Because smoking of tobacco, or any other weed or plant, is a positive danger to health and a cause of material annoyance, inconvenience, discomfort and a health hazard to those who are nearby, and in order to serve public health, safety and welfare, the declared purpose of this chapter is to prohibit the smoking of tobacco, or any other weed or plant, in public places and places of employment.
(Ord. 387 § 2, 1987; Ord. 1134 § 2, 2018)
means an area comprising fifteen feet or less from the perimeter of a permanent counter which is primarily devoted to serving alcoholic beverages and within which the service of food is only incidental to the consumption of such beverages. Although a restaurant may contain a bar, the term bar shall not include the restaurant/dining area. The city council (or its designee) may extend the fifteen-foot limitation to encompass a larger area upon a demonstration by the owner of an establishment that such area is primarily devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages (such as a bar room, cocktail lounge or similar facility) and the service of food is only incidental to the consumption of such beverages.
"Place of employment"
means any enclosed area under the control of a public or private employer which employees normally frequent during the course of employment, including, but not limited to, work areas, employee lounges, conference rooms and employee cafeterias. A private residence is not a place of employment.
"Public place"
Any enclosed area to which the public is invited or in which the public is permitted, including, but not limited to, retail stores, retail service establishments, retail food production and marketing establishments, restaurants, theatres, waiting rooms, reception areas, educational facilities, health facilities and public transportation facilities, but excluding a private residence.
City parks.
"Smoke or smoking"
means and includes the carrying of a lighted pipe, or the lighting of a pipe, cigar or cigarette of any kind.
(Ord. 387 § 3, 1987; Ord. 1134 § 2, 2018)
No person shall smoke in a public place or place of employment.
(Ord. 387 § 4, 1987; Ord. 1134 § 2, 2018)
Signs which designate no-smoking areas established by this chapter shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously posted in every room, building or other place so covered by this chapter. The form of the sign shall conform to the international designation:
No-smoking signs shall be specifically placed in all establishments open to the public, so that they are clearly visible to persons upon entering the establishment. Retail food establishments and retail markets shall place signs so that they are clearly visible to persons in checkout lines, and clearly visible to persons at meat and produce counters. The manner of such posting, including the wording, size, color and place of posting, whether on the walls, doors, tables, counters, stands or elsewhere, shall be at the discretion of the owner, operator, manager or other person having control of such room, building or other place so long as clarity, sufficiency and conspicuousness are apparent in communicating the intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 387 § 5, 1987; Ord. 418 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1134 § 2, 2018)
Individual private offices.
Hotel and motel guest rooms, meeting and assembly rooms rented to guests and organizations and not open to the public.
Rooms while in use for private social and meeting functions.
Stores dealing exclusively in tobacco products.
Restaurants. Smoking may be permitted in a restaurant under the following conditions:
No more than one-third of the seating capacity is designated as a smoking area.
A city-approved charcoal filtration system or other system designed to filter and eliminate smoke, its toxic effect and its particles from the area is installed in the restaurant and specifically within the smoking area.
An illustrative seating floor plan showing the smoking and non-smoking areas is prominently displayed in the lobby and a sign shall be clearly and conspicuously placed on the top surface area of all tables in the non-smoking area indicating the fact that it is a non-smoking table. No ashtrays will be located upon any table in the non-smoking area. Patrons shall be advised of their right to be seated in either the smoking or non-smoking section prior to being seated.
Places of Employment. Smoking may be permitted in places of employment under the following conditions:
One room no larger than ten percent or two hundred square feet, whichever is the greater, of the floor area of the place of employment may be designated as a smoking lounge. If one lounge is provided employees, it shall be non-smoking.
The smoking lounge is physically separated by a floor to ceiling barrier from the balance of the public area and a city-approved charcoal filtration system or other system designed to filter and eliminate smoke, its toxic effect and its particles from the enclosed area is installed.
Any owner or manager of a business or other establishment subject to this chapter may apply to the city for an exemption or modification of the provisions of this chapter due to unique or unusual circumstances or conditions.
The requirement of a filtration system is waived for restaurants open to the public on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
All new construction of commercial buildings, offices, retail or restaurants, must provide clean air filtration systems that comply with subsection (A)(6)(b) of this section. New construction, for purposes of this section, shall be defined as the construction of any improvement upon a vacant parcel, the reconstruction or repair of fifty percent or more of the square footage of any structure in existence upon the effective date of the ordinance codified in this subsection, or the addition of any structure upon an existing structure that increases the square footage of said existing structure by fifty percent or more.
(Ord. 387 § 6, 1987; Ord. 418 §§ 2—5, 1988; Ord. 421 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1134 § 2, 2018)
The city council shall be responsible for compliance with this chapter when the facilities which are owned, operated or leased by the city are involved.
The owner, operator or manager of any facility, business or agency within the purview of this chapter shall comply herewith. Such owner, operator or manager shall post or cause to be posted all "No Smoking" signs required by this chapter. Such owner, operator or manager shall not allow service to anyone who violated this chapter by smoking in a posted "No Smoking" area.
It shall be the responsibility of employers to disseminate information concerning the provisions of this chapter to employees.
A violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be an infraction in accordance with Title 14 of this municipal code.
(Ord. 387 § 7, 1987; Ord. 928 § 2, 2006; Ord. 1134 § 2, 2018)