The Administrative Officer shall be appointed by the City Council and serve directly under the supervision and control of the City Council in an administrative capacity.
The powers and duties of the Administrative Officer shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII of the City Charter and shall include the exercise of administrative supervision and control over all Departments except as otherwise directed by the City Council.
(Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)
Except as may be provided otherwise in the Inglewood City Charter, the Mayor and City Council shall act as the "appointing authority" of all department heads. The appointment of department heads shall be made by the Mayor and City Council pursuant to the Civil Service Rules of the City of Inglewood, after receiving the recommendation of the City Administrative Officer and reviewing the eligibility list. The "appointing authority" of all division heads, managers, and all other employees shall be the Administrative Officer, with recommendations from the respective department heads. The Administrative Officer shall facilitate and approve all transfers, upgrades and promotions for all employees, other than department heads, and shall administer and manage the disciplinary process concerning all employees.
(Ord. 1980 1-23-69; Ord. 97-19 9-2-97; Ord. 97-25 12-2-97; Ord. 99-4 2-2-99; Ord. 99-23 8-31-99; Ord. 00-05 4-18-00)
The Public Works Department is hereby created and established to perform the following duties:
To conduct engineering studies, maintenance of all engineering records and documents of the City, giving technical engineering advice and service to all City departments, divisions, offices, boards, commissions and agencies.
The designing, supervision and inspection of all City construction projects, and review of all engineering work done by consultants for the City, to the end of assuring that the best interests of the City are met.
To issue permits and to conduct studies as assigned by the Administrative Officer.
The maintenance, construction and repair of all City buildings, structures and appurtenances.
To conduct traffic studies and, based thereon, the design, installation and maintenance of all traffic, directional and street signs, parking and signal devices.
The service, maintenance and repair of all automotive and mechanized equipment owned and operated by the City.
The control of the assignment and utilization of all City automotive equipment.
The installation, maintenance, repair, flushing and operating of all water supply, storage, distribution and service lines, facilities and appurtenances comprising the City water system.
The reading of water meters, making of service connections and disconnections, servicing of consumer complaints, and maintenance of adequate customer service.
The general responsibility for the water system.
The promotion of the proper use and utilization of water.
Ensure City compliance with local, state and Federal statutes, guidelines and regulations as they relate to solid waste.
The collection and disposal of all garbage, refuse and trash on a regularly scheduled basis; or the administration of any contracts for such service as may be awarded by the City Council.
The cleaning, sweeping and flushing of streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and alleys.
The building, surfacing, rebuilding, patching and in any other way which may be required, maintenance of all City streets, alleys, storm drains, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, traffic signals and signs, and public ways.
The building, maintenance, and rebuilding of sanitary sewers.
Performance of such other functions and duties as may be assigned by the Administrative Officer or City Manager.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)
The Public Works Director shall have the following powers and duties:
To act as the administrative head and to have the general supervision and management of the Public Works Department; to perform the duties as provided for in Article XV of the City Charter and to serve as ex-officio City Engineer.
To perform such other duties as the City Council or Administrative Officer may from time to time impose.
To issue traffic regulations concerning the following:
Stop Signs, Yield Signs, "No U-Turn" Signs, "No Parking at Any Time" Signs, mechanical, electric and electronic traffic control devices.
Crosswalks, safety zones and traffic lanes.
Truck routes and bus routes.
Loading zones, bus stops and taxi loading areas.
Closure of pedestrian crosswalks.
The striping and marking of streets and the turning movements thereon.
The sign, modification or addition of parking meter zones and time limits, as long as less than one block is involved in any one order.
The sign, modification or establishment of parking time limits in other than parking meter zones, so long as less than one block is involved in any one order.
The placing and maintenance of such other traffic signs as may be reasonable or necessary for the regulation of safety of traffic.
The establishment of special speed limits.
To organize waste diversion efforts of the City to achieve state mandated target goals imposed by legislation.
To ensure contractor compliance with terms and conditions of the solid waste contract.
To coordinate efforts with other City departments regarding refuse source reduction strategies for residential, commercial and industrial entities.
Supervise the street sweeping program, the operation of the water treatment plant, the maintenance of sanitary sewers, storm drains and the water distribution system.
Prepare the departmental operating budget and formulate the City's Capital Improvement Program.
(Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 2060 7-2-71; Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)
The Public Works Director shall issue the regulations designated in Section 2-157(c) in those instances when he or she finds that they are necessary:
To promote the safe, orderly and expeditious movement of traffic;
To reduce traffic congestion;
To maximize use of parking areas and facilities;
To prevent misuse of parking areas and facilities;
To promote safety for pedestrian travel;
To promote safety for vehicular travel;
To provide for orderly and efficient direction of traffic;
To provide for orderly and efficient routing of traffic.
(Ord. 1980 1-23-69; Ord. 1999 5-30-69; Ord. 2060 7-2-71; Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
Any traffic, pedestrian or parking regulation ordered by the Public Works Director pursuant to the authority delegated to him shall be in writing and shall be in the form of an order, setting forth the street or streets involved and the nature of the regulation. For this purpose, there shall be kept and maintained as a public writing in the Public Works Department, a certain book of record, properly bound, to be known as "Public Works—Traffic Regulations." Copies of such orders or regulations shall also be filed with the City Clerk, and the Police Chief. No order issued by the Public Works Director shall be effective unless and until every order so entered shall be served on said officials and shall bear thereon its effective date.
Immediately upon the making of such an order, the Public Works Director shall take whatever steps are necessary in the installation, removal or modification of any signs, signals, parking meters or other traffic or parking indicators to implement said order.
Actions falling outside the delegation of authority by the City Council to the Parking and Traffic Commission and the Public Works Director shall be reduced to a draft resolution for the consideration of the City Council, which resolution shall be put on the next succeeding City Council agenda for consideration and, if appropriate, passage by the City Council. Resolutions, and additions thereto, shall be recorded and filed as a traffic order as hereinabove stipulated.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
(Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
(Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
The Library Department is hereby created and established to perform the following functions:
Operate the City library system, providing free library service to the citizens of the City and to the citizens of any other governmental jurisdiction under and pursuant to any contractual relationships or reciprocal agreements entered into by the City Council between the City and said other jurisdictions, and to advise patrons in the use of the facilities thereof.
Select, order, organize, maintain and circulate books, periodicals, newspapers, audio-visual materials, art works, and other informational media.
Maintain and assist patrons in the use of reference and other resources of the library system, and to advise readers thereon.
Provide staff assistance to the Library Board.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the City Council or Administrative Officer.
The Library Director shall have the following powers and duties:
Act as the administrative head of the Library Department and the library system.
To advise and recommend to the Library Board concerning operation of the library and the functions of the Library Board.
To submit requisitions for the purchase of all materials and services needed for the operation and maintenance of the library system, in accordance with purchasing and other procedures adopted by the City Council or Administrative Officer.
To prepare, with the advice of the Library Board, an annual Operating budget for the library system, and submit the same to the Administrative Officer, together with appropriate comments which he or she or the Library Board may deem appropriate.
To carry out those additional duties assigned by the City Council or Administrative Officer.
The Recreation, Parks and Community Services Department is hereby created and established to perform the following functions:
Plan, plant, care for, beautify, mow, water and maintain all City parks, playgrounds, ball fields, parkways, plantings or trees in street rights-of-way, public grounds, planted medians, and other assigned City-owned grounds requiring maintenance and care.
Trim, remove and plant shrubs and trees in public rights-of-way and on public property.
Organize, schedule, coordinate, promote, and supervise recreational and community service functions and activities for all age and interest groups within the City.
Mark, prepare, and maintain tennis courts, playing fields, other playing surfaces and facilities over which the City has jurisdiction in accordance with accepted technical standards.
Where funding allows, to provide a transit system for seniors and handicapped persons for community services sponsored by the City.
To provide special programs, such as the Shoppers Shuttle, Senior Bus Passes, and community events including the Annual Hispanic Festival, 4th of July Celebration, Health Fair and Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Act as liaison to and assist the Inglewood Philharmonic, Sister Cities Commission, and other community/ cultural activities which have a relationship to the City.
To provide and maintain excellent grounds, fields, and green areas for the recreational use of the general public.
To provide full service programs when funding is available for seniors, including a congregate meals site, transportation services, and other social services.
Perform such other duties as the City Council or the Administrative Officer may from time to time impose.
(Ord. 99-1 1-26-99)
The Recreation, Parks and Community Services Director shall have the following powers and duties:
To act as the administrative head of the Recreation, Parks and Community Services Department.
To be responsible for and perform all duties and responsibilities assigned and legally delegated to such position by the Charter, the Code, or the City Council.
To have full jurisdiction and control of the designation of kind and type, planting, setting out, location and placement of all trees and shrubs in the public streets and parkways of the City, and shall likewise have supervision, direction and control of their removal, relocation and replacement thereof; provided, however, in making such determinations and exercising such control he shall be limited to the trees and shrubs designated on the then current official trees and shrubs planting list prepared, transmitted and filed as in this Article provided.
To have complete jurisdiction, supervision, and control of the types and scope of community services provided to people of all ages and interest groups by the City.
To prepare an annual operating budget for the department and authorize appropriate expenditures supporting the overall goals of the organization.
(Ord. 99-1 1-26-99)
The Finance Department is hereby created and established to perform the following functions:
The maintenance and operation of the general, cost and budgetary accounting systems of the City, of and for each of the several departments, divisions, offices, boards, commissions, committees, agencies and services of the City government, without exception or exclusion.
The performance of such accounting functions and duties in accordance with the latest and most modern accounting method.
Keep and maintain, or to prescribe and require the keeping and maintaining of, inventory records of municipal personal property necessary to and consistent with modern municipal accounting practices.
The assumption, maintenance and performance of all functions and duties relating to the administration, collection and control of all taxes levied by the City, unless the City Council contracts with another governmental jurisdiction for the performance of such duties.
The performance of all functions and duties relating to the preparation, auditing, presenting and disbursement of all claims and demands against the City, including payrolls.
The assistance, in such ways as the Administrative Officer shall determine and assign, in the compilation, preparation, administration and continuing control of the City budget.
The preparation and presentation to the City Council, through the Administrative Officer, of the following reports, in sufficient detail so as to show the exact financial condition of the City:
A monthly, or more frequent as may be desired, statement of all receipts, disbursements and balances.
An annual statement and report of financial condition.
Such other financial reports as may be required by the City Council or the Administrative Officer.
The preparation and presentation of such annual financial reports as may be required by law to the State of California, and such additional reports as may be required from time to time by law.
The operation of the central purchasing and warehousing system.
The operation of the central mail, messenger and duplicating service.
The conducting of and reporting on such statistical, cost and financial analyses as may be assigned by the Administrative Officer.
The performance of such other functions as may be assigned by the City Council or Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 2273 11-30-76)
The Finance Director shall have the following powers and duties:
To act as the administrative head of the Finance Department.
To cooperate with the City Treasurer and other City department heads in establishing and maintaining sufficient and satisfactory controls over municipal revenues and expenditures in all City departments, divisions, services, agencies, boards and commissions in accordance with modern municipal accounting, auditing, reporting and management control practices.
To perform such other duties as the City Council or Administrative Officer may from time to time impose.
(Ord. 2273 11-30-76; Ord. 1980 1-23-69; Ord. 03-19 10-14-03; Ord. 07-08 4-25-07)
The Police Department is hereby created and established to perform the following functions:
The enforcement of all State and City traffic regulations and laws.
The protection of persons and property and the preservation of peace and order through the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals.
The making of necessary, assigned and delegated investigations pursuant to law or regulation.
The enforcement of all criminal and other laws and regulations as assigned by State or Federal law, City ordinance or competent regulation.
The prevention of infractions of law through the education of citizens and other persons regarding the provisions of laws, ordinances and regulations and the consequences of the violation of such laws, ordinances or regulations.
The maintenance of custody over prisoners, recovered property and departmental supplies.
The issuance of permits and the inspection of property as provided for in this Code.
The receiving, recording and relaying of messages through a City central communications center.
The gathering of information about actual or potential criminal activities and the taking of appropriate action.
Supervision and control of the Parking Enforcement Division.
Investigate and enforce taxicab regulations and street vending ordinances.
Provide security for municipal buildings; and
The performance of such other duties as the City Council or Administrative Officer, Article XVII of the City Charter and the City Code require, or may from time to time impose.
(Ord. 1980 1-23-69; Ord. 99-1 1-26-99)
The City Council has made the following determinations:
The military equipment inventoried and presented to the City Council is necessary because there is no reasonable alternative that can achieve the same objective of officer and civilian safety.
The proposed military equipment use policy ("Policy") will safeguard the public's welfare, safety, civil rights, and civil liberties.
The equipment is reasonably cost effective compared to available alternatives that can achieve the same objective of officer and civilian safety (if any).
Prior military equipment use complied with the applicable equipment use policy (which included equipment now defined as military equipment) that was in effect at the time, or if prior uses did not comply with the accompanying military equipment use policy, corrective action has been taken to remedy nonconforming uses and ensure future compliance.
The Police Department has submitted a proposed Policy to the City Council and has made those documents available on the Police Department's website for at least thirty days prior to the public hearing concerning the military equipment at issue.
The Policy was considered by the City Council as an agenda item in an open session of a regular meeting, noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, at which public comment was permitted.
The Policy shall be made publicly available on the Police Department's website for as long as the military equipment is available for use.
The Police Department shall submit an annual military equipment report to the City Council, containing the information required in Government Code Section 7072, and the City Council shall determine whether each type of military equipment identified in that report has complied with the standards for approval set forth in subsections (a)(1) through (4) above.
The City Council shall review this Section, and vote on whether to renew it, on an annual basis at a regular meeting, in accordance with Government Code Section 7071(e)(2).
The City Council approves the use of the Policy and finds that it satisfies the requirements of Government Code Section 7070(d).
(Ord. 23-08 2-28-23)
A Police Reserve Corps is hereby created and established as a voluntary organization of men and women appointed to serve gratuitously under the direction and supervision of the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police shall have the authority to appoint and reject persons applying for membership in the Police Reserve Corps on the basis of his personal evaluation of their qualifications. The Chief of Police shall have the unlimited discretion to terminate any person's membership in the Police Reserve Corps without giving reason therefor.
No person shall be eligible to become a member in the Police Reserve Corps unless the requirements and training designated by the Chief of Police have been duly completed. Members shall be sworn by the Chief of Police or his designee, prior to performing assigned duties.
The Police Reserve Corps shall assist the Police Department in accordance with the orders and regulations promulgated by the Chief of Police.
A member of the Corps, when on authorized duty, shall have the authority given to officers of the Police Department to direct traffic, and shall have the same power of arrest granted a regular member of the Police Department, subject to any limitations which the Chief may impose.
The Chief of Police in his or her discretion may expand or reduce the size of the Corps. A member may resign from the Corps effective upon submission to the Chief of Police of a written notice of resignation.
The uniform for members of the Corps shall be similar to the uniform worn by members of the regular Police Department, with an identifying insignia to be prescribed by the Chief. Side arms are to be carried in the regulation police Sam Brown belt and holster. An identification card, badge and cap piece, and such other insignia or evidence of identification as the Chief may prescribe, shall be issued to each member who must carry the card at all times. Each member must surrender all City property issued to him or her upon the termination of his or her membership. The uniform, badge and cap piece may be worn, and the gun and baton carried, only while on authorized duty.
No member of the Corps shall carry any firearm until he or she has qualified for, and received, a gun permit signed by the Chief. All members of the Corps shall carry the regulation police baton.
It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a member of the Corps to carry, or display a Corps identification card, badge, cap piece or insignia, or in any manner represent him or herself to be connected with the Corps.
Each member of the Corps while acting under the direction of the Chief during a regular assigned tour of duty is an employee of the City and is entitled to receive compensation from the City in accordance with the provisions of Division IV of the Labor Code of the State. If any member sustains illness or injury not caused by his or her intoxication or wilful misconduct and not intentionally self-inflicted, which, with or without negligence, is proximately caused by and arises out of and in the course of the performance of his or her duties while acting under the direction of the Chief during a regular assigned tour of duty, then irrespective of his or her remuneration from other employment his or her average weekly earnings shall be taken as $38.46. Three times his or her average annual earnings shall be taken as $5,999.76 in disability cases, and three and one-half times his or her average annual earnings as a maximum of $6,000, in the event of death.
(Ord. 1691 12-18-62)
The Chief of Police shall have the following powers and duties:
To act as administrative head of the Police Department and Police Reserve Corps and to have command of and control over all members thereof.
To perform all duties provided by law to be performed by the Chief of Police including the provisions of Article XVII of the City Charter.
To perform such additional duties as the City Council or Administrative Officer may from time to time impose.
(Ord. 1980 1-23-69)
(Ord. 00-20 10-24-00)
(Ord. 00-20 10-24-00)
The Planning and Building Department is hereby created to perform the following functions:
Make studies and conduct research relative to the development and maintenance of the City's comprehensive general plan and the master plan components thereof.
Investigate zoning matters, administer the zoning ordinance, and recommend necessary revisions thereto.
Conduct regular, continuing and special studies relating to the economic, population and other growth of the City.
Administer the subdivision regulations.
Advise the City Council, Administrative Officer, Planning and Zoning Board and the several departments, divisions and services of the City government relative to community planning.
Provide staff assistance to the Planning and Zoning Board.
Through the Building Division, carry out the duties assigned by Section 2-182.1 hereof.
Coordinate the overall activities of the Planning and Zoning Board, Construction Appeals Board and Community Environment Commission in development of the City and in protection of its environment and ecology.
Supervision and control of the Code Enforcement Division, including the following duties:
Provide graffiti prevention, abatement and control.
Provide property maintenance and zoning code enforcement.
Assist the Inglewood Police Department in investigation, correction and enforcement of California Labor Code Section 6404.5.
Oversee and institute enforcement where necessary of charitable solicitations and control of illegal handbill distribution.
The Department will also assist other agencies by reporting violations of the following laws or regulations to the appropriate City department or County agencies:
Fire Code.
Building Codes.
Public Works Code.
Business licenses.
Refuse Regulations.
Hazardous Waste Regulations.
Animal Control Ordinance.
Health Code violations.
To be responsible for the enforcement of those codes, ordinances and/or regulations so designated by the Chief of Police or the City Council.
Performance of such other functions and duties as may be assigned by the Administrative Officer or City Council.
(Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 2087 10-15-71; Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 99-1 1-26-99)
There is hereby created a Building Division in the Planning and Building Department which shall perform the following functions:
The examination and approval of proposed building plot and construction plans for adherence to City ordinances, building codes and other requirements.
The receiving and reviewing of permit applications and the issuance and revocation of all building, electrical, plumbing, heating, mechanical and other applicable permits, upon the satisfaction of all legal requirements.
The making of inspections necessary to assure and enforce compliance with building codes and other ordinances and regulations regarding building, housing and structural erections, modifications and maintenance.
The performance of such other duties as the City Council or Administrative Officer may from time to time imposed.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
There is hereby created the position of Superintendent of Building and Safety, who shall be the head of the Building Division of the Planning and Building Department. His or her duties shall include the following:
To direct the assigned functions and duties of the Building Division.
To perform the duties assigned to the Building Division by this Code and to the Building Official by the Uniform Building Code as adopted and amended as the Building Code of the City subject at all times to administrative control by the Planning and Building Department Director.
To carry out those additional duties as the City Council or Administrative Officer may from time to time impose.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Deputy City Administrator for Planning and Building Department shall serve as ex officio Planning and Building Department Director. The Planning and Building Department Director shall be the administrative head in charge of the Planning and Building Department. The Planning and Building Department Director may be denoted as the Planning Director or Planning and Building Department Director in any legal reference.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Planning and Building Department Director's duties shall include the following:
Attend all meetings of the Planning and Zoning Board and of the Community Environment Commission unless excused therefrom by the Chairperson. He or she shall have the power to discuss, debate upon, investigate, and make recommendations with reference to any and all matters coming before said Commission or Board.
Prepare and administer the City's comprehensive general plan.
Exercise administrative control of the Building Division.
Supervise and control the Code Enforcement Division.
Carry out those additional duties assigned by the City Council or Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 99-1 1-26-99; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Planning and Building Department Director may designate any employee of his or her department to perform the duties imposed upon him or her by other provisions of this Code and when said employees are so acting, they shall have the same power and responsibility as the Planning and Building Department Director.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
Whenever any applicant is required by provisions of this code to furnish maps and a property owners list with an application for a variance, exception, Special Use Permit or zone change, the Planning and Building Department Director shall prepare said maps and property owners list for any party upon payment to the City of a fee as specified in Article 29 of Chapter 12 of this Code, which said fee shall be for the preparation of the required maps and certified property owners list and shall be in addition to any fees required by other provisions of this Code.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 2446 7-12-83; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The applicant or any person may appeal the findings and decision of the Planning and Building Department Director in regard to zone adjustments to the Planning and Zoning Board in the manner designated in this Code for appeals from the determination of the Planning and Building Department Director generally.
In the event that no appeal is taken within seven days after the findings and decision of the Planning and Building Department Director have been mailed to the applicant, and posted on the City Hall bulletin board, the decision of the Planning and Building Department Director in any matter in which he or she has jurisdiction to make determinations relative to planning and zoning shall be deemed final.
(Ord. 2087 10-15-71; Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Employment Development Department is hereby created and established to perform the following functions:
Coordinate and administer local programs under Federal, state and other funded employment and training programs.
Perform services as required by the Joint Powers Agreement of the South Bay Service Delivery Area.
Provide staff assistance to the South Bay Private Industry Council.
Promote and provide job training opportunities for local citizens.
Direct the Centinela Valley Juvenile Diversion Project.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the City Council or Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)
The Employment Development Director shall have the following powers and duties:
To act as administrative head of the Employment Development Department.
To perform all functions required by the Joint Powers Agreement of the South Bay Service Delivery Area as it now exists or as it may hereafter be amended.
To perform such other duties as the City Council or the Administrative Officer may from time to time impose.
(Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)