A "private care institution" is defined as any of the following facilities: a hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium or any other facility used for the reception or care of one or more mentally or physically ailing, sick, injured or dependent persons.
It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, maintain or operate any private care institution without first having duly obtained a written permit from the Permits and Licenses Committee so to do.
Any person desiring to erect, establish, maintain or operate any such private care institution shall file with the Permits and Licenses Committee an application for a permit so to do, setting forth in said application the name of such person, the location and nature of the private care institution proposed, including the physical description of the property and facilities proposed to be involved, as well as a record legal description of the location thereof. Such application shall be verified by the applicant.
The Permits and Licenses Committee may require applicant to obtain and file with the Committee a statement signed by the owners of at least sixty percent of the area of private property contained within a district bounded by an exterior boundary line distant six hundred feet from and at all points parallel to the exterior boundary line of the lot, piece or parcel of property upon which such proposed hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium or institution for the treatment of diseases or mental or physical ailments or conditions, is so to be erected, established, maintained or operated. There shall be set forth after each of the signatures upon any such statement, the number of the lot and block owned by such signer, the name, if any, of the tract wherein such lot is situated, and the proper reference to the book and page of the recorded map of such lot or tract.
The Permits and Licenses Committee shall hear the application in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Committee governing hearings generally; provided, however, that the Committee shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove of the application within sixty days from date of filing of same. An appeal may be taken from the determination of the Committee in the form and manner provided in this Code for appeals from the Committee generally.
Any permit to operate a private care institution may be revoked or suspended by the Permits and Licenses Committee or City Council following a hearing at which it is shown that any of the following facts have occurred:
The applicant has violated any code provision relating to sanitation or health; or
The private care institution has been or is being operated or maintained without due regard for the health, comfort or morality of the patients or inmates thereof or without due regard for the public health, comfort or morality of the City or of the residents in the vicinity of such institution.
It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, operate, maintain or conduct any hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or other place for the reception and care of persons affected with tuberculosis, diphtheria or scarlet fever, within six hundred feet of any church, school, house or dwelling.
Every person operating or maintaining a hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or institution for the treatment of diseases or mental or physical ailments or conditions, shall keep a register wherein shall be entered the names and addresses of all inmates or persons received for treatment or treated in such hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or institution, and of all children born therein.
The register shall also contain the name and age of every child who is given out to, or adopted, or taken therefrom by, any person, together with the name and residence of the person so adopting or taking such child therefrom, and within forty-eight hours after such child is given out, or taken away, the person operating or conducting such hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or institution shall cause a correct copy of the register relating to such child to be delivered to the Health Officer of the City.
The Health Officer shall have the right at all reasonable times to enter and inspect any such hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or institution for the treatment of diseases or mental or physical ailments or conditions, and to visit the inmates therein, and to inspect the permit and the register and the sanitary condition of any such hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or institution.
It shall be unlawful for any person operating, managing, maintaining, or in control of any hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or institution for the treatment of diseases or mental or physical ailments or conditions, to fail, neglect or refuse to permit or allow the Health Officer, his assistants, deputies or inspectors, at all reasonable times, to enter and inspect any such hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium, or institution, or to visit the inmates therein, or to inspect the permit or register, or sanitary condition of any such hospital, maternity hospital, sanitarium, sanitorium or institution.
(Ord. 1267 1-1-56)