Glendale city employees eligible and qualifying under the terms and limitations of the city of Glendale catastrophic illness leave donation program, as set forth in the city of Glendale Administrative Police Manual as it now exists or may hereafter be amended, may transfer accrued vacation leave, compensatory time or floating holiday leave hours from the accrued leave of one city employee (transferor) to another city employee (transferee) upon the written request of the transferor and acceptance by the transferee, concurrence by the respective employees' division heads, and approval of the city manager. Such transfer shall be made on an hour-for-hour basis at the hourly wage derived from the base salary of the transferor as set forth in the city salary ordinance in effect at the time of the transfer.
For the purposes of this section, "wages" means the hourly rate of the transferor(s) base salary, excluding all other benefits.
No leave credits other than those specifically set forth in this section are eligible for transfer.
(Prior code § 4-38; Ord. 5039 § 1, 1994)
The council may grant to the city manager as a compensation for unusually long hours per working day or for more than five working days a week a leave of absence with full pay for not to exceed ten working days in any 12 month period, and the city manager may grant to the assistant manager, the assistant to the city manager, the research and budget officer, the director of purchases, the chief examiner, the head of any division or the chief assistant to the head of any division such a leave for the same reason.
(Prior code § 4-39)
The head of the division in which an employee is employed may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay; provided, that any such leave shall not exceed seven calendar days in any calendar month. The city manager may grant a division head a leave of absence without pay.
The head of a division may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay in excess of seven calendar days in any calendar month with the approval of the city manager. Any officer or employee granted a leave of absence without pay may, with the approval of the city manager, return to duty prior to the time fixed for expiration of such leave.
(Prior code § 4-40)
Any person who has completed his or her probationary period in a classification and who subsequently receives a temporary or war emergency or permanent appointment to another classification shall be deemed to have applied for and have been granted a leave of absence without pay from his or her former position for the duration of the temporary or war emergency appointment or for the probationary period in such other classification.
(Prior code § 4-41)
Deductions from the salary of an officer or employee compensated on a monthly basis for any absences from duty without pay, shall be based on the number of working days in the pay period during which such absence occurs and deductions shall be made for the number of working days of such absence.
(Prior code § 4-42)
The duties of any position, during the absence of the incumbent on a leave of absence with or without pay, shall be performed, if practicable, by other persons in the division. If it is not practicable to do so, a temporary appointment or a transfer from another division may be made to fill such position during such absence.
(Prior code § 4-43)
Any employee who, during times regularly required for his or her employment, is required to attend any hearing or trial for the purpose of testifying as to the employee's knowledge of any matters, things or circumstances acquired or claimed to have been acquired by the employee within the course of his or her employment with the city, shall obtain from the person causing him or her to be subpoenaed any fee allowed by law for such attendance, and the salary provided for such employee shall be reduced in the amount of the fee allowed and obtained.
(Prior code § 4-44)
Any employee who is summoned to serve on jury duty shall immediately notify their supervisor of their summons to jury duty. The employee shall receive their regular salary limited to thirty calendar days annually. The employee must give the city any fees received as a juror in exchange for their regular paycheck, excluding mileage fees.
This jury time may only be extended should a formal request be submitted to the city manager by the jury commissioner.
(Prior code § 4-45)
Every officer and employee shall be entitled to such leaves of absence on days when elections are held within the city as are authorized by Section 14350 of the Elections Code.
(Prior code § 4-46)
Permanent employees who have been employed with the city for one year or more shall be entitled to such leaves of absence with pay for the first thirty days of active military duty. Employees employed less than one year shall receive a leave of absence without pay.
(Prior code § 4-47)
Time spent on military leave of absence shall be deemed the same as actual service for the city in the determination of advancements in compensation for officers and employees who have returned from military leaves of absence. This section shall not be interpreted as a limitation upon the benefits provided by Section 3.12.090.
(Prior code § 4-48)