It is unlawful to commence or engage in the construction, operation or maintenance of a cable communications system without a franchise issued under this chapter. The city council, by ordinance, may award a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a cable communications system within all or any portion of the city to any person, whether operating under an existing franchise or not, who makes an application for authority to furnish a cable communications system which complies with the terms and conditions of this chapter; provided, however, this section shall not require the grant of a franchise to any particular person or to prohibit the city council from restricting the number of grantees should the city council determine such a restriction would be in the public interests. Any franchise for the construction, maintenance and operation of cable communications systems using the public streets, utility easements, other public rights-of-way or places shall conform to the provisions of this chapter.
(County code § 11-1.401)
The provisions of this chapter shall be incorporated by reference in any franchise agreement or license approved pursuant to this title.
The provisions of any proposal submitted and accepted by the city shall be incorporated by reference in any applicable franchise or license.
(County code § 11-1.402)
Any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall:
Authorize utilization of the streets for the public or quasi-public purpose of installing cables, wires, lines and other facilities, in order to operate a cable communications system; and
Be nonexclusive and neither expressly nor impliedly preclude the issuance of subsequent franchises to operate cable communications systems within the city.
Such a franchise shall not authorize or either expressly or impliedly permit the grantee, except with the consent of the owners, or as otherwise provided by law, to provide cable communications system service to, or install antennas, cables, wires, lines, towers, waveguides, other conductors, converters or any other equipment or facilities upon private property, including, but not limited to, apartment complexes, condominiums, mobile home parks and residential subdivision developments with private roads. The purpose of this subsection is to require consent by the owner or as otherwise provided by law for the provision of service. This subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a grantee from entering or utilizing private property as an incident to its use of the streets to the extent entry or use is expressly or impliedly authorized by the right conferred by this section to occupy the streets.
(County code § 11-1.403)
A franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this title shall constitute a contract between the grantee and the city. Each grantee shall have contractually committed itself to comply with the terms, conditions and provisions of the franchise documents, and with all rules, orders, regulations and determinations applicable to the franchise which are issued, promulgated or made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The regulatory authority conferred by the provisions of this title, including the power to amend the provisions of this title, as reserved under Section 4.08.100, shall constitute as reserved authority under the contract.
All terms, conditions and provisions of the contract shall be embodied in the franchise documents, and conflicts in the terms, conditions or provisions of the franchise documents shall be resolved as follows:
The express terms of this title shall prevail over conflicting or inconsistent provisions in any other franchise document;
The express terms of the ordinance offering the franchise shall prevail over conflicting or inconsistent provisions in any other franchise document, except the express terms of this title;
The express terms of the request for proposals shall prevail over conflicting or inconsistent provisions in either the application for the franchise or the certificate of acceptance of the franchise;
The express terms of the application for the franchise shall prevail over the inconsistent or conflicting provisions in the certificate of acceptance of the franchise.
The provisions of the franchise documents shall be liberally construed in order to effectuate the purposes and objects thereof. Prior to the initial enactment of this title, the provisions of this title were developed pursuant to public hearings conducted for the purpose of receiving comments from the citizenry, operators interested in applying for a franchise in meetings with staff and through the submission by the operators of public oral and written comments, and the submission of independent staff recommendations. Operators interested in applying for a franchise have either directly or indirectly made it clear that any ordinance must contain minimum terms satisfactory to the operators in order to induce their interest in applying for a franchise. The franchise documents shall not be construed to constitute a contract of adhesion.
(County code § 11-1.404)
No provision of this title or any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this title shall expressly or impliedly authorize the grantee to utilize poles owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Pacific Telephone or any other public or private utility which is located within streets without the express consent of the utility.
(County code § 11-1.405)
All notices and other writings authorized or prescribed by this chapter to be "mailed" shall be given and served when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid and addressed, with respect to a grantee, to any office maintained by the grantee within the city, and with respect to other parties, to the last known address of such party.
Any notice or other writing authorized or required by this chapter to be "filed" shall be filed when received in the business office of the party with whom such notice of writing is authorized or required to be filed.
Whenever a provision of this chapter requires a public hearing to be conducted by the city council, notice of the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published at least once not later than ten calendar days in advance of the date of the commencement of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation which is published within the city.
(County code § 11-1.406)
Any grantee, or parent, subsidiary or affiliated company or agent thereof, who leases either real property situated within the city or personal property to be located within the city for use in connection with the provision of services under a franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this title shall ensure that each such lease contains a clause which either:
Authorizes such lessee to assign the lease to the city or its assignee without the consent of the lessor or the payment of additional compensation by virtue of the assignment; or
Authorizes such lessee to so assign such lease without the payment of additional compensation by virtue of the assignment and prohibits the lessor from unreasonably withholding consent to such assignment.
(County code § 11-1.407)
It is declared that this chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 53066, et seq., of the Government Code of the state. It is also enacted pursuant to the police powers conferred by Section 7 of Article XI of the Constitution of the state for the promotion and protection of the peace, health, safety and general welfare.
(County code § 11-1.408)
All zoning and other land use laws, building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical codes, business license laws and all other laws of general application now in existence or hereafter enacted by the city shall be fully applicable to the exercise of any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this title, and the grantee shall comply therewith. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this title and those of such a law of general application, the provisions of such law of general application shall prevail.
(County code § 11-1.409)
The city expressly reserves the right to amend any section or part of this title so as to require additional or greater standards of construction, operation, maintenance or otherwise on the part of a grantee for any reason determined to be desirable or necessary by the city council, including, but not limited to, new developments in the state of the technology of the cable communications industry and changes in federal or state laws, rules or regulations. The provisions of 47 CFR Part 76 shall be incorporated in this chapter by reference, and any amendments thereto or revisions thereof shall be incorporated into this title by operation of law.
(County code § 11-1.410)
There is provided and reserved to the city every right and power which is required to be by this title reserved or provided by any provision of any law of the city in its exercise of any such right or power.
Neither the granting of a franchise nor any provision of this title shall constitute a waiver or bar to the exercise of any governmental right or power of the city, including the regulation of subscription rates as permitted by law.
Nothing in this title and/or in the franchise shall be construed to impair or affect, in any way, to any extent, the right of the city to acquire the property of the grantee, either by purchase or through the exercise of the right to eminent domain, at a fair and just value, which shall not include any amount for the franchise itself or for any of the rights or privileges granted thereby, and nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to contract away or to modify or abridge, whether for a term or in perpetuity, the city's right of eminent domain.
There shall be reserved to the city every right and power which is required to be reserved or provided by law, and the grantee, by its acceptance of the franchise, agrees to be bound thereby and to comply with any action or agreement of the city in its exercise of such rights or powers theretofore or thereafter enacted or established.
The city reserves to itself the right to intervene in any suit, action or proceeding involving any provision of this title and/or the grantee's franchise. The city council may do all things which are necessary and convenient in the exercise of its jurisdiction under this title and/or the grantee's franchise and may determine any question of fact which may arise during the existence of any franchise granted. The city manager and the city attorney, with the approval of the city council, are authorized and empowered to adjust, settle or compromise any controversy or charge arising from the operations of any grantee under a franchise, either on behalf of the city, the grantee or any subscriber, in the best interests of the public.
The city, at its option, when for sufficient cause as deemed by the city manager, may require that the annual proof-of-performance test, addressed in Chapter 4.16, be conducted or observed by a qualified member of the city's staff or its designated representatives, associated with city-observed performance tests conducted at city selected test points, and to a greater number of test points than the minimum required by Section 76.601 of the FCC Rules.
Any delegable right, power or duty of the city council, the city or any official of the city may be transferred or delegated to an appropriate officer, employee, department or body designated by the city.
The city reserves the right to negotiate other reasonable technical and operational performance standards for system franchises granted pursuant to this title. The grantee shall have the duty to negotiate in good faith with the city.
The city reserves the right to enact reasonable regulations pertaining to franchises granted pursuant to this title which may include, but are not limited to:
The construction and use of poles;
The use of poles and conduits by the city;
Common users;
Filing of pole user agreements;
The reservation of street rights;
The restoration of streets;
The movement of facilities; and
The trimming of trees.
The city reserves the right to further regulate the conduct of the grantee in regard to the privacy and property rights of private citizens. Such regulations may include, but are not limited to, the security of all records by the grantee containing privacy sensitive information, personnel practices relating to such records, and any other matters related to privacy and individual rights.
The city reserves the right to establish a cable communications advisory committee and cable communications area advisory commissions to assist the city council in regulating cable activity in the city. The members and duties of any such committee or commissions, if any, shall be established by the city council.
Should the state or any agency thereof, or the federal government or agency thereof, subsequently require the grantee to act in a manner which is inconsistent with any provision of this title, the franchise ordinance, or associated resolutions and orders, the grantee shall so notify the city. Upon the receipt of such notification, the city shall determine whether a material provision of the franchise is affected. Upon such determination, the city shall have the right to modify or amend any of the sections of the franchise to such reasonable extent as may be necessary to carry out the full intent and purpose of this title or the franchise ordinance. In the event the original proposed terms of the franchise have been frustrated by such state or federal requirement, the grantee shall renegotiate in good faith with the city a new franchise agreement. The city may terminate the franchise in the event it determines that no satisfactory new franchise agreement can be reached.
No grantee nor any major stockholder of the grantee shall directly or indirectly with the city use the position as cable grantee to gain a competitive advantage in the business of selling, leasing, renting, servicing or repairing radio or television sets, or other receivers or parts thereof, or data access and transfer equipment which make use of entertainment and information signals; provided, however, nothing set forth in this subsection shall prevent the grantee from making modifications to the tuner input circuit of the subscribers' communications transmitters and/or receivers, and the fine tuning of the customers' operating controls only, to ensure proper operation under conditions of cable connection at the time of installation, or in repairing receivers and other equipment belonging to other cable system operators for use in the conduct of their businesses.
The city shall have the right, free of charge, of installing, maintaining and operating upon antenna towers and poles, or in underground ducts of the grantee, the antennas, amplifiers, coaxial cable, wire, fixtures and appurtenances necessary for a city communications system provided such equipment is installed, maintained and operated so as not to interfere with the property or operations of the grantee, and that the grantee shall not be responsible for any damage without his or her fault resulting to the signs, wires, cables, or property of the city from such use by the city.
The grantee shall manage all of its operations in accordance with a policy of totally open books and records. The city shall have the right to inspect at any time during normal business hours, at the local parent corporation offices of the grantee, all books, records, maps, plans, income tax returns, financial statements, service complaint logs, performance test results and other like materials of the grantee which relate to the operation of the grantee. Access to such records shall not be denied by the grantee on the basis that such records contain "proprietary" information.
Copies of all petitions. applications, communications and reports submitted by the grantee to the Federal Communications Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission or any other federal or state regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction in respect to any matters affecting cable communications operations authorized pursuant to the franchise shall also be submitted simultaneously to the grantor. Copies of responses or any other communications from the regulatory agencies to the grantee shall likewise be furnished simultaneously to the grantor.
Any intrastate intercommunication of interactive services between the system operated by the grantee and any other system shall be subject to the regulatory authority of the city.
The reservation of any particular right shall not be construed to limit the promulgation of other reasonable rules and regulations.
(County code § 11-1.411)
Except as otherwise expressly provided by this title, any judicial proceeding, whether for the recovery of damages or otherwise, brought for the purpose of adjudicating the validity of any provision of this title or amendment thereof or any provision of the other franchise documents shall be commenced not later than thirty calendar days following the latter of: (1) the effective date of the provisions; or (2) the accrual of the cause of action. Any such judicial proceeding brought for the purpose of adjudicating the validity of any rule, order, regulation, determination or arbitration award which purports to have been made pursuant to the provisions of this title or of any of the other franchise documents shall be commenced not later than thirty calendar days following the date of the adoption, issuance, or making of such rule, order, regulation, determination or arbitration award or, as to the franchisee, not later than thirty calendar days following the giving and serving of notice of such adoption, issuance, or making of such rule, regulation, determination or arbitration award pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.08.060. No judicial proceeding shall be commenced in violation of the limitations prescribed by this section.
The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to any judicial proceeding, whether for the recovery of damages or otherwise, commenced by the city for breach or enforcement of the provisions of this title or any regulation, determination or arbitration award purporting to have been issued thereunder.
(County code § 11-1.412)
It is unlawful for any person to make or use any unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically, acoustically, inductively or otherwise, with any part of a cable communications system for which a franchise has been issued pursuant to the provisions of this title for the purpose of taking or receiving or enabling him or herself or others to receive or use any television signal, radio signal, picture, program, or sound without payment to the owner of such system.
It is unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owner, to willfully tamper with, remove, injure or vandalize any part of such a cable communications system, including any cable, wire or equipment used for the distribution of television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs or sound.
(County code § 11-1.413)
This title itself grants no authority to operate a cable communications system to any person. Such grants are only made by the adoption of a separate ordinance awarding a specific franchise to an applicant who has complied with the provisions of this title.
Any person, corporation or other legal entity may apply to the city for a cable communications franchise by submitting an application pursuant to Section 4.08.150 and by otherwise complying with the terms of this title. Such application may be made at any time, either in response to a request for proposals or any other time.
(County code § 11-1.601; Ord. 88-18 §§ 1, 2)
The city council, by advertisement or otherwise, may solicit for any other applications for cable communications system franchises and may determine and fix the date upon or after which the applications shall be received by the city or the date before which the applications shall not be received, and may make any other determinations and specify any other times, terms, conditions, or limitations respecting the soliciting, calling for, making and receiving of such applications.
Each application for a franchise to construct, operate or maintain any cable communications system in the city shall be filed with the city clerk and shall contain or be accompanied by the following minimum information:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
A detailed statement of the corporate or other business entity organization of the applicant, including, but not limited to, the following and to whatever extent required by the city:
The names and residence and business addresses of all officers, directors, and associates of the applicant,
The names and residence and business addresses of all officers, persons and entities having control of one percent or more of the ownership of the applicant and the respective ownership share of each such person or entity,
The names and addresses of any parent or subsidiary of the applicant, namely, any other business entity owning or controlling the applicant in whole or in part and controlled in whole or in part by the applicant, and a statement describing the nature of any such parent or subsidiary business entity, including, but not limited to, cable communications systems owned or controlled by the applicant and its parent and subsidiary and the areas served thereby,
A detailed description of all previous experience of the applicant in providing cable communications system services in related or similar fields,
A detailed and complete financial statement of the applicant, and
A statement identifying, by place and date, any and all cable communication franchises awarded to the applicant, or its parent or subsidiary; the status of such franchises with respect to the completion thereof; the total cost of completion to such systems; and the amount of the applicant's, and its parent's or subsidiary's, resources committed to the completion thereof;
A thorough, detailed description of the proposed cable communications system and a plan of operation of the applicant which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
A detailed map indicating all areas proposed to be served and a proposed time schedule for the installation of all equipment necessary to become operational throughout the entire area to be served,
A detailed, informative and referenced statement describing the actual equipment and operational standards proposed by the applicant. In no event shall such operational and performance standards be less than those adopted by the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (contained in Title 47, Subpart K, Sections 76.601, et seq., and as augmented by this chapter and modified by the franchise awarded,
A detailed estimate of the cost of constructing the applicant's proposed system,
A copy of the form of any agreement, undertaking or other instrument proposed to be entered into between the applicant and any subscriber,
A detailed statement setting forth in its entirety any and all agreements and undertakings, whether formal or informal, written, oral or implied, existing or proposed to exist between the applicant and any person, firm or corporation which materially relate or pertain to or depend upon the application and the granting of the franchise, and
A statement or schedule setting forth all proposed classifications of rates and charges to be made against subscribers and all rates and charges as to each of such classifications, including installation charges and service charges;
A copy of any agreement existing between the applicant and any public utility subject to regulation by the Public Utilities Commission of the state providing for the use of any facilities of the public utility, including, but not limited to, poles, lines, or conduits, within the city's incorporated area and/or adjacent area;
Any other details, statements, information or references pertinent to the subject matter of such application which shall be required or requested by the city council or by any provision of any other law of the city; and
An initial application fee in the amount of ten thousand dollars which shall be in the form of cash, certified or cashier's check, or money order, to pay the initial cost of studying, investigating and otherwise processing such application, and which shall be in consideration thereof and not returnable or refundable in whole, or in part, except to the extent such fee exceeds the actual costs incurred by the city in studying, investigating and otherwise processing the application. Applicant shall pay such further funds as may be necessary if the city's costs exceed the initial application fee.
Upon the receipt of any application for a franchise, the city council shall refer the application to the city manager or expert or cable communications advisory committee, if such exists, who shall prepare a report and make recommendations respecting such application and cause such report and recommendations to be completed and filed with the city council within one hundred twenty days.
In making the determinations hereunder as to any application, the city council shall give due consideration to the character and quality of the service proposed, rates to subscribers, income to the city, experience, character, background and financial responsibility of any applicant and its management and owners, technical and performance quality of equipment, willingness and ability to meet construction and physical requirements and to abide by policy conditions, franchise limitations and requirements, and any other considerations deemed pertinent by the city council for safeguarding the interests of the city and the public. The city council, in its sole discretion, shall determine the award of any franchise on the basis of such considerations and without competitive bidding.
If the city council, after public hearings, determines to reject an application, such determination shall be final and conclusive, and the application shall be rejected.
If the city council determines to further consider an application, the following shall be done:
The city council shall identify a tentative grantee and decide and specify the terms and conditions of any franchise to be granted pursuant to this title and as provided in this chapter;
The city council shall give notice of its intention to consider the granting of such a franchise, stating the name of the tentative grantee, that copies of the proposed franchise may be obtained at the office of the city clerk, fixing and setting forth a time and public place certain when and where interested parties may inspect all the bona fide applications, fixing and setting forth a day, hour and place certain when and where any persons having any interest therein or objection to the granting thereof may file written protests and appear before the city council and be heard, and directing the city clerk to publish notice of the resolution's adoption at least once within ten days after the passage thereof in a newspaper of general circulation within the city.
At the time set for the hearing, or at any adjournment thereof, the city council shall proceed to hear all written protests. Thereafter the city council shall make one of the following determinations:
That the franchise be denied; or
That the franchise be granted upon such conditions as the city council deems appropriate, which conditions may include, on a not-to-exceed basis, where in accordance with the Act, applicable FCC regulations, and state laws:
Charges for installations,
Subscriber rates, and
Service rates for separate classifications of service, such as additional connections.
If the city council determines that a franchise be denied, such determination shall be expressed by resolution; if the city council determines that a franchise be granted, such determination shall be expressed by ordinance granting a franchise to the applicant. The action of the city council shall be final and conclusive.
The grantee shall pay to the city a sum of money sufficient to reimburse it for all expenses incurred by the provisions of this title beyond those defrayed by application fees. Such payment shall be made within thirty days after the city furnishes the grantee with a written statement of such expenses.
(County code § 11-1.602; Ord. 01-01 § 1)
Applications for a franchise submitted in response to a request for proposals shall be sealed at the time of submission by an applicant. Prior to the deadline for the submission of an application, it is unlawful for any applicant, and any officer, agent or employee thereof, whether directly or indirectly, to exchange information concerning proposals, enter into any agreement or understanding or take any other action for the purpose of reducing or eliminating competition among applicants in the selection process.
(County code § 11-1.603)
For each franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this title, one or more environmental analyses shall be undertaken pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act commencing at Section 21000 of the Public Resources Code of the state. The provisions of this title, requests for proposals and an ordinance offering the franchise shall be subject to amendment for the purpose of implementing any change dictated by the environmental analyses.
(County code § 11-1.604)
Each franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this title shall be issued by the city council and in the name of the city as the issuing authority. A franchise shall be offered to the successful applicant by ordinance duly adopted by the city council. The ordinance may prescribe terms, conditions or requirements respecting the franchise which are in addition to those set forth in this title but which are not inconsistent with the express terms of this title. The ordinance may also prescribe terms, conditions or requirements respecting the franchise which are in addition to or in conflict with the provisions of the request for proposals and application by the party to whom the resolution offers the franchise.
The ordinance offering the franchise shall be repealed thirty calendar days after its adoption, unless not later than the thirtieth day following the adoption of the ordinance the party to whom the franchise is offered files a certificate in writing which expressly and unconditionally accepts the franchise in compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of such ordinance, the application, the request for proposals and this title. The certification shall be signed by a person duly authorized to act in behalf of the franchise, shall be acknowledged, shall have attached thereto a certified copy of an order by the board of directors of the grantee directing the execution and filing of the certification, and shall be accompanied by any fee required by the request for proposals, the performance bond, the security deposit and the policy or policies of insurance prescribed by Sections 4.28.080, 4.28.090 and 4.28.110, respectively. A certification which constitutes a qualified acceptance, or places other limits or conditions thereon, shall be repealed. The thirty-day period for acceptance prescribed by this section may be extended either prior or subsequent to its expiration by the city council through express action which prescribes the period of extension.
(County code § 11-1.605)
A franchise shall be effective on the thirty-first day after the offer of the franchise agreement, provided the grantee has filed, within thirty days after such effective date, a written instrument, in accordance with Section 4.08.180(B), addressed to the city council accepting the franchise and agreeing to comply with all of the provisions thereof. If an extension is granted as set forth in Section 4.08.180(B), the franchise will be effective the first day after the date of acceptance.
A franchise or license shall expire twenty years after the acceptance thereof, unless sooner terminated by ordinance.
(County code § 11-1.606)
The service provided by the grantee under a franchise may be required to continue uninterrupted beyond the expiration or cancellation of a franchise. The procedures for the renewal of a franchise shall be those provided in Section 626 of the Act as supplemented by the provisions of this section.
Any franchise may be renewed for a term not to exceed twenty years at any time prior to the expiration of the franchise. An application therefor shall be submitted to the city manager containing such material as the city council may require, including, but not limited to, proposals for an upgrade of the cable communications system.
In the event the city council decides to offer renewal to the grantee, the city council shall adopt an ordinance offering the renewal of the franchise to the grantee. The franchise agreement may prescribe terms, conditions or requirements respecting the franchise which are in addition to those set forth in this chapter, the request for renewal, or the original franchise agreement. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the request for renewal and the provisions of the franchise agreement adopted pursuant to this section, the provisions of the franchise agreement shall prevail. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the original franchise agreement and the franchise renewal agreement adopted pursuant to this section, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.
The ordinance offering renewal shall be repealed and the request for renewal rejected thirty calendar days after its adoption unless, not later than the thirtieth day following the adoption, the grantee files a certification in writing which expressly and unconditionally accepts the renewal of the franchise in compliance with the terms, conditions and requirements of such ordinance, the request for renewal and this title. The certification shall be signed by a person duly authorized to act in behalf of the grantee, shall be notarized, shall have attached thereto a certified copy of an order by the board of directors of the grantee directing the execution of and filing of the certification, and shall be accompanied by the performance bond, the security deposit and the policy or policies of insurance prescribed by Sections 4.28.080, 4.28.090 and 4.28.110, respectively. The certification and accompaniments shall be filed with the city clerk. A certification which constitutes a qualified acceptance, or places other limits or conditions thereon, shall be a nullity, and the franchise agreement shall be repealed and the request for renewal denied. The thirty-day period for acceptance prescribed by this section may be extended either prior or subsequent to its expiration by the city council by resolution which prescribes the period of extension.
The filing of the certification in the manner and within the time prescribed in this section shall renew the franchise.
(County code § 11-1.607)