This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "Inglewood Improvement District Procedural Ordinance."
This Article is not exclusive. The Council shall have the power to provide other procedures or to follow procedures and powers now or hereafter provided by general law. The procedures and powers herein are alternative. When proceeding under this Article, its provisions only need be followed.
An assessment district shall consist of all territory which, as determined by the City Council, will be benefited by the improvements and is to be assessed to pay the costs thereof.
An assessment district may consist of all or any part of the territory within the City of Inglewood.
An assessment district may consist of contiguous or noncontiguous areas. The improvements in one area need not be of benefit to other areas.
The provisions of Streets and Highways Code, Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 5115) of Part 3 of Division 7, pertaining to the extension of the work or the assessment district beyond the boundaries of a local agency, are by this reference incorporated in this Article.
The provisions of Streets & Highways Code Divisions 4 (commencing with Section 2800) and Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 1300) shall not apply to this Article or proceedings taken pursuant thereto.
Any resolution, notice, report, diagram or assessment which is required to contain a description of the improvements, the boundaries of the assessment district or any zones therein, or the lines and dimensions of any lot or parcel of land may, for a full and detailed description thereof, refer to any plan or map which is on file with the clerk, the county auditor, or the county assessor and which is open to public inspection. The plan or map so referred to shall govern for all details of the description.
This Article shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purpose. Any proceedings taken under this Article and any assessment levied pursuant thereto shall not be invalidated for failure to comply with the provisions of this Article if such failure does not substantially and adversely affect the rights of any person. All determinations made by the City Council pursuant to this Article shall be final and conclusive in the absence of fraud or prejudicial abuse of discretion.
The definitions contained in this Article govern the construction of this Article unless the context otherwise requires. The definition of a word or phrase applies to any variants thereof.
"Assessment district" means an assessment district formed pursuant to this Article.
"Clerk" means the City Clerk of the City of Inglewood.
"Engineer" means the City Engineer, engineer of the district, or any other person designated by the City Council as the engineer for the purposes of this Article, including any officer, board, or employee of the City or any private person or firm specially employed by the City as engineer for the purposes of this Article.
"Finance Director" means the Finance Director of the City of Inglewood.
(Ord. 03-19 10-14-03; Ord. 07-08 4-25-07)
"Fiscal year" means a 12-month period commencing on July 1 and ending on the following June 30.
"Improvement" includes all work and improvements which are for a public purpose or which are necessary or incidental to a public purpose, including, but not limited to, those improvements specified in Section 10-140.
"Incidental expenses" include:
The costs of preparation of the report, including plans, specifications, estimates, diagram, and assessment.
The costs of printing, advertising, and the giving of published, posted, and mailed notices.
Compensation payable to the county for collection of assessments.
Compensation of any engineer or attorney employed to render services in proceedings pursuant to this Article.
Any other expenses incidental to the construction or installation of the improvements or to the maintenance and servicing thereof.
"Including," unless expressly limited, means including without limitation.
"Maintain" or "maintenance" means the furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation, and servicing of any improvement, including:
Repair, removal, or replacement of all or any part of any improvement.
Providing for the life, growth, health, and beauty of landscaping, including cultivation, irrigation, trimming, spraying, fertilizing, or treating for disease or injury.
The removal of trimmings, rubbish, dirt, debris, and other solid waste whether loose or stationary.
Electric current or energy, gas, or other illuminating agent for any public lighting facilities or for the lighting or operation of any other improvements.
Water for the irrigation of any landscaping, the operation of any fountains, or the maintenance of any other improvements.
"Property owner" means any person shown as the owner of land on the last equalized county assessment roll; when such person is no longer the owner, then any person entitled to be shown as owner on the next county assessment roll, if such person is known to the City; where land is subject to a recorded written agreement of sale, any person shown therein as purchaser.
"Public agency" means the state or Federal governments, any city, county, or other public corporation formed pursuant to charter, general law, or special act, for the performance of governmental or proprietary functions within limited boundaries and any department, board, commission, independent agency, or instrumentality of any of the foregoing.
"Public lighting facilities" means all works or improvements used or useful for the lighting of any public places, including ornamental standards, luminaries, poles, supports, tunnels, manholes, vaults, conduits, pipes, wires, conductors, guys, stubs, platforms, braces, transformers, insulators, contacts, switches, capacitors, meters, communication circuits, appliances, attachments, and appurtenances.
"Public places" means one or any combination of the following:
Any public street, place, way, or property, easement, or right-of-way, open or dedicated to public use, and any property for the immediate possession and use of which as rights-of-way required for public use, an order has been obtained in compliance with the provisions of Section 14 of Article I of the State Constitution.
Any public property, right-of-way, or leasehold interest which is in use in the performance of a public function and which adjoins any of the ways described in subsection (1).
"Public utility" means any public utility subject to the jurisdiction of and regulated by the Public Utilities Commission.
"Resolution" includes an ordinance.
Whenever in the opinion of the City Council, the public interest or convenience may require, it may order the whole or any portion, either in length or in width, of any one or more of the public places designated in Section 10-139.13 to be improved by or have constructed therein, over or thereon, either singly or in any combination thereof, any of the following:
Grading. The grading or regrading, the paving or repaying, the planking or replanking, the macadamizing or remacadamizing, the graveling or regraveling, the oiling or reoiling thereof.
Sidewalks and structures. The construction or reconstruction of sidewalks, crosswalks, steps, safety zones, platforms, seats, statuary, fountains, parks and parkways, recreation areas, including all structures, buildings, and other facilities necessary to make parks and parkways and recreation areas useful for the purposes for which intended, culverts, bridges, curbs, gutters, tunnels, subways or viaducts.
Sanitary sewers and facilities. Sanitary sewers or instrumentalities of sanitation, together with the necessary outlets, cesspools, manholes, catch basins, flush tanks, septic tanks, disposal plants, connecting sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, tunnels, channels or other appurtenances.
Drains. Drains, tunnels, sewers, conduits, culverts and channels for drainage purposes; with necessary outlets, cesspools, manholes, catch basins, flush tanks, septic tanks, disposal plants, connecting sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, channels and appurtenances.
Lighting. Poles, posts, wires, pipes, conduits, tunnels, lamps and other suitable or necessary appliances for the purpose of lighting said streets, places or public ways of any such city or property or rights-of-way owned by any such city, or for the purpose of furnishing electricity and electric service or telephone service to property within a city.
Fire protection. Pipes, hydrants and appliances for fire protection.
Water supply. Wells, pumps, dams, reservoirs, storage tanks, channels, tunnels, conduits, pipes, hydrants, meters or other appurtenances for supplying or distributing a domestic water supply.
Gas supply. Mains, services, pipes, fittings, valves, regulators, governors, meters, drips, drains, tanks, ditches, tunnels, conduits, channels, or other appurtenances for supplying or distributing a domestic or industrial gas supply.
Bomb or fallout shelters. The construction or maintenance of bomb shelters or fallout shelters which are primarily designed to protect and shelter the population from conventional or nuclear bomb or missile warhead explosions, shellfire, radiation, and fallout in the event of an enemy attack.
Retaining walls; embankments. Retaining walls, embankments, buildings and any other structures or facilities necessary or suitable in connection with any of the work mentioned in this Section.
Landscaping. The installation, planting and/or maintenance of landscaping, including, but not limited to, the planting of trees, shrubs or other ornamental vegetation.
Ornamental structures. The installation, construction, and/or maintenance of statuary, fountains, and other ornamental structures and facilities.
Stabilization of land. Compaction of land, change of grade or contours, construction of caissons, retaining walls, drains and other structures suitable for the purpose of stabilizing land.
Maintenance or servicing. The maintenance or servicing, or both, of any of the foregoing, including, but not limited to, street cleaning or sidewalk cleaning whether or not said streets or sidewalks were originally constructed pursuant to this or any other ordinance or provision of law.
Necessary improvements. All other work which may be deemed necessary to improve the whole or any portion of such streets, places, public ways, property, easements or rights-of-way owned by such city.
Auxiliary work. All other work auxiliary to any of the above, which may be required to carry out the same.
"Notice" means any resolution, order, notice, or other instrument authorized or required by this Article to be published, posted, or mailed.
The City Clerk shall give notice or cause the same to be given in accordance with this Article, unless the City Council delegates the duty of giving the notice to some other officer or board.
Published notice shall be made pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code.
Publication of notice of hearing shall be completed at least 10 days prior to the date of hearing specified therein.
Posted notices, other than of hearings for the formation of an assessment district or for the annexation of territory to an existing district, shall be made by posting upon any official bulletin board customarily used by the City for the posting of notices.
Posted notices of hearings for the formation of an assessment district or for the annexation of territory to an existing district shall be headed "Notice of Improvement" in letters at least one inch in height. The notices, not less than three in all, shall be posted at intervals of not more than 300 feet along all streets within the proposed assessment district or within the territory proposed to be annexed to an existing district, as the case may be. Posting of notice of those hearings shall be completed at least 10 days prior to the date of hearing specified therein.
Mailed notice shall be sent by first-class mail and deposited, postage prepaid, in the United States mails and shall be deemed given when so deposited. Mailed notice to property owners shall be given by mailing to those persons whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized county assessment roll.
Mailed notices of hearings for the formation of an assessment district or for the annexation of territory to an existing district shall be given to property owners within the proposed assessment district or within the territory proposed to be annexed to an existing district, as the case may be. Mailed notice of those hearings shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date of hearing specified therein.
The engineer shall prepare the following reports in accordance with Sections 10-142.1 through 10-142.9 inclusive.
A report shall be prepared for each fiscal year for which assessments are to be levied and collected to pay the costs of the improvements described in the report.
A report shall refer to the assessment district by its distinctive designation, specify the fiscal year to which the report applies and, with respect to that year, shall contain:
Plans and specifications for the improvements.
An estimate of the costs of the improvements.
A diagram for the assessment district.
An assessment of the estimated costs of the improvements.
The plans and specifications shall show and describe existing and proposed improvements. The plans and specifications need not be detailed, but shall be sufficient if they show or describe the general nature, location, and extent of the improvements. If the assessment district is divided into zones, the plans and specifications shall indicate the class and type of improvements to be provided for each such zone.
The plans or specifications may be prepared as separate instruments or either or both may be incorporated in the diagram as a combined instrument.
The estimate of the costs of the improvements for the fiscal year shall contain estimates for the following:
The total improvement costs, being the total costs of constructing or installing all proposed improvements and of maintaining and servicing all existing and proposed improvements, including all incidental expenses.
The amount of any surplus or deficit in the improvement fund to be carried over from a previous fiscal year.
The amount of any contributions to be made from sources other than assessments levied pursuant to this Article.
The amount, if any, of the annual installment for the fiscal year where the City Council has ordered an assessment for the estimated cost of any improvements to be levied and collected in annual installments.
The net amount to be assessed upon assessable lands within the assessment district, being the total improvement costs, as referred to in subdivision (1), increased or decreased, as the case may be, by any of the amounts referred to in subdivision (2), (3), or (4).
The diagram of an assessment district shall show (1) the exterior boundaries of the assessment district, (2) the boundaries of any zones within the district, and (3) the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within the district. Each lot or parcel shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter.
The lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land shown on the diagram shall conform to those shown on the county assessor's maps for the fiscal year to which the report applies. The diagram may refer to the county assessor's maps for a detailed description of the lines and dimensions of any lots or parcels, in which case, those maps shall govern for all details concerning the lines and dimensions of such lots or parcels.
The assessment shall refer to the fiscal year to which it applies and shall:
State net amount, determined in accordance with Section 10-142.4 to be assessed upon assessable lands within the assessment district.
Describe each assessable lot or parcel of land within the district.
Assess the net amount upon all assessable lots or parcels of land within the district by apportioning that amount among the several lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel from the improvements.
The assessment may refer to the county assessment roll for a description of the lots or parcels, in which case that roll shall govern for all details concerning the description of the lots or parcels.
The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment district may be apportioned by any formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel from the improvements.
The determination of whether or not a lot or parcel will benefit from the improvements shall be made pursuant to the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets & Highways Code, Division 7, commencing with Section 5000).
The diagram and assessment may classify various areas within an assessment district into different zones where, by reason of variations in the nature, location and extent of the improvements, the various areas will receive differing degrees of benefit from the improvements. A zone shall consist of all territory which will receive substantially the same degree of benefit from the improvements.
Proceedings for the formation of an assessment district shall be initiated by resolution. The resolution shall:
Propose the formation of an assessment district pursuant to this Article.
Describe the improvements.
Describe the proposed assessment district and specify a distinctive designation for the district.
Order the engineer to prepare and file a report in accordance with Sections 10-142 through 10-142.9 inclusive.
The descriptions need not be detailed but shall be sufficient if they enable the engineer to generally identify the nature, location, and extent of the improvements and the location and extent of the assessment district.
Upon completion, the engineer shall file the report with the clerk for submission to the City Council. The City Council may approve the report, as filed, or it may modify the report in any particular and approve it as modified.
After approval of the report, either as filed or as modified, the City Council shall adopt a resolution of intention. The resolution shall:
Declare the intention of the City Council to order the formation of an assessment district and to levy and collect assessments pursuant to this Article.
Generally describe the improvements.
Refer to the proposed assessment district by its distinctive designation and indicate the general location of the district.
Refer to the report of the engineer, on file with the clerk, for a full and detailed description of the improvements, the boundaries of the assessment district and any zones therein, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the district.
Give notice of, and fix a time and place for, a hearing by the City Council on the question of the formation of the assessment district and the levy of the proposed assessment.
The City Clerk shall give notice of hearing by causing the resolution of intention to be published, posted, and mailed.
Prior to the conclusion of the hearing, any interested person may file a written protest with the City Clerk, or, having previously filed a protest, may file a written withdrawal of that protest. A written protest shall state all grounds of objection. A protest by a property owner shall contain a description sufficient to identify the property owned by him.
The City Council shall hold the hearing at the time and place fixed in the resolution of intention and in any order continuing the hearing. All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to hear and be heard. The City Council shall consider all oral statements and all written protests or communications made or filed by any interested persons.
During the course or upon the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council may order changes in any of the matters provided in the report, including changes in the improvements, the boundaries of the proposed assessment district and any zones therein, and the proposed diagram or the proposed assessment. The City Council may, without further notice, order the exclusion of territory from the proposed district, but shall not order the inclusion of additional territory within the district except upon written request by a property owner for the inclusion of his or her property or upon the giving of mailed notice of hearing to property owners upon the question of the inclusion of their property in the district.
Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council shall determine whether a majority protest exists. For that purpose, the extent of the territory of the proposed assessment district shall be adjusted in accordance with any orders excluding territory from or including additional territory within the district.
Proceedings for the formation of the assessment district shall be abandoned and may not be renewed for a period of 6 months from conclusion of the hearing if there is a majority protest unless, by a four-fifths vote of all members of the City Council, the protest shall be overruled. A majority protest exists if, upon the conclusion of the hearing, written protests filed and not withdrawn represent property owners owning more than 50% of the area of assessable lands within the proposed district.
If a majority protest has not been filed, or, if filed, has been overruled, the City Council may adopt a resolution ordering the improvements and the formation of the assessment district and confirming the diagram and assessment, either as originally proposed by the City Council or as changed by it. The adoption of the resolution shall constitute the levy of an assessment for the fiscal year referred to in the assessment.
The City Council, either in a single proceeding or by separate proceedings, may order one or any combination of the following changes of organization:
The annexation of territory to an existing district formed under this Article.
The detachment of territory from an existing assessment district formed under this Article.
The dissolution of an existing assessment district formed under this Article.
The consolidation into a single assessment district formed under this Article of any combination of two or more of any of the following:
An existing assessment district formed pursuant to this Article.
Any other district with the same or similar function formed pursuant to the laws of the State of California or any procedural ordinance of the City of Inglewood.
Proceedings for a change of organization may be:
Undertaken subsequent to or concurrently with proceedings for the formation of an assessment district under Sections 10-143 through 10-144.5. Any or all such proceedings may be conditioned on the completion of any other or all such proceedings.
Combined with proceedings for the formation of an assessment district under Sections 10-143 through 10-144.5. In such case, any of the several resolutions, reports, notices, or other instruments provided for in this Article may be combined into single documents.
Except as otherwise provided in this Article, proceedings for a change of organization shall be initiated, conducted, and completed in substantial compliance with the procedure provided in this Article commencing with Section 10-143 for the formation of an assessment district.
In annexation proceedings, the resolutions, report notices of hearing, and right of majority protest shall be limited to the territory proposed to be annexed. Notice of hearing on the proposed annexation shall be published, posted, and mailed. Mailed notice may be dispensed with as to all property owners who shall have filed a written request for the annexation of their property.
In detachment proceedings, the resolutions, report, notices of hearing, and right of majority, protest shall be limited to the territory proposed to be detached. The City Council may dispense with:
The resolution and report required by Sections 10-143 and 10-143.1 and may initiate proceedings by the adoption of the resolution of intention.
Posted and mailed notice of hearing.
In dissolution proceedings, the City Council may dispense with the resolution and report required by Sections 10-143 and 10-143.1 and may initiate dissolution proceedings by the adoption of the resolution of intention. The City Council may dispense with posted and mailed notice of hearing. If the City Council orders the dissolution of an assessment district, any moneys in the improvement fund for the district shall be transferred to the general fund of the City.
This article shall apply to all annual assessments levied after the formation of an assessment district.
Proceedings shall be taken pursuant to this Article for any fiscal year during which an assessment is to be levied and collected within an existing assessment district.
The City Council shall adopt a resolution which shall generally describe any proposed new improvements or any substantial changes in existing improvements and order the engineer to prepare and to file a report in accordance with Sections 10-142 through 10-142.9 of this Article.
Upon completion, the engineer shall file the report with the City clerk for submission to the City Council. The City Council may approve the report, as filed, or it may modify the report in any particular and approve it as modified.
After approval of the report, either as filed or as modified, the City Council shall adopt a resolution of intention. The resolution shall:
Declare the intention of the City Council to levy and collect assessments within the assessment district for the fiscal year stated therein.
Generally describe the existing and proposed improvements and any substantial changes proposed to be made in existing improvements.
Refer to the assessment district by its distinctive designation and indicate the general location of the district.
Refer to the report of the engineer, on file with the City Clerk, for a full and detailed description of the improvements, the boundaries of the assessment district and any zones therein, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the district.
Give notice of the time, as fixed by Section 10-145.5, and the place for hearing by the City Council on the levy of the proposed assessment.
The date, hour and place of the hearing is hereby fixed as the date, hour, and place of the first regular meeting in June, as specified in any ordinance, resolution, or order of the City Council fixing the time and place of its regular meetings.
The City Clerk shall give notice of hearing by causing the resolution of intention to be published and posted.
The City Clerk shall give mailed notice of hearing to property owners owning lots or parcels in the following categories:
Where there is an increase in the amount proposed to be assessed upon any lot or parcel by reason of a change of zone or a change in the formula or method of apportioning the net amount to be assessed upon lands within the assessment district.
Where there has been a division of any lot or parcel of land assessed during the previous fiscal year and, as a result thereof, the divided lots or parcels are owned by different persons.
Any interested person may, prior to the conclusion of the hearing, file a written protest with the City Clerk or, having previously filed a protest, may file a written withdrawal of that protest. A written protest shall state all grounds of objection. A protest by a property owner shall contain a description sufficient to identify the property owned by him or her.
The City Council shall hold the hearing at the time and place specified in the resolution and in any order continuing the hearing. All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to hear and be heard. The City Council shall consider all oral statements and all written protests made or filed by any interested person. The City Council may continue the hearing from time to time, provided, that no continuance shall be made to a date subsequent to the following July 1st without the prior consent of the county auditor.
During the course or upon the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council may order changes in any of the matters provided in the report, including changes in the improvements, any zones within the assessment district, and the proposed diagram or the proposed assessment.
Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council may adopt a resolution confirming the diagram and assessment, either as originally proposed or as changed by it. The adoption of the resolution shall constitute the levy of an assessment for the fiscal year referred to in the assessment.
Hearings upon the formation of an assessment district, upon a change of organization for an existing district or upon the levy of annual assessments after formation of a district shall be concluded and any resolution confirming a diagram and an assessment shall be adopted not later than:
July 1 of the fiscal year during which the assessments are to be collected on the county assessment roll; or
Such later date, not beyond the third Monday in August, as the county auditor may authorize.
Immediately after the adoption of any resolution confirming a diagram and assessment and by not later than the third Monday in August, the City Clerk shall file the diagram and assessment, or a certified copy thereof, with the county auditor.
After the filing of the diagram and assessment, the county auditor shall enter on the county assessment roll opposite each lot or parcel of land the amount assessed thereupon, as shown in the assessment.
The assessments shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as county taxes are collected, and all laws providing for the collection and enforcement of county taxes shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the assessments.
After collection by the county, the net amount of the assessments, after deduction of any compensation due the county for collection, shall be paid to the Finance Director.
(Ord. 03-19 10-14-03; Ord. 07-08 4-25-07)
Upon receipt of moneys representing assessments collected by the county, the Finance Director shall deposit the moneys in the treasury of the City to the credit of an improvement fund for the assessment district from which they were collected, and the moneys shall be expended only for the improvements authorized for such district.
(Ord. 03-19 10-14-03; Ord. 07-08 4-25-07)
If there is a surplus or a deficit in the improvement fund of an assessment district at the end of any fiscal year, the surplus or deficit shall be carried forward to the next annual assessment to be levied within such district and applied as a credit or a debit, as the case may be, against such assessment.
If there is a deficit in the improvement fund of an assessment district during any fiscal year, the City Council, from any available and unencumbered funds of the City, may provide for:
A contribution to the improvement fund.
A temporary advance to the improvement fund and direct that the advance be repaid from the next annual assessments levied and collected within the assessment district.
The City Council may accept contributions from any source toward payment of improvement costs. The City Council, at any time either before or after the confirmation of the assessment, may provide for contributions towards payment of improvement costs from the funds of the City. All contributions shall be deposited in the improvement fund of the assessment district for which the contribution was provided.
All contributions authorized prior to confirmation of an assessment shall be deducted from the total improvement costs to be assessed within the assessment district.
The City Council may by resolution determine that the estimated cost of specified proposed improvements, including costs of maintenance and servicing, is greater than can be conveniently raised from a single annual assessment and order that such estimated cost shall be raised by an assessment levied and collected in installments over a period not to exceed five fiscal years. The resolution shall generally describe the proposed improvements, set forth the estimated cost thereof, specify the number of annual installments and the fiscal years during which they are to be collected, and fix or determine the total amount of each annual installment.
After adoption of a resolution providing for annual installment assessments, the engineer, in preparing reports required by Sections 10-142 through 10-142.9 of this Article, shall include in the estimate and the assessment for each fiscal year specified in the resolution the total amount of the annual installment fixed or determined for such year.
If a resolution providing for annual installment payments has been adopted, in the resolution or subsequent thereto, the City Council may provide for:
The accumulation of the moneys collected from the annual installments in the improvement fund until there shall be sufficient moneys to pay all or part of the cost of the improvements described in the resolution.
A temporary advance to the improvement fund from any available and unencumbered funds of the City to pay all or part of the cost of the improvements described in the resolution and direct that the advance be repaid from the annual installments levied and collected during the fiscal years designated in the resolution.
Public property owned by any public agency and in use in the performance of a public function shall not be subject to assessment under this Article unless the resolution of intention expressly provides that it shall be assessed. If the resolution provides that public property shall be assessed, the local agency conducting the proceedings shall be liable for payment of all amounts so assessed. Any such amounts shall be payable from the general fund of the City unless the resolution of intention designates some other fund. To the extent that any such amounts are paid by the public agency owning the public property, the City conducting the proceedings shall not be liable therefor.
The City Council, by contract or otherwise, shall provide for the performance of all work ordered by it pursuant to this Article, including the construction and installation of any improvements or the furnishing of maintenance or service.
All or any part of the improvements may be constructed, installed, or owned and all or any part of the maintenance and servicing of any of the improvements may be provided by one or any combination of any of the following:
The City.
Any other public agency.
Any public utility.
The City, by contract made with another public agency or with a public utility, may provide for the construction, installation, or ownership of any improvements or for the furnishing of maintenance or service for any improvements. Any contract with another public agency shall be made in compliance with all laws applicable to the other public agency and to the City. Any contract with a public utility shall be made in compliance with and subject to all tariffs, rules, and rate schedules of the public utility on file with and approved by the Public Utilities Commission. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, a contract may contain such provisions as may be agreed upon by the City and the other public agency or the public utility, as the case may be.
Except for any work provided for by contract made pursuant to Section 10-148.2, the City Council shall provide for the construction or installation of all improvements and/or for the furnishing of maintenance and service for any improvements whether or not constructed, installed or repaired by virtue of this Article in accordance with and subject to all laws applicable to the city, including any laws requiring the letting of contracts after competitive bidding.
The City Council may (1) provide for the construction or installation of any improvements authorized by this Article by proceedings taken pursuant to any other special assessment law or any procedural ordinance of the city, and (2) provide for the maintenance or servicing of any improvements by proceedings taken pursuant to this Article. The proceedings may be taken separately or combined. If combined, any of the several resolutions, reports, notices or other instruments provided for in this Article may be taken separately or combined. If combined, any of the several resolutions, reports, notices or other instruments provided for in this Article may be combined with those provided for in the other special assessment law or procedural ordinance.