overbilling or underbilling for the period of the error, not to exceed three years immediately preceding the date the error is identified. Adjustments may be in the form of credits, refunds, or additional charges. Notwithstanding the foregoing, adjustments of accounts because of faulty water meters shall be governed by the provisions of LOC § 38.10.117.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022]
If the owner of property served by City utility facilities is not the customer, the property owner shall not be responsible for any delinquent utility charges which the customer fails to pay. If water service is terminated because of failure by such customer to pay their utility bill, and the customer vacates the premises leaving an outstanding bill, service shall be restored at the request of the property owner or new tenant without requiring the property owner or new tenant to pay the outstanding bill.
A customer who is a tenant shall continue to be responsible for delinquent utility charges until paid regardless of relocation to a premise different from the premise at which the delinquent charges were accrued. The City may refuse to provide service to such tenant at any new address, may add the delinquent charge to the tenant’s utility bill, and/or may terminate water service until the delinquent bill is paid. The City may also pursue any action available under the laws of the City or State of Oregon to recover payment.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992; Ord. No. 2373, Amended, 12-4-2003]
The City Finance Director shall establish a fund or account within the City budget for each of the three component utility charges. Moneys received as a result of the City Utility User Charge shall be allocated to the respective funds or accounts in the amounts established in the Utility Charge Resolution of the City Council. Except as otherwise provided or allowed by State law, the utility funds or accounts shall be used solely for the purposes outlined in LOC § 38.06.020 (2). Notwithstanding the foregoing, moneys received as a result of street maintenance fee charges shall be used as provided in LOC § 37.02.020.