Fences and Walls in Residential, Mixed Use and TOD Zones.
In the ROS, R1, R1R, R-3050, R-2250, R-1650, R-1250, DSP, IMU, IMU-R, SFMU and TOD zones, no fence or wall shall be electrically charged or made of any sharp-edged materials, barbed wire, razor wire, chicken wire or fiber glass.
Fences and walls over three feet in height are subject to Chapter 30.47 in addition to the following requirements in ROS, R1R, and R1 zones:
Materials. Fences and walls shall be made of wood, masonry, decorative metal (for example, wrought iron), and other decorative materials approved by the director of community development; and
In addition to the above materials, chain-link may be permitted if screened from view from adjacent parcels by vegetation. Chain-link, without vegetation, shall be permitted for tennis courts and other recreational facilities. Chain-link shall not be permitted if visible from the public street immediately adjacent to the property.
Retaining Walls and Cribwalls in the ROS and R1R Zones. The following regulations shall apply in the ROS and R1R zones:
Materials. All exposed retaining walls and cribwalls which may be visible to surrounding properties or streets shall be constructed with stone, textured poured concrete, or textured decorative colored masonry block with colored grout where grout is used to blend with the color of the natural hillside.
Height restrictions.
Retaining walls are subject to the following height restrictions in addition to the height restriction in Section 30.11.070.
Retaining walls which have a toe within 15 feet of a street front and street side property line and run essentially parallel to the street may have a maximum exposed height of five feet at any point along the wall. An additional two feet in height is permitted when the wall is faced with a decorative masonry or stone, subject to approval of the director of community development. A maximum of two successive walls are permitted, provided that they are at least five feet apart and have a slope between walls not to exceed 2:1 horizontal to vertical steepness.
Retaining walls which are hidden from view from the public street by primary or accessory structures that are upslope from their public street access may have a maximum exposed height of 15 feet at any point along the wall. Successive hidden retaining walls may not exceed a total combined exposed height of 15 feet.
Retaining walls which do not meet the criteria of subsection i or ii above may have a maximum exposed height of five feet at any point along the wall except within five feet of an interior property line, retaining walls are limited to three feet in height. Retaining walls with exposed height are limited to a maximum of three successive walls, provided that they are at least five feet apart and have a slope between walls not to exceed 2:1 horizontal to vertical steepness.
Landscaped cribwalls are subject to the following height restrictions:
Landscaped cribwalls necessary solely for street construction may have a maximum exposed height of 10 feet at any point along the wall. Successive landscaped cribwalls in such a situation may not exceed 10 feet in combined height;
Landscaped cribwalls which are hidden from view from the public street by primary or accessory structures that are upslope from their public street access may have a maximum height of 10 feet at any point along the walls. Successive hidden landscaped cribwalls may not exceed 10 feet in combined height;
Landscaped cribwalls which are located at the toe of a fill slope that is at least 40 feet from any street may have a maximum height of 10 feet at any point along the wall;
Cribwalls which do not meet the criteria of subsection i, ii, or iii above may have a maximum exposed height of five feet at any point along the wall. A maximum of three successive walls are permitted, provided that they are at least five feet apart and have a slope between walls not to exceed 2:1 horizontal to vertical steepness; and
Cribwalls under three feet in height may be located within interior setback areas. Retaining walls under eight feet in visible height may be located no closer than five feet to any interior property line.
Fences and Walls in the CH Zone. The following regulations shall apply in the CH zone:
Materials. All exposed retaining walls and cribwalls which may be visible to surrounding properties or streets shall be constructed with stone, textured poured concrete, or textured decorative colored masonry block with colored grout where grout is used to blend with the color of the natural hillside; and
Height restrictions. Retaining walls and cribwalls shall have a maximum exposed height of five feet at any point along the wall. A maximum of three successive walls are permitted, provided that they are at least five feet apart and have a slope between walls not to exceed 2:1 horizontal to vertical steepness and that they do not exceed a combined height of 10 feet. Fences and garden walls located on top of retaining walls shall have a maximum height of six feet above the actual retaining portion of the retaining walls.
Retaining Walls in the R1 Zone. Retaining walls in the R1 zone which are constructed below a down slope wall of a building shall not exceed a height of five feet. See Section 30.11.070 for additional restrictions in required setbacks.
Additional Regulations in the H Overlay Zone. For criteria for fences and walls within the street front setback and the street side setback in the H overlay zone, see Section 30.21.040
Exhibits for Retaining Walls in ROS and R1R Zones. See Exhibits 1 and 2 below.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5416 § 19, 2004; Ord. 5425 § 30, 2004; Ord. 5437 § 12, 2005; Ord. 5446 § 7, 2005; Ord. 5536 § 7, 2006; Ord. 5541 § 15, 2006; Ord. 5645 § 18, 2009; Ord. 5747 § 27, 2011; Ord. 5761, § 7, 2011; Ord. 6012, 10/10/2023)
Regulations in ROS, R1, and R1R Zones. No rooftop equipment shall be permitted in the ROS, R1R and R1 zones. Permitted rooftop equipment may be replaced in its existing location. However, replacement shall not mean additional or larger equipment, or exposed ducting. Solar energy equipment, as defined in this title, shall not be considered rooftop equipment.
Regulations in the R-3050, R-2250, R-1650, R-1250, C1, C2, C3, CR, CPD, CR, MS, DSP, IND, IMU, IMU-R, SFMU, and TOD Zones. Rooftop equipment shall be completely enclosed on all sides or screened from view of public rights-of-way in the R-3050, R-2250, R-1650, R-1250, C1, C2, C3, CR, MS, DSP, CPD, CR, IND, IMU, IMU-R, SFMU and TOD zones. Solar energy equipment, as defined in this title, shall not be considered rooftop equipment.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5416 § 20, 2004; Ord. 5537 § 8, 2006; Ord. 5541 § 16, 2006; Ord. 5712 § 13, 2010; Ord. 5803 § 87, 2013; Ord. 5807 § 6, 2013; Ord. 6012, 10/10/2023)
The following regulations shall apply in all zones except for the CEM, R1, R1R, ROS, P overlay and SR zones.
General Provisions. Trash collection areas shall be enclosed within a building or screened with masonry walls having a minimum height of five and one-half feet and with an evenly distributed semi-enclosed roof covering at 40 percent of the trash collection area. If a trash collection area is to be within 50 feet of a street right-of-way line or within the front 50 percent of the lot, the access gates or doors shall not directly face the public street. Access gates or doors shall be of opaque material, except in the CR zone. Trash collection areas shall be designed, located or screened so as not to be readily identifiable from adjacent streets or highways. These standards shall not apply to lots containing two or less dwelling units.
Alternative Design for Industrial, Mixed Use and TOD Zones. In the IND, IMU, IMU-R, SFMU and TOD zones, trash collection areas may be screened with masonry walls having a minimum height of seven feet, instead of the semi-enclosed roof required in subsection A, above.
Alternative Design for the Medical Service Zone. In the MS zone, trash collection areas for a hospital shall be screened from view of the public street or sidewalk immediately adjacent to the property. For all other uses in the MS zone, trash collection areas shall be subject to general provisions in subsection A, above.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5416 § 21, 2004; Ord. 5425 § 31, 2004; Ord. 5446 § 8, 2005; Ord. 5747 § 28, 2011; Ord. 5807 § 7, 2013; Ord. 6012, 10/10/2023)
Regulations in the C1, C2, C3, CR, CPD, CH, CA, DSP, IND, IMU, IMU-R, SFMU, TOD, MS, P Overlay and PS Overlay Zones. In the C1, C2, C3, CR, CPD, CH, CA, DSP, IND, IMU, IMU-R, SFMU, TOD, MS, P overlay and PS overlay zones lighting for uncovered parking areas, vehicle accessways and walkways shall not exceed a height of 16 feet. Such overall height shall be measured from the paved parking area surface to the uppermost part of the light standard, including the light globe. Lighting shall be directed onto the driveways, walkways and parking areas within the development and away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. In addition, parking structure rooftop lighting shall be designed and installed to preclude light trespass (lighting intensity exceeding one-half foot candle measured at the property line utilizing a light meter held four feet about ground level directed at the light source) onto adjacent property. For additional parking structure lighting standards in the IND, IMU, IMU-R and SFMU zones see Section 30.34.120—Parking structures. Additionally, in the P overlay zone, headlight glare shall be shielded from all surrounding residential properties. The level of lighting on the site shall comply with The Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings, Title 24, of the California Code of Regulations.
Regulations in the CE Zone. In the CE zone, lighting shall be directed onto driveways, walkways, paths and public areas within the development and away from surrounding properties and public rights-of-way.
Additional Regulations in IND Zone. Flashing, shimmering or flickering light shall be screened from view off site in the IND zone.
Lighting of Temporary Parking Areas. See Section 30.32.140 for additional regulations for temporary parking lots.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5416 § 22, 2004; Ord. 5491 § 1, 2005; Ord. 5541 § 17, 2006; Ord. 5765 § 8, 2012; Ord. 5807 § 8, 2013; Ord. 6012, 10/10/2023)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, any overlay zone, or any specific plan, the following development standards shall be modified as listed below when applicable to solar energy equipment, in order to facilitate the installation of solar energy equipment, as defined in this title. Solar energy equipment shall not be subject to the development plan review process of Section 30.15.040(F) in this title.
Street Front Setback. Solar energy equipment shall not be permitted in the street front setback area except as follows: If a building is located within the street front setback area by variance, administrative exception, or nonconforming entitlement, solar energy equipment may extend over those portions of the building that are located within the street front setback area and may extend a maximum of one foot beyond the perimeter of those portions of the building that are located within the street front setback area. For purposes of this section, the perimeter of the building shall be defined as the outer boundary of any roofed area of the building and shall also include any uncovered or partially covered portions of such building.
Street Side Setback. Solar energy equipment shall not be permitted in the street side setback area except as follows: If a building is located within the street side setback area by variance, administrative exception, or nonconforming entitlement, solar energy equipment may extend over those portions of the building that are located within the street side setback area and may extend over one foot beyond the perimeter of those portions of the building that are located within the street side setback area. For purposes of this section, the perimeter of the building shall be defined as the outer boundary of any roofed area of the building and shall also include any uncovered or partially covered portions of such building.
Interior Setback. The required interior setback shall be reduced by 30% or as follows: If a building is located within the interior setback area by variance, administrative exception, or nonconforming entitlement, solar energy equipment may extend over those portions of the building that are located within the interior setback area and may extend a maximum of one foot beyond the perimeter of those portions of the building that are located within the interior setback area. For purposes of this section, the perimeter of the building shall be defined as the outer boundary of any roofed area of the building and shall also include any uncovered or partially covered portions of the building.
Solar energy equipment that is detached shall not exceed a height of 15 feet. Height shall be measured from the lowest point of the structure supporting the solar panels that is exposed above the ground surface to the highest point of such structure, including the solar panels.
Solar energy equipment that is attached to a building shall not exceed a height of 15 feet in addition to the allowable height of the building. Solar energy equipment that is attached to a building shall not exceed a height of 15 feet in addition to the height of the building when the building height is approved by variance or administrative exception, or when the building height has a nonconforming status. Height shall be measured from the lowest point of the building exposed above the ground surface to the highest point of the structure supporting the solar panels, including the solar panels.
Solar energy equipment that is attached to a deck or pool shall not exceed a height of 15 feet in addition to the allowable height of the deck or pool. Solar energy equipment that is attached to a deck or pool shall not exceed a height of 15 feet in addition to the height of the deck or pool when the deck or pool height is approved by variance or administrative exception, or when the deck or pool height has a nonconforming status. Height shall be measured from the lowest point of the deck or pool exposed above the ground surface to the highest point of the structure supporting the solar panels, including the solar panels.
Lot Coverage. Where lot coverage standards are applicable, an increase of 30% to the allowable lot coverage shall be permitted. The allowable increase may be occupied solely by solar energy equipment.
Landscaping. Where the percentage of total lot area to be permanently landscaped open space standards are applicable, a reduction of 30% to the minimum percentage of total lot area to be permanently landscaped open space shall be permitted. The allowable reduction may be occupied solely by solar energy equipment.
(Ord. 5712 § 14, 2010)