Unless otherwise expressly stated, or the context clearly indicates a different intention, the following term shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the following meaning:
"Regular police officer"
means any member of the division of police of the city appointed under civil service rules and regulations to perform the duties of a peace officer, and not retired from active duty, suspended or discharged.
(Prior code § 19-1)
The chief of police, subject to the approval of the city manager, shall prescribe the size, type and design of a regular police officer's badge.
The regular police officer's badge shall bear on the face thereof, the title or rank of the person to whom it was issued.
(Prior code § 19-2)
The chief of police shall issue one regular police officer's badge to every regular police officer.
No person shall wear or have in his or her possession any private patrol badge unless such badge has been regularly issued to such person in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter:
The police chief when requested shall issue a retirement badge to retired members of the police division who:
Retire after completing the required years of active service for normal retirement as a regular police officer; or
Receive a medical or psychiatric disability retirement after active service under honorable conditions as a regular police officer for at least ten years. The period of ten years shall be determined from the day the officer assumed office to the last day actually worked, exclusive of all time off for the disability which caused the officer's retirement; unless
Both the police chief and police retirement badge review board determine that the officer's record of conduct while serving as a police officer for the city reveals conduct approaching that which would warrant the imposition of disciplinary action either under the general orders of the police chief or the rules and regulations of the civil service commission.
The police chief shall issue a retirement badge to retired members of the Glendale police division who otherwise would not qualify under subsections (C)(1)(a) or (b) of this section, if both the police chief and the police retirement badge review board determine that the retired member's record of conduct and service to the community and devotion to duty during his or her employment as a police officer were exemplary and now merit its issuance and it would not otherwise be denied by the provisions of subsection (C)(1)(c) of this section.
The police chief shall have the authority to recall any retirement badge whenever the retired officer returns to active duty as a regular police officer. The police chief shall also have the authority to recall any issued retirement badge, subject to review and determination by the police retirement badge review board, when the police chief has determined that the retired officer has abused the privilege of carrying a retirement badge in any of the following ways: by using it or attempting to use it for a purpose other than intended, by allowing its use by others or exhibiting conduct which embarrasses the Glendale police division and the city through the commission of a crime or other conduct which would be unbecoming to a regularly employed Glendale police officer.
The police chief shall establish and maintain a police retirement badge review board comprised of one captain, one lieutenant, appointed by him or her, and one sergeant and two police officers or detectives elected by a majority vote of safety personnel. The board shall assist the police chief in approving or denying the issuance of retirement badges to regular police officers who retire under conditions described in subsection (C)(1)(c) or (C)(2) of this section and shall convene as an appeals board in the event that a retired officer is denied issuance of or is required to surrender a retirement badge by the chief of police and the retiree requests a hearing in writing within 30 days after such denial or demand to surrender.
The issuance and retention of a retirement badge is a privilege granted by the city in recognition of service to its citizens and shall not be used for the purpose of personal gain.
The retirement badge shall display the word "Retired" plainly shown on such badge.
The chief of police shall at all times keep a record of all badges issued by him or her which record shall, among other things, show the name and address of the person to whom the same is issued, and the rank and number on the face of such badge.
No person shall wear, display or carry a regular police officer's badge, or any badge of a design or pattern that resembles or may be mistaken for a regular police officer's badge, unless such person is authorized to wear it and has been duly issued such badge in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code §§ 19-3, 19-9, 19-11—19-13)
The following restrictions shall be applicable to the manufacture and use of badges:
No person shall manufacture, sell, design or transfer any regular police officer's badge without written authorization of the chief of police. Except as provided in subsection C of this section, the manufacture, sale, design or transfer of such badges shall only be for the purpose of delivering them to the chief of police.
No person shall manufacture, sell, design or transfer any badge, star, shield, miniature, ring, charm or insignia, regardless of size, shape or design, which has on it the words "Glendale Police" or "Glendale Detective," or other words which, when used separately, together or in a combination with any other words, indicate a connection with the subdivision of police of the city, or which is identical in design with or which resembles or may be mistaken for the design of the regular police officer's badge, without written authorization of the chief of police and, except as provided in subsection C of this section, then only for the purpose of delivering the items to the chief of police.
Exceptions. The prohibitions of this section shall not apply to the following circumstances:
Where sworn police department personnel are authorized to purchase police department badges that were retired from use in 2000;
Where sworn police department personnel are authorized to retain commemorative centennial badges upon the badges' retirement from use; and
Where commemorative centennial badges are encased in Lucite or other similar permanent encasing, the Glendale Police Officers' Association may sell the centennial badges as keepsakes.
(Prior code § 19-14; Ord. 5495 § 1, 2005)
Design. The official uniforms of regular police officers shall consist of such chapters of wearing apparel and insignia and be of such type, style, design and color as may be prescribed by the chief of police with the approval of the city manager.
Restrictions on Wearing.
No person other than a regular police officer of the city or a regularly employed peace officer of some other public agency shall wear any uniform of a pattern, design or appearance likely to cause others to believe that the wearer is a regular police officer of the city.
No person other than a special officer or a regularly employed peace officer of some other public agency shall wear any uniform of a pattern, design or appearance likely to cause others to believe that the wearer is a special officer of the city.
No person other than a private patrol officer or a regularly employed peace officer of some other public agency shall wear any uniform of a pattern, design or appearance likely to cause others to believe that the wearer is a private patrol officer of the city.
No person while performing the duties of a private patrol officer shall wear any uniform other than a uniform prescribed pursuant to this section for a private patrol officer.
(Prior code §§ 19-15, 19-16)