The following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them unless otherwise noted:
"Beyond tour-of-duty work"
means all other time worked by a police safety employee in excess of the normal assigned shift.
"Callback overtime"
means work performed by an off-duty general employee, compensated on a monthly basis, called back to work after they have completed their normal work schedule and have left work or are on their day off.
"Court time"
means time required and spent by an employee attending in response to a subpoena, a coroner's inquest, or a hearing or trial in a civil or criminal case, at a time other than that regularly required of such employee for employment, for the purpose of testifying as to knowledge acquired or claimed to have been acquired by such employee in the course of employment with the city. On-call court time is time required by an off-duty police safety employee authorized by the tribunal ordering his or her appearance to stand by and be available for such purpose at a location other than the location specified in the subpoena, between the hours of nine a.m. and five p.m.
"Recall work"
means work performed by an off-duty safety employee ordered to duty. Recall work is of two kinds:
"Recall work"
is performed by an off-duty safety employee for the purpose of maintaining normal operating strength during periods of illness, leaves of absence, vacations, or other absences of personnel normally assigned to duty. Persons designated to perform normal recall work shall be given advance notice as determined by the division head, or designee.
"Emergency recall work"
is work performed by an off-duty safety employee who is ordered to duty when it is deemed necessary or advisable to properly cope with an emergency.
"Regular overtime"
Overtime for general employees compensated on a monthly basis is time in excess of eight paid hours in a workday. Overtime for employees on a four-day, forty-hour workweek schedule is time worked in excess of ten paid hours in a workday;
Overtime for general employees compensated on a monthly basis on a 42 hour workweek schedule is time in excess of the average forty-two paid hours calculated over either a four-, eight- or twenty-week schedule as determined by the division;
General employees on shift work, who are required to work either scheduled overtime or extended shift overtime in order to maintain the normal operating strength during periods of illness, leaves of absence, vacation, or other absences of personnel normally assigned to shift work are defined as working regular overtime;
Overtime for fire safety employees on a forty-hour workweek schedule is time worked in excess of forty hours in a workweek schedule consisting of seven consecutive days;
Overtime for fire safety employees on a fifty-six-hour workweek schedule is time worked in excess of the annual average fifty-six hours calculated over a twenty-seven-day cycle schedule, exclusive of all types of time trades.
"Special detail work"
means work performed by a safety employee of the police division or fire division during off-duty hours involving duty at parades, training, point intersection control, special police services and other public or civic events.
Any other provision of this chapter notwithstanding, any dispute or question of fact as to what times are normally required for the employment of any person shall be decided by the city manager, and the city manager's decision shall be final.
(Prior code § 4-55)
It is the policy of the city that overtime work is to be discouraged. However, in case of emergency or whenever the public interest or necessity requires, any department or division head may require any employee in such department or division to perform overtime work. No employee shall be required to perform overtime work except upon the approval of the city manager filed with the director of finance and administrative services. Such approval must be given prior to the performance of the overtime work except when performed in an emergency to prevent loss of life or injury or damage to person or property. No employee shall be compensated for overtime work in any manner unless approved as provided in this section.
(Prior code § 4-56)
Regular Overtime.
Overtime shall be paid at one and one-half times the employee's regular base hourly rate of pay for all hours of overtime actually worked within the workweek.
Employees may choose to be compensated for overtime by use of compensatory time, on an hour-for-hour basis. Restrictions on accumulation and payment are outlined in this section.
Callback Overtime.
Public service division and public works division field and operation employees called back to work, as defined in Section 3.32.010, shall be granted a minimum of four hours of overtime.
Parks, recreation and community services division field and operation employees called back to work, as defined in Section 3.32.010, shall be granted a minimum of two hours of overtime.
Additional hours may be guaranteed by division heads as needed. All callback overtime shall be paid at one and one-half times the employee's regular base hourly rate of pay for all hours of callback overtime.
Public service division, public works division and parks, recreation and community services division field and operation employees shall be paid two times the employee's regular base hourly rate of pay for every hour of callback overtime actually worked between twelve midnight and six a.m.
Court Time. Employees shall be compensated for job-related court time actually spent at the location specified in the subpoena. It is paid on an hour-for-hour basis at the employee's regular base hourly rate of pay for those hours that are beyond the normally scheduled workweek.
Overtime Accrual.
All overtime worked in less than one hour increments in a work shift shall be compensated for in the following manner:
Overtime Compensation
0—15 minutes
16—30 minutes
½ hour
31—44 minutes
1 hour
45—60 minutes
1 hour
Any overtime increments worked over one hour shall be compensated as provided in this section.
Overtime Compensation Payment and Accumulation. Employees may accumulate and be compensated for accumulated hours under the following conditions:
Compensatory Time. Hours in excess of twenty-four hours of accumulated compensatory time shall be paid off at straight time on an hour-for-hour basis at the applicable hourly rate of pay at the end of the pay period of March 31st and September 30th each year.
At times other than above, accumulated hours shall be compensated for by taking compensatory time off at the mutual convenience of division management and the employee and debited on their accrued compensatory time balance on a straight time hour-for-hour basis.
Any employee who changes classification and who has accumulated any hours of overtime shall be paid for all such accumulated hours at the employee's applicable hourly rate in effect in the classification when such hours were incurred prior to such classification change.
(Prior code § 4-57)
Recall Work.
Recall work shall be compensated for by either compensatory time or overtime payment, at the determination of the employee, on an hour-for-hour basis, provided the compensatory time accumulation shall be controlled and compensated as set forth in this section.
Emergency recall work shall be compensated for by payment at the rate of one and one-half times the applicable hourly rate of pay of the affected employee.
Minimum Callback Work. Off-duty fire safety employees who are required to return to the work site to perform recall work necessary to maintain staffing levels shall be compensated for by a minimum of two hours of compensatory time.
Overtime Compensation Rate. "Applicable hourly rate" means the fifty-six-hour rate for fire safety employees assigned to shift work and forty-hour rate for fire safety employees not assigned to shift work.
Special Detail Work. Compensation for special detail work by fire safety employees shall be specified at the time of assignment by the fire chief, or the designee, at either:
Payment at one and one-half times the current employee's applicable hourly rate of pay; or
Payment at regular base straight time at the applicable hourly rate of pay; or
Compensatory time on an hour-for-hour basis; or
Payment at one and one-half times the current forty-hour rate of pay when employed as a safety officer on a filming detail; provided that the accumulation of such special detail time, when added to the existing accumulated compensatory time shall be controlled and compensated as set forth in this section.
Court Time. Fire safety employees shall be compensated for court time, portal to portal, specified in the subpoena at the applicable hourly rate. Accumulation of court time by employees, when added to existing accumulated compensatory time, shall be controlled and compensated as set forth in this section.
Overtime Accrual.
All overtime worked which is less than one hour increments in a work shift shall be compensated for in the following manner:
Overtime Compensation
0—15 minutes
16—30 minutes
½ hour
31—60 minutes
1 hour
Any overtime increments worked over one hour shall be compensated in the same procedure set out in this chapter.
Overtime Compensation Payment and Accumulation. Fire safety employees may accumulate, not to exceed, seventy-two hours of compensatory time. Compensation for accumulated hours shall be as follows:
Hours in excess of seventy-two hours shall be paid off on each pay period for each hour at straight time on an hour-for-hour basis at the applicable hourly rate of pay.
Hours of seventy-two or less may be compensated by taking compensatory time off at the mutual convenience of department management and the employee and charging their accrued balance on a straight time hour-for-hour basis.
Any safety employee who is promoted and who has accumulated any hours of compensatory time shall be paid for all such accumulated hours at the employee's applicable hourly rate in effect when such hours were incurred prior to such promotion.
(Prior code § 4-58)
Beyond Tour-of-Duty Work. Except as provided below, the first three hours beyond the police safety employee's normal shift shall be compensated by equivalent leave of absence with pay. If such beyond tour-of-duty work is ordered to maintain normal operating strength, the employee shall be compensated at the employee's applicable hourly rate. Beyond tour-of-duty work in case of an emergency and all beyond tour-of-duty work in excess of the foregoing, three hours shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half times such employee's hourly rate. Should beyond tour-of-duty work continue into such employee's normal shift on the succeeding day, such employee shall be compensated at the employee's applicable hourly rate for the hours of the employee's normal shift of the succeeding day unless the succeeding day is such employee's assigned day off. In the latter event, such employee shall be compensated at one and one-half times the employee's applicable hourly rate. Accumulation of beyond tour-of-duty work as specified in this chapter when added to existing accumulated time of any other type specified, shall be controlled and compensated as set forth in this section.
Special Detail Work. Compensation for special detail work by police safety employees shall be at one and one-half times the employee's applicable hourly rate, straight time or by equal leave of absence time with pay as specified at the time of assignment by the police chief, or designee. Accumulation of special detail time, when added to the existing accumulated time of any other type specified, shall be controlled and compensated as set forth in this section.
Recall Work.
Compensation for normal recall work. Any police safety employee who performs normal recall work shall be compensated for such work by an equivalent leave of absence with pay provided that the accumulation of such recall work, when added to existing accumulated time of any type specified, shall be controlled and compensated as set forth in this section.
Compensation for emergency recall work shall be compensated by payment therefor at the rate of one and one-half times the applicable hourly rate.
Court Time and On-Call Court Time. A police safety employee shall be compensated for court time actually spent at the location specified in the subpoena at the employee's applicable hourly rate. An employee shall be compensated for on-call court time at the rate of one hour for every two hours of time spent in the on-call status. With the approval of the division head such employee may in lieu of pay accumulate any portion of the employee's court time or on-call court time and take an equivalent leave of absence with pay. Such employee shall be entitled to necessary transportation expense in connection with court time. Accumulation of court time and on-call court time by police safety employees, when added to existing accumulated time of any type specified, shall be controlled and compensated as set forth in this section.
Overtime Compensation Payment and Accumulation. Police safety employees may accumulate not to exceed twenty-four hours of time worked in excess of normally scheduled work hours after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. Compensation for other hours worked in excess of such twenty-four hours shall be as follows:
Unless sooner directed by the city manager, will be paid on the pay periods ending June 30th of each year for such excess hours worked the preceding six and one-half months, and on December 15th of each year for such excess hours worked the preceding five and one-half months at the applicable hourly rate when such excess hours were worked, or
At the request of the employee and upon the recommendation of the police chief and the approval of the city manager, may be by equivalent time off with pay for such excess hours in lieu of compensation specified in this chapter, provided such time is taken prior to June 30th of each year for excess hours worked the preceding six and one-half months, and prior to December 15th of each year for excess hours worked the preceding five and one-half months.
Any employee who is promoted and who has accumulated any hours of compensatory time shall be paid at the employee's applicable hourly rate in effect when such hours were incurred prior to such promotion.
(Prior code § 4-58.1)