[Ord. No. 2132, Enacted, 7-2-1996]
In order to obtain an Erosion Control Permit, an applicant shall submit an Erosion Control Plan for review and approval. The Plan shall include the following information.
Site Description: The site description shall include a map of the existing topography and a narrative description of soil characteristics.
Description of Proposed Changes Affecting Erosion: This narrative shall include specific descriptions and/or drawings of the proposed development including any phasing plans, which may affect soils or slopes and create erosion potential. This shall include identifying areas where grubbing, clearing, or removal of vegetation is proposed to occur and the location of stockpile areas. The applicant shall also state at what time during the construction and development process erosion control measures will be installed and the duration of time necessary for these measures to remain in place.
Proposed Erosion Control Measures and Practices: Specific descriptions are required of erosion control measures and other practices to be used on the development site pursuant to LOC § 52.04.020. This information shall be shown on a plan and shall include all notes, specifications and details necessary to exhibit the type and extent of measures necessary to comply with this chapter.
Planting Plan: When revegetation is to be used as an erosion control measure, a planting plan and schedule shall be submitted as part of the Erosion Control Plan.
Schedule of Installation: A schedule of planned erosion control measures shall be provided which sets forth the progress of construction activities, including starting and completion dates.
Additional Information: Any additional information deemed necessary by the City Manager to accomplish the purpose of this Chapter pursuant to LOC § 52.02.010. Such information could include arborist reports and other information necessary to protect trees and other vegetation.
Designation of an Erosion Control Plan Manager: The applicant shall designate a specific person to be responsible for carrying out, and maintaining the Erosion Control Plan. The designee shall act as the contact person to the City in cases where additional correction is required, or where control measures are determined to be deficient.
[Ord. No. 2132, Enacted, 7-2-1996; Ord. No. 2328, Amended, 8-6-2002]
In order to be approved, the Erosion Control Plan shall use and comply with the following methods of soil erosion and sediment control throughout the disturbance period to prevent visible or measurable erosion and to otherwise limit soil erosion and sediment transport to less than one ton per acre per year:
Grubbing, stripping, and temporary soil storage shall be confined to the immediate construction site only.
The duration of exposed soils shall be minimized.
Exposed soils shall be covered with mulch, erosion control sheeting, temporary seeding or other suitable material immediately following construction until stabilized.
Water runoff from the site during the period of disturbance shall be controlled. Increased runoff and sediment resulting from soil removal or disturbance shall be retained on site. Temporary diversions, sediment basins, barriers, check dams, or other methods shall be provided as necessary to hold sediment and runoff.
A stabilized pad of gravel shall be installed at all entrances/exits to the subject site as necessary for equipment access. The stabilized gravel pad shall be the only entrance/exit to the site.
Topsoil which is removed from the subject site shall be stockpiled and reused on site to the degree necessary to restore disturbed areas to their original condition or to assure a minimum of six inches of stable topsoil for revegetation. Additional topsoil shall be provided if necessary.
All sediments which are carried into the streets, or onto adjacent property shall be removed. All costs associated with this action shall be the responsibility of the applicant. For example, sediments that escape from the subject site shall be removed from streets and catch basins. When sediment is transported or deposited upon other private land, the sediment shall be removed or its negative impacts mitigated by the applicant.
Vegetation shall be restored. Public and private open spaces, utility easements and undeveloped rights-of-way shall be stabilized with vegetation in accordance with an approved planting plan and schedule submitted as part of the Erosion Control plan. In-kind vegetation shall be used for re-vegetation. If the vegetation existing prior to construction or disturbance is not native or invasive, it shall be replaced with native or non-invasive vegetation. Temporary seeding or sodding used for initial erosion control shall not be left in place permanently.
Other methods outlined in the Planning and Design Manual pursuant to LOC § 52.02.030 shall be utilized when required to mitigate erosion in the specific situation.
Dust shall be minimized by using control measures including, but not limited to:
Sprinkling haul and access roads and other exposed dust producing areas with water.
Applying dust palliative, on access and haul roads. Dust palliative other than water shall be environmentally safe substances that are not carcinogenic and are listed in the Erosion Control Handbook or are determined to be environmentally safe by the City Manager. Petrochemical-based oils and shredded rubber are prohibited for use as dust palliative.
Establishing temporary vegetative cover.
Placing wood chips, gravel, or other effective mulches on vehicle and pedestrian use areas.
Maintaining the proper moisture condition on all fill surfaces.
Pre-wetting cut and fill area surfaces.
Using covered haul equipment.
Water containing sediment shall not be flushed into the surface water management system or waterways without first passing through an approved sediment filtering facility or device. Appropriate erosion control measures shall be in place to prevent sediment from entering the surface water management systems prior to flushing or cleaning streets, walkways, and other paved areas.
[Ord. No. 2132, Enacted, 7-2-1996; Ord. No. 2696, Amended, 2-16-2016]
Applicant shall be responsible for actions of all agents, contractors, or subcontractors with respect to complying with the provisions of this article.
Upon issuance of the erosion control permit, the approved Erosion Control Plan shall be implemented as follows:
Installation of Erosion Control Measures: Installation of erosion control measures shall occur both prior to and concurrent with construction or site disturbance as follows:
Erosion control measures shall be installed prior to the start of any stripping or excavation work on a property or site.
All disturbed land areas which will remain unworked for 14 calendar days or more shall be protected with mulch, erosion control fabric or netting or other approved methods to prevent erosion and transport of sediments. Disturbed land which will remain unworked for two months or longer shall also be seeded with an appropriate seed mixture. Other measures shall be maintained until seeding provides for effective erosion control.
Required erosion control measures shall be implemented on-site and inspected for the applicant by a qualified professional, as evidenced by professional licensure or certification by the State of Oregon as a Professional Engineer (PE), Registered Landscape Architect (RLA), Certified Engineering Geologist (CEG) or by certification as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI), or Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL; Washington Department of Ecology). Alternative qualifications may be approved by the City Engineer.
Maintenance of Erosion Control Measures: Maintenance of all erosion control measures pursuant to an approved plan shall be the responsibility of the applicant. During active construction or any other activity which might result in erosion, the applicant shall inspect erosion control measures daily and shall maintain, adjust, repair or replace erosion control measures to ensure that they are functioning properly. The applicant shall maintain written records of all site inspections of erosion control measures and shall provide them to the City Manager upon request.
Duration of Maintenance: The applicant shall maintain control measures pursuant to the Erosion Control Plan, including re-vegetation of all graded, stripped, or devegetated areas, during construction and after development is completed until soils are stabilized as determined by the City Manager. If after one year the City Manager has made no determination as above, the erosion control measures may be removed.
Correction of Ineffective Erosion Control Methods: If the facilities and techniques approved in an Erosion Control Plan are not effective or sufficient as determined by any City site inspection, the applicant shall immediately undertake remedial erosion control measures or techniques as directed by the City Manager. Subsequently, the responsible partly shall submit a revised plan within one working day of written notification of deficiency by the City Manager. Upon approval of the revised plan by the City Manager, the applicant shall either maintain the above additional measures and techniques or immediately modify them as directed. The applicant shall also immediately remove any eroded sediment carried or tracked onto pavement surfaces, offsite areas, or into the surface water management system such as storm drain inlets, ditches, culverts, stream corridors, wetlands, or other water bodies. Sediments shall be removed from wetlands, stream corridors and water bodies using methods approved by the City Manager.