The purpose of the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district is to provide for office, hotel, and similar uses. Allowed uses in the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district are intended to be compatible with each other and with the adjoining nonindustrial areas. Land uses in the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district are subject to special performance standards to ensure harmonious, unified and cohesive development.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
The following uses shall be allowed in the MP:IBP-W:AC district without a use permit:
Minor antennas meeting the requirements of Section 17.52.410.
Telecommunication facilities that meet the performance standards specified in Section 17.52.480.
Homeless and emergency shelters as defined in Section 17.06.030.
Any use specified in Section 17.32.160 and which is allowed by an approved development plan.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
The following uses shall be allowed in the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district, subject to the limitations of Section 17.32.040:
Hotel. One hotel is allowed within the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district with a maximum of 150 rooms/suites. A hotel is defined as a facility that offers transient lodging accommodations typically on a daily rate to the general public and that may provide additional services, such as restaurants, conference facilities, and recreational facilities.
Office Uses. Office uses include professional, administrative, executive, financial, real estate, insurance and other general business offices, including service businesses such as small financial services, such as branch banks. Office uses also include medical, dental, and optical offices and related accessory laboratories.
Common use/open space as defined in Section 17.32.050.
Neighborhood service uses, as defined in subsection E of Section 17.32.080.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15, O2020-002, 2/4/20)
The maximum height in the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district shall be 48 feet.
The height of a structure shall be measured by the vertical distance from grade plane to the average height of the highest roof surface.
Exemptions from Height Limits. The following features shall be exempt from the height limits established by this Chapter 17.32, subject to limitations indicated:
Mechanical equipment and appurtenances necessary to the operation or maintenance of the building or structure itself.
Additional building volume used to enclose or screen from view the features listed under subsection (C)(1) above and to provide additional visual interest to the roof of the structure.
Railings, parapets and catwalks, with a maximum height of four feet and open railings, catwalks and fire escapes required by law, wherever situated.
Unroofed recreation facilities with open fencing, including tennis and basketball courts at roof level, swimming pools with a maximum height of four feet and play equipment with a maximum height of 10 feet.
Unenclosed seating areas limited to tables, chairs and benches, and related wind screens, lattices and sunshades with a maximum height of 10 feet.
Landscaping, with a maximum height of four feet for all features other than plant materials.
Flag poles and flags, and weather vanes.
Cranes, scaffolding and batch plants erected temporarily at active construction sites.
Cranes that exist in any of the MP:NP districts at the time of approval of the development plan.
Such other exemptions as are deemed reasonable, necessary, and appropriate by the Community Development Director.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
Site coverage in the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district shall be governed by the design guidelines, but in no case shall be more than 50%, except as otherwise provided in an approved development plan or use permit.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
Buildable lots in the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district shall be a maximum of 20 acres. Minimum lot sizes shall be determined as set forth in the development plan, provided that the number of curb cuts per block for access to parking shall be limited as specified in the design guidelines.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
Landscaping, building and parking setbacks in the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district shall be determined as set forth in the development plan and design guidelines.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
All operations shall be conducted completely within an enclosed structure, except as follows:
Bus stops and transit stations.
Common use/open space.
Outdoor dining accessory to an approved use.
Outdoor recreation uses.
Parking and loading.
Play areas for child care facilities.
Temporary events and uses in accordance with subsection I of Section 17.32.040.
Vehicle storage yards.
Other similar uses or activities as determined by the Director where a use permit is required.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)