[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992; amended 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2937]
The City may discontinue water service to customers in the following circumstances:
Failure to apply for utility service or make payment for service.
Unauthorized tampering with the utility system.
Installation or maintenance of Cross Connection in violation of this Code, or installation or maintenance of a nonconforming backflow protection device.
Delinquent utility user charge payments as provided in LOC § 38.06.030(4).
Violation of any other requirement of LOC Chapter 38.
The City shall notify the customer and the occupant if different from the customer 10 days prior to termination pursuant to subsection (1) of this section to provide an opportunity to correct the situation giving rise to the potential discontinuance of service.
If the City discontinues service pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, a charge to cover the cost of discontinuing and turning on the water service shall be paid in advance or added to the next practicably available bill for service.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992; Ord. No. 2697, Amended, 12-1-2015]
The City shall turn off/turn on the customer’s water supply at the customer’s request. The City shall provide this service for free during working hours, one time per calendar year. The City shall charge for additional requests, and for service during non-working hours, except in cases of emergency.