Every person, firm, corporation, partnership or other business organization occupying real property within the city for business purposes shall obtain a business license.
Those persons, firms, corporations, partnerships and organizations not covered by subsection A, but engaged in the activities identified below, shall also obtain a business license:
Common carriers of persons or tangible goods, including documents;
Contractors of every kind;
Consultants of every kind;
Traveling merchants, hawkers, peddlers and itinerant vendors; and
Any other persons, firms, corporations and organizations conducting business within the city.
Where a charitable organization qualifies as a business by virtue of its solicitation of funds in public places, the organization must obtain a business license, but it shall be exempt from payment of the business license fee.
Every person subject to the licensing provisions of this chapter, at the time of the effective date of these provisions, shall make an application therefor before commencing any business or activity for which a license is required. The license shall authorize the person obtaining it to conduct the license activities for the period named in the license. Licenses which were issued under the prior licensing law and before the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall continue to be valid for one year after the date the license was issued.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.2); Ord. 12-2 § 3)
If the same type of business is carried on by the same person, firm, corporation, partnership or other business organization at more than one location within the city, a separate license shall be required for each location. If more than one type of business is operated by the same person, firm, corporation, partnership or other business organization at the same location, a separate business license shall be required of each type of business.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.3))
Any person required to apply for and obtain a business license under the provisions of this chapter shall prepare and submit to the business licensing officer an application for such license on forms provided for such purpose by the city.
No business license shall be issued and no business license application shall be deemed complete until the applicant has completed and submitted the sewage discharge questionnaire.
No business license shall be issued and no license application shall be deemed complete until the applicant has stated whether or not hazardous materials, as defined by the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the city, are located on any premises to be occupied for business purposes and shall indicate whether a disclosure form is required for such hazardous materials.
All applications shall be executed under penalty of perjury.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.1); Ord. 91-2 § 2(F))
All applicants for licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the business licensing officer. Such form shall require the applicant to state whether or not hazardous materials, as defined by the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the city, are located on any premises to be occupied for business purposes and shall indicate whether or not a disclosure form is required for such hazardous materials. All applications shall be executed under penalty of perjury.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.10(a)))
Licenses to engage in the business of traveling merchant, hawker, peddler, itinerant vendor or taxicab driver shall be issued or denied after considering, among other things, the following:
Information from the applicant sufficient to enable the business licensing officer to investigate the qualifications of the applicant;
Submission of a photograph of the applicant for identification purposes;
Fingerprints from the applicant for the protection of the public should any misuse of the license occur; and
Submission of a processing fee as prescribed by resolution of the city council.
Provisions in this section may be satisfied by showing proof of a business license for a similar business activity in another jurisdiction within the Sacramento region consisting of Yolo, Sacramento and Placer counties.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.10(b)); Ord. 08-12 § 3)
The business licensing officer shall refer the application to the police chief, fire chief, building official, community development director and director of public works and, if applicable, the health officer of the county, who shall cause such investigations as they deem appropriate to be made of the facts stated in the application and of the activity for which the application is made, and who shall make a report thereon to the business licensing officer.
If no city or county officer referenced in subsection A of this section has denied the application, the application shall be approved and a business license shall be issued, subject, however, to the subsequent denial by any of the city or county officers referred to in subsection A of this section. Should any city or county officer subsequently deny the application, the business licensing officer shall promptly notify the licensee of the denial of license and of this or her right to appeal that denial under this chapter.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.9); Ord. 91-2 § 2(H))
The business licensing officer shall make his or her order granting, granting with conditions, or denying the application in writing and shall mail a copy thereof to the applicant. The order shall become final on the fifteenth day following such mailing. Such mailing shall identify the steps necessary for the applicant to file an appeal as set forth in Section 5.04.350.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.13); Ord. 91-2 § 2(I))
An order of the business licensing officer granting with conditions or denying an application shall state the reason for such order and the necessary appeal process, pursuant to Chapter 1.08. If an appeal is taken, upon notification to the business licensing officer from the city clerk that the appeal has been approved after a hearing, the business licensing officer shall issue a license without additional application and/or payment of fees.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.18); Ord. 91-2 § 2(J))
The term of a business license shall be one year, plus the remainder of the unexpired calendar year quarter. Calendar year quarters end March 31st, June 30th, September 31st and December 31st. Every business license issued pursuant to this chapter shall terminate at the expiration of one year, plus the remainder of the unexpired calendar year quarter, after the date of issuance.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.11))
Unless otherwise specifically allowed by this title, no license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be transferred from one person to another person or from one location to another location, or from one type of business to another.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.8))
When a license specifies the location of the business licensed, the licensee may conduct such business only at the location specified in the license.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.4))
A license may be issued pursuant to this title to a corporation duly authorized to transact business in the state, a limited partnership which has filed a certificate with the Secretary of State pursuant to Sections 15621 or 15692 of the Corporations Code, a partnership or other association of persons, or to a person operating under a fictitious name, who has complied with the provisions of Chapter 5 of Part 3 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code of the state (commencing with Section 17900) or any statute superseding or taking the place of such provisions. All such licenses shall indicate both the true name of the person, corporation, limited partnership or partnership applying therefor and the fictitious name under which the business shall operate. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no business so licensed may operate under any false or fictitious name.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.5))
Licenses shall not be granted pursuant to this chapter which permit any occupation or activity of any kind which is prohibited by this title or any other law or by any statute, rule, order, decision or regulation.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.6))
Under certain circumstances, a new or renewal license may be issued in the absence of affirmation or inspection by the various officers who identify deficiencies or violations of laws to be enforced. Such circumstances are the result of the time periods set to promote the expeditious processing of applications and reduce delays to waiting applicants. For such reasons, a license may be issued notwithstanding the existence of violations of the law sought to be enforced. Neither the issuance nor the receipt of a license shall constitute evidence of compliance with the laws sought to be enforced or a representation or assurances to the recipient upon which reliance is authorized or intended by the city that the enterprise for which the license is issued or the property or premises upon or in which the enterprise is located complies with such laws.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.7))
Each application and each appeal shall be accompanied by such fee as is prescribed by resolution of the city council, except as provided in Section 5.04.180(D). The submission of an application or an appeal shall not be deemed to be complete until such fees are paid to the business licensing officer.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.12))
Any business license issued pursuant to this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the hearing officer assigned by the city clerk if he or she finds upon review of a petition for suspension from any city or county officer listed in Section 5.04.230(A) that:
A court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the establishment, business or activity has caused or become a public nuisance;
The licensee has violated a condition of the business license;
Due to a change in circumstances and conditions, the continuance of the establishment, business or activity is hazardous to the public health, welfare or safety;
The applicant for the permit made a material misrepresentation of the facts in the application or supporting statements; or
The establishment, business or activity is maintained in violation of the standards prescribed by this chapter.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.14); Ord. 91-2 § 2(K))
A petition to suspend a business license shall be filed with the business licensing officer or his or her representative accompanied by a statement of the grounds or reasons for such action. The city clerk shall serve the licensee with a notice of suspension and a copy of such petition by certified mail. The notice will provide the licensee with the process for appeal and/or correction process required to reinstate the license.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.15); Ord. 91-2 § 2(L))
Upon notification of suspension, the affected business licensee may appeal the suspension by the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.08 of the city code. The business licensee may continue to operate his or her business during the hearing and appeal process until a final decision has been rendered.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.16); Ord. 91-2 § 2(M))
Upon receipt by the business licensing officer that an appeal of the order of suspension has been approved after hearing, a license will be issued without need for additional application and/or payment of fees.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(5.17); Ord. 91-2 § 2(N))