The specific purposes of the planned development overlay district are to:
Encourage high quality, innovative and creative development design, and possibilities for varied or mixed uses consistent with the General Plan, by allowing flexibility in underlying zoning standards.
Provide a mechanism for preservation of open space, natural or historic features while continuing to permit efficient use of land.
The :PD overlay district may be combined with any principal zoning district consistent with the purpose and provisions of this district. Any lot(s) with an approved :PD shall be shown on the zoning map together with the file number (e.g., PD 00-030).
Permitted Variations. The :PD overlay district provides for variations to the underlying principal district regulations and standards, excluding density and floor area ratio ranges (which are established by the General Plan). Development regulation variations may include, but are not limited to: setbacks, yards, height limitations, street standards, parking and loading, landscaping, open space, and lot area. The :PD development may also shift uses in the underlying principal zoning district between conditional and permitted use categories.
Applicable Regulations. The regulations and standards established by the :PD overlay district are an alternative to the regulations of the underlying district, and in the event of a conflict between the two, the provisions of the :PD district shall apply. Where the :PD does not specifically modify the zoning standards of the underlying principal district, the regulations and standards of the principal district shall remain in force.
Application. An application to reclassify property to a :PD overlay district shall be initiated by a property owner or authorized agent, or the City Council. If the property is not under single ownership, all owners shall join in an application initiated by property owners.
Pre-application Review. Prior to submitting an application for a :PD rezoning, a pre-application review is required. A letter of intent and a sketch plan shall be submitted. In addition, the applicant shall provide a general comparison between underlying district regulations and standards and the proposed regulations and standards describing the improvements that result from use of alternative standards.
The purpose of the pre-application review is to determine whether the proposed :PD regulations advance the purposes of the :PD district and that a superior design and development will result that could be achieved under the principal zoning district. The pre-application review shall provide the basis for a formal :PD rezoning application.
Process. Applications for rezoning to the :PD overlay district shall be filed and processed in accordance with Chapter 17.66 (Amendments).
The Planning Commission in recommending approval of the :PD overlay, and the City Council, in approving a :PD associated with an individual development approval, must make the following findings:
The development is superior overall to a similar project designed to meet the standards of this title and of the underlying district in which it is located; and
Any variations from the standards of this title and the district in which the development is located are justified by the high quality design of the proposed development when taken together as a whole; and
Each phase (if any) of the development, as well as the development as a whole, can exist as an independent unit capable of creating an environment of sustained desirability and stability; and
The proposed development is planned in coordination and compatible with the existing and planned uses in the surrounding area; and
The proposed structure(s) and/or use(s) are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan or other adopted plan; and
Any conditions stipulated as necessary in the public interest have been imposed; and
The proposed structure(s) and/or use(s) will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the community.
Design Review Required. Design review pursuant to this title shall be required for any and all development on a site zoned :PD.
Findings. In addition to standard findings required for approving a design review permit, the decision-making body must make the finding that the proposed development is consistent with the approved :PD.
The ordinance approving an individual :PD shall clearly describe, through text and map exhibits, all zoning standards that have been varied and that apply as a result of the :PD, and shall describe any future minor modifications to these standards that may be handled as an exception.
Effective Dates. :PD overlay district designations effective prior to the effective date of date of the ordinance codified in this chapter and retained as part of this chapter shall remain in effect. :PD ordinances adopted at a later date shall be effective on the same date as the subsequent ordinance is effective.
If No Construction Occurs. If no action has been taken on an PD development approval within five years (or other time frame specified by the approval), the city may initiate rezoning of the property.
Violations. Any violation of a condition of approval of a :PD zoning or a provision of this chapter shall be grounds for city initiation of a rezoning action.
Requests for changes in the contents of an approved :PD overlay district shall be treated as a zoning amendment as described in Chapter 17.66, except that minor modifications to the specific standards established in the :PD on the order of the exceptions described in Chapter 17.56 may be handled as exceptions, where the Community Development Director finds that the minor modification is in character with the surrounding neighborhood and where such modification will not unreasonably affect abutting sites.