Any person, other than members of the fire department, persons lawfully assisting at a fire or city employees, desiring to withdraw water from a fire hydrant shall obtain a written permit to do so from the superintendent of public works.
(Code 1957, §§ 7222, 7223)
An application for a permit required by section 23-155 must show that the water to be withdrawn from the fire hydrant is for the benefit or protection of the inhabitants of the city or of property located within the city.
(Code 1957, § 7225)
Before a permit required by this division shall be issued, the person authorized to issue such permit shall require a cash deposit to be made to the city in an amount that in his discretion is sufficient to cover the charges mentioned in section 23-160.
(Code 1957, §§ 7228, 7229)
A written permit required by this division shall specify the following:
The amount of water to be withdrawn and the time of such withdrawal, together with the location of the fire hydrant from which such withdrawal shall be made.
The name and residence or business address of the permittee to whom such authority is given.
The amount of money deposited for the permit in accordance with provisions of this division.
(Code 1957, §§ 7223, 7224)
All withdrawals of water under a permit required by this division shall be made under the supervision and in the presence of the person designated in the permit to supervise such withdrawal.
(Code 1957, § 7226)
A permittee, a person obtaining a permit required by this division, securing water from a fire hydrant shall furnish suitable devices or instruments for measuring the quantity of water so withdrawn, and shall pay the city for the water so used or withdrawn, together with a reasonable charge for the expense to the city for furnishing a person to supervise such withdrawal.
(Code 1957, § 7227)
Every person, other than members of the fire department, persons lawfully assisting at a fire, city employees or persons securing a permit required by section 23-155 or employees of the city, who shall wilfully injure, manipulate, operate, remove or attempt to remove, connect with, open any valve, turn on any water, withdraw any water, or in anywise tamper or interfere with any water or fire hydrant, pipe, valve, valve cover, or any other device, appliance or apparatus in or upon any water or fire hydrant belonging to the city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Code 1957, §§ 7221, 7222)