See Appendix—Definitions.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000; 2003 Code; Ord. 625, 6-11-2013)
Dog Nuisance Declared: The presence of unlicensed dogs within the town is hereby declared to be a nuisance and the owners or harborers of any such dogs are hereby declared to be maintainers of such nuisance.
At-Large Cat Nuisance Declared: The presence of unlicensed, at-large cats within the town is declared to be a nuisance and the owners or harborers of any such cat(s) are hereby declared to be maintainers of such nuisance.
Li​cense Fees:
Annual License Fee: There shall be levied an annual license fee on all dogs within the town of $15 for a neutered male and a spayed female dog and $25 for nonneutered and unspayed dogs. These rates apply for the first three dogs. The fourth (4th) dog is $50, the fifth (5th) dog is $50 and so on with each dog being an additional $50. These rates apply to dogs located at a particular residence regardless of ownership. There shall be an annual license fee on all cats within the town of $5 for a neutered male and a spayed female cat and $10 for an unneutered and unspayed cat.
Term: Such fee shall be due March 1st of each year and shall cover the period of one year commencing from March 1st and ending on the last day of February of the next year.
Delinquent: Such fee shall be considered delinquent on March 2nd of each year thereafter.
Notice, Demand or Request—Late Fee: Other than herein provided, notice, demand or request to any dog owner or harbored shall not be necessary, and anyone relicensing or renewing a license after the expiration of the license period fixed herein shall be assessed an additional $10 as a delinquent payment for each month and for each dog for which there exists a delinquency.
Proceeds: Proceeds of such fee shall be paid into the office of the town clerk-treasurer where it shall be kept in the general fund.
Du​ty to Collect—Publication of Notice—Unlicensed Dogs and Cats:
Co​llection: It shall be the duty of the town clerk-treasurer to make collection of said license fees.
Pa​yment Date: Said license fees shall be due and payable immediately at the time fixed herein.
Pu​blication of Notice: It shall be the duty of the town clerk-treasurer, immediately before said fees become due, to publish in the newspaper in Basin, Wyoming, once a week for a total of two times (once in January and once in February of each year) a notice setting forth the fact that said license fees are due by March 1st of each year; also in said notice it shall state that said fees must be paid within a period of 10 days after the due date, and if not so paid, the dog/cat not tagged shall be exterminated.
Ex​termination—Alternative: No extermination, however, shall take place without due process. Instead of extermination, the owner or harborer shall be allowed to permanently remove the dog/cat from within the town limits.
Is​suance of Tag: Each and every owner or harborer of a dog or cat, upon the payment of said license fee, shall receive a license tag, and it shall be the duty of such owner or harborer to provide a collar for such dog on which shall be affixed said license tag. Cats will be required to have tag affixed to collar or provide documented microchip ID number that is provided to the town clerk.
Ev​idence of Spaying or Neutering: Each and every owner or harborer of a spayed female dog/cat or neutered male dog/cat, upon the payment of said license fee, shall produce, for examination by the town clerk-treasurer, a certificate or other acceptable evidence that said female or male dog/cat has been spayed or neutered as the case may be.
Ra​bies Inoculation:
Re​quired: Each and every owner or harborer of a dog/cat shall have such dog/cat inoculated for rabies and to keep such inoculation current at all times to ensure that such dog/cat is inoculated against contracting rabies, and the evidence of such inoculation shall be affixed to such dog's collar or proof readily provided upon demand for cats.
Un​lawful: It is unlawful for any person to own or keep a dog/cat within the town, without first having the dog/cat inoculated or vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian and must have current proof of such rabies vaccination.
Wh​en Required: All dogs/cats shall be registered when they are three months old, and shall be inoculated and licensed at that time; or in the case of new dogs/cats, within 30 days after being brought into the town.
Du​plicate Tags—Fee: In the event a license tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the town clerk-treasurer upon presentation of a receipt showing the payment of the license fee for the current year, and the payment of $5 for each duplicate shall be required.
Tr​ansfer of Tags—Refunds: License tags shall not be transferable from one dog or cat to another and no refunds shall be made on licenses because of the death of the dog or cat, or if the owner or harborer leaves town before the expiration of the license period.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000; Ord. 574, 8-4-2008; Ord. 608, 11-8-2011; Ord. 614, 7-10-2012; Ord. 669, 7-11-2019)
Criteria: Any dog/cat in the town, which shall have bitten any person in the town without good cause, shall be taken to be a vicious dog/cat.
Declared Public Nuisance: A vicious dog/cat is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
Duty to Impound: It shall be the duty of the chief of police or authorized officer, upon any notification by any person having actual knowledge of the biting of any person by any dog/cat within the town, to impound said dog/cat in question at the owner's expense and notify the owner/harborer of such action.
Absence of Acceptable Proof of Inoculation: The dog/cat shall be impounded for at least 10 days in the absence of acceptable proof that the dog/cat is inoculated against rabies. The owner shall be responsible for all costs of impoundment and all reasonable veterinary fees.
Removal From Town: The dog/cat thereafter shall be released to the owner/harborer, who shall immediately remove the dog/cat from the town, if the owner/harborer cannot or will not show proof of current rabies vaccination.
Owner Unknown—Failure of Refusal to Remove: If the owner of such dog/cat is not known or if the owner is known and fails or refuses to remove such dog/cat, then such dog/cat shall immediately be destroyed by the chief of police or authorized officer or such other person designated by the governing body. In the case of an owner/harborer who refuses to remove such dog/cat, the cost of extermination will be done at the owner/harborer's expense.
(Ord. 608, 11-8-2011)
All persons owning or being the harborer of a dog are hereby required to keep said dog on a leash and under the control of the owner/harborer, a member of the owner's family or agent, except when the dog is restrained or fenced in the owner's/harborer's private property.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
Registration Required: Every person maintaining a kennel within the town must register said kennel yearly at the town office.
Inspections: Any kennel owner shall permit and allow the town officers or agents to make reasonable inspections of said kennel to make certain that said kennels comply with this chapter and any other reasonable rules, laws, and regulation that may hereafter be adopted for the safety and protection of the town's citizens and the management of the kennel.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000; Ord. 608, 11-8-2011)
Removal Required:
Off Owner's Property: The owner or harborer of every animal shall immediately retrieve and remove all feces deposited by his or her animal while off the owner's/harborer's property, with the exception of while the animal is a participant in a parade or other similar event.
On Owner's Property: The owner or harborer of every animal shall remove all animal defecation from his or her own property and generally maintain a defecation free environment. Any unreasonable accumulation of animal feces that may pose a health hazard, or which causes obnoxious smell or sight shall be deemed a public nuisance and is a violation of this section.
Penalty: Any person's failure to comply with any provision set forth in this section, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in Section 4-2-19 of this chapter.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
It shall be unlawful to dump dogs or cats to stray on the streets or alleys of the town. If any person dumps or in any manner turns loose any dog or cat to stray upon the streets of the town, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in Section 4-2-19 of this chapter.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
Torturing or Tormenting Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to torture, torment, or perform any act, or omission, or neglect, whereby unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering is caused, permitted, or allowed to continue when there is reasonable remedy or relief.
Overdrive, Overload, Etc., Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded, overworked, torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, unnecessarily or cruelly beat, or needlessly mutilate or kill, or to carry in or upon any vehicle, or otherwise, in an inhumane manner, any animal, or to cause or procure it to be done, or who, having the charge and custody of any animal, permits any animal to stand harnessed or hitched to any vehicle, or to any post or hitching place for an unreasonable length of time, or who unnecessarily fails to provide any animal with the proper food, drink, or protection from the weather, or cruelly abandons any animal.
Fighting Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any place where any animals, by his or her consent, are suffered to fight on exhibition, or for sport upon any wager, or whoever causes animals to so fight.
Confinement Without Food or Water: It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to impound or cause to be impounded any animal and not supply during such confinement a sufficient amount of good wholesome food and water.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
Declared Nuisance: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation owning or having custody of a dog within the town to allow or permit such dog to take part in, create, or cause any disturbance or continued barking within the town, and such disturbance or continued barking is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
Inciting to Bark Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to purposely incite, instigate, procure, or cause a dog to continuously bark or cause any disturbance within the corporate limits of the town.
Penalty: Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the penalty set forth in Section 4-2-19 of this chapter.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
If the governing body makes a determination that a rabies epidemic exists, the following measures shall be in effect and enforced, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter that may be in conflict herewith.
Possession of Certain Animals: No person shall harbor, keep or possess a fox, coyote, wolf, raccoon, or skunk within the town.
Inoculation Required—Tag: Every owner or harborer of any cat or dog within the town shall cause such animal to be inoculated against rabies not less than once every two years and shall cause to be securely fastened about the neck of each cat or dog at all times a collar or harness to which shall be securely fastened a rabies tag proving said inoculation.
Use of Another Animal's Tag: No owner or harborer of any cat or dog shall permit or allow said animal to wear or to be displayed on any such animal a tag issued for another animal which received a rabies inoculation.
Immediate Destruction—Exception: Any cat or dog found within the town and not displaying a current rabies inoculation tag and any fox, coyote, wolf, raccoon, or skunk found within the town shall be destroyed immediately by or under the supervision of the chief of police, unless the chief of police determines that such animal shall be held for observation at the owner's or harborer's expense, and after such observation, the animal shall be destroyed unless otherwise directed by the chief of police.
Animal Bite: Any animal that is without a current rabies inoculation that has bitten a person within the town shall be immediately destroyed under the supervision of the chief of police, and the animal's head shall be shipped to the Wyoming state veterinary laboratory for such rabies testing. All costs and expenses for said destruction, shipping and testing shall be paid by the owner/harborer of the animal.
Horses and Cattle: All horses and cattle within the town limits shall be inoculated for rabies and such inoculation shall be kept current until the governing body has declared that the rabies epidemic is over and these emergency measures are no longer necessary.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
Due to the nonavailability of rabies vaccine for wild animals, and their susceptibility to rabies, neither wild nor exotic carnivores, nor hybrids shall be kept, sheltered or harbored within the town limits. Hybrids are considered wild animals if their parentage is one-sixteenth (1/16) or more wild, and are prohibited.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
Prohibited: It is unlawful for any person to keep, maintain or have in his or her possession any farm animals within the town.
Existing Use: Provided, however, that this section shall not affect or make unlawful for any person now owning or having horses kept, maintained, or in their possession within the town as of the date hereof.
Change in Ownership or Right of Possession: In the event of any real estate within the town which is now being used for the purpose of keeping horses thereon shall be sold, transferred, leased, or if it changes ownership or right of possession in any manner whatsoever, including by right of descent, or any testamentary disposition, such real estate shall not thereafter be used for the purpose of keeping animals thereon, excluding areas of the town deemed for mixed agriculture.
Declared Nuisance: All horses, mules, burros, llamas, alpaca, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, chickens in violation of subsection E below, ducks, geese, turkeys, emus, or poultry of any description, or any other livestock or animals running at large within the corporate limits of the town are declared to be a nuisance, and any person being the owner or keeper of such shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the penalty provisions provided in Section 4-2-19 of this chapter.
Chickens Allowed With Restrictions: Chickens shall be allowed within the Town of Basin subject to the following rules and regulations. These restrictions shall not apply to the rural residential zone, addressed in Basin Town Code Section 11-2-4-4, which has less restrictive regulations concerning chickens.
Permits: The town may issue a written permit allowing the possession of chickens within the town corporate limits subject to the provisions contained herein. Any person 18 years of age or older) who desires to possess chickens must submit a written application for approval by the town. Permit fees are $15 per permit per residence each year. Such fee shall be due March 1st of each year and shall cover the period of one year commencing March 1st and ending on the last day of February of the next year.
Regulations: All persons who are issued a permit for chickens must comply with the following restrictions:
The maximum chickens per residence shall be eight chickens, with no roosters, with a predator proof minimum roost space as follows:
Scratch Pen = Adequate size–Fenced.
Coup Space = Four square feet per chicken.
Four foot (4′) by four foot (4′) min.—four foot (4′) by eight foot (8′) max.
Coup Height = Four foot (4′) minimum (covered ceiling).
Any person claiming a chicken to be a service animal must provide proof from a certified professional.
No person shall slaughter any chickens in public view and must be discretely done.
Chickens are not allowed in the following designated zones: Commercial and Railroad.
Chickens shall not be kept in any location on the property other than in the backyard. "Backyard" means that portion of a lot enclosed by the property's rear lot line and the side lot lines to the point where the side lot lines intersect with the imaginary line established by the rear structure.
No covered or fenced enclosure shall be located closer than five feet to any property line of an adjacent property or 25 feet to any structure on an adjacent property used as a human dwelling. The distance of 25 feet shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point of any enclosure or structure in which chickens are kept to the nearest point of any adjacent structure used as a human dwelling.
Adjacent property means all parcels or property that the applicant's property comes into contact with at one or more points.
All feed and other items associated with the keeping of chickens shall be protected in a weather-resistant container designed to prevent access by insects and animals.
Enclosures shall be located so that adequate drainage is obtained, normal drying occurs and standing water is not present. Enclosures must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
Waste must be collected and stored in fly-tight containers and hauled away at intervals not to exceed seven days. Coups must have traps or floors to keep chicken waste off of the ground and must be cleaned once per week.
Within 30 days of submission of the completed chicken permit form, the appointed town official shall issue a written determination approving or disapproving the request. A conditional approval may be issued subject to reasonable conditions agreed upon by the applicant.
Any approval allowing chickens shall be site specific at the address on the chicken permit request form.
If the above requirements are not complied with, the town may revoke any permit granted under this section. Permit holders shall submit it for examination upon demand by any appointed town official.
Any appeal from the determination of the appointed town official, shall be made in writing to the town council within 10 days after issuance of the written determination and must include the reason for the appeal and any information appellant wishes the town council to consider. The appointed town official shall provide written response to the town council and appellant within 10 days after receipt of the notice of appeal. The town council may set the appeal to be heard at the next regular scheduled meeting of the council, or the council may decide the appeal on the basis of the written information provided. The town shall issue a written determination within 45 days of receipt of the notice of appeal. The written determination of the town council shall be the final decision.
Permits may be immediately revoked by the appointed town official, for fraud, misrepresentation or a false statement contained in the application for the permit, or for any violation of this code or conditions contained in the permit. Notice of revocation shall be given in writing, setting forth specifically the grounds for the revocation. Violations of the permit may give rise to a citation for public nuisance pursuant to subsection D above.
The appointed town official is authorized to visit the premises of any permittee, after verbal or written notice of a scheduled inspection is given, to ascertain and secure compliance with the provisions of this code and permit.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000; 2003 Code; Ord. 692, 5-13-2021; Ord. 703, 9-22-2022; Ord. 708, 12/14/2023)
Dangerous animals are hereby declared a public nuisance and shall be removed from the town immediately; or, as so ordered by the municipal court judge upon a lawful hearing, shall either be removed immediately from the town, or be destroyed.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
If any person shall interfere with, hinder or molest any police officer, or any agent thereof, in the performance of their duty as herein provided, such person(s) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined as provided in Section 4-2-19 of this chapter.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
in the enforcement of any provision of this chapter, any police officer of the town, or the animal control officer, is authorized to enter the premises of any person and take possession of licensed or unlicensed dogs when in fresh pursuit of such animal at the time the animal goes upon private property, if a search warrant is first obtained or permission is obtained.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000)
All dogs and cats found running at large in the Town of Basin shall be captured and impounded. Dogs and cats so impounded shall be kept for a period of not less than 48 hours, exclusive of the day of capture, and if not claimed by the owner or harborer thereof, shall be exterminated or destroyed.
In the event that the dog or cat is not claimed by the owner or harborer thereof, the town may elect to deliver said animal to any person who agrees to adopt said animal and to spay or neuter the animal. Any person so adopting shall provide proof of spaying or neutering to the town clerk and shall be entitled to an adoption fee in an amount to be determined by the council, said fee not to exceed the amount the town is charged for euthanizing said animal.
(Ord. 608, 11-8-2011)
It shall be the duty of every police officer to capture and impound any dog or cat found running at large contrary to the provisions of this chapter and title, and the officer is authorized and required to cause to be captured and impounded all dogs and cats found running at large, or being kept or possessed contrary to this chapter and title. The poundmaster, if there is one, or some other designated official, upon receiving such cat or dog, shall make a complete registry, entering the breed, color and sex of such animal, and shall record whether or not the animal is licensed. If licensed, he or she shall enter the name and address of the owner thereof, and the number of the license tag, and shall notify the owner of the animal that the animal has been impounded.
(Ord. 608, 11-8-2011)
There is provided an impound fee of $50 for animals that are properly licensed and $75 for unlicensed animals, and a pound fee of $5 per day including day of apprehension for each day or fraction of a day that any dog or cat is impounded. Before any such dog or cat is released from the pound, the town shall collect the fee and any applicable license fees from the person or persons claiming such dog or cat. All such fees shall be promptly remitted to the town clerk-treasurer by the person collecting such fees.
(Ord. 608, 11-8-2011)
Misdemeanor: Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Penalty: Upon conviction for violation of any provision of this chapter, the defendant shall be subject to penalty as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code.
(Ord. 518, 2-7-2000; 2003 Code; Ord. 608, 11-8-2011)