The purpose of this chapter is to:
Enhance the aesthetic appearance of the City by providing standards related to the quality and functional aspects of landscaping;
Increase the compatibility between abutting land uses and public rights-of-way by providing landscape screening and buffers; and
Provide for the conservation and protection of water resources through the efficient use of water, appropriate use of plant materials suitable for climate and location, and regular maintenance of landscaped areas.
(Prior code § 16-335.010)
All projects that require approval by the City shall provide and maintain landscaping in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Landscaping shall be provided prior to the final certificate of occupancy or final building permit, except for extensions granted by the Director for such issues as seasonal conditions, in the following locations.
Exemptions. The following projects shall be exempt from landscaping requirements:
Areas screened from public view;
Undeveloped portions of nonresidential project sites intended for future development;
Undeveloped portions of residential subdivisions (single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, and multifamily);
Property that is in agricultural production;
Parcels for which there are no final or parcel map or which are identified as remainder parcels on a final or parcel map; and
Parcels for which a building permit is obtained for:
Tenant improvements;
Maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of building elements;
Electronic security systems;
Fire and life safety devices and/or systems;
Emergency or hazardous conditions which must be corrected in the interest of public health, safety, and welfare; and
Other conditions which the Director determines to be immaterial.
Existing Uses and Structures. If existing physical constraints on the site, (e.g., structures, parking, circulation, etc.) limit the amount of landscaping that can be provided when there is an addition or change to the existing use, the applicant shall provide whatever additional landscaping the site can accommodate in compliance with the landscape area requirements of this chapter.
Parking Areas. Parking areas shall be landscaped in compliance with Section 16.64.080 (Development standards for off-street parking).
Public Rights-of-Way. Public rights-of-way shall be landscaped in compliance with Chapter 16.72 (Public Improvements) and the following:
Rules and Regulations. The planting, trimming, care, and removal of street trees shall be in compliance with the most current Department handout for street trees and trees planted in a City right-of-way or public utility easement.
Permitting. A permit from the Director shall be required for anyone, including a utility company operating under a franchise granted by the City of Stockton, to plant, remove or effectively remove, replace, or relocate a street tree in compliance with Chapter 16.162 (Street Tree Permit).
Interference. No one shall interfere with the City while engaged in planting, mulching, pruning, trimming, spraying, treating, or removing any street tree in compliance with Section 12.64.040 (Interference with the City of Stockton).
Harming of Street Trees. No one shall cause harm to a street tree in compliance with Sections 12.64.050 (Substances deleterious to trees or shrubs prohibited), 12.64.060 (Prohibition against attaching ropes, wires, signs, etc., to trees or shrubs), and 12.64.070 (Protection of trees and shrubs during construction work).
Maintenance. Property owners may trim, prune, and maintain a City street tree adjacent to their property without a permit in compliance with subsection D (Public rights-of-way), provided the maintenance does not result in the effective removal of a street tree.
(Prior code § 16-335.020; Ord. 015-09 C.S., eff. 12-3-09)
Landscape plans shall be submitted for all multifamily and nonresidential projects. The landscape plans shall be prepared by a landscape design professional.
(Prior code § 16-335.030)
Landscaping shall be designed, installed, and maintained as follows:
General Design Standards. The following features shall be incorporated into the design of landscaped areas.
Landscaping shall be planned as an integral part of the overall project design and not simply located in excess space after parking areas and structures have been planned.
Landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation system(s).
Landscaping may include lawn, groundcover, trees, shrubs, and other live plant materials. Landscaping may also include small amounts of accessory decorative outdoor landscape elements (e.g., ponds, fountains, sculpture, and paved or decorated surfaces) excluding driveways, parking, and storage areas.
Front yard setbacks and side yard setbacks abutting a street shall be landscaped and maintained. A minimum of 50 percent of the area required to be landscaped shall consist of live plants and/or grass. Driveways shall comply with Section 1664.090(A) (Parking in residential zoning districts—Front and street side setback areas).
Sidewalks providing pedestrian access shall be considered in the design of all landscaped areas, including the need to locate plants so as not to interfere with the ability of pedestrians to have an adequate view of paths and surrounding areas to ensure their safety.
Landscape planting shall be provided within adjacent public street rights-of-way, in compliance with Chapter 16.72 (Public Improvements).
Landscaping over 30 inches in height shall not be allowed within a traffic sight area formed by the intersection of public rights-of-way, parking lot entrances and exits, pedestrian rights-of-way, driveways, or alleys as determined by the City Engineer in compliance with Section 16.36.140 (Traffic sight area).
Plant Materials. Plant materials shall be selected and installed to comply with the following requirements:
A mix of plant materials should be provided.
Trees and shrubs shall be planted so that at maturity they do not interfere with service lines and traffic sight areas.
Trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained in a manner that protects the basic rights of adjacent property owners, particularly the right to solar access.
Trees planted near public sidewalks or curbs shall be of a species and installed in a manner that prevents physical damage to sidewalks, curbs, gutters and other public improvements.
The selection of plant materials shall include both evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs and attractive erosion preventing ground cover. Seventy-five percent of the plants selected in non-turf areas shall be well suited to the climate of the region and require minimal water once established in the landscape. Plants that require similar water needs should be grouped together and shall be irrigated separately. Attention shall be given to appearance, height, spread, growth rate, moisture requirements, potential root damage, disease, pest susceptibility, climate adaptability, soil type slope, function, and decreased maintenance.
A minimum of three inches of mulch shall be added in non-turf areas to the soil surface after planting. Plant types that are intolerant to mulch shall be excluded from this requirement.
Compliance with State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. For any new building permit, new landscaping installed shall be done so in compliance with the current version of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, as adopted by the City Council at the time of building permit issuance.
(Prior code § 16-335.040; Ord. 011-11 C.S. § 1, eff. 10-27-11)
Landscape areas shall be maintained to ensure water efficiency, avoid runoff, and promote conservation in compliance with Chapters 13.28 and 13.32 of the Municipal Code. Suggested means: checking, adjusting and repairing irrigation equipment; resetting automatic controllers; aerating and detaching turf areas; adding or replenishing mulch, fertilizer and soil amendments; and pruning and weeding all landscaped areas.
Water waste resulting from inefficient landscape irrigation leading to excessive runoff, low head drainage, overspray, and other similar conditions where water flows onto adjacent property, nonirrigated areas, sidewalks, roadways, or structures shall be prohibited. Recirculating water shall be used for fountains and water features.
(Prior code § 16-335.050)
Landscape areas shall be maintained in a healthful and sound condition at all times in compliance with Chapter 8.36 (Minimum Property Maintenance Standards) of the Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 16-335.060)
Developers shall provide the following:
Information to prospective buyers or tenants regarding water-efficient landscaping techniques. A sample of the information to be provided shall be submitted to the Director (of the Community Development Department) for approval before issuance of a building permit.
A sample water-efficient landscaped garden at a model home for residential subdivisions of 100 acres or more.
(Prior code § 16-335.070)