The city recognizes that signs serve many important functions in the community, including identifying and advertising businesses; providing direction to motorists and pedestrians; identifying special events and sales; and promoting political campaigns. The location, height, size, and illumination of these signs, however, shall be regulated in order to maintain the attractiveness and orderliness of the city's appearance; to protect business sites from loss of prominence resulting from excessive signs on nearby sites, and to protect the public safety and general welfare.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
The sign standards provided in this section shall apply to signs in each zoning district in the city. Only signs authorized by this section shall be allowed in the zoning districts, unless otherwise expressly provided in this section.
If a new zoning district is created after the enactment of this section, this Section shall be amended concurrently to regulate signs in the new zoning district.
The sign standards shall apply to the private use of both private property and public property, including public rights-of-way.
Regulations governing the front windows of commercial businesses are in subsection 3.11.080 (Front windows of commercial businesses).
This section shall not be construed or applied in a fashion as would give preference or a greater degree of protection to a sign conveying a commercial message than is given to a sign similarly situated and conveying a noncommercial message. Any ambiguity shall be resolved in favor of allowing a noncommercial sign the same benefits, exemptions, and other protections as may be given to a commercial sign similarly situated.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
The following signs shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section:
Official notices authorized by a court, public body, or public officer.
Directional, warning, or informational signs authorized by federal, state, or municipal authority.
Memorial plaques and building cornerstones when cut or carved into a masonry surface, or when made of incombustible material and made an integral part of the structure.
Commemorative symbols, plaques, or historical tablets.
Flags, emblems, insignias, and posters of any nation, state, international organization, political subdivision, or other governmental agency; unlighted nonverbal religious symbols attached to a place of religious worship; and, temporary displays of a patriotic, religious, charitable, or civic character that are 35 feet in height or less.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Aerial sign.
A free floating sign, balloon of a dimension greater than 24 inches in diameter, kite, inflatable object, or similar device or display with or without a commercial or noncommercial message that is not directly affixed to or in direct contact with a structure or property and which is intended to be visible to the public and used to announce, direct attention to, or advertise. Balloons, which are 24 inches or less in diameter, and flags, as described in subsection 3.15.030 (Exempt signs), shall not be considered aerial signs. Free floating, for purposes of this section, shall mean that, although tethered, the device shall appear to float or hover above the ground, structure, or other surface or object a vertical distance of at least three feet above the highest point of the ground, structure, or other surface.
Animated sign.
A sign that uses movement, other than rotations or revolutions, or change of lighting, to depict action or create a special effect or scene.
Area of a sign.
The area of a sign face (which is also the sign area of a wall sign or other sign with only one face) shall be computed as provided for in subsection 3.15.060B. (Calculation of sign area and height).
A sign of lightweight fabric or similar material. National, state, or municipal flags, or the official flag of an institution, shall not be considered banners.
Billboard/outdoor advertising sign.
A sign located on private property, designed for use with changing advertising copy, and which normally is used for the advertisement of goods produced or services rendered at locations other than the premises on which the sign is located.
Building or tenant identification sign.
An incidental sign containing no commercial message that is provided for the sole purpose of identifying the tenants of a building or the name of a building.
Canopy or awning sign.
A sign that is part of or attached to an awning, canopy, or other fabric, plastic, or structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window, or outdoor service areas. A marquee is not a canopy.
Changeable copy sign.
A sign or portion of a sign with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign. A sign on which the message changes more than eight times per day shall be considered an animated sign and not a changeable copy sign. A sign on which the only copy that changes is an electronic or mechanical indication of time or temperature shall be considered a "time and temperature" portion of a sign, and not a changeable copy sign.
Commercial message.
Any sign wording, logos, or other representation that directly or indirectly names, advertises, or calls attention to a business, product, service, or other commercial activity. Where a decorative wall mural contains wording, logos, or other representation of a business, product, service, or other commercial activity provided within the same structure on which the mural is painted, the wording, logos, or other representation shall be considered a commercial message.
Eave sign.
See "Projecting sign."
Flashing sign.
A sign that is intermittently on and off or that revolves in a manner to create the illusion of being on and off, except time and temperature signs.
Freestanding sign.
A sign supported by structures or supports that are placed on or anchored into the ground and that are independent from a building or other structure. Also called a "pole sign."
Incidental sign.
A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the same parcel on which it is located, such as "no parking," "entrance," "loading only," and other similar directives. A sign with a commercial message legible from a position off the parcel on which the sign is located shall not be considered incidental.
Inflatable display.
A device or object constructed of vinyl, fabric, rubber, plastic, or other airtight material of a dimension greater than 24 inches in diameter, which relies for its shape and support on inflation by a compressed gas, air blower or fan ducting air into it and which is intended to be visible to the public and used to announce, direct attention to, or advertise.
Integral with a structure.
A sign that is either a part of or attached flat against a structure and receiving its immediate and sole support from a structural element of the structure. A sign that is integral with a structure shall not exceed the height of the structure. A sign may be considered integral with a structure if it is part of or attached flat to a canopy, arcade, marquee, or other similar projection from the structure, provided the sign does not exceed the height of the canopy, arcade, marquee, or similar projection.
Marquee (changeable copy) sign.
A sign that is characterized by changeable copy, whether the sign is freestanding or a wall sign, or whether the sign projects from and is supported by a structure.
Monument sign.
A sign placed directly on the ground, with no freestanding supports. A monument sign is freestanding, attached to the ground, and is independent of the support of any building.
Mural painting.
A large-scale painting either painted directly on or attached to the wall of a structure so that it is an integral part of the wall.
Nonconforming sign.
A sign, or display of any character, that does not conform to the sign standards for subject matter, location, size, lighting, or movement prescribed for the zoning district in which it is located.
A lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind, suspended from a rope, wire, or string, usually in a series, designed to move in the wind and attract the atten-tion of passers-by.
Pole sign.
See "Freestanding sign."
Political sign.
A sign indicating the name and/or picture of an individual seeking election or appointment to a public office, or relating to a proposition or change of law in a public election or referendum, or pertaining to the advocating of political views or policies by persons, groups, or parties.
Portable sign.
A sign not permanently attached to the ground or other permanent structure, or a sign designed to be transported, including, but not limited to, signs designed to be transported by means of wheels, signs converted to A- or T-frames, menu and sandwich board signs, inflatable signs, umbrellas used for advertising, and signs attached to or painted on vehicle(s) parked and visible from the public right-of-way, unless the vehicle(s) is/are used in the normal day-to-day operations of the business.
Projecting sign.
A sign, other than a wall sign, that is attached to and projects from the wall or face of a structure, or is attached to and hangs from a building eave.
Real estate sign.
A temporary sign advertising real property for sale, rent, or lease, but excluding pennants, flags, and banners.
Roof sign.
A sign erected and constructed wholly on and over the roof of a structure, supported by the roof structure, and extending vertically above the highest portion of the roof.
Rotating or revolving sign.
A sign, all or a portion of which moves in some manner, excepting time and temperature signs.
A writing (including letter, word, or numeral), pictorial presentation (including illustration or deco-ration), emblem (including device, symbol or trademark), flag (including banner or pennant) or any other device, figure, or similar character that is:
A structure or any part of a structure or is attached to, painted on, or in any other manner represented on a building, or other structure or device, or is in any way attached to a building or other structure or device;
Used to announce, direct attention to, or advertise; and
Visible from outside the building or structure.
Subdivision sign.
A temporary real estate sign advertising the initial sale, lease, or other disposition of more than one unit or parcel of real property in any single contiguous grouping of units or parcels of real property, including apartment or group housing complexes of 30 units or more.
Temporary sign.
Signage constructed of paper, cloth, canvas, or other similar lightweight material, with or without frames, used solely for the purpose of advertising or conveying a message related to an event with a beginning and ending date, including elections, political campaigns, dances, civic or charitable events, theatrical and circus performances, or special sales by retail stores. This definition shall only apply to a sign that is used temporarily and is not permanently mounted.
Wall sign.
A sign fastened to or painted on the wall of a structure so that the wall becomes the supporting structure for or forms the background surface of the sign. The sign may not project more than 14 inches beyond the vertical wall surface or it shall be considered a projecting sign.
Window sign.
A sign, picture, symbol, or combination of sign, picture, or symbol, designed to communicate information about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale, or service, that is placed inside a window or upon the windowpanes or glass and is visible from the exterior of the window.
Figure 3-12
Sign Types
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Design review for signs—When required. The following types or conditions of signs shall be subject to design review in compliance with the provisions of subsection 4.19.060 (Design review):
New sign programs for commercial and industrial centers/complexes or substantive modifications for those programs previously approved by the staff review committee and confirmed by the council. The director shall make the determination of what constitutes a substantive modification. Subsequent sign proposals within the center/complex consistent with the approved sign program shall be subject only to review and approval by the building official and the director.
All other signs consistent with the provisions of this section shall be subject only to review and approval by the building official and the director or designee.
Conditional use permit required for billboards. Billboards shall be allowed subject to the granting of a conditional use permit, in compliance with the provisions of subsection 4.19.070 (Conditional use permits).
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Sign construction and maintenance.
Signs shall be structurally safe, consist of rust-inhibitive material, and shall be maintained in good condition, as determined by the director.
The landowner shall be required to remove any sign or signs on the premises where the use advertised by the sign(s) has been discontinued for a period of over 90 days.
Signs, including supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in repair and in a safe state of preservation.
The display surfaces of signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times.
Landscape areas surrounding signs shall be kept weed-free and in a healthy condition.
The director may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in compliance with the provisions of the city's building code.
For the purposes of public safety, the name of the site's business/activity/use shall contain the name of the business indicated in the English language or Latin alphabet on at least one location on the site. The sign shall comply with requirements found elsewhere in this section and shall be clearly visible from the public right-of-way closest to and/or the main parking area serving the site.
Calculation of sign area and height. The following standards shall be used to determine sign area and sign height. Figure 3-13 (Calculation of Sign Area) indicates how calculation shall be made.
Figure 3-13
Calculation of Sign Area
Area of single-faced sign.
For signs having a distinct border or boundary, the sign area shall be calculated by multi-plying the length times the width of the entire surface contained within the border, boundary, sign board, or sign face.
For signs with no distinct border or boundary, the sign area shall be calculated by computing the area of a simple rectilinear figure consisting of not more than eight perpendicular lines that contain all of the writing, representations, emblems, logos, or other display elements of the sign.
Area of a double-faced sign. For signs with two identical faces, arranged back to back in parallel planes, and where the sign faces are separated by no more than 36 inches, the sign area shall be calculated for one side only.
Area of a multi-faced sign. For a sign with more than one face, where the sign does not meet the standards for a double-faced sign described in subparagraph 2. above, the area shall be calculated by adding together the area of all sign faces visible from any one point.
Measurement of sign height. The height of a sign shall be determined by measuring the distance from the base of the sign at normal grade to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. Normal grade shall be construed to be the lower of either: (1) the existing grade before sign construction; or (2) the newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any filling, berming, mounding, or excavating solely for the purpose of locating the sign.
Figure 3-14
Measurement of Sign Height
Allowed signs by zoning district table. Table 3-7 (Allowed Signs by Zoning District) provides the regulations applicable to signs in all zoning districts.
Type of Sign and Number Allowed
Size Restrictions
Other Regulations
Residential Zoning Districts
1. Single-family residential
1 unlighted name plate per unit
Maximum area of 1 square foot
Name plates may not be combined for 2 or more units
2. Multi-family dwelling, apartment development, etc.
1 unlighted identification sign per development
Maximum area of 15 square feet Freestanding signs: maximum height of 6 feet
3. Agricultural use
1 unlighted sign pertaining to the products raised on the premises
Maximum area of 6 square feet Maximum height of 6 feet
4. Public or semi-public uses in residential zoning districts
1 lighted or unlighted sign to identify use
Maximum area of 15 square feet Maximum height of 6 feet
Commercial Zoning Districts
1. OP (Office Professional) zoning district: Office uses
1 nameplate indicating the name and business or profession of occupant
Maximum area of 2 square feet
Nameplates may be combined for 2 or more offices in same structure in the form of a directory
1 directory sign
Maximum area of 75 square feet Freestanding directories: maximum area of 75 square feet, maximum height of 8 feet
Subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
1 single-faced, lighted, wall or canopy sign indicating the name of the structure
Maximum area of 30 square feet
Allowed for structures containing 4 or more tenants. Subject to Design Review (4.19.060).
2. CN-10000 (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning district: Commercial uses (except service stations)
1 freestanding, lighted sign indicating the name of the shopping center
Maximum area of 75 square feet, and maximum height of 10 feet
Maximum 2 signs per use Subject to Design Review (4.19.060). All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
1 single-faced, lighted, wall or canopy sign on each building frontage or each tenant space
Maximum area of 1 square foot for each lineal [linear] foot of property frontage, to a maximum area of 75 square feet per sign
3. CG (Commercial General) zoning district: Commercial uses (except service stations)
1 freestanding, lighted identification sign
Maximum area of 75 square feet for each street frontage, and a maximum height of 15 feet. For every lineal [linear] foot of property frontage in excess of 75 feet, an additional 1 square foot of sign area, up to a maximum area of 125 square feet
Maximum 1 sign per parcel All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
1 single-faced, lighted, wall or canopy sign on each building frontage or each tenant space
Maximum area of 1 square foot for each lineal [linear] foot of property frontage, to a maximum area of 100 square feet
Maximum 2 signs per use All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
1 single-faced lighted wall sign per building elevation for each single-tenant freestanding building structure
Front sign: Maximum area of 1 square foot for each linear foot of a structure's front elevation Side and rear signs: maximum area of 1 square foot for every 2 linear feet of the side or rear building elevation
Maximum of 3 signs per building All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
4. CH (Commercial Heavy) zoning district: Commercial uses (except service stations)
1 freestanding, lighted identification sign
Maximum area of 75 square feet for each street frontage, and a maximum height of 10 feet For every lineal [linear] foot of property frontage in excess of 75 feet, an additional 1 square foot of sign area, up to a maximum area of 125 square feet
Maximum 1 sign per parcel
1 single-faced, lighted, wall or canopy sign on each side of the front of a structure.
Maximum area of 1 square foot for each lineal [linear] foot of property frontage, to a maximum area of 100 square feet
Maximum 2 signs per use All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
1 single-faced, lighted wall sign per building elevation for each freestanding structure
Front sign: Maximum area of 1 square foot for each linear foot of a structure's front elevation Side and rear signs: maximum area of 1 square foot for every 2 linear feet of a structure's side or rear elevation
Maximum of 3 signs All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060) Additional signing for uses in this zoning district may be approved under Design Review (4.19.060)
5. Service stations in all Commercial zoning districts
1 lighted, freestanding sign
Maximum area of 50 square feet Maximum height of 30 feet. All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
2 canopy signs
Maximum area of 30 square feet
2 wall signs
Maximum area of 30 square feet
1 price sign
Maximum area of 12 square feet
Informational/promotional signs
Maximum total combined area of 6 square feet
6. Public and semi-public uses in all Commercial zoning districts
1 lighted sign
Maximum area of 30 square feet Freestanding signs: maximum height of 6 feet
All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
Industrial Zoning Districts
1. BP (Business Park) zoning district: Industrial uses
All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
See Paragraph D (Specific Plan Sign Provisions) of this Subsection 3.15.060
See Paragraph D (Specific Plan Sign Provisions) of this Subsection 3.15.060
All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
2. ML (Industrial Light) zoning district: Industrial uses
1 single-faced, lighted, wall or canopy sign on the side of the building facing the major street
Maximum area of 1 square foot for each lineal [linear] foot of building, up to a maximum area of 100 square feet. All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
1 lighted, freestanding sign per parcel
Maximum area of 75 square feet Maximum height of 10 feet
Parcel containing 2 or more uses: 1 lighted, freestanding combined sign per parcel
Maximum area of 100 square feet Maximum height of 15 feet
3. Public and semi-public uses in all Industrial zoning districts
1 lighted sign
Maximum area of 30 square feet Freestanding signs: maximum height of 6 feet
All signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
D. Special Purpose and Overlay Zoning Districts
1. MHP-20A (Mobile Home Park) zoning district
2 lighted signs indicating the name of the mobile home park
Maximum area of 20 square feet per sign
Signs shall be attached to and not extending above wall or fence at the major street entrance to park
2. PRD-5A (Planned Residential Development) zoning district
2 unlighted signs identifying the development
Maximum area of 20 square feet per sign
Signs shall be attached to and not extending above a wall or fence at the major street entrance to the development
3. PC (Planned Community) zoning district
2 unlighted signs identifying the development
Maximum area of 20 square feet per sign
4. PC-25A (Planned Community) zoning district
Signage allowed as specified in the standards of development approved by City staff and Council
5. PS-1A (Public and Semi-Public) zoning district
Signage allowed as specified in Section 29.25, except: Agricultural use: 1 unlighted sign pertaining to the products raised on the premises Monument signs for public, semi-public, religious and institutional uses: 1 internally or externally lighted sign per public street frontage (plus 1 per corner at public street intersection) subject to approval by the Staff Review Committee Readerboard components: subject to approval by the Staff Review Committee for public uses; Conditional Use Permit for semi-public, religious or institutional uses Other signing allowed as specified in the Conditional Use Permit for each use
Maximum area of 6 square feet Maximum height of 6 feet Monument signs: Maximum area of 75 square feet with a maximum height of 8 feet from adjacent grade or 10 feet from top of curb at the street frontage closest to the sign Readerboard components shall be permitted as part of the overall design, however in no case shall the lighting associated with the readerboard be allowed to create a nuisance to surrounding uses (mandatory reduction in lighting intensity or shutdown of the readerboard after 10:00 p.m. if warranted) or the content of the message on the readerboard creates a distraction to vehicular traffic (words such as "stop", "look", "danger" etc.
6. CC (Civic Center) zoning district
1 unlighted name plate indicating the name of the occupant Other signage as specified in the Conditional Use Permit for each use
Maximum area of 1 square foot
7. PCM (Planned Commercial/Light Industrial) zoning district
1 single-faced, lighted, wall or canopy sign on each side of the building frontage
Maximum area of 1 square foot per each lineal [linear] foot of business frontage, up to a maximum area of 75 square feet
Maximum of 2 signs per use Additional signage may be approved at the discretion of the Director
1 freestanding monument sign.
Maximum area of 75 sq. ft. Maximum height of 4 feet.
Signage subject to the specifications of the standards of development approved by City staff and Council. Signs subject to Design Review (4.19.060)
Specific plan sign provisions.
Single-tenant industrial/office buildings. In single-tenant industrial/office buildings, no wall sign shall exceed an area equal to one and one-half square feet of sign for each one foot of lineal [linear] frontage of building or store, fronting on a street or parking lot. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 150 square feet nor comprise more than 10% of the area of the elevation upon which the sign is located.
Multi-tenant industrial/office buildings.
Multi-story multi-tenant buildings where tenants occupy 25% or more of floor area. Tenants occupying 25% or more of the floor area of a multi-story, multi-tenant industrial/office building shall be permitted a wall sign not to exceed one square foot of sign area for each lineal [linear] foot of building frontage. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 150 square feet nor comprise more than 10% of the area of the elevation upon which the sign is located, whichever is greater. A tenant occupying floor space with more than one building frontage shall be permitted to have an additional wall sign on the other frontage(s) not to exceed 100 square feet per frontage nor to comprise more than 10% of the area of the elevation upon which the sign is located, whichever is greater. A maximum of two signs shall be allowed on each building elevation. Signs on the same elevation shall not duplicate copy.
Multi-story multi-tenant buildings where tenants occupy less than 25% of building floor area. Tenants occupying less than 25% of the floor area of a multi-story, multi-tenant industrial/office building shall be allowed identification on freestanding monument and directional signs serving the entire building/complex.
Multi-story multi-tenant buildings where no tenants occupy 25% or more of floor area. Where no tenants occupy 25% or more of the floor area of a multi-story, multi-tenant industrial/office building, signage may be permitted subject to an approved sign program by the design review committee.
Single-story multi-tenant buildings. Wall signs for single-story multi-tenant buildings shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for each lineal [linear] foot of building frontage occupied by the tenant up to a maximum sign area of 50 square feet. For purposes of this paragraph, a building with an upper level mezzanine is considered a single-story building.
Freestanding restaurant buildings. Freestanding restaurant buildings may have one wall sign for each building face not to exceed a total of three wall signs. The front (main entry) sign shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for each lineal [linear] foot of front building elevation up to a maximum size of 150 square feet. Side or rear signs shall not exceed one square foot for every two lineal [linear] feet of the side or rear elevation up to a maximum size of 75 square feet.
Restrictions on location—Billboards.
Billboards shall be allowed only in the CH (Commercial Heavy) zoning district.
New billboards shall not be allowed within 300 feet of a residential zoning district.
New billboards shall not be allowed within 1,500 feet of an existing billboard.
Billboard development standards. Billboards shall conform to the following development standards, illustrated in figure 3-15 (Billboard Development Standards).
Each billboard may have a maximum height of 30 feet.
Each billboard may have a maximum area of 300 square feet.
Each billboard shall have a minimum ground clearance of eight feet, measured from the bottom of the billboard to the nearest ground surface.
Billboards may not contain movement, blinking, flashing, or animation of any kind. Further, no billboard shall be modified or replaced in whole or in part to include any component that would render it an "electronic message center sign/digital display" as defined by Section 6.31.020. Modification includes any alteration which increases dimensions such as height, width, thickness and/or depth, weight or changes electronic connections/capacity to the existing billboard.
Billboards shall not be constructed with more than two steel supports.
Billboards shall not project into or over any public right-of-way.
Each billboard shall conform to and maintain the minimum setback requirements of the CH (Commercial Heavy) zoning district.
Lighting of a billboard shall be only by an indirect source (shielded). The lighting shall not exceed 800 milliamps rated capacity, or equivalent, as determined by the building official.
Figure 3-15
Billboard Dimensions
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04; Ord. No. 1049, § 1, 12-8-03; Ord. No. 1124, § 1, 11-22-10)
The following signs are specifically prohibited within the City:
Signs painted or imprinted upon, or attached in any way to a motor vehicle, vehicle part, or trailer that is parked or stored at all times on or within 50 feet of the city's arterial highways, and for a period in excess of 24 hours on all other public rights-of-way.
For the purpose of this section only, "arterial highway" shall mean Lincoln Avenue, Katella Avenue, Valley View Street, Ball Road, Cerritos Avenue, Knott Avenue, Moody Avenue, Orangewood Avenue, Bloomfield Street, Crescent Avenue, Denni Street, Holder Street, Orange Avenue, and Walker Street.
This subsection shall not apply to government owned vehicles or vehicles used exclusively for the delivery of goods or provision of services.
Violations of any provisions of this paragraph A shall be subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions of section 30 (Enforcement Provisions) of this zoning ordinance and of the Municipal Code.
Roof signs.
The exhibition, posting, or displaying of any statement, symbol, or picture of an obscene nature upon any sign or wall.
Signs painted on structures in all zoning districts except the CH (Commercial Heavy) zoning district.
Any sign rotating or simulating movement by fluttering, spinning, or the use of reflective devices.
Any sign blinking, flashing, or animated by lighting in any fashion.
Canopy signs that project above the canopy.
Signs encroaching upon or overhanging adjacent property.
Any sign erected, constructed, enlarged, modified, or relocated within the city without a building permit.
Any electrical sign or sign illuminated by electricity that is erected, constructed, enlarged, modified, or relocated within, without both a building permit and an electrical permit.
Any sign that simulates or imitates in size, color, lettering, or design and traffic sign or signal, or which makes use of the words "stop," "look," "danger," or any other words, phrases, symbols, or characters in a manner that interferes with, misleads, or confuses traffic.
Aerial signs and displays. Balloons that are 24 inches or less in diameter shall be exempt from this provision.
Inflatable displays.
Portable A-frame signs.
Supergraphic sign.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04; Ord. No. 1124, § 2, 11-22-10)
Nonconforming signs.
Purpose. The eventual elimination of existing on-premises signs that do not conform to this section is as important to the citywide aesthetic and public health, safety, and welfare as the prohibition of new signs that would violate the provisions of this section. It is also recognized that nonconforming signs should be eliminated in a manner that avoids an unreasonable invasion of established property rights. With these goals in mind, the city regulates nonconforming signs as outlined below.
Continuation and maintenance.
A sign, lawfully occupying a site, that does not conform with the sign regulations for the zoning district in which the sign is located shall be deemed to be a nonconforming sign and may only be displayed and maintained, except as otherwise provided in this subsection.
Routine maintenance and repairs may be performed on a sign when the sign is nonconforming.
Restrictions on existing signs. A nonconforming sign may be continued in operation and maintained after the effective date of this zoning ordinance. Nonconforming signs shall not be:
Replaced with another nonconforming sign;
Moved to another location on the property or to another property unless it would then conform to the regulations of this subsection;
Structurally altered to as to extend the useful life of the sign;
Expanded or enlarged; or
Re-established after damage or destruction of more than 50% of the sign value, as determined at the time of the damage or destruction, unless required by law or unless the move, alteration, enlargement, or re-establishment will result in the elimination of the nonconformity.
Allowed change in copy. The copy on a nonconforming sign may be changed before the scheduled date of elimination by issuance of a sign permit. The change may not create a new nonconforming sign or increase the discrepancy between the existing nonconformity and the regulations of this Section.
Amortization schedule. Nonconforming signs shall be discontinued, removed from their sites, altered to conform to the requirements of this section, or altered as prescribed to decrease the degree of non-conformity within the time schedules specified in table 3-8 (Nonconforming Sign Elimination Schedule).
Description of Nonconforming Sign
Elimination Schedule
1. Lighting or movement nonconformity, any zoning district
Within 6 months of the date that the sign becomes nonconforming
2. Painted on wall, any zoning district
Within 1 year of the date that the sign becomes nonconforming
3. Any other nonconforming sign located in a residential zoning district
Within 1 year of the date that the sign becomes nonconforming
4. All other nonconforming signs
Within 3 years of the date that the sign becomes nonconforming
Nonconforming billboards. A billboard that does not conform to the provisions of this section shall be modified or removed in compliance with the following provisions:
Billboards with an appraised value of less than $200 shall be brought into conformance or removed by September 27, 1976.
Billboards with an appraised value of more than $200 shall be brought into conformance or removed by September 27, 1976.
The appraised value of a billboard shall be determined by the director. The appraisal shall be subject to review by the council if the review is requested by the owner of the property on which the billboard is situated.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
This section provides for the removal of abandoned on-premises and off-premises signs.
Removal required. Abandoned signs, including brackets, poles, and other supports, shall be removed. If the owner or lessee fails to remove the sign, the director shall give the owner 30 days' written notice to remove it. Upon failure to comply with the notice, the Director may have the sign removed at the owner's expense.
On-premises signs. If a sign identifies a business that is no longer conducted on the premises, it shall be removed as follows:
On-premises signs that no longer identify a business located on the site shall be removed within 90 days of the close of the business.
Sign copy within cabinet signs that are maintained shall be replaced with blank sign copy within 90 days of the close of the business and shall only be allowed to remain for a total of 18 months. These signs may contain a "for rent" sign to indicate that the space is available for rent.
All abandoned sign structures shall be removed within 18 months of the close of business.
Off-premises signs. If a billboard is left blank or is maintained without copy for a period of 60 days or more, the billboard shall be removed within six months, unless a conditional use permit is approved for its reuse.
Authority to abate. The director is authorized to abate illegal and abandoned signs on private property.
Recovery of costs. When the city is required to remove an abandoned sign in compliance with this subsection, the reasonable cost of the removal shall be assessed against the owner of the sign(s) and/or the property owner.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Notification of removal. If it is determined that a sign is illegally placed on public property, public right-of-way, or public easements, the city shall notify the owner to remove the sign within 48 hours or be billed for the costs of removal. If immediate action is necessitated for public safety considerations, the city shall remove the sign, and the sign owner shall be billed for the costs of removal.
Request for hearing. The owner of a sign that has been removed by the city may request a hearing to determine whether the sign was in fact illegally located on public property. The request for a hearing shall be made within 48 hours from the date of removal.
Authority to destroy or dispose of sign. If the owner of a sign fails to make a request for a hearing and no demand is made for the return of the sign within 10 days of the date of removal, then the city is authorized to destroy or dispose of the sign.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Neon signs. The use of neon signs shall be allowed, subject to the following criteria and requirements:
Development standards.
The use of neon shall enhance the viewer's appreciation of the city's nighttime atmosphere and shall be primarily aesthetic and decorative with a utilitarian function only when used as signage.
Neon signage and linear tubing shall be UL listed with a maximum 20 amps per circuit and shall be designed to accommodate a dimmer in order to reduce the brightness of the neon. If materials are not UL listed, an applicant shall show proof of listing by a recognized listing company.
Neon linear tubing shall not exceed one-half inch in width, shall reinforce the architecture of a structure, and shall be concealed from view when possible through the use of architectural features (e.g., parapets, cornices, etc.).
The neon manufacturer shall be registered with Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
Neon adjacent to residential uses shall be a maximum of one-half footcandle from property line.
Review and permit requirements.
The council shall review the amount of neon on a case-by-case basis. Applications for neon lighting shall be subject to design review in compliance with subsection 4.19.060 (Design review).
Materials of high reflective qualities (e.g., mirror, glass, aluminum, metal, etc.) shall be reviewed for their reflective quality and may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the council. High glazed ceramic tiles shall be allowed only upon design review approval in compliance with subsection 4.19.060 (Design review).
An applicant proposing neon signage shall submit a sign program for the site for review by the director. The sign program shall illustrate the location, size, and colors of proposed neon signs. Additionally, the applicant shall execute a neon signage agreement with the city. Permits issued for the use of neon signage shall be contingent upon the signing and recordation in the Orange County Public Records of the neon signage agreement.
Nonprofit organization special event signs—Off-site. Off-site signs of a temporary nature advertising a special event sponsored by a nonprofit organization are allowed, subject to the following regulations:
The signs shall not be erected more than 30 days before the event and shall be removed within five days after the event has concluded. Off-site signs and banners erected by the city, the city park and recreation district, and nonprofit fraternal, sororal, social, and sports organizations as specified by the city park and recreation district shall not be erected more than 40 days before the event and shall be removed within five days after the event has concluded.
The organization sponsoring the event advertised on the sign shall have the permission of the property owner to erect the sign on the subject property.
The sign shall not be allowed on or to extend over any public property or public easement unless the city has specifically authorized the placement.
The signs shall be constantly maintained in a state of safety and good repair.
Political campaign signs. Signs advertising a political candidate, group of candidates, political party, or ballot measure in any district, municipal, county, state, federal election ("political signs") shall not be erected more than 45 calendar days prior to the election to which the signs may pertain, and shall be removed not later than 10 calendar days after the date of the election to which the signs may pertain, subject to the following regulations:
No person shall post or otherwise affix any political campaign sign upon any public facility located within any public right-of-way, or in or upon any other public property or right-of-way, or in or upon any other property, easement, or other right-of-way owned or controlled by the City of Cypress, including, but not limited to any street, median, island, sidewalk, traffic signal, utility pole, wires, traffic control device, building, wall, bridge, railroad trestle, hydrant, street tree, shrub, tree stake or tree guard, or street sign; and
Political signs shall contain the committee name, address, and, if available at the time of posting, any state-law required identification number; and
Any political sign installed or placed illegally shall be forfeited and subject to confiscation. In addition to other remedies, the city shall have the right to recover from the owner of such illegally installed political sign, the cost of removal and disposal of the same. Such cost shall be established by resolution of the city council. The director of public works, or his/her designee, shall notify the owner or organization of any such illegally posted sign of the confiscation of the same. Such owner or organization may collect any such sign from the public works department within 20 days of notification. Any such sign not collected within the twenty-day period may be destroyed by the city without further notice.
Signs over a public right-of-way.
Signs or banners shall not encroach upon or overhang adjacent to any public right-of-way without first having received approval from the director and the public works director.
Signs shall not be attached or otherwise affixed to any street, meridian, island, sidewalk, traffic signal, utility pole, wire, traffic control device, building, structure, wall, bridge, railroad trestle, hydrant, street tree, shrub, tree stake or tree guard, street sign, or any other public facility located within the public right-of-way, or any other domain owned or controlled by the city without first having received approval from the director and the public works director.
Bus shelters that contain advertisements are allowed in the public right-of-way, subject to the regulations specified in paragraph E. (Special purpose signs), below.
Special purpose signs. The following special purpose signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts in addition to the signs allowed in table 3-7 (Allowed Signs by Zoning District):
Bus shelters containing signs. Bus shelters containing signs may be allowed subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
Each shelter may display two advertising signs, each sign not to exceed 25 square feet in area.
Advertising signs shall not extend beyond the shelter structure.
Directional signs. Each parking area entrance or exit may display one directional parking sign not exceeding 10 square feet in area and six feet in height. A sign erected in a traffic safety visibility area shall conform to the requirements of subsection 3.11.150 (Traffic safety visibility area).
Real estate and development signs.
For sale or rental signs.
Each use may display one on-site unlighted sign on each street frontage adjoining the site. The signs shall not exceed six square feet in area.
Each use may also display one "open house" sign. The signs shall not be located in landscaped parkways, street medians, or bike trails.
Freestanding signs shall not exceed six feet in height.
Sale and rental signs shall be removed within 30 days from the date of sale or rental.
Office buildings, shopping centers, and industrial subdivisions may display one freestanding lease or rental sign and two building-mounted signs. The total area of the signs shall not exceed 150 square feet. Freestanding signs shall not exceed six feet in height. All lease and rental signs shall be removed within one year from the date of the final construction inspection.
Construction signs.
On a site where a project is actively under construction, one unlighted sign not exceeding 10 square feet in area may be displayed for each contractor. The signs may be combined.
Freestanding signs shall not exceed six feet in height.
Construction signs shall be removed within five days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the city.
Off-site directional signs.
Subdivision signs.
Each subdivision may display up to three off-site unlighted signs identifying the name of the subdivision, the developer or agent, an identification emblem, and a directional message. Each sign shall not exceed 50 square feet in area or fifteen 915) feet in height. Signs shall be subject to the approval of the director.
Directional subdivision signs shall be removed within two years from the date of recordation of the final map, or when 100% of the parcels have been sold, whichever comes first.
Apartment complex signs.
Apartment complexes of 30 units or more may display up to three off-site unlighted signs identifying the name of the apartment complex, the developer or agent, an identification emblem, and a directional message. Each sign shall not exceed 50 square feet in area or 15 feet in height. Signs shall be subject to the approval of the director.
Directional signs for apartment complexes of 30 units or more shall be removed within one year from the date of the final construction inspection.
Commercial uses signs.
Commercial uses greater than 40,000 square feet in size and located in commercial zoning districts may display up to two off-site unlighted signs identifying the name of the commercial use, the developer or agent, an identification emblem, and a directional message. Each sign shall not exceed 50 square feet in area or 15 feet in height. Signs shall be subject to the approval of the director.
Directional signs for commercial uses be removed within six months from the date of the final construction inspection.
On-site subdivision signs.
Each subdivision may display up to six on-site signs totaling no more than 300 square feet in area. The signs shall be maintained in good condition, as determined by the director.
On-site subdivision signs shall be removed when the subdivision sales office is closed.
Subdivision entrance signs.
Each subdivision may display up to two unlighted signs indicating the name of the subdivision at the major street entrance to the development. The signs shall be attached to and not ex-tending above a wall or fence, and shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
Subdivision entrance signs shall be constructed of appropriate materials and affixed to the wall or fence so that they are not readily susceptible to vandalism.
Sale signs. Each retail commercial use may display sale signs while a sale of goods or services in being conducted. The sale signs shall not exceed 50% of the window area.
Temporary signs. Temporary signs shall be subject to the following regulations:
The placement, use, and keeping of temporary signs and banners shall require a temporary use permit.
Temporary signs shall not be allowed on or to extend over any public property or public easement or any other domain owned or controlled by the city without first having received approval from the director and the public works director.
Temporary signs shall not be posted so that they obscure traffic or street signs or devices or present a hazard to the public.
Temporary signs shall be constantly maintained in a state of safety and good repair.
Temporary signs shall not be placed upon a telephone or other utility pole, or upon a permanent freestanding or monument sign.
If a temporary sign is attached to a structure, the sign shall be in scale with the structure.
Retail commercial uses may display up to two temporary signs or banners not to exceed 20 square feet each while a sale of goods or services is being conducted for the period of time specified in paragraph 10, below. Temporary and permanent window signs shall not exceed 25% of the window area.
The code enforcement officer may cause a temporary sign, that is erected, placed, or maintained in violation of this section and that is unsafe and an immediate threat to persons or to the property of another, to be removed summarily and without notice. If the sign is summarily removed, the code enforcement officer shall, as soon as possible and not later than 24 hours after removal, notify the owner or tenant of the property from which the sign was removed and, if known, the owner of the sign.
The temporary sign shall not be the primary sign identifying the business.
The use of temporary signs, including banners, shall be limited to not more than two at any time and for not more than 14 days within any three-month period, and for no more than a total of 30 days per calendar year.
Temporary signs and banners erected by the city, the city park and recreation district, and nonprofit fraternal, sororal, social and sports organizations as specified by the city park and recreation district shall be limited to 45 contiguous [consecutive] days. Temporary signs and banners may be erected no more than 40 days before an event date, and shall be removed within five days of the conclusion of the event.
Window signs. Signs, including permanent and temporary, shall not cover more than 25% of the area of one window.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)