It shall be the duty of the Food Inspector to visit at frequent intervals each public and private market, stall, shop, store, warehouse, cannery, factory, restaurant and storehouse in the City, and to inspect each and all wagons, carts, and vehicles of vendors or street hawkers, in or about which meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruit, bread or other provisions are kept, made or carried for sale, or other disposition for human food, and to examine and carefully inspect all such food stuffs and provisions.
(Prior code § 7-020)
If the Food Inspector shall find any public or private market, stall, shop, store, bakery, storehouse, cold storage warehouse. stock yard, slaughter house, boat, cart, wagon or other vehicle, in an unclean or unwholesome condition, notice shall be given to the person in charge thereof, to clean and purify the same, so as to put the same in a clean, wholesome and proper sanitary condition within 24 hours from the time of such notice, and if any person so in charge shall not put the same in a clean, wholesome and proper sanitary condition within such time, then such person shall be guilty of violating the provisions hereof and subject to punishment provided therefor.
(Prior code § 7-020)
Every person keeping, maintaining or being in charge of any public or private market, stall, shop, store, bakery, ice cream or candy factory, storehouse, warehouse, cold storage, cart, wagon or other vehicle in, on or about which any meat, fish, oysters, birds, fowl, vegetables, fruit, milk, bread, candies, cakes or other provisions are kept, held or stored, or offered for sale or other disposition as human food, shall keep such public or private market, or stall, shop, store, bakery, candy factory, ice cream factory, storehouse, warehouse, cold storage, cart, wagon, or other vehicle in a clean, pure and wholesome condition, and if any such person shall allow or permit the same to become or remain unclean, impure or unwholesome, he or she shall be guilty of the violation hereof.
(Prior code § 7-021)
It is unlawful to keep:
Meat, game, fish, vegetables, fruit, or other prepared food stuffs in an open receptacle less than two feet above the floor.
Meat, vegetables, fruit, fish, dairy products, cooked meats, figs, dates, dried fruit, olives, sauerkraut, mince meat, lard, butter, butterine, candy, crackers, cakes, bread or any prepared food, exposed for sale in the open air, to the action of moisture, soot, dust and flies in the front of any shop, store, or other place.
In the case of open air uses such as farmers markets, produce stands, urban agriculture, and uses deemed similar by the Chief of Police; vegetables, fruit, figs, dates, and/or nuts are exempt from subsection (A)(2) above.
(Prior code § 7-022; Ord. 2020-09-15-1501 C.S. § 5)
Every manager of a store, market or other place where food is prepared for sale, stored for sale, offered for sale, or sold, shall cause the same to be screened effectually so as to prevent flies and other insects from obtaining access to such food, and prevent the handling of same by patrons or prospective purchasers.
(Prior code § 7-023)
All fruits, vegetables, meats and other food kept, or sold or offered for sale, shall be kept in receptacles free from decayed matter of all kinds.
(Prior code § 7-024)
Every person who shall bring into, hold, keep, offer or expose for sale or sell or deliver for sale or consumption within the City any milk or milk products, meat, fish, or bread, in any wagon, cart or other vehicle shall provide such wagon, cart or other vehicle with a suitable cover which shall be used at all times.
(Prior code § 7-025)
It is unlawful to prepare, keep for sale, or sell any kind of meat, milk products, fish, game, vegetables, fruit, bread, cakes, candies, or other foods in any room in which a toilet is located, nor in any room opening directly into a toilet room, unless there is outside ventilation to such toilet room.
(Prior code § 7-026)
All dealers in meats, fowl, fish, vegetables, fruits, groceries, or other human food, shall maintain at least one water faucet, connected by pipes with a suitable water supply. Sanitary lavatory conveniences must be provided for the use of employees.
(Prior code § 7-027)
The baking of bread, cakes, pies, the manufacture of candy, or the cooking of other food, is prohibited from being done in a cellar or basement or other room where there is not direct ventilation to the outer air.
(Prior code § 7-028)
Any person or persons, owning or managing or in charge of any canning establishment, or other place where meats, fish, oysters, fowl, fruits, or vegetables are canned or preserved for human food, who shall keep or conduct said place in an unclean, unwholesome or unsanitary manner; and any person canning, curing or otherwise preserving any meats, fish, oysters, fowl, fruits or vegetables for human food who shall utilize in this way any diseased, tainted or unwholesome meat, fish, oysters, fowl, or any fruit or vegetables from filthy boxes, baskets, or other container or use any chemical therein deleterious to health, shall be deemed guilty of the violation hereof.
(Prior code § 7-029)
It is unlawful for any person in charge of any restaurant, hotel or boarding house or other place where food is sold or served in the cooked or raw state, to keep such place in an unclean or unsanitary condition, and all persons employed in or about such places shall keep themselves and their clothing in a clean and healthful condition.
(Prior code § 7-030)
It is unlawful for any person maintaining, or in charge of any restaurant, hotel, boardinghouse, or other place where meals or lunches are served in a cooked state or otherwise to serve or cause to be served, any tainted or diseased meat, fish, oysters, fowl, or any diseased, decayed or partially decayed or unwholesome fruit, vegetables, or any unwholesome food whatever, to any person or persons, either at said place or sent to any person or persons at any other place.
(Prior code § 7-031)
It is unlawful for any person or persons to keep live chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, or other live fowl in any cellar or basement. It is also unlawful for any person or persons to keep any live chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese or live fowl of any kind in any room where any kind of food stuffs are kept, prepared for sale or sold. Slaughterhouses and other places where fowl are killed and prepared for sale or storage shall be constructed with watertight flooring with properly trapped sewer connections and these connected with the sewer and immediately after each killing the floor shall be thoroughly washed and the place at all times kept in a clean and wholesome condition.
(Prior code § 7-032)