All employees of food establishments shall have at their own expense a health examination annually or more often if required by the Health Officer. The minimum examination shall be a chest x-ray unless further examination is deemed necessary by the Health Officer. It is unlawful for any person to work or be employed in any food establishment herein defined unless he or she shall furnish and place on file at the time of employment, a valid food employee's (food handler's) health record, permit card or certificate from the Health Officer, stating that such person has been examined by a physician on the date specified therein and that such person is entitled to work in food establishments, such a health record, permit card or certificate shall be issued by the Health Officer without cost or charge to the employee or applicant. The examination shall include such laboratory, x-ray and other procedure as the Health Officer shall deem necessary and the person examined shall willingly provide such samples or specimens of body fluids, excreta, sputum, throat cultures and the like as shall be required to properly perform the examination. The health record, permit card or certificate shall be kept at all times on file in the office of the employer of such person and shall be available for inspection at all reasonable hours by the Health Officer. Such health record, permit card or certificate shall be returned to the employee when leaving the service of the employer.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, including any owner or manager of a food establishment who employs a food handler without having such certification on file as herein provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 5063; O1163; O1644)
The provisions of Section 8.32.010 pertaining to the requirement of health examinations may be waived by the Health Officer upon any application by a nonprofit organization as defined in Section 5.04.110 of this code at which food is provided for the public, such as school and church organizations sponsoring bazaars and fairs of a temporary nature as differing from permanent enterprises; provided, however, that the Health Officer shall deem that the public health will not be adversely affected by such waiver.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 5065; O1492; O1503)
Notice shall be sent to the Health Officer by the person in charge of the food establishment if such person or any employee contracts an infectious, contagious or communicable disease. It shall be the duty of every such employee reporting for work to notify the person in charge of the food establishment immediately of any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease contracted by him or her.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 5064; O1644)