All rooms in the City in which food or beverages are served to the public, shall be provided with artificial illumination equivalent to a minimum of five-tenths of a foot-candle of light on a vertical plane at a distance of five feet from the floor as measured by a standard light meter. Such artificial illumination must be in use except when equivalent natural light is present.
(Prior code § 7-033)
All rooms in the City in which food is stored or prepared or in which utensils are washed in connection with the serving of food or beverages to the public, shall be provided with artificial illumination, equivalent to at least 10 foot-candles of light at a distance of 30 inches from the floor or working surface as measured by a standard light meter; and such artificial illumination must be in use except when equivalent natural light is present.
(Prior code § 7-033.1)
The switches for controlling the artificial light circuits shall be so located that they will be inaccessible to patrons.
(Prior code § 7-033.2)