Any employee leaving the employment of the city who has performed overtime work or recalled work or who has accumulated court time, which work or time is compensable under the provisions of this chapter, shall be paid for such court time or work at the rate then being received by the employee if at the time of separation the employee has not been compensated for such court time or work by payment or leave of absence with pay.
Payment for overtime work at time of separation shall be limited to thirty working days.
(Prior code §§ 4-75, 4-77)
Any officer or employee who has been in the service of the city for at least one year prior to his or her separation shall be paid at the rate then being received by him or her for the vacation to which the officer or employee would otherwise be entitled and also for vacation days earned by reason of months worked in the current calendar year, provided such vacation days have not been taken at or prior to the date of separation.
(Prior code § 4-76)
No payment of severance pay shall be made except upon written application therefor approved by the city manager. Application may be made at or prior to the date of separation, but no officer or employee shall be entitled to severance pay unless application is made and filed not later than thirty days after the effective date of his or her termination of employment with the city.
(Prior code § 4-78)