The purpose of this chapter is to facilitate the maximum beneficial use of the City's sewer services and facilities while preventing blockages of the sewer lines resulting from discharges of fats, oils and grease (FOG) into the public sewer, and to specify appropriate FOG discharge requirements for food service establishments as defined herein.
The provisions set forth in this chapter are designed to ensure compliance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations, and to allow the City to meet applicable standards.
This chapter also establishes quantity and quality standards on all discharges containing FOG, which may alone or collectively cause or contribute to FOG accumulation in the sewer facilities causing or potentially causing or contributing to the occurrence of sanitary sewer overflows.
(Ord. 002-10 C.S. § 2, eff. 2-25-10)
This chapter shall apply to discharges of wastewater containing FOG conveyed to the public sewer from any commercial or institutional food service establishment. Industrial users subject to Federal pretreatment regulations shall be regulated under Chapter 13.08.
(Ord. 002-10 C.S. § 2, eff. 2-25-10)
Subject to the foregoing, the meaning of the terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
"Best management practices" or "BMPs"
mean activities, prohibitions, maintenance procedures and other management practices to prevent or reduce the introduction of FOG into the public sewer.
means a partial or complete obstruction of wastewater flowing through a sewer pipeline.
"Change in law"
means a change to any State or Federal law, permit or regulation; changes to the City Code; changes to any City NPDES permit or waste discharge requirement; or the subsequent existence of any court order, consent decree, injunction or other regulatory or legal imposition that affects the use and/or operation of the City's sanitary sewer system and any other public or private sanitary sewer systems, lines or other public or private infrastructure that connects to the City's sanitary sewer system.
"Change in operations"
means any change in the ownership, food types, or operational procedures that have the potential to change the amount of FOG discharged by an FSE to the City's wastewater collection and treatment system.
means the City of Stockton, a municipal corporation.
"Collection system"
means the public sewer system consisting of all pipes and conveyance system components conveying wastewater to the City's wastewater treatment plant.
means an establishment which is used as a base of operations for one or more motorized food wagons or push carts, where such unit or units and/or equipment are serviced, cleaned, supplied and/or maintained.
"Composite sample"
means a collection of individual samples obtained at selected intervals based on an increment of either flow or time. The resulting mixture (composite sample) is intended to form a representative sample of the waste stream discharged during the sample period.
"Design hydraulic depth"
means total operating depth of interceptor contents at which interceptor is designed to operate.
means the City of Stockton Director of Municipal Utilities or authorized representative.
"Enforcement officer"
means any City employee or agent of the City with authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter and the authority to make any decision, on behalf of the Director, required or called for by this chapter.
"Fats, oils and grease" or "FOG"
means any substance such as vegetable or animal product that is used in, or is a byproduct of, the cooking or food preparation process, and that becomes or may become viscous, or solidifies or may solidify, with a change in temperature or other conditions.
"Food grinder"
means any device installed in the plumbing or wastewater system for the purpose of grinding food or food waste.
"Food service establishment" or "FSE"
means a facility, including, but not limited to, any commercial or institutional entity within the sanitary sewer service area of the regional wastewater control facility, operating in a permanently constructed structure such as a room, building or place, or portion thereof, maintained, used or operated for the purpose of storing, preparing, serving, manufacturing, packing or otherwise handling food for sale to other entities, or for consumption by the public, its members or employees, and which has any process or device that uses or produces FOG, or grease vapors, steam, fumes, smoke or odors that are required to be removed by an exhaust hood pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 114149.1 or in accordance with the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law (CURFFL) (California Health and Safety Code Sections 113700, et seq.). The term "food service establishment" or "FSE" also means any commissary where food is prepared using fats, oils or grease and/or which receives water from motorized food wagons or push carts containing fats, oils or grease. A limited food preparation establishment is not considered an FSE when engaged only in reheating, hot holding, or assembly of ready to eat food products, provided that the establishment has no wastewater discharge containing a significant amount of FOG.
"Grab sample"
means a sample taken from a waste stream on a one-time basis without regard to the flow in the waste stream and without consideration of time.
"Grease control device"
means any grease interceptor, grease trap or other mechanism, device or process which attaches to, or is applied to, wastewater plumbing fixtures and lines, the purpose of which is to trap, collect or treat FOG prior to it being discharged into the public sewer.
"Grease interceptor"
means a multicompartment device that primarily uses gravity to separate FOG from the wastewater as it moves from one compartment to the next. The design, construction, sizing and installation of grease interceptors shall conform to this chapter and the most current edition of the California Plumbing Code. In the event of conflict, this chapter will control.
"Grease trap"
means a grease control device that is used to serve individual plumbing fixtures. A grease trap is typically installed indoors, under or near a dishwashing sink.
"Hot spots"
mean sewer lines that have experienced grease related blockages or SSOs and that must be cleaned or maintained frequently to avoid blockages of the public sewer.
means a person authorized by the Director to inspect any existing or proposed wastewater generation, conveyance, processing and/or disposal facilities.
means a school, church, hospital, convalescent home or other similar entity.
means a "grease interceptor."
"Lower lateral"
means the lateral line owned by the City connecting a home or other structure to the City's sewer main extending from the sewer main to the back of the public right-of-way or point of connection to the private lateral, whichever is applicable. Lower laterals are generally connected to private laterals.
means that receipt which is retained by an FSE for the disposal of FOG, recyclable wastes and/or liquid wastes.
"New construction"
means any structure planned or under construction for which a sewer connection permit has not been issued.
means any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, association, society, corporation, joint stock company, trust, estate, governmental entity or any other legal entity, or their legal representatives, agents or assigns. The masculine gender shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the plural where indicated by context.
"Public sewer"
means a sewer connected to the regional wastewater control facility.
"Remodel" or "remodeling"
means any physical and/or operational change to an FSE that involves any one or a combination of the following:
Under-slab plumbing in the food processing area;
A 30 percent or greater increase in the net public seating area;
A 30 percent or greater increase in the size of the kitchen area;
Any change in the size or type of food preparation equipment;
Any remodel, addition, alteration or repair valued greater than $75,000.00.
"Responsible person"
means a person who the Director determines is responsible for causing, permitting, or maintaining a public nuisance or a violation of the Municipal Code, any applicable Uniform Code, applicable State codes, any National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit or any wastewater discharge permit. The term "responsible person" includes, but is not limited to, a property owner, tenant, person with a legal interest in the property, person in possession of the property or person that exercises custody and control over the property.
"Sanitary sewer"
means a sewer which conveys wastewater.
"Sanitary sewer overflow" or "SSO"
means any overflow, spill, release, discharge or diversion of untreated or partially treated wastewater from a sanitary sewer system.
"Sewer facilities" or "sewer system"
means any and all facilities used for collecting, conveying, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage, wastewater and/or sludge.
"Sewer lateral"
means a building sewer as defined in the latest edition of the California Plumbing Code. It is the wastewater pipeline connecting a building's wastewater plumbing to the public sewer.
means any solid, semi-solid and/or liquid decant, sediment or supernatant from a manufacturing process, utility service, tank, vault or FOG control facility.
"Storm drain"
means a pipe or conduit for carrying storm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes wastewater and industrial wastes, other than unpolluted cooling water.
"Twenty-five percent rule"
means requirement for grease interceptors to be maintained such that the combined FOG and solids accumulation does not exceed 25 percent of the design hydraulic depth of the grease interceptor. This is to ensure that the minimum hydraulic retention time and required available hydraulic volume are maintained to effectively intercept and retain FOG discharged to the sewer system.
"Upper lateral"
means the private sanitary sewer lateral or pipeline connecting a home or other structure to the lower lateral, generally extending from the outside of the foundation of the structure to the public right-of-way or point of connection to the public sewer system, whichever is applicable.
means wastewater and any and all other waste substances, liquid, solid, gaseous or radioactive, associated with human habitation or of human or animal nature, including such wastes placed within containers of whatever nature prior to and for the purpose of disposal.
means the liquid and water carrying industrial or domestic wastes from dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities, FSEs, and institutions, whether treated or untreated, which is discharged into the City's wastewater collection system.
(Ord. 002-10 C.S. § 2, eff. 2-25-10)