The A-P administrative professional zone is intended to provide for development of suburban (low-intensity) administrative and professional offices and related uses.
(Ord. 37 § 270, 1961; Ord. 253 § 1, 1969; Ord. 549 § 2, 1976; Ord. 1298, 2023)
Generally. Buildings, structures and land shall be used and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered or enlarged only for the following uses, plus such other uses as the director of community development determines to be similar and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, in accordance with the findings set forth in Section 18.192.040. The determination of the director may be appealed to the development plan review board and thereafter the city council pursuant to Chapter 18.212 of this title. All uses shall be subject to the property development standards in Section 18.136.050. All uses and storage shall be conducted within a totally enclosed building with the exception of public utilities substations.
Administrative, financial, professional and sales offices.
Medical and health services, including dental labs.
Public uses, including government agencies, libraries, post offices, utility company offices, museums, art galleries and similar uses.
Special service agencies, including travel agencies, telephone exchanges, employment agencies and similar uses.
General research facilities, provided that such facilities shall not include the testing or use of materials, chemicals, products or technologies which are primarily found in industrial or "high-tech" facilities.
Accessory game arcades up to a maximum of six machines, provided that such machines are secondary and incidental to a permitted use in this zone which is also defined by Section 18.08.012.
Accessory massage permitted with the following primary businesses: medical doctor's office, hospital, athletic club and similar uses.
Single-family residences that were established prior to 1970 and have been continuously used for residential purposes. Such residences may be completely reconstructed only when destroyed by a natural catastrophe, including, but not limited to, fire, earthquake or flood, by an unforeseen accident, or similar event as determined by the director of community development. Residences destroyed or demolished by intentional actions by or on the behalf of the property owner/s will not be able to be reconstructed.
Home based businesses, subject to Chapter 18.184 of this code.
(Ord. 37 § 271, 1961; Ord. 785 § 3, 1983; Ord. 911 § 7 (A), 1990; Ord. 963 § 3 (A), 1992; Ord. 1085 § 11, 1998; Ord. 1185 § 10, 2008; Ord. 1298, 2023)
The following uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 18.200 of this title:
Child care centers;
Church and related facilities;
Educational institutions;
Performing arts studios;
Athletic clubs;
Private clubs, lodges and meeting halls;
Animal hospitals and veterinary facilities, provided that such uses shall be limited to the treatment of small animals;
Vocational schools;
Theaters, provided that they shall be walk-in, indoor theaters only;
Utility structures, substations and distribution facilities;
Eating places, provided that they shall not include drive-through or drive-in services;
On-sale alcoholic beverages, provided that such use is secondary and incidental to a permitted use in this zone;
Accessory game arcade consisting of seven or more machines within an indoor recreation facility;
Accessory sports massage;
Conversion of structures originally designed as a residence into an office or business use.
(Ord. 37 § 272, 1961; Ord. 785 § 3, 1983; Ord. 891 § 3, 1989; Ord. 911 § 7 (B), 1990; Ord. 1085 § 11, 1998; Ord. 1110 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1298, 2023)
The following uses are prohibited:
Convenience markets;
Retail and wholesale uses;
Industrial uses;
Residential uses, with the exception of single-family residences that were established prior to 1970, and have been continuously used for residential purposes;
Gambling facilities;
Game arcades other than accessory game arcades specifically authorized in this chapter;
Billboards and other similar off-site outdoor advertising structures;
Drive-through style eating places;
Other uses which are inconsistent with the intent and provisions of this zone, as determined by the director of community development, in accordance with Section 18.192.040. The determination of the director of community development may be appealed to the development plan review board and thereafter the city council in accordance with Chapter 18.212 of this title.
(Ord. 37 § 273, 1961; Ord. 785 § 3, 1983; Ord. 911 § 7 (C), 1990; Ord. 1083 § 6, 1997; Ord. 1298, 2023)
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and buildings in the A-P zone, except that any lot held under separate ownership of record on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, which is substandard in dimensions or area may nevertheless be used subject to all other standards.
Lot Area. Each lot or parcel of land shall have a minimum area of fourteen thousand square feet.
Lot Dimensions. Each lot or parcel shall have a minimum width of one hundred feet and a minimum depth of one hundred forty feet.
Building Height.
No building or structure erected in this zone shall have a height greater than thirty feet, except by conditional use permit.
Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building, and fire or parapet walls, skylights, towers, church steeples, flagpoles, chimneys and other similar structures may be erected above the height limits prescribed in this subsection, provided such structures are compatible with the surroundings.
Air conditioning units, electrical switch gear and panels, compressors and similar mechanical equipment shall be enclosed within an enclosure compatible with the appearance of adjoining and neighboring structures.
Use and Conversion of Residential Buildings.
No structure originally designed as a residence shall be used for any business, professional or office use without prior approval of a conditional use permit. Exceptions may be granted by the planning commission to the requirement for a conditional use permit for buildings possessing unique historical or architectural value.
Any property fully converted to a commercial and/or office use shall not be used for or allowed to be converted back to residential use in any form.
The following development standards shall apply in the consideration of such a conditional use permit:
Each conversion shall comply with all applicable development standards set forth in the A-P zone;
Each conversion shall comply with the applicable provisions of the San Dimas Building Code. Any application to convert a structure originally designed as a residence shall include an occupancy permit, which sets forth the building code requirements applicable to such conversion;
In reviewing such a conditional use permit the following shall be evaluated:
Age, condition and remaining useful life of the structure, and
Number and proximity of nearby residential structures whether or not used for residential or office use.
Conditions may be imposed pursuant to Section 18.200.088 to address any concerns resulting from this evaluation.
Yards. Yards shall be measured perpendicular to the property line.
Front Yards. Each lot or parcel of land in the A-P zone shall have a front yard of not less than fifteen feet in depth. The required yard shall be landscaped and maintained; a complete sprinkler system shall be provided.
Side Yards. Each lot or parcel of land in the A-P zone which has a side lot line adjoining property in a residential or agricultural zone shall have a side yard of not less than ten feet in width on the side adjoining such residential or agricultural lot or parcel of land. On the street side of a corner lot or reversed corner lot, the side yard shall be no less than ten feet in width. The yard abutting the residential or agricultural zone shall be landscaped and maintained. A complete sprinkler system shall be provided in all yards.
Rear Yards. Each lot or parcel of land in an A-P zone which has a rear lot line adjoining property in a residential or agricultural zone or property developed to residential uses shall have a rear yard of not less than twenty feet in depth. When a lot or parcel in an A-P zone is separated from property in a residential or agricultural zone or property developed to residential uses, parking structures may be permitted in the required rear yard so long as no part of the parking structure is within twenty-five feet of the adjoining residential or agricultural zone or use. Landscaping and sprinklering requirements of subdivision 2 of this subsection shall apply.
No required or provided front or side yards shall be used for parking facilities.
Required Walls.
Solid masonry walls shall be erected on the zone boundary line between the A-P and S-F or M-F zones. Walls shall be not less than five nor more than six feet in height and shall be reduced to not less that three feet in height in any required yard abutting a street.
A decorative wrought iron or similar, open fence may be erected, as an alternative to a solid masonry wall, subject to review and approval of a conditional use permit, provided that the following standards are met:
Fence height shall be not less than five feet and not more than six feet, and shall be reduced to not less than three feet in height in any required yard abutting the street.
Decorative masonry, or similar, pilasters shall be incorporated into the fencing plan. The planning commission shall determine the precise design including height, width and spacing of said pilasters but in no event shall they be spaced more than twenty-five feet on center.
Said open fencing shall only be allowed if the planning commission determines that unique natural features, such as topography change and/or distance, separate the administrative-professional use from adjoining residential uses and that an open fence will not be detrimental to the value or enjoyment of the adjoining residential uses.
The required wall or fence may be eliminated subject to review and approval of a conditional use permit if the planning commission determines that unique natural features, such as a topography change and/or distance, separate the administrative-professional use from adjoining residential uses and that the elimination of fencing will not be detrimental to the value or enjoyment of the adjoining residential uses.
Corner Cutback Areas. The cutback line shall be in a horizontal plane, making an angle of forty-five degrees with the side, front and rear property line. It shall pass through a point not less than ten feet from the intersection of the front, side or rear property line or ten feet from the edges of a driveway where it intersects the street or alley, as the case may be.
Streets and Alleys. There shall be a corner cutback area at all intersecting or intercepting streets and/or alleys.
Driveways. There shall be a corner cutback area on each side of any private driveway intersecting a street or alley.
Permitted Walls.
Walls not greater than six feet in height shall be permitted on or within all property lines not abutting streets and on or to the rear of all yard setback lines of yards abutting streets.
Walls not over forty-two inches in height shall be permitted in required yards abutting streets.
Off-Street Parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.156 shall apply. The following shall also apply:
A minimum of four percent of the gross lot area shall be set aside for internal parking lot landscaping.
There shall be adequate vehicular access to off-street parking facilities from a dedicated and improved street, service road or alley. The design of the access shall conform to city standards and specifications.
Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.152 shall apply.
Lighting. All outside lighting shall be so arranged and shielded as to prevent any glare or reflection, any nuisance, inconvenience or hazardous interference of any kind on adjoining rights-of-way or property. No light standard shall exceed a height of ten feet.
Utilities. All utilities provided to serve new as well as existing uses and buildings shall be installed underground except as otherwise provided for in the approved precise site plan.
Trash Storage. A trash storage area with a minimum inside clear area measuring eight feet by ten feet enclosed by solid masonry walls a minimum of five feet in height shall be provided in an appropriate location.
Landscaping. Landscaping where required by this title shall be installed pursuant to an approved landscaping plan. The landscaping shall be maintained by a complete sprinkler system and kept weed and disease free.
(Ord. 37 § 274, 1961; Ord. 253 § 1, 1969; Ord. 378 § 1, 1972; Ord. 896, 1989; Ord. 1110 § 2, 1999; Ord. 1298, 2023)
Before any building (or structure) is erected on any lot in an A-P zone, a site plan shall have been submitted and approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.12.
(Ord. 37 § 275, 1961; Ord. 253 § 1, 1969; Ord. 1298, 2023)