This chapter shall be known as, and may be cited and referred to as the City's "Animal Control Regulations."
(Prior code § 4-1)
Whenever any reference is made to any portion of this chapter, such reference applies to all amendments and additions thereto now or hereafter made.
(Prior code § 4-2)
Whenever a power is granted to, or a duty is imposed upon the Director or other public officer, the power may be exercised or the duty may be performed by a deputy of the officer or by a person authorized, pursuant to law, by the officer, unless this chapter expressly provides otherwise.
(Prior code § 4-3)
Whenever provision is made in this chapter for the payment of fees, such fees shall be those which the City Council from time to time approves, by resolution or minute order.
(Prior code § 4-5)
In addition to the definitions set forth in this Code, including City's Zoning Ordinance, for the purpose of this chapter unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended; certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
shall mean and include any beast, poultry, bird, reptile, fish or any other dumb animal.
"Animal menagerie"
shall mean a place where wild animals are kept or maintained for any commercial purpose, including places where wild animals are boarded, trained or kept for hire.
"Animal shelter"
shall mean a place where all animals impounded by the Department of Animal Care and Control are placed for their humane care and keeping.
"Approved canine rabies vaccine"
shall mean a canine rabies vaccine which is approved for use by the State of California, Department of Public Health.
"At large"
shall mean an animal off the premises of its owner unless such animal be securely confined by a strong leash securely and continuously held by the owner of such animal, or confined within an automobile.
shall mean any cat of any age, female as well as male.
"Cat kennel"
shall mean any building or structure where four or more cats over the age of four months are kept or maintained for any purpose.
shall mean the Director of the Department of Animal Care and Control or an authorized deputy.
shall mean any dog of any age.
"Dog kennel"
shall mean any building or structure where four or more dogs over the age of four months are kept or maintained for any purpose.
shall include mule, burro, pony, jack, hinney or jenny.
If any animal pursuant to this chapter or any State statute has been received into the custody of any animal shelter, such animal shall be deemed to have been "impounded."
shall mean any person, firm or corporation having an interest in, or having control or custody or possession or the right to control custody or possession of any animal.
"Pet shop"
shall mean any place of business where dogs under four months of age, or cats, monkeys, birds, reptiles, fish, or any other animal to be used as pets, are kept for sale.
is mandatory and "may" is permissive.
"Unlicensed dog"
shall mean any dog for which the license for the current year has not been paid or to which the tag for the current year provided in this chapter is not attached.
"Wild animal"
shall mean any wild, exotic, dangerous or nondomestic animal, including but not limited to mammals, fowl, fish or reptiles.
(Prior code § 4-6)
The Department of Animal Care and Control is hereby established.
(Prior code § 4-7)
The office of the Director is hereby established.
(Prior code § 4-8)
Powers. The Director shall be vested with the necessary police powers and duties of a peace officer for the exclusive purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter, and it shall be the Director's duty to make arrests and issue citations for violations of any of the provisions of this chapter. The Director shall enforce all applicable laws relating to the care, treatment and impounding of dumb animals and to the prevention of cruelty to dumb animals.
Duties. The Director shall enforce all laws applicable to Animal Control, including this chapter.
(Prior code § 4-9)
The Director or any authorized deputy is authorized to enter upon any premises upon which an animal is kept, for the purpose of taking up, seizing or impounding any animal found running at large, or staked, herded or grazing thereon, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, for the purpose of ascertaining whether such animal is licensed as provided in this chapter; or determining whether any regulation or law of the State relating to the care, treatment or impounding of dumb animals or to the prevention of cruelty to dumb animals is being violated; provided there is probable cause to believe there is such violation.
(Prior code § 4-11)
It shall be the duty of the Director to enforce all applicable laws pertaining to the inhumane treatment of dumb animals, and to take possession of animals so abandoned or neglected, and care for or dispose of same as provided by law.
(Prior code § 4-12)
The Director may establish a clinic, at which members of the public may have dogs and cats spayed or neutered.
A person submitting a dog or cat for spaying or neutering shall sign a consent form certifying thereon under penalty of perjury that he or she is the owner of said animals or setting forth facts showing that he or she is otherwise authorized to present the animal for the above operation and such person may be required to furnish proof of such ownership or authority. Such consent shall contain a waiver of any and all liability of the City, the Department of Animal Care and Control and any employees thereof for any injury or death to an animal arising out of the aforementioned operation or any services provided incidental thereto.
The Department of Animal Care and Control shall establish a return date by which a person submitting an animal for the above operation shall pick up said animal or be subject to a reasonable board and care fee to commence the day after such return date. Failure to pick up an animal within 15 days of said return date shall be deemed abandonment of such animal and the Director may dispose of it by sale or destruction.
(Prior code § 4-13)
The owner of any dog shall license and register such dog if over four months of age, in compliance with the terms of this chapter.
(Prior code § 4-14)
A metallic tag and license certificate with corresponding numbers shall be furnished by the Director acting as authorized agents, to any person required by this chapter to obtain a license upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed in this chapter.
The Director shall keep a record of the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the dog or person making payment of said license fee, and to whom a certificate and tag is issued, and the number and date of such certificate. Such metal tag issued for the current license year shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness of the dog and shall be worn by such dog at all times other than those periods when confined to the owner's house, enclosed yard or pen. A duplicate of a lost license tag may be procured from the City Officer, or SEAACA when acting as the authorized agents, upon proof of loss and payment of the required fee.
(Prior code § 4-16)
Any owner, with the exception herein provided, of a dog four months of age or older in the City shall obtain a dog license and pay an original and/or renewal license fee each year thereafter.
License fees shall be due and payable within 30 days after any dog is acquired and comes into the care, custody and control of any person in said City.
(Prior code § 4-17)
Any person who fails to pay the required original or renewal dog license fee, as established pursuant to Sections 6.04.040 and 6.04.140, shall, in addition to paying that license fee, also pay a penalty fee, as established pursuant to Section 6.04.040.
(Prior code § 4-18; Ord. 1215 § 1, 5/23/11)
No license fee shall be required for the following:
Seeing-Eye dogs.
Dogs honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States.
Dogs in the care, custody and control of nonresidents who are traveling through the City, or temporarily staying in the City for a period not exceeding 30 days or dogs temporarily brought into the City for the exclusive purpose of being entered in a bench show or dog exhibition, provided such dogs as so entered are not kept elsewhere in the City.
Dogs which are owned by any governmental agency.
(Prior code § 4-19)
No unauthorized person shall remove from any dog, any collar, harness, or other device to which is attached a registration tag for the current year or to remove such tag therefrom.
(Prior code § 4-21)
No person shall imitate or counterfeit the tags required by this chapter, or shall use any imitation or counterfeit of such tag.
(Prior code § 4-22)
No dog license is transferable.
(Prior code § 4-23)
Every person applying for a dog license must exhibit a certificate issued by a person licensed by the State of California, or by any State or nation, to practice veterinary medicine, which certificate shall show that the dog for which the license shall be issued, either (1) has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of this chapter hereof, or (2) should not be so vaccinated by reason of age, infirmity or other disability. Such exemption shall be valid for a period not to exceed one year. A license for any dog shall not be issued unless and until either such certificate is exhibited. Said certificate of vaccination must be valid throughout the entire licensing period.
(Prior code § 4-24)
The amount of any dog license fees imposed by this chapter shall be deemed a debt owed to the City by the owner of the dog. Any person keeping any animal without having obtained a license and registration certificate from the City shall be liable to an action in the name of the City in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of the license fees and penalties imposed and required by this chapter to be paid for the privilege of keeping such animal and it shall be the duty of the Director to cause a complaint to be filed against any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter. Such action shall be cumulative and shall not be deemed a bar to, or a waiver of, the right of the City to prosecute any person for a violation of this section or any other applicable provision of this chapter.
(Prior code § 4-25)
Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog over the age of four months of age in the City shall cause such dog to be vaccinated with a type of rabies vaccine approved by the California State Department of Health Services within a period of 30 days from the date such dog was harbored, kept or had within the City, or within 30 days from the date the said dog attains the age of four months, provided, however, that the aforesaid provision shall not apply so as to require the vaccination of any dog which has been vaccinated with an approved vaccine by a person licensed by the State of California, or by any other state or nation to practice veterinary medicine where such vaccination has been completed within the period of time as hereinafter prescribed in this chapter.
(Prior code § 4-26)
Every person keeping, harboring or having in the City a dog which has been vaccinated by an approved vaccine shall cause such dog to be revaccinated in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the California Department of Health Services.
(Prior code § 4-27)
Every person keeping, harboring or having in the City any dog required by this chapter to be vaccinated shall at all times while such dog is thus kept, harbored or had, have in his/her possession a certificate issued by a person licensed by the State of California, or any other State or nation, to practice veterinary medicine, which certificate shall specify that such dog has been vaccinated in accordance with existing State regulations.
(Prior code § 4-28)
No person owning, having an interest in, harboring, or having charge, care, control, custody or possession of any dog shall cause or permit such dog to be off the premises of its owner, unless such dog is securely confined by a strong leash of not exceeding six feet, securely and continuously held by a competent person owning, having an interest in, harboring or having charge, care, control, custody or possession of such dog, or unless such dog be confined within an enclosed vehicle. The above section shall not apply to any dog: (1) being used for law enforcement purposes by any State, County, City or City and County law enforcement agency; or (2) when it is within a City-established off-leash dog park and that person in control of the dog is adhering to the regulations set forth in Section 12.40.020 of this Code.
(Prior code § 4-29; Ord. 1274 § 2, 5/12/14)
Any person who captures an animal at large shall within 24 hours, give notice to the Director. Such notice shall include the following:
The fact that he or she has such animal in his/her possession.
The complete description of such animal.
The license number of such animal, if any, and by what county or municipal corporation issued. If such animal has no license, such person shall so state.
The place where such animal is confined and shall thereafter surrender said animal to the Director upon request.
(Prior code § 4-30)
No person owning or having control of any ox, steer, bull, cow, horse, colt, calf, sheep, goat, or any animal commonly referred to as "wild species" shall:
Permit such animal to run at large in the City;
Cause or permit any such animal to be pastured, herded, staked or tied in any street, lane, alley, park or other public area;
Tie, stake, pasture or permit the tying, staking or pasturing of any such animal upon any private property within the limits of the City, without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property, or in such a way as to permit any such animal to trespass upon any street or public place or upon any such private property;
Permit any said animals to be or remain during the night time secured by a stake, or secured in any manner other than by enclosing such animal in a pen, corral or barn sufficient and adequate to restrain such animal, or by securely fastening such animal by means of a rope, or chain of sufficient size, strength and weight to effectively restrain such animal; or
Fail to provide the necessary substance, drink, shelter or protection from the weather, or otherwise.
(Prior code § 4-31)
It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and no person shall suffer or permit any animals, and/or birds owned or controlled by such person, to run or fly at large.
(Prior code § 4-32)
No person owning or having charge, custody, control or possession of any animal or reptile known by such person to be vicious or dangerous, or commonly so known, or owning or having charge, custody, control or possession of any elephant, bear, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, lion, tiger, leopard, wolf, monkey, ape, chimpanzee, bobcat, lynx, wildcat, puma, cheetah, or any animal commonly referred to as a "wild species" or any poisonous reptile, shall permit or allow the same to be at large upon any highway, street, lane, alley, court, or other public place or upon any private property other than within the enclosed premises of such person.
Any dog having a disposition or propensity to attack or bite any person or animal without provocation is hereby defined as a wild or vicious animal. The Director shall notify the owner or harborer in writing to keep such animal within a substantial enclosure or securely attached to a chain or any other type of control which is reasonably adequate under the circumstances. If such restraint is impossible or impracticable, such animal shall be impounded until the owner or harborer is able to comply with the Director's order. If, upon receiving said written notification, the owner or harborer fails to provide adequate restraint or control of said animal as ordered by the Director within a reasonable time, said animal shall be subject to summary destruction.
Where the official records of the Director indicate a dog has bitten any person or persons or animal on two or more separate occasions, it shall be prima facie evidence that said dog is a wild or vicious animal.
(Prior code § 4-33)
There shall be provided by the City a suitable location to keep and safely hold all animals which are subject to be impounded, which shall be known and designated as the "Bellflower Animal Shelter."
(Prior code § 4-34)
It shall be the duty of the Director to take up, impound and safely keep any of the animals enumerated in this chapter found running at large, staked, tied or being herded or pastured in any street, lane, alley, court, square, park or other place belonging to or under the control of said City, or upon any private property in said City, contrary to the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 4-35)
When any animal is to be impounded, it shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water by the Director for a period of at least five working days, or such longer period as may be provided hereinafter.
(Prior code § 4-36)
The owner of any animal impounded shall have the right to reclaim the same at any time prior to the sale thereof upon payment to the Director of the costs and charges for impounding and keeping said animals.
(Prior code § 4-37)
It shall be the duty of the Director to order the destruction of any animal lawfully taken into custody, which in the opinion of the Director is infected with a dangerous or communicable disease, or which is in an incurable crippled condition, or which is adjudged by a written report of a licensed veterinarian to be afflicted with any painful incurable disease.
(Prior code § 4-38)
It shall be the duty of the Director to take up all dogs found in violation of this chapter. When such dog is taken up, it shall be delivered to the Director.
(Prior code § 4-39)
Subject to the other provisions of this chapter, any person may make application to the Director for the return of any dog or cat, and upon presentation of proof satisfactory to the said Director that such person is the owner or is rightfully entitled to the possession of such dog or cat, may recover such dog or cat upon the payment of the required fee.
(Prior code § 4-40)
Prior to the release of any dog from the animal shelter to its owner, proof of rabies vaccination shall be required. If owner fails to show proof, the veterinarian on duty shall administer such vaccination for such fee as shall be established by the Director.
(Prior code § 4-41)
All licensed dogs impounded at the animal shelter shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water by the Director for a period of at least 10 calendar days after written notice is given to the owner, and all unlicensed dogs for a period of at least five working days. Deposit of a letter of impoundment with the United States Postal Service shall constitute written notice.
(Prior code § 4-42)
All cats impounded at the animal shelter shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water by the Director for a period of at least 10 days after written notice is given to the owner of cats displaying some type of identification. Cats without identification shall be held for at least five working days after which time these cats may be destroyed, except that cats determined by the Director to be wild may be disposed of by the Director upon impoundment.
(Prior code § 4-43)
Dogs and cats not redeemed may be sold by the Director to the person offering to pay the highest cash amount thereof, provided that the purchaser shall not be given possession of any such dog or cat until he or she shall have paid to the Director the charges prescribed for such dog or cat. If any dog or cat, impounded by the Director shall not have been redeemed within such periods, and cannot be sold within a reasonable time hereafter, it may be summarily disposed of, for which the Director is responsible, in some humane way as prescribed by the policy making Board. The Director shall file at the animal shelter a full description of each dog and cat impounded therein, for said period beginning on the day any such dog or cat is taken or delivered into the possession of the Director.
(Prior code § 4-44)
It is unlawful for any person having knowledge of the whereabouts of an animal known to have or suspected of having rabies or has shown symptoms of rabies, to fail, refuse or neglect to immediately notify the Director, or to fail, refuse or neglect to allow the Director to make an inspection to the satisfaction of said official that such animal has or has not rabies. The Director shall likewise be notified of any person bitten by an animal of a species subject to rabies, whether or not the animal is suspected of having rabies.
(Prior code § 4-45)
Whenever any person having charge, care, control, custody or possession of any dog has knowledge that such dog has bitten any person, the persons having charge, care, control, custody or possession of such dog shall report said fact in writing forthwith to the Director. The report shall state the name and address of the person bitten and the time and place such person was bitten.
(Prior code § 4-46)
Whenever it is shown that any dog or other animal has bitten any person, no owner or person having the custody or possession thereof, upon order of the Director, any police officer, or the Health Officer, shall fail, refuse or neglect to quarantine such animal and keep it securely confined on a chain or in a closed cage or paddock for a period of 10 days, or shall fail, refuse or neglect to allow the Director to make an inspection or examination thereof at any time during said period. No such dog or animal shall be removed without written permission of the Director, any police officer or the Health Officer or deputies.
(Prior code § 4-47)
Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter, a dog used by any State, County, City or City and County law enforcement agency shall not be quarantined after biting any person if such bite occurred while the dog was being used for any law enforcement purpose. The law enforcement agency shall make the dog available for examination at any reasonable time. The law enforcement agency shall notify the local health officer if the dog exhibits any abnormal behavior.
(Prior code § 4-48)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, a guide dog serving a blind master shall not be quarantined, in the absence of evidence that he or she has been exposed to rabies, unless his/her master fails:
To keep him/her safely confined to the premises of the master.
To keep him/her available for examination at all reasonable times.
(Prior code § 4-49)
Whenever it is suspected that any animal shall have been bitten by another animal having, or suspected of having rabies, all rules and regulations under Section 6.04.430 shall apply where applicable substituting the word "animal" or "dog."
(Prior code § 4-50)
The Animal Care Center shall not sell or give away any male or female cat or dog more than eight weeks of age which has not been spayed or neutered. The Animal Care Center shall not sell or give away any male or female cat or dog under eight weeks of age unless a deposit has been paid for the cost of spaying or neutering said dog or cat. The deposit will be held in trust with the Director.
(Prior code § 4-51; Ord. 1142 § 1, 10/8/07)
No owner or person having charge, custody or control of any dog shall permit, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care to control, allow any such dog to defecate and to allow such feces thereafter to remain on any public sidewalk or park or any other public property, or on any lot other than that of the owner or person who has custody or control of such dog.
(Prior code § 4-52)
No person shall dye, color, or otherwise artificially treat any rabbit, baby chick, duckling or other fowl.
(Prior code § 4-53)
No person shall display, sell, offer for sale, barter to give away any rabbit, baby chick, duckling or other fowl which has been dyed, colored or otherwise artificially treated.
(Prior code § 4-54)
Every person owning or occupying premises where any animal, fowl or bird is kept shall keep the stable, barn, stall, pen, coop, building or place in which said animal is kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(Prior code § 4-55)
Every person owning or operating any veterinary hospital or other establishment for the treatment of animals, shall give written notice to the owner of any such animal left in the hospital or institution for treatment, of the death of such animal, provided the name and address of the owner has been filed in the office of the veterinary hospital or other institution.
(Prior code § 4-56)
It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and no person shall cause, suffer or permit the carcass of any animal to remain upon any lot, controlled or occupied by such person for a period of more than 24 hours, or to bury the carcass of any animals in the City.
(Prior code § 4-57)
No person shall bring any dog, cat or other live animal, or permit any dog, cat or other live animal to be brought into or remain in any room or place, other than a private home where food is not handled for commercial purposes, in which meat, fish, game, poultry, fruit, vegetables, bakery goods or any other food or food product is stored, kept, held, prepared, exposed or offered for sale, or sold for human consumption, or permit any dog, cat or other live animal to ride upon or get into or upon any wagon, or other vehicle in which any such articles offered or to be offered for sale for human consumption are being kept or transported, provided, however, that the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to a dog trained to guide the blind.
(Prior code § 4-58)
No person shall transport any animal on the running board of any motor vehicle or outside the passenger compartments, tonneau or body thereof, unless such animal is protected by a framework or other device which will prevent such animal from falling off, jumping or being thrown from such motor vehicle whether in motion or not.
(Prior code § 4-59)
No person shall keep any animal which is known or believed by him/her to be infected with any dangerous or communicable disease, or which is afflicted with any painful disease believed by him/her to be incurable, without a permit to do so from the Health Officer of the City or other person(s) designated by the City.
(Prior code § 4-60)
It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and no person shall keep, maintain or permit upon any lot under such persons control, any animal or animals including any fowl or fowls, which by any sound, or cry, shall interfere with the comfortable peaceful use, possession and enjoyment of property by any person.
(Prior code § 4-61)
No person shall set or use any spring steel trap, No. 1 or larger, in the City. This section shall not prohibit the use of gopher traps.
(Prior code § 4-62)
No person shall, within this City, willfully slaughter or cause to be slaughtered any cattle, calf, horse, mule, sheep, swine or goat or any other animal. This section shall not apply to the slaughter of such animals within an educational institution, physician's office or laboratory for medical research or other scientific purposes, to the slaughter of such animals by a person licensed by the State of California to practice veterinary medicine or by any commercial establishment duly licensed by the City and the United States Department of Agriculture as a slaughterhouse.
(Prior code § 4-63)
No person shall keep or maintain or suffer or permit to be kept or maintained upon any lot owned or controlled by such person, any male or female dog kept for breeding purposes, temporary boarding or kept for sale, except in kennels at locations authorized for such uses pursuant to the City's Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior code § 4-64)
No person shall keep or maintain or suffer or permit to be kept or maintained upon any lot owned or controlled by such person, any male or female cat kept for breeding purposes, temporary boarding or kept for sale, except in kennels at locations authorized for such uses pursuant to the City's Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior code § 4-65)
Any person owning or having control, custody, charge or possession of any cat or dog for breeding purposes shall secure a cat or dog breeding permit from the Director. The filing and processing fee for a cat or dog breeding permit shall be established by the Director. Any kitten or puppy sold from a litter for a profit over and above the cost of advertising, if any, shall be prima facie evidence of cat or dog breeding.
(Prior code § 4-66)
In order to provide a method for identifying cats, a license may be obtained as prescribed in this chapter for dogs. This section is not intended to require the licensing of cats, but merely to provide for their optional licensing.
(Prior code § 4-67)
No person owning or having charge, custody, control or possession of any wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent shall keep such animal, reptile or serpent within the enclosed lot of such person, unless and until such person has first secured a permit issued by the Director to keep such wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent. Such wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent shall at all times be so contained, controlled and restrained in such manner so that it cannot harm or injure any person.
(Prior code § 4-68)
An application for any permit required pursuant to this chapter for a wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent shall be made to the Director in writing and upon a form furnished by the Director. Said application shall be verified by the person filing the same, and shall be set forth the following:
Name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
The applicant's interest in such wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent;
The proposed location, and the name, address and telephone number of the owner of such location, and of the lessee, if any;
The number and general description of the wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent for which the permit is sought;
Any information known to the applicant concerning vicious or dangerous propensities of all such animals, reptiles or serpents;
The housing arrangements for all such wild or vicious animals, reptiles or serpents shall be described with particular details as to safety of structure, locks, fencing, etc;
A description of safety precautions proposed to be taken;
A description of how noises or odors anticipated in the keeping of such animals or reptiles will be eliminated or reduced;
Prior history of the wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent;
Any additional information required by the Director.
(Prior code § 4-69)
The fee for a permit application for wild or vicious animals, reptiles or serpents shall be established by the Director. Said fee shall be payable to the City at the time of filing the permit application. Accretions by natural birth shall not require additional permits during the period of a valid permit. Said fees are not refundable regardless of whether or not a permit is issued.
(Prior code § 4-70)
Any person dissatisfied with the ruling of the Director may, within 10 days of the giving of notice by the Director of a decision on a permit application, appeal from said decision to the City Manager; such appeal shall be in writing setting forth in common terms the basis of said appeal.
A filing and processing fee, as established by the Director, shall be required before any appeal is accepted.
(Prior code § 4-71)
Any permit issued may be conducted so as to protect the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Prior code § 4-72)
The Director may, following application for a permit and pending final disposition of the same, grant a temporary permit for the maintenance within the City of any such wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent upon such conditions as the Director shall determine are appropriate.
(Prior code § 4-73)
The Director shall take possession of any wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent for which a permit has not been issued, or if previously issued has been revoked or has expired, and keep the same until the proper permit has been secured by the owner thereof and shall release the same to the owner only when all fees and costs have been paid and all laws and permit conditions complied with.
(Prior code § 4-74)
No permit required by this chapter shall be granted for a period in excess of one year. An application for renewal of any permit shall be made not less than 45 days prior to the expiration thereof, and shall be accompanied by the same fee as required upon making the original application or the payment of a lesser fee when, in the opinion of the Director the public health, safety and general welfare do not require further investigation prior to such renewal.
(Prior code § 4-75)
The Director may, for good cause, revoke any such permit or modify any terms or provisions thereof, except which permits which have been approved by the Planning Commission or City Council, after informal public hearing, and may, in the event it is reasonably necessary to protect against an immediate threat or danger to the public health or safety, suspend any permit or portion thereof without hearing for a period not to exceed 30 days.
(Prior code § 4-76)
Any person aggrieved by such action may, upon payment of an appeal fee, have such action reviewed by the City Manager.
(Prior code § 4-77)
The permit requirements of this chapter shall not apply to any person so keeping or maintaining or having in his/her possession or control any wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent when such person is transporting such wild or vicious animal, reptile or serpent through the City, has taken adequate measures to protect the public, and has notified the local law enforcement agency of the proposed route of transportation and time thereof.
(Prior code § 4-78)
The provision of this chapter shall not apply to animals which are kept confined in any public zoo, museum or circus, carnival, exhibition or show.
(Prior code § 4-79)