Government Code Section 37506 authorizes the city council to adopt an ordinance to supervise, operate, promote, maintain and manage a public assembly or convention hall.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a conference center authority and vest it with the power to manage and operate the South San Francisco Conference Center.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
As used in this chapter:
means the South San Francisco Conference Center authority created and established by this chapter.
“City clerk”
means the clerk of the city of South San Francisco.
“City council”
means the council of the city of South San Francisco.
“City manager”
means the city manager or designee, as approved by the city council.
means the governing body of the South San Francisco Conference Center authority.
means the South San Francisco Conference Center director appointed by the commission to carry out the duties established by Section 2.78.101 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
The South San Francisco Conference Center authority is created.
The authority shall consist of nine members who shall be referred to individually as “commissioners” and collectively as “the South San Francisco Conference Center commission.”
The make-up of the commission shall be as follows:
Two councilmembers of the city; and
Two representatives from hotels located within the city limits of South San Francisco; and
Five representatives from either of the following categories: city residents eighteen years or older, or representatives of businesses located in South San Francisco; and
The executive director of the South San Francisco chamber of commerce, who shall serve as an ex officio, non-voting member of the commission.
The mayor, with the confirmation of the city council, shall appoint the councilmembers. Non-hotel representatives of the conference center shall be appointed by the city council. The hotel representatives shall be recommended by the South San Francisco Hotel Group and appointed by the city council.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1135 §§ 1, 2, 1993; Ord. 1246 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1293 § 1, 2001; Ord. 1468 § 1, 2013)
The term of each member of the commission shall be as follows:
City council members shall serve two-year terms. No councilmember shall continue to serve as a councilmember/commissioner after his or her term on the city council expires.
All remaining commissioners shall serve four-year staggered terms. Initial appointments may be made for less than a full term to assure that they are appropriately staggered. Commissioners who are not city councilmembers shall be limited to three consecutive terms. For purposes of calculating consecutive terms, service of at least two years plus one day during a term shall be counted as a complete term; all prior continuous service of existing commissioners shall be counted. Upon serving the maximum number of consecutive terms, a commissioner shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the conference center authority for a period of two years.
The city manager’s position on the commission shall be coterminous with his or her employment with the city.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1395 § 7, 2008)
Upon a vacancy occurring on the conference center commission for any reason, including but not limited to: (1) resignation; (2) council declaration of vacancy for a commissioner’s failure to attend three consecutive regular meetings or failure to attend more than one-third of the regular meetings within any twelve-month period; or (3) removal by majority vote of the council, a successor shall be appointed by council to fill the unexpired portion of the term. Such appointment shall be made within sixty days of the position being vacated.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1181 § 1, 1996)
At the first regular meeting of each calendar year, the commission shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson. The term of each office shall be one year. The vice chairperson shall serve as presiding officer of meetings in the absence of the chairperson.
The Conference Center director or designee, shall serve as secretary to the commission.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1439 § 1, 2011)
The commission shall meet regularly at a time and place to be determined by resolution of the commission. Legal notice of a special meeting shall be given at least twenty-four hours prior to the time of the meeting. If a meeting is set for the regular meeting place of the commission, or duly noticed for an alternate meeting place, and because of necessity or emergency the commission is required to meet in another place within the corporate limits of the city, then the secretary shall appear at the regular or alternate meeting place at the time set for the meeting and publicly announce the new meeting place and post a notice on the door of the regular meeting place. Notice of all meetings, except regular meetings, shall be served on each commissioner and each person who has requested notice in writing, at least twenty-four hours prior to the time specified for the proposed meeting.
All actions of the commission shall comply with the open meeting law requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, Sections 54950 et seq., of the Government Code.
If the day designated for a regular, adjourned regular, special or study meeting falls upon a legal holiday, the commission shall meet upon the next succeeding day which is not a holiday, unless otherwise ordered by the commission.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1165 §1, 1995)
Commissioners, other than the city council commissioners, shall receive compensation for their services as provided for in Chapter 2.84. City council commissioners shall not receive compensation for their services.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1248 § 9, 1999; Ord. 1626 § 2, 2021)
The city clerk shall establish and maintain a record of the names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of appointment and dates of termination of each commissioner.
The clerk shall give the council written notice of the expiration of a commissioner’s term sixty days prior thereto.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
The Conference Center authority shall have the following powers and duties:
To adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings;
To manage, operate, market, maintain and promote the South San Francisco Conference Center;
To formulate policy and establish fees and charges necessary to manage the South San Francisco Conference Center;
To employ a director, legal counsel and such other persons as may be necessary to perform its functions;
To fix the salary of the director and conference center personnel subject to the limits of its budget appropriation and funds otherwise available;
To adopt personnel rules, regulations and policies necessary for the orderly operation of the Conference Center;
To establish a system for the purchase of supplies, materials and services necessary to fulfill its functions and to assure the operation and maintenance of the Conference Center;
To enter into contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials and services subject to its yearly budget appropriation;
To review, approve, reject or amend the proposed annual budget compiled by the director for submission to the city council for approval;
To exercise such other and incidental powers not inconsistent with law, necessary to promote, manage or operate the South San Francisco Conference Center and to carry out the functions and powers hereby granted;
Limitation of Contractual Powers. The authority shall serve as an advisory body only with respect to contractual agreements with South San Francisco hotel/motels. All agreements with South San Francisco hotel/motels shall be approved by the city council.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1135 § 3, 1993)
The position of Conference Center director is created. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the Conference Center commission.
The director shall be the administrative head and chief executive officer of the Conference Center and shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all affairs of the Conference Center.
In addition to the general powers as administrative head, and not as a limitation thereof, it shall be the duty of the Conference Center director and the director shall have the power to perform the following tasks, subject to the oversight by the city manager:
Appoint, discipline and dismiss all employees of the Conference Center except legal counsel directly appointed by the commission;
Establish, organize and assign functions to such employees, divisions and offices as considered necessary or appropriate for the efficient operation of the Center;
Make rules and regulations as deemed necessary for the efficient management, operation, promotion, maintenance and administration of the Conference Center;
Attend all meetings of the Conference Center authority and all committee meetings unless otherwise excused by the appropriate authority;
Recommend the adoption of rules, regulations, measures and resolutions as deemed necessary and proper;
Keep the Conference Center commission advised of the financial condition and needs of the Conference Center;
Prepare and submit to the commission an annual budget for approval and recommendation to the city council and to be responsible for its administration after its adoption;
Prepare and recommend a salary plan to the Conference Center commission for all employees of the Conference Center;
Negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the Conference Center for materials, supplies and services included in the annual budget, or authorized by commission action;
Investigate all complaints in relation to all matters concerning the administration of the Conference Center;
Exercise general supervision and oversee the day-to-day operations of the Conference Center;
Devote the entire time during customary working hours to the duties and interests of the Center;
Perform such other services and duties and exercise such other powers as are otherwise delegated by the commission.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1468 § 1, 2013)
The Conference Center commission is designated as the policy-making body for the Center and shall not interfere or become involved with the day-to-day operation of the Center or the execution of the powers and duties vested with the director.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
The commission shall, for a period of twenty-four months, retain the existing director at the same salary and benefits as if the director had remained employed with the city. This may be modified by mutual agreement of the commission and the director.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
The Conference Center director shall receive such salary as the commission shall, from time to time, fix by resolution. The commission may enter into a written employment contract with the director.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
The commission shall submit to the city council mid-year and annual budget reports detailing the financial condition of the Conference Center and projecting revenues and expenses for the current budget year.
The commission shall submit to the city council, on request, a booking report showing all of the current and projected events booked at the Conference Center. The report shall cover a twelve-month period from the date of its request.
Subsequent to the close of each fiscal year the commission shall have prepared and submit to the council an annual audited financial report and management letter.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
Transfers of funds exceeding five thousand dollars between the following budget categories shall require approval of the city council: salary and benefits, materials and supplies and capital outlay.
Any increase in the approved Conference Center budget which requires a transfer from the fund balance shall require council approval.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
The commission shall provide and maintain insurance covering workers’ compensation, public liability and owned property in amounts and through companies approved by the city attorney.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)
The city council may at its discretion dissolve the Conference Center authority by a majority vote. Upon dissolution, the rights, duties, obligations and employees of the Center shall become the rights, obligations, duties and employees of the city.
(Ord. 1111 § 1, 1992)