This Article shall be known as the "Vacant Property Registration Ordinance" and may be so cited.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
It is the purpose and intent of the Inglewood City Council, through the adoption of this Article, to establish an abandoned and/or vacant property registration program as a mechanism to protect residential neighborhoods and commercial areas from becoming blighted through the lack of adequate maintenance and/or security of abandoned and vacant properties.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
For the purposes of this Article, the following words shall have the meanings indicated in this Section:
means real property that is vacant and meets any of the following conditions: (a) is under a current notice of default; (b) is under a current notice of trustee's sale; (c) is pending a tax assessor's lien sale; (d) has been the subject of a foreclosure sale where the title was retained by the beneficiary of a deed of trust involved in the foreclosure; or (e) has been transferred under a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
"Accessible property"
means any property that is accessible through a gate, fence, wall, or other barrier that is broken, unlocked, unsecured, or otherwise missing or lacking.
"Accessible structure"
means a building or structure (as defined by the Building Code) that is unsecured in any manner that could allow access to the interior of the building or structure by unauthorized persons.
means any agreement or written instrument which provides that title to real property shall be transferred or conveyed from one owner to another in any manner (whether by sale, gift, exchange, transfer, partition, assignation, placement in a trust, or any other method).
"Assignment of rents"
means an instrument that transfers the beneficial interest under a deed of trust from one lender or entity to another.
means a lender or holder of a note secured by a deed of trust.
means the City of Inglewood.
"Deed of trust"
means an instrument by which an interest in title to real estate is transferred to a third party trustee as security for a real estate loan (and often used in California instead of a mortgage). This definition applies to any and all subsequent deeds of trust (e.g., second deed of trust, third deed of trust).
"Deed in lieu of foreclosure/sale"
means a recorded document that transfers ownership of a property from the trustor to the holder of a deed of trust upon consent of the beneficiary of the deed of trust.
means the failure to fulfill a contractual obligation, monetary or conditional.
means a property that meets any of the following conditions: (a) is under a current notice of default; (b) is under a current notice of trustee's sale; (c) is pending a tax assessor's lien sale; (d) has been the subject of a foreclosure sale where the title was retained by the beneficiary of a deed of trust involved in the foreclosure; or (e) has been transferred under a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
"Evidence of vacancy"
means any condition that on its own, or combined with other conditions present, would lead a reasonable person to believe that the property is vacant. Such conditions shall include, but shall not be limited to, overgrown and/or dead vegetation; accumulation of newspapers, circulars, flyers, and/or mail; past due utility notices and/or disconnected utilities; accumulation of trash, junk, and/or other debris; the absence of window coverings such as curtains, blinds, and/or shutters; the absence of furnishings and/or personal items and/or commercial furnishings consistent with the permitted residential or commercial uses permitted within the zone of the real property; statements by neighbors, passersby, delivery agents, government employees that the property is vacant.
means the process by which real property is sold at auction to satisfy a debt.
means within fifteen driving miles distance of the subject property.
"Notice of default"
means a recorded notice that a default has occurred under deed of trust and that the beneficiary intends to proceed with a trustee's sale and/or other foreclosure proceeding.
means not within fifteen driving miles distance of the subject property.
means any person having legal or equitable title or any interest in any real property.
"Owner of record"
means the person having title to the property at any given point in time as recorded with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office.
means and includes any individual, partnership of any kind, corporation, limited liability company, association, joint venture or other organization, however formed, as well as trustees, heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, or any combination of such persons. "Person" also includes any public entity or agency that acts as an owner in the City.
"Personal property"
means property that is not real property, and includes, without limitation, any appliance, article, device, equipment, item, material, product, substance or vehicle.
"Real property"
means any improved or unimproved real property owned by any person and/or any building, structure, or other improvement thereon, or any portions thereof.
"Responsible party"
means any person that has title to or control over real property. "Responsible party" includes, but is not limited to, owners, owners of record, beneficiaries, lien holders, trustees, servicing companies, real estate agents, and property management companies, as well as any person acting on behalf of another responsible party.
means and includes such measures as may be directed by City Administrator (or designee thereof) that assist in rendering real property inaccessible to unauthorized persons, including, but not limited to, the repair of fences, walls, and other barriers, chaining or pad locking of gates, and/or the repair or boarding of doors, windows, and/or other openings. The boarding of any window, door, or other opening shall be completed to a minimum of the current United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) securing standards at the time the boarding is completed or required and shall be consistent with the requirements of this Article.
means the person holding a deed of trust on real property.
means a borrower under a deed of trust, who deeds property to a trustee as security for the payment of a debt.
means real property and any building or structure thereon that is not legally occupied.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
Within ten calendar days following the purchase or transfer of a loan or deed of trust secured by real property, the new beneficiary and trustee shall record with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office an assignment of rents or similar document that lists the name of the person purchasing or acquiring the loan or deed of trust and the mailing address and contact number of the new beneficiary and trustee responsible for receiving payment associated with the loan or deed of trust. This requirement shall not apply to the sale or transfer of a property when such sale or transfer does not include the sale or transfer of any loan or deed of trust associated with such property.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
Any beneficiary and trustee who hold a deed of trust on real property located within the City of Inglewood shall, prior to recording a notice of default, perform an inspection of said real property. If the property is found to be abandoned or shows evidence of vacancy (as these terms are defined by this Article), the beneficiary and trustee shall register the real property with the City, on City-approved forms, within ten calendar days of the inspection.
If the property is occupied at the time of the initial inspection but remains in default, it shall be inspected by the beneficiary and trustee every subsequent calendar month until: (a) the trustor or other party remedies the default; or (b) the foreclosure is completed and ownership is transferred to a new owner who is not the former beneficiary or trustee; or (c) the real property is found to be vacant or shows signs of vacancy, at which time the beneficiary and trustee shall register the real property with the City within ten calendar days of said inspection.
The beneficiary and trustee shall register with the City any real property which becomes vacant or shows evidence of vacancy after a foreclosure where the title was transferred to the beneficiary of a deed of trust involved in the foreclosure and any property which becomes vacant or shows evidence of vacancy after being transferred under a deed in lieu of foreclosure/sale. Registration shall be filed on City-approved forms within ten calendar days of the inspection demonstrating the vacancy or the evidence of vacancy.
The registration forms shall contain data deemed necessary by the City Administrator (or designee thereof). At a minimum, the following information is required:
Name and street/office address (not a P.O. box) and, if different, the mailing address of the beneficiary and trustee;
A direct contact name and telephone number for the person handling the deed of trust and/or foreclosure;
The name, street address, telephone and facsimile number of a local property management company responsible for the security, maintenance, and marketing of the real property;
A statement of intent which provides the following information:
The expected period of vacancy,
A detailed plan for the regular maintenance of the real property during the period of vacancy,
A time-table for the lawful re-occupancy of the real property, or for the rehabilitation or demolition of the structures thereon.
The registration (including the statement of intent) and accompanying fee shall be valid for the calendar year, or remaining portion of the calendar year, in which the registration was initially required. The registration fee shall not be prorated. Subsequent registrations and fees shall be due January 1st of each year and must be received by the City no later than January 31st of the year due.
The registration forms shall be accompanied by an annual registration fee. The registration fee is due and payable upon registration; and no later than thirty days after real property becomes abandoned, distressed and/or vacant; or no later than thirty days after being notified by the City of Inglewood of the requirement to register. The registration fee for abandoned, distressed and/or vacant lots shall be:
Single-family residential lot: $150;
Multifamily lot: $150;
Commercial lot: $250.
The registration fees as set forth in this Article are to be delivered, by mail or in person, to the Finance Department, City of Inglewood, One Manchester Blvd, P.O. Box 6500, Inglewood, CA 90301. A late charge of ten percent per month or any part hereof, will be assessed on any invoice which is unpaid after thirty days from the date of the demand for payment or an invoice. A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) processing fee will be charged for each check returned by the bank due to insufficient funds or other reason. A replacement payment must be made in cash, money order, bank or certified check, and must include the twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee and any applicable late charges. Invoices and any additional fees that remain unpaid will be added to the property owner's tax bill, and will include an additional penalty of $200.
The City may revise the registration fee by resolution.
The City Administrator or designee may waive the annual vacant lot or building fee where the owner has agreed to maintain the lot in a park like setting without any structure or building with a decorative iron wrought fence installed in the front setback of the property. In order to obtain the waiver, the City Administrator or designee must approve a landscape design plan submitted by the owner.
Persons required to register real property pursuant to this Article shall keep such property registered and shall comply with all security and maintenance requirements of this Article and the whole of the Inglewood Municipal Code for the entire time such property remains vacant or shows evidence of vacancy. Persons required to register real property pursuant to this Article shall also report any change of information contained in the registration within ten calendar days of the change.
When real property subject to registration pursuant to this Article becomes occupied or title is transferred to another responsible party, the beneficiary and trustee or prior responsible party shall notify the City Administrator (or designee thereof) in writing within ten calendar days of the property's occupancy or the transfer of title.
In such instance where title to an abandoned or vacant real property has been transferred to another responsible party, the responsible party shall re-register the real property with the City on City-approved forms within ten calendar days of the transfer. Re-registration forms shall contain, at a minimum, all of the information required by subsection (4). A re-registration fee as set by Council resolution shall accompany the re-registration form.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
Any beneficiary and trustee who holds a deed of trust on real property located within the City of Inglewood, which property is distressed (as defined by this Article) on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Article, shall, on or before January 1, 2011, perform an inspection of the real property that is the security of the deed of trust. If the real property is found to be vacant or shows evidence of vacancy, the beneficiary and trustee shall register the real property with the City, on City-approved forms, within ten calendar days of the inspection.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
Real property subject to the registration requirements of this Article shall be maintained in a neat, clean, and healthful condition at all times. The following conditions shall be explicitly prohibited:
Buildings or structures with graffiti, tagging, or other markings that have not been completely removed or painted over with a color matching the exterior of the remaining portion of the building or structure;
Accumulations of lumber, junk, trash, debris, construction material, household furniture, appliances, clothing, or discarded, unused, or abandoned personal property on exterior portions of the real property;
Accumulations of newspapers, circulars, flyers, notices, or other printed material that give the appearance that the property is vacant (except those required by Federal, State, or local law);
Vegetation which is overgrown, dead, decaying, or otherwise that is not adequately trimmed, pruned, cut, fertilized, watered, or replaced;
Swimming pools, spas, or other bodies of water that are not maintained in such a manner as to be free and clear of pollutants or debris, or that are maintained in such a manner as to be likely to harbor mosquitoes, insects, or vector, including, but not limited to, water that is clouded or green, water containing bacterial growth, algae, insect larvae, insect remains, or animal remains; or swimming pools that are not secured and/or maintained in accordance with the Inglewood Municipal Code;
Accessible property or accessible structures not secured as required by the Inglewood Municipal Code.
Nothing contained within this Article relieves a responsible party from complying with any other obligation set forth in any applicable "Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions" and/or Homeowners' Association rules and regulations, or with any other provisions of the Inglewood Municipal Code.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
Real properties that are subject to registration pursuant to this Article (and buildings or structures thereon) shall be secured within seventy-two hours of becoming abandoned, vacant, or showing evidence of vacancy, in a manner to prevent access by unauthorized persons, including, but not limited to, the closure, locking, and/or boarding of windows, doors, gates, or other openings of such a size that it may allow a child to access the interior of the real property and/or buildings or structures located thereon (including garage structures or detached accessory structures).
No window, door, or other opening shall be boarded without prior written approval of the City Administrator (or designee thereof) and when such approval has been granted, the boarding of any window, door, or other opening shall be completed to a minimum of the current United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) securing standards at the time the boarding is completed or required and shall be consistent with the requirements of this Article.
The factors that shall be considered in determining whether the boarding of windows, doors, or other openings include, but are not limited to:
Whether the window, door, or other opening is visible to the public vantage,
The difficulty of adequately securing the window, door, or other opening in another manner so as to prevent unauthorized entry,
The length of time the real property has been abandoned or vacant, and
The length of time the real property is expected to remain abandoned or vacant (as indicated in any statement of intent on file with the City).
Responsible parties for any real property subject to registration pursuant to this Article shall submit a "letter of agency" (or other similarly entitled authorization) to the Inglewood Police Department every thirty calendar days and post "No Trespassing" signs as required and approved by the City so that the Inglewood Police Department is authorized to remove and/or arrest all unauthorized persons from the property.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
Responsible parties for any property subject to registration pursuant to this Article shall retain the services of a local property management company that shall be responsible for the security, maintenance, and marketing of the real property. The retention of a local property management company shall not relieve other responsible parties of their obligations, duties, or responsibilities. Responsible parties shall provide in writing the name and telephone number of the local property management company to adjoining neighbors in case of emergency or other issues that arise in connection with the subject property.
Responsible parties shall cause the on-site inspection of any real property subject to registration pursuant to this Article to be inspected on a weekly basis and shall submit a written inspection report to the City Administrator (or designee thereof) on or before the tenth day of each calendar month for which the real property remains vacant.
The written report shall consist of, at a minimum: (a) the address of the real property being inspected; (b) the dates of inspection; (c) a description of any unlawful conditions observed; and (d) the actions taken or proposed to be taken by the responsible party to abate the unlawful conditions.
Responsible parties shall cause the abatement of any unlawful condition existing on real property subject to registration pursuant to this Article within forty-eight hours of observing or of being notified of the unlawful condition. Nothing in this Article relieves any responsible party of the need to obtain approvals, permits, and/or licenses as otherwise required by the Inglewood Municipal Code.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
In addition to the specific maintenance and security requirements provided in this Article, the City Administrator, the Police Chief, and/or the Fire Chief (or designees thereof) shall have the authority to require responsible parties for real property subject to registration pursuant to this Article to implement additional maintenance and security measures in order to effectuate the purpose of this Article, including, but not limited to, the installation of security lighting, increasing the frequency of on-site inspections, employment of an on-site security guard, and/or posting of additional signage at the subject property.
In accordance with the requirements, procedures, and provisions of Article 11.4 of Chapter 11 of the Inglewood Municipal Code, any responsible party may request an administrative hearing before an Administrative Hearing Officer appointed by the City Administrator in order to challenge or appeal the imposition of any additional maintenance and/or security requirements pursuant to this Section. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 11.4 of Chapter 11 of the Inglewood Municipal Code, nothing contained within this Article authorizes a hearing or appeal to the Planning Commission or the City Council, and the decision of the Hearing Officer (or designee thereof) following a timely appeal shall be final and binding.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
Any violation of this Article shall be treated as a strict liability offense; a violation shall be deemed to have occurred regardless of a violator's intent.
Each person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, or part thereof, during which a violation of this Article, or of any law or regulation referenced herein, is allowed, committed, continued, maintained or permitted by such person, and shall be punishable accordingly.
Any person, partnership, association, corporation, fiduciary or other legal entity, that owns, leases, occupies, controls or manages any vacant and/or abandoned property and causes, permits, or maintains a violation of the Article as to that property, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, may be punished as provided in Article 2 of Chapter 1 of the Inglewood Municipal Code and is also subject to administrative citations in accordance with Article 11.4 of Chapter 11 of the Inglewood Municipal Code.
Any responsible party that allows a structure to remain vacant and/or abandoned, and does not meet any of the exceptions set forth in subsection (3)(b), for more than thirty consecutive calendar days is subject to a thirty-day notice of abandoned and/or vacant structure penalty of $1,000 per structure per day, not to exceed $100,000 per property per calendar year. The notice of abandoned and/or vacant structure penalty shall include a description of the conditions that gave rise to the penalty and notice of the City's intent to assess an administrative penalty pursuant to this subsection if action to correct the violation is not commenced within a period of not less than fourteen days from the date the notice is mailed and completed within a period of not less than thirty days from the date the notice is mailed.
A responsible party shall not be liable for the abandoned and/or vacant structure penalty of $1,000 per structure per day if:
The statement of intent has been filed and approved by the City; and
The building has been posted as required by Section 11-158(1); and
One of the following applies:
The structure is the subject of an active building permit for repair, rehabilitation or demolition and the owner is proceeding diligently in good faith to complete the repair, rehabilitation or demolition, or
The structure is maintained in compliance with this Article and is actively being offered for sale, lease or rent, or
The responsible party can demonstrate that he or she made a diligent and good faith effort to implement the actions set forth in the approved statement of intent within the time line contained within the statement of intent.
A separate thirty-day notice of abandoned and/or vacant structure penalty shall be issued for each subsequent penalty that may be imposed pursuant to this Article.
This Article does not exclusively regulate the use, maintenance, and security of real and/or personal property within the City, and the remedies provided in this Article are in addition to other remedies and penalties authorized by the Inglewood Municipal Code, or by the laws of the State of California or of the United States.
The City shall provide an owner who wishes to contest any administrative fines imposed pursuant to this Section a hearing and opportunity to be heard in accordance with the procedures for Administrative Citations contained in Article 11.4 of Chapter 11 of the Inglewood Municipal Code.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
The duties and/or obligations specified in this Article shall be joint and several among and between all trustees and beneficiaries and their respective agents.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Article is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Article. The City Council declares that it would have adopted this Article, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
(Ord. 10-17 11-30-10)