The general purposes of this article it is to establish and enforce the regulations contained in this chapter to:
Improve the appearance and visual character of the community.
Promote compatibility between all land uses by reducing the visual, noise, and lighting impacts of development on adjacent properties.
Unify development and enhance and define public and private spaces on a site.
Reduce the visual impact of glare, headlights, and parking lot lights from the public right-of-way and from adjoining properties.
Reduce the area of impervious surfaces.
Encourage the retention and use of existing vegetation.
Encourage efficient water use and conservation.
The landscape standards found in Table LS-1 of this chapter establish the minimum landscape standards that apply to any development except for the following.
Building alterations.
Site improvements not listed in Table LS-1.
Change of use.
Table LS-1
Landscape Standards
Electrical substation unless fully enclosed within a building
Fiber optic station unless fully enclosed within a building
Pump station, wellhead, non-elevated reservoir, and other water or sewer facilities unless fully enclosed within a building
Commercial and industrial development
Interior yard setbacks on commercially and industrially zoned property abutting residential zones
Outdoor merchandise display in commercial zones
Garbage screening in commercial zones and industrial zones
Garbage screening in multifamily zones
Delivery and loading areas on commercially and industrially zoned lots abutting residential zones
Drive-through service areas
Interior yards in commercial and industrial facilities adjacent to or facing residential zones
Front yard setbacks in all residential zoning districts
Outdoor storage and display in commercial and industrial zones
Off-street loading spaces
Parking area along a street or at driveway entrance
Parking and loading areas adjacent to residentially zoned property
Parking areas and loading areas adjacent to property not zoned residential
Plants used within required landscape areas shall be native to Wisconsin and the hardiness zone shall be 4a.
Invasive species. Any plant listed on the Wisconsin Ch. NR 40 Invasive Species Plant List shall be prohibited.
Residential (L-1). L-1 plant materials shall include the installation and maintenance of one tree per 45 linear feet as measured along the front lot line.
Basic landscape (L-2).
L-2 plant materials shall include the installation and maintenance of the following:
One tree per 30 linear feet as measured along the front lot line.
Six shrubs per 30 linear feet as measured along the front lot line.
Living plant materials covering a minimum of 70% of the required landscape area within five years of planting.
The required plant materials may be installed in the planting area in any arrangement and do not need to be linear in design.
Exceptions to required plant materials. An exception to the L-2 requirement shall be granted if any of the following conditions exist:
Excluding any required parking area landscaping, the landscape area is located entirely within 15 feet of a building.
The landscape area is located on the roof of a building or exposed terrace.
Low screen landscape (L-3).
L-3 plant materials shall include the installation and maintenance of the following:
Low shrubs to form a continuous screen at least 30 inches high within three years and maintained at a height not to exceed 42 inches.
One canopy tree per 30 linear feet as measured along the lot line.
Living plant materials covering a minimum of 70% of the required landscape area within three years of planting.
A masonry wall, fence, or a berm between 30 inches and 42 inches high shall be permitted as a substitute for the required low shrubs, but the trees and other plant materials are still required. When applied along street lot lines, the masonry wall or fence is to be placed farthest from the street with the required landscaping in between the wall or fence and street. When applied along an abutting property the masonry wall or fence, may be placed along the interior lot line.
High screen landscape (L-4). L-4 plant materials shall include the installation and maintenance of one of the following:
Plant materials or:
High shrubs that are in at least five-gallon containers at the time of planting to form a continuous screen, at least six feet high, within five years of planting.
One canopy tree per 30 linear feet as measured along interior lot lines.
Living plant materials covering a minimum of 70% of the required landscape area within five years of planting.
A masonry wall or a fence at least six feet high with a maximum height of eight feet.
Fences shall be 100% site-obscuring, may be made of wood, metal, or other permanent materials.
When abutting an adjacent parcel, the wall or fence may be placed along the interior lot line.
When applied along street lot lines, the wall or fence shall be placed farthest from the street.
If additional landscaping is required, the plant materials shall be planted in between the wall or fence and the street or lot line.
Partial screen fence landscape (L-5). L-5 requires the installation and maintenance of fences at least six feet high with a maximum height of eight feet that are at least 50% site-obscuring, such as a cyclone fence with slats. Vines are permitted on fences to fulfill the requirement for a screening fence, provided they will be 50% site-obscuring within five years of planting. Fences may be made of wood, metal, masonry, or other permanent materials.
Full screen fence landscape (L-6). L-6 requires the installation and maintenance of fences at least six feet high with a maximum height of eight feet that are 100% site-obscuring. Fences may be made of wood, metal, masonry or other permanent materials.
Massed landscape standard (L-7). L-7 plant materials shall include the installation and maintenance of the following:
Planting linear or nonlinear vegetation listed in Subsections C, D and E of this section along the full length of the designated landscape area;
Two canopy trees per 100 linear feet along arterial and collector streets;
Five understory trees per 100 linear feet along arterial and collector streets;
Sixty shrubs per 100 linear feet along arterial and collector streets; and
Living plant materials covering a minimum of 70% of required landscape area within five years of planting.
Installed plant materials shall meet the standards in the most recent edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSI Z60.1), published by the American Nursery and Landscape Association. All required landscape areas soils shall extend to the native soil. Plant materials shall be properly supported to ensure survival. Support devices such as guy wires or stakes shall not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian movement. Maintenance of landscaped areas is the ongoing responsibility of the property owner. All landscaping shall be installed and maintained to protect it from vehicular damage through the use of curbing or other approved means. Required shrubs and trees shall not be pruned or sheared below their spread or height as per the standards of the standards of the American Standard for Nursery Stock.
Landscape plans shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. Landscape plans shall show that all proposed landscaped areas and landscape materials comply with the applicable landscape standards in this chapter.
Shrubs and ground cover. All required plant materials shall be of sufficient size and number to meet the required 70% coverage standard within three to five years according to the type of landscape standard being addressed. Mulch is not a substitute for ground cover plants. All required shrubs shall be in at least three-gallon containers prior to planting, unless otherwise specified.
Trees may be either deciduous or evergreen varieties (unless otherwise required). Required canopy trees at the time of planting must be fully branched and have a minimum diameter of two inches as measured by American Association of Nurserymen Standards. Required evergreen trees at the time of planting must be fully branched and a minimum of six feet in height.
New developments with existing vegetation on the site are encouraged to preserve and integrate the vegetation into the design of the development. The following credit shall be given for preservation of existing vegetation:
For each tree preserved on the development site, the development will be relieved from planting requirements for two trees as specified in all of the following:
Parking area landscaping along street and driveway entrances.
Perimeter parking area landscaping.
Interior parking area landscaping.
Contractors/developers who choose to preserve vegetation on the site shall:
Submit a detailed tree preservation and planting plan, with the zoning permit application, showing the trees and other vegetation to be preserved and planted. The Zoning Administrator shall determine whether the vegetation to be preserved conforms to vegetation preservation.
Execute an agreement with the City to replace any existing on-site tree or that dies within five years of the date the agreement is signed. For trees determined to be significant, replacement trees shall be provided at the rate of two new trees for each tree lost. The location of replacement trees shall be determined prior to execution of the agreement. If a reasonable location for the replacement trees cannot be found on the site, the value equal to the number of trees credited shall be given to the City for the planting of trees on public property.
Vision triangle and clearances as per § 635-53.