The form and contents, submittal and approval of tentative parcel maps shall conform to the provisions of this chapter. The tentative parcel map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.010; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.1, 1981)
The tentative map shall be clearly and legibly drawn on one or more sheets 18 inches by 26 inches in size. The scale shall be as approved by the city engineer and all lettering shall be one-eighth inch minimum in height. The final form shall be as approved by the city engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.020; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.2, 1981)
The tentative parcel map shall show the following information:
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of legal owner, subdivider and the person preparing the map (including registration number).
Assessor's parcel number.
Date prepared, north arrow, scale and contour interval.
Existing and proposed land use.
Ownership. In any case where, under the provisions of Government Code § 66445(f), the subdivider alone may sign and acknowledge the certificate and the subdivider does not have a record title owner-ship interest in the property to be divided, the subdivider shall provide the city with satisfactory evidence that the persons with record title ownership have consented to the proposed division.
A vicinity map, sufficient to show the relation to the local community (minimum scale one inch equals 1,000 feet).
Existing topography of the site and at least one hundred feet from its boundary including but not limited to:
Existing contours at two-foot intervals if the existing ground slope is less than ten percent and not less than five-foot intervals for existing ground slopes greater than or equal to ten percent. Existing contours shall be represented by screened or dashed lines;
Type and circumference, and dripline of existing trees. Any trees proposed to be removed shall be so indicated;
The approximate location and outline of existing structures identified by type. Structures to be removed shall be so marked;
The location, width and direction of flow of each water course;
The location, pavement and right-of-way width, grade and name of existing streets or highways;
Location and type of street improvements;
The location, size and slope of existing storm drains;
The location, width and identity of existing easements;
Any obstructions within five feet of any existing parcel line or proposed lot line;
Any significant topographical feature inside the boundary or within 100 feet of the boundary lines of the parcels, including water and drainage courses, railroad lines and the like.
Proposed improvements to be shown shall include but not be limited to:
The location, grade, centerline radius and arc length of curves, pavement and right-of-way width, and direction of flow by arrows. Typical sections of all streets shall be shown;
The location and radius of all curb returns and culs-de-sac;
The location, width and purpose of all easements;
The angle of intersecting streets if such angle deviates from a right angle by more than four degrees;
The approximate lot layout and the approximate dimensions of each lot and of each building site. Engineering data shall show the approximate finished grading of each lot, the preliminary design of all grading, the elevation of proposed building pads, the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale and the number of each lot. Shading of all cut and fill slopes in excess of five vertical feet;
A grading plan with proposed contours at two-foot intervals shall be shown if the existing ground slope is less than five percent and not at less than five-foot intervals for existing ground slopes greater than or equal to five percent. A separate grading plan may be submitted;
Proposed recreation sites, trails and parks for private or public use;
Proposed common areas and areas to be dedicated to public open space;
The location and size of sanitary sewers, water mains, and storm drains. Proposed slopes and approximate elevations of sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be indicated;
Typical street and lot combination sections may be required by the city engineer for adequate review.
If the site is to be graded, proposed contours shall be shown or an approved grading plan submitted.
The name or names, addresses and telephone numbers of any geologist or soils engineer whose services were required in the preparation of the design of the tentative map.
The source and date of existing contours.
Certificates for execution by the secretary of the planning commission indicating the approval of the tentative map and the date thereof by the planning commission.
A completed and approved negative declaration, environmental impact report or notice of exemption conforming to this Code and the California Environmental Quality Act shall be filed with the tentative map. No tentative map shall be considered for approval until all requisite environmental procedures have been completed.
A preliminary report of title showing the current vested owner.
A soils and/or engineering geology report may be required by the city engineer.
The zoning of the area shown on the map. If the area is situated in more than one zone, zone boundaries shall be shown.
The area of the parcels shown in acres or square feet.
The area of each lot shown in acres or square feet.
Each lot shall be designated consecutively by number.
Engineering geology and/or seismic safety report: If the subdivision lies within a special geologic hazard impact area, as shown on maps on file in the community development department, a preliminary engineering geology and/or seismic safety report shall be prepared in accordance with guidelines established by the community development department. If the preliminary engineering geology and/or seismic safety report indicates the presence of geologic hazards or seismic hazards which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects, an engineering geology and/or seismic safety report shall accompany the final map and shall contain an investigation of each lot within the subdivision.
School site. The subdivider shall obtain from the school districts involved, their intention, in writing, concerning the necessity for a school site, if any, within the subdivision and shall present this information to the commission.
Environmental impact assessment.
No tentative map filed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be approved until the subdivision is found exempt or an initial study is completed and a negative declaration or environmental impact report, as appropriate, is prepared, processed and considered in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The subdivider shall provide such additional data and information and deposit and pay such fees as may be required for the preparation and processing of environmental review documents.
The community development director may waive any of the foregoing requirements upon finding that the location or nature of the proposed subdivision is such as not to necessitate compliance with these requirements; or may require additional information as deemed necessary.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.030; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.3, 1981)
The tentative map shall be considered for filing only when such map conforms to section 16.16.020 and when all accompanying data or reports, as required by sections 16.16.030 and 16.16.040, if applicable, have been submitted and accepted by the community development director.
The subdivider shall file with the community development department the number of tentative maps the director may deem necessary.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.040; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.4, 1981)
The community development department shall forward copies of the tentative map to the affected public agencies and the development review committee which may, in turn, forward to the community development department their findings and recommendations thereon.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.050; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.5, 1981)
Approval and denial shall be pursuant to sections 16.16.090 through 16.16.120.
The city engineer shall review the tentative parcel map to determine if it conforms with all the applicable provisions herein set forth and the Subdivision Map Act. The city engineer and planning director shall inspect the site of the proposed subdivision and shall conduct such further investigations as he shall deem necessary. The city engineer and planning director shall prepare a report on the tentative parcel map which report shall contain, but need not be limited to, the following:
A statement that all the information required to be shown on a tentative parcel map is shown thereon or, alternatively, an itemization of those items required to be shown which are not shown thereon;
A statement as to whether or not the tentative parcel map provides for proper grading and erosion control, including the prevention of sedimentation or damages to off-site property;
An environmental assessment prepared in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation of the Environmental Quality Act of the state;
A determination as to whether the preliminary soils report referred to in Government Code § 66490 should be required or waived and the reasons for such recommendation;
A statement as to whether or not a discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system would result in the violation of the existing requirements prescribed by any regional water quality control board of the state having jurisdiction over the area of the proposed subdivision, if it is proposed that the subdivision shall discharge waste into such existing community sewer system;
Conformance of the map with applicable general or specific plans;
The design of the subdivision meets the standards and criteria set forth in this title;
The recommended dedications;
The recommended improvements; and
Other recommended conditions of approval.
These requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of this title. The subdivider or his engineer shall be notified in writing of all the conditions imposed, at least three days prior to the public hearing, for tentative approval, by the planning commission.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.060; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.6, 1981)
If the subdivider disagrees with any action by the planning commission with respect to the tentative map, he or she may, within ten days of the receipt of such decision, appeal such action to the city council in accordance with section 16.16.130.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.070; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.7.1, 1981; Ord. No. 28-C, § 6, 1989)
Any interested person adversely affected by a decision of the planning commission with respect to the tentative parcel map may, within ten days of such decision, file an appeal with the city clerk in accordance with section 16.16.140.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.080; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.7.2, 1981; Ord. No. 28-C, § 7, 1989)
The approval or conditional approval of the tentative parcel map shall expire three years from the date of adoption of the resolution by the planning commission approving or conditionally approving the map. The expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map shall terminate all proceedings and no parcel map of all or any portion of the real property included within such tentative parcel map shall be filed without first processing a new tentative parcel map.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.090; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.8, 1981; Ord. No. 28-C, § 8, 1989; Ord. No. 595, § 5, 1999)
Request by subdivider. The subdivider or his representative may request an extension of the expiration date of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map by written application to the community development director. The application shall be filed not less than 60 days prior to the expiration date and shall state the reasons for requesting the extension.
Planning commission action. All time extension requests shall be processed in the same manner as original tentative parcel map in accordance with this chapter 16.20.
Time limit of extension. Extensions may be granted for a period or periods not exceeding a total of two years.
Conditions of approval. As a condition of the extension of a tentative parcel map, after conducting a public hearing, the planning commission may impose new conditions or revise existing conditions on the approved tentative parcel map as they find necessary. All public hearing notice requirements of the state Subdivision Map Act shall apply.
Appeal of extension. The subdivider may appeal in writing any action of planning commission to the city council, within ten days of such action in conformance to section 16.16.130.
Fee. The fee for processing an extension shall be pursuant to the city's fee resolution.
Findings. The granting of an extension shall require the planning commission to make all of the findings in accordance with section 16.20.060.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.100; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.8.2, 1981; Ord. No. 28-C, § 9, 1989; Ord. No. 534, §§ 8—10, 1994; Ord. No. 595, § 6, 1999)
Minor amendments to the tentative parcel map may be approved by the community development department, upon application by the subdivider, provided that:
No lots, units or building sites are added;
Such changes are consistent with the intent of the original tentative map approval;
There are no resulting violations of the city ordinances or resolutions.
Any revision shall be approved by the planning director and city engineer or his or her authorized representative. The revision shall be denoted on the approved tentative map and certified by the planning director and city engineer.
Any amendment shall not affect the expiration date of the approved tentative map.
Amendments of the tentative map other than minor shall be presented to the planning commission for approval. Processing shall be in accordance with sections 16.16.060 and 16.16.090 through 16.16.120.
(Code 1980, § 16.20.110; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.501.9, 1981)