The subdivider shall construct all required improvements both on- and off-site according to approved standards.
No final map or parcel map shall be presented to the city council for approval until the subdivider either completes the required improvements, or enters into an agreement with the city agreeing to do such work.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.010; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.701, 1981)
The advisory agency may also require that improvements installed by the subdivider for the benefit of the subdivision contain a supplement size, capacity, or number for the benefit of property not within the subdivision and that such improvements be dedicated to the public.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.020; Ord. No. 28, § 5.2, 1978)
In the event the improvements constructed by the subdivider are required to contain a supplemental capacity for the benefit of property not within the subdivision, the city shall enter into an agreement with the subdivider to reimburse the subdivider for that portion of the cost of such improvements equal to the difference between the amount it would have cost the subdivider to install such improvements to serve the subdivision only and the actual cost of such improvements.
In order to pay the costs required by a reimbursement agreement, the city shall collect from other persons, including public agencies, using such improvements for the benefit of real property not within the subdivision, a reasonable charge for such use.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.030; Ord. No. 28, § 5.3, 1978)
As a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of any final map, and at the time it takes action with respect to a tentative tract map, the advisory agency may require the subdivider to agree to the formation of an assessment district or districts under the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.040; Ord. No. 28, § 5.5, 1978)
All improvements shall be required as conditions of approval of the tentative map by city ordinance, including but not limited to the following: Requirements for construction of on-site and off-site improvements for subdivisions of four or less parcels shall be noted on the parcel map, or waiver of parcel map or the subdivision improvement agreement recorded prior to or concurrent with the parcel map, and will be a requirement of the tentative map for proposed streets.
Completion of improvements shall be in accordance with sections 16.36.430 through 16.36.450.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.050; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.1, 1981)
Stormwater runoff from the subdivision shall be collected and conveyed by an approved storm drain system. The storm drain system shall be designed for ultimate development of the watershed. The storm drain system shall provide for the protection of abutting and off-site properties that would be adversely affected by any increase in runoff attributed to the development; off-site storm drain improvements may be required to satisfy this requirement.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.060; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.3, 1981)
Each unit or lot within the subdivision shall be served by an approved sanitary sewer system unless otherwise approved by the county water district or other such purveyor.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.070; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.4, 1981)
Each unit or lot within the subdivision shall be served by an approved domestic water system.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.080; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.5, 1981)
Each unit or lot within the subdivision shall be served by city-approved utility services; gas (if required), electric, telephone and cablevision facilities. All utilities within the subdivision and along peripheral streets shall be placed underground except those facilities exempted by the public utilities commission regulations.
The city council may, at its discretion, accept a fee in lieu of the undergrounding of existing facilities along peripheral streets. The amount of the fee shall not be less than the amount established by the city engineer for the normal cost of undergrounding of existing utilities; provided, however, no payment in lieu of installing underground facilities shall be permitted for any new residential subdivision for which a final map or parcel map is required.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.090; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.6, 1981)
The construction, at the subdivider's expense, of all of the following off-site improvements which are not in existence at the time the application for a parcel map is filed shall be required as a condition of the approval of a parcel map or the waiver thereof:
Asphaltic concrete pavement;
Concrete curbs and gutters;
Concrete sidewalks;
Street lights;
Street trees;
Concrete drive approaches.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.100; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.7, 1981)
As a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of a final map, and at the time it takes action on the tentative tract map, the planning commission may require the subdivider to install or construct such other improvements as it deems necessary to:
Provide for the quiet and safe use and enjoyment of the property by the occupants of the subdivision;
Protect surrounding property as to its use and enjoyment; and
Provide for the protection of the health and safety of the general public.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.110; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.8, 1981)
The planning commission may waive the requirement of sidewalks for lots in industrial zones if it finds that such sidewalks are not necessary for public safety.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.120; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.9, 1981)
Unless the city council finds that the construction of improvements is presently necessary for reasons of public health and safety, or is a necessary prerequisite to the development of contiguous parcels, the construction of such improvements shall be postponed until such time as a permit or other grant of approval for the development of a lot is issued.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.130; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.10, 1981)
Any requirement for the construction of improvements, and any postponement of such requirement, may be made on a lot by lot basis for each lot in the subdivision. Such requirement may be noticed by an improvement certificate on the parcel map (or waiver) or by an agreement as provided in section 16.36.170.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.140; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.11, 1981)
The city council finds that it is necessary for reasons of public health and safety that all off-site improvements be constructed within a period of 12 months following the recordation of a parcel map for each lot on which there exists a building or other usable structure at the time of such recordation. The foregoing provisions notwithstanding, the city council may postpone the construction of off-site improvements to such later time as it shall, at its discretion, determine.
No postponement of construction shall be granted by the city council unless the owner of the subject parcel shall agree in writing to construct required off-site improvements at such future time as shall then or thereafter be determined by the city council. The contract shall create a lien upon the property to be divided as security for the performance of said agreement. Any such written contract and lien agreement shall be recorded with the county recorder of San Bernardino County immediately subsequent to the recordation of the subject parcel map.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.150; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.12, 1981)
No parcel map shall be transmitted by the city clerk, in accordance with Government Code § 66464(a) until either:
All improvements which are required as a condition of the approval of the parcel map, or the waiver thereof, other than those improvements the construction of which has been postponed pursuant to any provision of this title, have been constructed or the in-lieu fees have been paid; or
The subdivider has entered into an agreement with the city providing for the construction of the improvements, at the subdivider's expense, within a period of nine months and has furnished security in connection with the performance of such agreement pursuant to the provisions of sections 16.36.300 through 16.36.350.
In-lieu fees shall be deposited in a special undergrounding account to be used as approved by the city council for future undergrounding of utilities throughout the city.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
Appurtenances and associated equipment, such as surface-mounted transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes, meter cabinets and concealed ducts in an underground system;
Street lighting fixtures and traffic control facilities;
Facilities necessary to the transmission or reception of radiated wireless communication;
Electric transmission lines of 16,000 volts or more; and
Temporary facilities.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.160; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.702.13, 1981)
When deemed necessary by the city council, the frontage improvements along existing peripheral streets may be deferred for subdivisions of four or less parcels. When improvements are deferred, the subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the city for the installation of all frontage improvements at such time in the future as required by the city. The contract and lien agreement shall provide:
Construction of said improvements shall commence within 90 days of the receipt of the notice to proceed from the city;
That in event of default by the owner, his or her successors or assigns, the city is authorized to cause the construction to be done and charge the entire cost and expense to the owner, his or her successors or assigns, including interest from the date of notice of the cost and expense until paid;
That this agreement shall be recorded in the office of the recorder of San Bernardino County, California, at the expense of the owner and shall constitute notice to all successors and assigns of the title to said real property of the obligation set forth in this chapter, and also a lien in such amount as will fully reimburse the city, including interest as set forth in this chapter, subject to foreclosure in event of default in payment;
That in event of litigation occasioned by any default of the owner, his or her successors or assigns, the owner, his or her successors or assigns agree to pay all costs involved, including reasonable attorney's fees, and that the same shall become a part of the lien against the real property;
That the term "owner" shall include not only the present owner but also his heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns, it being the intent of the parties hereto that the obligations herein undertaken shall run with the real property and constitute a lien there against.
The agreement shall not relieve the owner from any other requirements specified in this chapter. The construction of deferred improvements shall conform to the provisions of this title and all applicable articles of city ordinances in effect at the time of construction.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.170; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.703, 1981)
The design and layout of all required improvements both on the off-site, private and public, shall conform to generally acceptable engineering standards and to such standards as approved by the city engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.180; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.704, 1981)
The subdivision shall abut upon or have an approved access to a public street.
Each unit or lot within the subdivision shall have an approved access to a public or private street. Private streets shall be in accordance with the standards for street construction adopted by the city council.
Street layout shall be designed to provide for future access to, and not impose undue hardship upon, property adjoining the subdivision.
Reserve strips, or nonaccess at the end of streets in subdivisions shall be dedicated unconditionally to the city; otherwise, they shall be prohibited.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.190; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.705, 1981)
Improvement plans shall be prepared under the direction of and signed by a registered civil engineer licensed by the state.
Improvement plans shall include but not be limited to grading, storm drains, landscaping, streets and related facilities.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.200; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.1, 1981)
Plans, profiles and details shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets. A border shall be made on each sheet providing one-half inch at top, bottom and right side and 1½ inches on the left side.
A title block shall be placed in the lower right-hand corner to provide adequate space for approval by the city engineer and for approval of plan revisions.
Plan and profiles shall be drawn to the scale of one inch equals 40 feet or larger unless approved by the city engineer. Details shall be drawn to such scale that clearly shows the facility being constructed, The scales for various portions of the plans shall be shown on each sheet.
A vicinity (minimum scale one inch equals one thousand feet) map shall be shown on the first sheet of all sets of plans.
A north arrow shall be shown on each sheet when applicable.
Plans shall be laid out to orient north to the top or right edge of the sheet unless approved otherwise by the city engineer.
All lettering shall be one-eighth inch minimum.
If the plans include three or more sheets, a cover sheet showing the streets, lots, easements, storm drains, index and vicinity map shall be included.
The form of all plans shall conform to such additional requirements as may be established by the city engineer. The final form of all plans shall be as approved by the city engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.210; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.2, 1981)
The improvement plans shall show complete plans, profiles and details for all required improvements to be constructed, both public and private (including common areas).
Reference may be made to city, county or state standard plans in lieu of duplicating the drawings thereon.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.220; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.3, 1981)
Hydrology, hydraulic plans and calculations, bond estimates and any structural calculations as may be required, shall be submitted with the improvements plans to the city engineer. All calculations shall be legible, systematic and signed and dated by a registered civil engineer licensed by the state and in a form as approved by the city engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.230; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.4, 1981)
The subdivider shall submit three sets of improvement plans and two copies of all computations to the city engineer for review. Upon completion of his review, one set of the preliminary plans, with the required revisions indicated thereof, will be returned to the subdivider's engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.240; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.5, 1981)
After completing all required revisions, the subdivider's engineer shall transmit the originals and one set of Mylars of the improvement plans to the city engineer for his or her signature.
Upon finding that all required revisions have been made and that the plans conform to all applicable city ordinances, design review requirements and conditions of approval of the tentative map, the city engineer shall sign and date the plans.
Approval of the improvement plans shall not be construed as approval of the sanitary sewer or water construction plans. These must be approved by the county water district or any other affected purveyor.
Approval by the city engineer shall in no way relieve the subdivider or his or her engineer from responsibility for the design of the improvements and for any deficiencies resulting from the design thereof.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.250; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.6, 1981)
Requests by the subdivider or his engineer for revisions to the approved plans appearing necessary or desirable during construction shall be submitted in writing to the city engineer or his or her appointee and shall be accompanied by three sets of revised drawings showing the proposed revision. If the revision is acceptable, the originals shall be changed and submitted to the city engineer's office for initialing. Construction of any proposed revision will not be permitted to commence until revised plans have been received and forwarded to the city's engineering inspection section.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.260; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.7.1, 1981)
When revisions are deemed necessary by the city engineer, to protect public health and safety, or as field conditions may require, a request in writing shall be made to the subdivider and his engineer. The subdivider's engineer shall revise the plans and change and transmit the originals to the city engineer for within such time as specified by the city engineer. Construction of all or any portion of the improvements may be stopped by the city engineer until revised drawings have been submitted.
The subdivider may appeal revisions required by the city engineer to the city council by filing an appeal with the city clerk within two working days following receipt of the request to revise the plans.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.270; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.7.2, 1981)
Costs incurred by the city for the checking of plans or calculations or inspection as a result of revisions to the approved plans shall be borne by the subdivider pursuant to the city's master fee resolution.
A deposit, when required, shall be submitted with the revised prints; such deposit shall be applied toward the actual costs.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.280; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.706.7.3, 1981)
The agreement shall be prepared and signed by the city engineer and approved as to form by the city attorney. The agreement shall provide for:
Construction of all improvements per the approved plans and specifications;
Completion of improvements within the time specified by sections 16.36.430 through 16.36.450;
Right by city to modify plans and specifications;
Warranty by subdivider that construction will not adversely affect any portion of adjacent properties;
Payment of inspection fees in accordance with the city's resolution establishing fees and charges;
Payment of in-lieu fees for undergrounding of utilities on peripheral streets; payment of in-lieu fees for park land dedication;
Payment of drainage district or area fees;
Improvement security as required by this chapter;
Maintenance bond equal to ten percent of the performance bond and repair of any defects or failures and causes thereof;
Release of the city from all liability incurred by the development, and payment of all reasonable attorney's fees that the city may incur because of any legal action arising from the development;
Any other deposits, fees or conditions as required by city ordinance or resolution and as may be required by the city engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.290; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.707, 1981)
Any improvement agreement, contract or act required or authorized by the Subdivision Map Act, for which security is required, shall be secured in accordance with Government Code § 66499 and as provided in this chapter.
No final map or parcel map shall be signed by the city engineer or recorded until all improvement securities required by this section have been received and approved.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.300; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.1, 1981)
The form of security shall be one or the combination of the following at the option and subject to the approval of the city:
Bond or bonds by one or more duly authorized corporate sureties;
A deposit, either with the local agency or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at the option of the city, of money or negotiable bonds of the kind approved for securing deposits of public moneys;
An instrument of credit from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal government and pledging that the funds necessary to carry out the act or agreement are on deposit and guaranteed for payment. The provisions of the bond or bonds shall be in accordance with sections 66499.1 and 66499.2 of the state Subdivision Map Act;
A lien upon the property to be divided created by contract between the owner and the city, if the city finds that it would not be in the public interest to require the installation of the required improvements sooner than two years after the recordation of the map;
Such other form of security, including security interests in real property, as are acceptable to the city attorney.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.310; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.2, 1981)
A performance bond or security in the amount of one hundred percent of the estimated construction cost to guarantee the construction or installation of all improvements shall be required of all subdivisions. An additional amount of 50 percent of the estimated construction cost shall be required to guarantee the payment to the subdivider's contractor, subcontractor, and to persons furnishing labor, materials or equipment for the construction or installation of improvements.
The estimate of improvement costs shall be as approved by the city engineer and shall provide for:
Not less than five percent nor more than ten percent of the total construction cost for contingencies;
Increase for projected inflation computed to the estimated cost of construction;
All utility installation costs or a certification acceptable to the city engineer from the utility company that adequate security has been deposited to insure installation;
In addition to the full amount of the security, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including attorney's fees, incurred in enforcing the obligation secured as may be required.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.320; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.3, 1981)
The developer shall deposit with the city not less than $500.00 cash for subdivisions of four or less lots and $1,000.00 for other subdivisions or such amount as required by the city engineer, not to exceed one percent of the construction cost. The deposit may be used at the discretion of the city to correct deficiencies and conditions caused by the subdivider or his or her contractor that may arise during or after the construction of the subdivision. Any unexpended amount will be returned to the developer at the time all bonds are released.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.330; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.4, 1981)
Upon acceptance of the subdivision improvements by the city council, the subdivider shall provide security in the amount of ten percent of performance bond to guarantee the improvements throughout the warranty period. The warranty period shall be one year from date of acceptance of improvement by the city.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.340; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.5, 1981)
The city council may authorize in the release of a portion of the security in conjunction with the acceptance of the satisfactory completion of a part of the improvements as the work progresses upon application by the subdivider and upon the recommendation of the city engineer.
No such release shall be for an amount less than ten percent of the total improvement security given for faithful performance and that the security shall not be reduced to an amount less than 50 percent of the total improvement security given for faithful performance.
In no event shall the city engineer authorize a release of the improvement security which would reduce such security to an amount below that required to guarantee the completion of the improvements and any other obligation imposed by this title, the Subdivision Map Act, or the improvement agreement.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.350; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.6, 1981)
The performance security shall be released only upon acceptance of the improvement by the city and on an approved warranty security that has been filed with the city engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.360; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.7.1, 1981)
Security given to secure payment to the contractor, his or her subcontractors and to persons furnishing labor, materials or equipment may, six months after the completion and acceptance of the improvements by the city council, be reduced to an amount equal to the amount of all claims therefor filed and of which notice has been given to the city council. The balance of the security shall be released upon the settlement of all such claims and obligations for which the security was given.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.370; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.7.2, 1981)
The warranty security shall be released upon satisfactory completion of the warranty period, provided, that:
All deficiencies appearing on the final deficiency list for the subdivision have been corrected;
Not less than 12 months have elapsed since the acceptance of the improvements by the city council.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.380; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.708.7.3, 1981)
The construction methods and materials for all improvements shall conform to the standard specifications of the city. The general provisions of the city's standard specifications shall apply to the developer where applicable.
Construction shall not commence until required improvement plans have been approved by the city engineer.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.390; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.709, 1981)
All improvements are subject to inspection by the city engineer or authorized personnel in accordance with the city's standard specifications.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.400; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.710.1, 1981)
Prior to commencing any construction, the developer shall arrange for a preconstruction conference with the inspection section of the engineering division.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.410; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.710.2, 1981)
Upon completion of the subdivision improvements, the developer shall apply in writing to the city engineer for final inspection. The city engineer or authorized representative shall schedule a preliminary final inspection.
A deficiency list shall be compiled during the inspection, noting all corrections or any additional work required. If the number of items are excessive or the subdivision appears incomplete, the preliminary final inspection may be halted and rescheduling of a date as determined by the city engineer or authorized representative.
When the preliminary final inspection has been completed, a copy of the deficiency list shall be transmitted to the developer for correction.
Upon having completed all corrections or additional work as outlined by the deficiency list, the developer shall request a final inspection. The city engineer or authorized representative shall then make a final inspection.
Upon finding that all items on the deficiency list have been corrected and receipt of as-built improvement plans, the subdivision shall be placed on the city council agenda for acceptance.
The completion of corrections indicated by the deficiency list shall not relieve the developer from the responsibility of correcting any deficiency not shown on the list that may be subsequently discovered.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.420; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.710.3, 1981)
The subdivision improvements shall be completed by the developer within 12 months or as otherwise provided in this title, from the recording of the final map or parcel map, unless an extension is granted by the city council.
Should the subdivider fail to complete the improvements within the specified time, the city may by resolution of city council and at its option, cause any or all uncompleted improvements to be completed and the parties executing the surety or sureties shall be firmly bound for the payment of all necessary costs therefor.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.430; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.711.1, 1981)
Completion of improvements will not be required until such time as a permit or other grant approval for the development of any parcel within the subdivision is applied for. Improvements shall be completed prior to final building inspection or occupancy of any unit within the subdivision.
The completion of the improvements may be required by a specified date by the city when the completion of such improvements are found to be necessary for public health or safety or for the orderly development of the surrounding area. This finding shall be made by the planning commission upon recommendation of the city engineer. Such specified date when required shall be stated in the subdivision improvement agreement.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.440; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.711.2, 1981)
The completion date may be extended by the city council upon recommendation by city engineering, upon written request by the developer and the submittal of adequate evidence to justify the extension. The request shall be made not less than 60 days prior to expiration of the subdivision improvement agreement.
The subdivider shall enter into a subdivision improvement extension agreement with the city. The agreement shall be prepared by the city engineer, approved as to form by the city attorney, executed by the subdivider and transmitted to the city council for their consideration. If approved by the city council, the mayor shall execute the agreement on behalf of the city.
In consideration of a subdivision improvement extension agreement, the following may be required:
Revision of improvement plans to provide for current design and construction standards when required by the city engineer;
Revised improvement construction estimates to reflect current improvement costs as approved by the city engineer;
Increase of improvement securities in accordance with revised construction estimates;
Inspection fees may be increased to reflect current construction costs.
The city council may impose additional requirements as recommended by the city engineer or as it may deem necessary as a condition to approving any time extension for the completion of improvements.
The costs incurred by the city in processing the agreement shall be borne by the developer at actual cost, or a minimum of $100.00. The city clerk shall notify the developer and surety of the city council's or city engineer's actions.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.450; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.711.3, 1981)
When all improvement deficiencies have been corrected and as-built improvement plans filed, the subdivision improvements shall be considered by the city for acceptance. Improvements may be accepted by the city council upon recommendation by the city engineer.
Acceptance of the improvements shall imply only that the improvements have been completed satisfactorily and that public improvements have been accepted for public use.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.460; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.712.1, 1981)
If the subdivision has been accepted by the city, the city clerk shall cause to be filed with the county recorder a notice of completion.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.470; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.712.2, 1981)
When requested by the subdivider in writing, the city council may consider acceptance of a portion of the improvements as recommended by the city engineer. The improvements will be accepted by the city only if it finds that it is in the public interest and such improvements are for the use of the general public.
Acceptance of a portion of the improvements shall not relieve the developer from any other requirements imposed by this chapter.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.480; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.712.3, 1981)
The city council, by resolution, shall establish a payment schedule for payments in lieu of the installation of street lights and the planting of parkway trees.
The city council, by resolution, may establish payment schedules for payments in lieu of the installation or construction of any other improvements which may be required as a condition of a final or parcel map.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.490; Ord. No. 28, § 7.1, 1978)
The community services department shall determine whether payments may be permitted in-lieu of planting parkway trees.
The city engineer shall determine whether payments may be permitted in-lieu of installing street lights; provided however, no payment in-lieu of installing street lights shall be permitted for any new residential subdivision for which a final map is required.
The city engineer shall determine whether payments in-lieu of the installation or construction of any other improvement, for which an in-lieu payment is hereafter allowed, may be permitted.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.500; Ord. No. 28, § 7.2, 1978)
All payments made in-lieu of installing street lights shall be deposited in the revolving street lighting fund.
Moneys deposited in the revolving street lighting fund shall be used exclusively for the installation of new street lights.
At least annually the city engineer shall submit a report to the city council. Such report shall contain:
A listing of locations for which in-lieu payments have been made which do not then have street lighting;
The sum of money on deposit in the revolving street lighting fund; and
Recommendations as to the priority of locations for the construction of street lights.
The city council, by resolution, may order disbursements from the revolving street lighting fund for the installation of new street lights at any location for which in-lieu payments have been made. Any such resolution shall designate the priority of locations, which priority need not be based upon the dates on which in-lieu payments were made.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.510; Ord. No. 28, § 7.3, 1978)
All payments made in lieu of planting parkway trees shall be maintained in a separate account for each subdivision concerned and shall be expended only for the planting of parkway trees for each such subdivision, except as provided in subsection C of this section.
The quantity, variety and location of parkway trees shall be determined by the community services department.
If, prior to the planting of parkway trees by the city, parkway trees are planted on any lot by the owner thereof, or if the owner of any lot requests in writing that a parkway tree not be planted on his or her lot, then any portion of the parkway tree in-lieu payment of a subdivision not expended for tree planting by reason thereof may be used by the city for any purpose.
(Code 1980, § 16.36.520; Ord. No. 28, § 7.4, 1978)