"Land use category"
means that category of land use assigned to a parcel of real property as shown on the most current official assessment roll of the Napa County Assessor.
means a unit of real property in one ownership as shown on the most current official assessment roll of the Napa County Assessor.
"Parcel size"
means the area of such a unit as determined from records maintained by Napa County or the City of Napa.
"Runoff factor"
means the indicator of stormwater generation of a parcel and is based on the average ratio of impervious area to total parcel area for a category of land use.
"Standard runoff unit (RU)"
means the average estimated amount of impervious area of parcels in the single-family residential parcel size multiplied by the runoff factor for single-family residential parcels:
6,000 sq. ft. x .4 = 2,400 sq. ft.
"Stormwater system service assessment district activities"
means operation and maintenance of the city's stormwater drainage system; capital improvements to construct, repair, rehabilitate, or replace components of the stormwater drainage system; any activity set forth pursuant to Section 3.38.040; any other activities related to the foregoing; and the administration of this chapter.
Every person or entity who owns real property within the City of Napa shall pay a fee for stormwater system service assessment district activities. The annual fee for owners of parcels in the single-family residential land use category shall be the rate per one standard runoff unit, which shall be established by the City Council by resolution. The annual fee for owners of parcels in all land use categories other than single-family residential shall be calculated using the following formula:
[(parcel size x runoff factor) / (RU)] x [rate per RU]
The runoff factors for various land use categories shall be those set forth in the following table:
Land Use Category
Runoff Factor
Single-Family Residential
All Other Residential
Vacant Land
An "initial year" flat rate assessment of $12.00 per parcel (regardless of land use category) is hereby authorized for the first year of the assessment (Fiscal Year 1996/97). Thereafter, this fee shall be established as described above. The City Council may establish appropriate user fee "caps" to avoid any undue financial burden or hardship for any property owner.
The fee imposed by this chapter may be reduced by 15% for any owner of real property who has qualified for the PG&E "California Alternate Rates For Energy" (CARE) program (or its subsequent version). To receive this 15% fee reduction, the property owner must be listed as the property owner of record according to the latest tax assessor's role and must present evidence in the form of a current PG&E bill documenting that they have qualified for the PG&E LIRA rate reduction program.
There is established in the city treasury a stormwater system service fund. Revenues collected from real property owners pursuant to this chapter shall be paid into the stormwater system service fund. Said revenues shall be expended only for stormwater system service assessment district activities and shall not be expended for any other purpose. Such activities may include the following purposes and activities:
Storm drain and flood control capital projects;
Storm drain operation and maintenance costs;
Addressing water quality issues associated with urban stormwater runoff;
Seed money to match grants for stormwater-related projects.
(O96-005; O96-008)
The City Manager is authorized to have the fees imposed by this chapter collected by the county of Napa in conjunction with the county's collection of property tax revenues for the City of Napa. In the event that the county of Napa collects the fees imposed by this chapter, the imposition of penalties, additional fees and interest upon owners who fail to remit any fee imposed by this chapter, or who fail to remit any delinquent remittance under this chapter, shall be subject to and governed by the rules, regulations and procedures utilized by the county of Napa in its collection of property taxes and fees for the City of Napa, and in its collection of this additional fee for the City of Napa.
Every penalty imposed and such interest as accrues under the provisions of this chapter shall become a part of the fee herein required to be paid.
Delinquent fees are hereby made a lien upon the real property served by the stormwater drainage system.
The amount of any fee, penalty, and interest imposed under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed a debt to the city.
The City Attorney may seek legal, injunctive, or other equitable relief to enforce this chapter. In any such action, the city shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
The remedies established in this chapter are cumulative and in addition to any other remedies available to the city for collection of the fees imposed herein.
The Council finds and declares that the provisions of this chapter are for the purpose of meeting operating expenses and obtaining funds for capital projects to maintain service within existing service areas, and are therefore exempt pursuant to Section 21080(b)(8) of the Public Resources Code (California Environmental Quality Act).
The stormwater system service fee shall automatically terminate after 20 years, and the user fee shall be reviewed every 10 years.
(O96-005; O96-008)