Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall pay to the department of building and inspection the fees adopted by resolution.
The fee shall be determined by the fee schedule in effect on either (a) the date a building permit is issued, or (b) for vesting tentative subdivision maps and vesting tentative parcel maps only, the date the application for such vesting tentative map is complete and accepted consistent with Section 20.13.020, and consistent with Government Code Sections 66474.2, and 66498.1(b), as may be amended or repealed.
When application is made for a new building permit following the expiration of a previously issued building permit for which fees were paid, the fee payment shall not be required, unless the fee schedule has been amended during the interim, in this event the appropriate increase or decrease shall be imposed.
In the event that subsequent development occurs with respect to property for which fees have been paid, additional fees shall be required only for additional square footage of development that was not included in computing the prior fee.
When a fee is paid for a development project and that project is subsequently reduced so that it is entitled to a lower fee, the county shall issue a partial refund of the fee.
When a fee is paid for a development project and the project is subsequently abandoned without any further action beyond the obtaining of a building permit, the payor shall be entitled to a refund of the fee paid, less the administrative portion of the fee.
(Ord. 818 §1, 2003; Ord. 360 §1, 1989)
Fees paid under this title shall be held in separate public facility accounts to be expended for the purpose for which they were collected by the auditor-controller. The auditor-controller shall retain fee interest accrued and allocate it to the accounts for which the original fee was imposed.
(Ord. 360 §1, 1989)
No fee may be applied by a local agency to the reconstruction of any residential, commercial or industrial development project that is damaged or destroyed as a result of a natural disaster as declared by the Governor.
(Ord. 360 §1, 1989)
Pursuant to Title 14 Code of Regulations Sections 15061 and 15273(4), this title is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.
(Ord. 360 §1, 1989)