[Added 11-13-2023 by Ord. No. 2326-23[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance was readopted and ratified 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2336-24.
The redevelopment plan is intended to promote and permit the development of industrial flex space which would allow for multiple small-scale industrial tenants to use and occupy a commercial building designed specifically for smaller-scale operations in a manner consistent with the redevelopment plan prepared by Burgis Associates and dated August 14, 2023, which is referenced herein in its entirety as if set forth verbatim.
The purpose and intent of this zone is to allow for the industrial development of the site in a manner that will return the property to productive use providing for industrial flex facility while resulting in the environmental remediation of a contaminated industrial site. In all situations, where development regulations are not specifically addressed herein, the Borough of Hawthorne zoning regulations shall remain in effect.
Permitted principal uses shall be limited to the following:
Assembly operations limited to product assembly where previously processed components or manufactured parts are produced off-site and fitted together to form a complete noncombustible and nonexplosive final product. Such activity occurs entirely within an enclosed building and associated noise, odor, smoke, heat, glare and vibration are confined entirely within the building.
Research and development facilities.
Computer and informational technology services.
Woodworking, including cabinet fabricators.
Contractor offices, including related accessory storage, provided that all such storage is maintained indoors.
Artisan and craftsman involved in the creation of crafted artwork, jewelry, sculpture, pottery, leathercraft, hand-woven articles, and related items.
Photography studio.
Permitted accessory uses:
Any use which is ordinarily subordinate and customarily incidental to the principal permitted uses in the SARZ.
Warehousing and storage limited solely to the principal use.
Office space limited solely to the principal use.
Surface parking.
Signs, as permitted by ordinance.
Area and bulk requirements.
Minimum lot area (acres): 2.4.
External yard and bulk requirements:
Minimum distance between buildings (feet): 20.
Minimum setbacks (feet):
From the perimeter of all property lines: 10.
From any residentially zoned or used property: 25.
Maximum number of stories and building height (stories/feet): 2/40.
Maximum impervious lot coverage (%): 80%.
Maximum occupiable space. To prevent occupancy by a single user, no single user may occupy a maximum of 5,000 square feet of building floor area within a building.
Parking and loading requirements:
Assembly use: one parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area or for each employee during a maximum shift, whichever is less, but in no event shall there be less than a ratio of two spaces for every three employees.
All other permitted uses, including ancillary office space: one parking space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
Where there are multiple uses proposed, the required parking shall be the sum of each individual use.
Parking requirements may be reduced, at the discretion of the approving body, to account for shared parking among uses. A parking study shall be submitted by the applicant demonstrating that there will not exist substantial conflict in the peak hours of parking demand for the uses for which shared parking is proposed.
All parking areas shall be continuously maintained throughout the duration of the use. In all cases the parking spaces and the entrance, exit and maneuvering space shall be paved with a minimum of four-inch standard macadam-type pavement and shall be properly drained.
A total area of 180 square feet, exclusive of driveways, is hereby determined as the minimum space necessary for the parking of a single motor vehicle in determining the total requirements set forth in this plan and the minimum aisle width shall be no less than 24 feet for ninety-degree parking aisles.
At least one off-street loading space shall be maintained on the premises for every building or use requiring the receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise in vehicles.
Loading restricted in parking spaces. Trucks and other delivery and shipping vehicles shall not be parked in loading spaces except during the course of loading and unloading operations; provided, however, that overnight parking of such vehicles is permitted, but only when loading and unloading operations are not conducted during overnight hours.
Required buffers. A planted landscaped perimeter buffer shall be provided subject to the following standards in addition to landscaping requirements as set forth herein as follows:
No less than a twenty-five-foot planted buffer shall be maintained along any portion of the property that abuts a residential zone or residential property.
No accessory structures, parking, or storage of materials shall be permitted within the required buffer. Circulation drives and underground infrastructure are permitted within all required buffers, except that not more than 10% of the required buffer shall be affected. All underground utilities are permitted within required buffer areas.
Buffer areas. Buffers shall comply with the following standards:
Buffer planting shall provide year-round visual screen in order to minimize adverse impacts from a site on an adjacent property or from adjacent areas. It may consist of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, berms, boulders, mounds, or combinations thereof to achieve the stated objectives as approved by the appropriate land use board. While fencing may be installed to delineate the property line, the use of fencing or walls shall not be relied upon as the primary source of screening.
Where required, buffers shall be measured from property lines and street rights-of-way. Compliance shall be determined by the Planning Board, and any approvals required pursuant to this section shall be obtained at the time of site plan. Buffer areas may overlap required setbacks.
The landscaping shall be designed to provide a visual screen along the majority of the buffer area. Planting shall be installed at a variety of sizes which conform to the following minimum sizes:
Shade trees: Two-and-one-half-inch to three-inch caliper.
Evergreen trees: Seven to eight feet.
Shrubs: 18-24 inches.
Existing vegetation within the required transition buffer shall be preserved to the extent feasible and as determined appropriate by the Planning Board. It shall be supplemented with shade tolerant naturalistic massed plantings where necessary to provide screening of adjoining land uses.
Buffer areas shall be maintained in perpetuity.
Solid waste and recycling. Provision shall be made for the orderly deposit, storage and collection of trash, garbage and recyclable materials in accordance with the requirements below:
Trash, garbage and recyclable materials stored outside a building shall be stored in suitable containers and in fenced or walled enclosures. Said enclosures may adjoin the rear wall of a building, may adjoin a side wall of a building which does not face on either a street or a residential district, or may be located in the rear yard and apart from the building, provided that the setbacks for parking areas are met. Said enclosures shall be screened from view from any adjoining street or property when deemed necessary by the Planning Board.
The area for storage of trash, garbage and recyclable materials shall be well-lit and shall be safely and easily accessible by collection personnel and vehicles. Collection vehicles shall be able to access the recycling area without interference from parked cars or other obstacles.
Any trash, garbage and recyclable materials shall be so contained as to be protected from the elements and to eliminate the potential for accumulation or scattering of debris. Garbage of an animal or vegetable nature, any trash or waste material that would attract vermin and insects, and any other waste material which, by its nature, would present a health hazard if exposed to the elements shall be stored in airtight and/or leakproof, covered metal containers as may be necessary.
Signage. Signage shall be in accordance with the relevant sections of Article XIX of the Borough Zoning Ordinance.
Utilities services shall be placed underground.
Meters shall be located such that they are either interior to the building or otherwise screened.
To the extend feasible, transformers, metering vaults and other similar type appurtenances shall be integrated into the site design and located so as to reduce their visibility from the public.
Hours of operations. Hours of operations shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Sunday activity is prohibited and is limited to office operations only that do not extend beyond 5:00 p.m.
Operations and outdoor storage. All operations occurring on-site shall occur within an enclosed building, and outdoor storage of any kind is prohibited.
Development within the zone shall be subject to the following design standards. Relief from any required site design standard under § 540-209 shall be considered a design standard exception pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51b and not a variance.
Architectural design standards.
Building facade standards.
Permitted foundation materials: brick masonry, stone masonry, cement-parged concrete block, split face block, tilt-up concrete.
Permitted facade materials: brick masonry, stone masonry, stucco, metal panels.
Permitted facade accent materials: cast stone, wood, fiber-cement trim, siding, and panels, composite trim, siding, and panels, architectural metal.
Building articulation. Articulation requirements shall be met in one or more of the following methods:
Facade offset with a minimum depth of two feet that extends to within two feet of the full height of the facade.
Facade projection or recession with a minimum depth of four inches and a minimum width of one foot that extends the full height of the first story of the facade.
Buildings shall have simple massing and details in order to clearly distinguish the main body of the building and the primary pedestrian entry.
Building facades shall be built of no more than two primary materials, excluding accent materials, and shall only change material along a horizontal line (with the heavier material below the lighter material), outside corners (where material wraps the corner a minimum of two feet), or inside corners.
The following materials are prohibited:
Vinyl siding.
Materials, other than masonry, shall be painted, stained, or have a factory-applied finish.
Landscaping shall be provided to promote a desirable visual environment, to accentuate building design, define entranceways, screen parking areas, mitigate adverse visual impacts and provide windbreaks for winter winds and summer cooling for buildings, and enhance buffer areas. The impact of any proposed landscaping plan at various time intervals shall be considered. Plants and other landscaping materials shall be selected in terms of aesthetic and functional considerations. The landscape design shall create visual diversity and contrast through variation in size, shape, texture and color. The selection of plants in terms of susceptibility to disease and insect damage, wind and ice damage, habitat (wet-site, drought, sun and shade tolerance), soil conditions, growth rate, longevity; root pattern, maintenance requirements, etc., shall be considered. Consideration shall be given to accenting site entrances and unique areas with special landscaping treatment. Flowerbed displays are encouraged.
Parking rows longer than 20 parking spaces should provide for a landscape island to break the pavement where practical and feasible.
Landscaped islands should be at least six feet in width to accommodate plantings.
Landscaping within sight triangles shall not exceed a mature height of 30 inches.
Shade trees shall be pruned up to an eight-foot branching height above grade.
All areas that are not improved with buildings, structures and other man-made improvements shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and ground cover.
Shade trees should be a two-and-one-half-inch to three-inch caliper with a canopy height of at least the minimum American Nursery and Landscape Association Standards for this caliper.
Ornamental trees shall be installed at a minimum size of six feet in height.
Shrubs shall be planted at a minimum size of 18 to 24 inches.
All plant material shall meet the minimum latest American Nursery and Landscape Association Standards.
Irrigation shall be provided for all buffer plantings and sodded lawn areas in a manner appropriate for the specific plant species. A growth guarantee of two growing seasons shall be provided and all dead or dying plants shall be replaced by the applicant, as required, to maintain the integrity of the site plan.
Landscape plantings. A minimum of 30% of the plantings proposed shall be indigenous to the region.
Landscape plan content. A landscape plan shall be submitted with each major site plan or major subdivision application. In addition to the major site plan or subdivision submission requirements, the landscape plan shall include and identify the following information:
Existing and proposed underground and aboveground utilities such as site lighting, transformers, hydrants, manholes, valve boxes, etc., existing wooded areas, rock outcroppings and existing and proposed water bodies.
Location of individual existing trees noted for preservation within the area of development and 30 feet beyond the limit of the disturbance. Trees four inches in diameter (measured 4 1/2 feet above the existing ground level) shall be located and identified by name and diameter unless the wooded area is shown with a specific limit line. In this case, specimen trees shall be located within 30 feet of the line. Indicate all existing vegetation to be saved or removed.
Existing and proposed topography and location of all landscaped berms.
Location, species and sizes of all proposed shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees and shrubs and areas for lawns or any other ground cover. Different graphic symbols shall be used to show the location and spacing of shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees, shrubs and ground cover. The size of the symbol must be representative of the size of the plant shown to scale.
A plant schedule indicating botanical name, common name, size at time of planting (caliper, height and spread), quantity, root condition and any special remarks (spacing, substitutions, etc.) for all plant material proposed. Plants within the plant schedule shall be keyed to the landscape plan utilizing the first letter of the botanical plant name.
Planting and construction details and specifications.
All lighting fixtures and foot-candle standards for parking areas and recreation facilities should be consistent with the standards outlined by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) and regulations of the Borough of Hawthorne.
The intensity, shielding, direction and reflecting of lighting shall be subject to site plan approval by the approving authority.
All parking areas, walkways, building entrances, and driveways required for uses in this zone shall be adequately illuminated during the hours of operation that occur after sunset. Any adjacent residential zone or use shall be shielded from the glare of illumination from site lighting and automobile headlights.
The use of creative lighting schemes to highlight building facades and related areas of a site shall be encouraged. The use of traditional style lanterns and similar fixtures shall also be encouraged. Exterior neon lights and lighting generating glare and unnecessary night-glow impacts shall be prohibited.
Whenever possible, light poles should be integrated into landscaped islands.
Green infrastructure.
All development shall be in accordance with the regulations set forth in the Borough's Zoning Ordinance, Articles X and XI, relating to environmentally sensitive areas and stormwater management. Site design is encouraged to incorporate green design elements to achieve the following goals: reduce stormwater volume, minimize impervious coverage, decrease and delay peak discharge, reduce pollution and recharge groundwater.
Various design elements may be incorporated into site design with the following specifically low-impact development techniques encouraged: rain gardens, bio-infiltration planters, infiltration basins, vegetated swales and pervious paving.
Applicability. The standards and procedures contained herein within Administration shall apply to all projects within the designated redevelopment area.
Computations. Rounding: Where cumulative requirements or limitations are to be computed for purposes of this plan, fractions shall be carried forward in the summation, and the total rounded to the nearest whole number.
Other actions by the Borough in furtherance of the plan. Other actions may be taken by the Borough to further the goals of the plan. These actions may include, but shall not be limited to, provisions for public infrastructure necessary to service new development and vacation of public utility easements and other easements and rights-of-way as may be necessary for development. Unless otherwise agreed to by the designated developer and the Borough as part of a redevelopment agreement, the costs for such actions shall be apportioned in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42.
Approval process.
No development shall occur within the designated redevelopment area without the developer first being designated redevelopment developer by the Borough governing body.
Upon designation of a developer, the developer shall enter into a redevelopment agreement with the Borough. Only a designated developer(s) with an executed redevelopment agreement with the Borough shall have standing to submit application to the Borough Planning Board for development. No development nor application for development may occur within the redevelopment area without an executed redevelopment agreement. As part of the redevelopment agreement, the designated developer shall indicate whether the proposed redevelopment project is intended for rental or subdivision of units for individual sale. In the event of any future or subsequent intention to subdivide units for sale from an initial rental project, the redeveloper shall submit all related documentation to the Borough for review prior to the subdivision of units.
The designated redeveloper shall provide the Borough with a comprehensive site remediation plan, including timetable demonstrating, to the Borough's satisfaction, that the site is to be remediated and existing environmental conditions are abated in a manner that complies with applicable state statutes and NJDEP requirements.
Green technologies to promote sustainability are to be encouraged as part of the redevelopment agreement.
Upon the execution of a redevelopment agreement with the Borough, an application shall be made to the Borough Planning Board for site plan approval in accordance with the redevelopment plan.
Site plan and subdivision review. Prior to commencement of construction, site plans for the construction of improvements within the redevelopment area, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.) and consistent with the applicable attachments to the redevelopment agreement, shall be submitted by the designated developer for review and approval by the Borough Planning Board. If there is a material change to the attachments to the redevelopment agreement, such material changes must be approved by the Council as a prerequisite to site plan approval.
A detailed traffic analysis shall be prepared and submitted by a qualified New Jersey licensed engineer whose primary practice is in the area of traffic engineering as a requirement for any site plan application filed in connection to any redevelopment project pursuant to Subsection D above. The traffic analysis will detail traffic generation and any required improvements to the public right-of-way as a result of proposed development.
Excepting de minimis field changes to an approved site plan approved by the Borough Construction Code Official, no construction or alteration to existing or proposed buildings shall take place until a site plan reflecting such additional or revised construction has been submitted to, and approved by, the Planning Board. This pertains to revisions or additions prior to, during, and after completion of the improvements.
The designated developer shall be required to provide the Borough with copies of all permit applications made to federal, state and county agencies upon filing such applications, as may be required by the redevelopment agreement to be executed between the redeveloper(s) and the Borough.
Deviations. The Planning Board may grant deviations from the regulations contained within this redevelopment plan where, by reason for exceptional narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a specific piece of property, or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions, preexisting structures or physical features uniquely affecting a specific piece of property, the strict application of any area, yard, bulk or design objective, or regulation adopted pursuant to this redevelopment plan would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties to, or exceptional and undue hardship upon, the developer of such property. The Planning Board may also grant such relief in an application relating to a specific piece of property where the purposes of this redevelopment plan would be advanced by a deviation from the strict requirements of this redevelopment plan and the benefits of the deviation would outweigh any detriments. No relief may be granted under the terms of this section unless such deviation or relief can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantial impairment of the intent and purpose of this redevelopment plan. An application for a deviation from the requirements of this redevelopment plan shall provide public notice of such application in accord with the requirements of public notice as set forth in NJSA 40:55D-12a and b.
Notwithstanding the above, any changes to the uses permitted in the zone, or any other deviation requiring a "d" variance shall be permitted only by means of an amendment of the redevelopment plan by the governing body.
Redevelopment actions. The Borough shall have such powers and duties as set forth in the LRHL and as may be conferred by this redevelopment plan, including, but not limited to, the authority to relocate residents and businesses, to designate redevelopers, establish clear terms and conditions for rehabilitation through the negotiation, execution, and administration of redevelopment agreements, and to do such other things as permitted by law.
Escrows. The redevelopment agreement shall provide that the designated developer shall be responsible to post sufficient escrows to cover the reasonable costs of the Borough and the professional consultants retained by the Borough to negotiate the redevelopment agreement, any other agreements associated with the project, undertake any studies in connection with the project, review the proposed project and advise the Borough on any and all aspects of the redevelopment process and as otherwise set forth in the redevelopment agreement.
Infrastructure. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42 or as may otherwise be required by the Borough and agreed to by the redeveloper in the redevelopment agreement, the redeveloper shall, at redeveloper's cost and expense, provide all necessary engineering studies for, and construct or install all on- and off-site municipal infrastructure improvements and capacity enhancements or upgrades required in connection with traffic control measures, water service, sanitary sewer service, stormwater management, and flood mitigation measures to the project, in addition to all required tie-in or connection fees subject to appropriate credits as required by law. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42, or as may otherwise be required by the Borough and agreed to by the redeveloper in the redevelopment agreement, the redeveloper shall, at redeveloper's cost and expense, also be responsible for providing all sidewalks, curbs, streetscape improvements (street trees and other landscaping), street lighting, and on- and off-site traffic controls and road improvements for the project or required due to the impacts of the project. The redeveloper shall be required to receive all necessary approvals for infrastructure, including at the county and state level, as applicable.
This redevelopment plan may be amended from time to time upon compliance with the requirements of state law and a request for same may be submitted to the Borough Council. The Borough of Hawthorne reserves the right to amend this plan. The redeveloper shall remit an escrow for professional fees if it requests a plan amendment, while the Borough shall bear its own professional fees if the plan amendment request originates from the Borough or an agency of the Borough. The Borough, at its sole discretion, may require the party requesting the amendments to prepare a study of the impact of such amendments, which study must be prepared by a professional planner licensed in the State of New Jersey and other additional professionals.
The provisions of this redevelopment plan specifying the redevelopment of the Schoon Avenue Redevelopment Zone and the requirements and restriction with respect thereto shall be in effect for a period of 50 years from the date of adoption of this redevelopment plan by the Borough Council.
Certificate of completion. Upon completion of a project, the developer shall submit for a certificate of completion.
Other applicable design and performance requirements. Any design or performance standards not addressed within this redevelopment plan shall rely on the applicable design and performance standards set forth in the Land Development Code.