The use of land and buildings, the height, bulk, location of structures, the amount of open space and the density of population are regulated by the following zone classifications:
R-1, One-family Zone.
R-1Z, One-family/Zero-lot-line Zone.
R-1-1/2, Limited Two-family Zone.
R-2, Limited Multiple-family Zone.
R-2A, Limited Multiple-family Zone.
R-3, Multiple-family Zone.
R-4, Multiple-family Zone.
R-M, Residential and Medical Zone.
P, Automobile Parking Zone.
P-1, Automobile Parking Zone.
C-R, Commercial and Recreation Zone.
HPSP, Hollywood Park Specific Plan Zone.
MU-1, TOD Mixed Use 1 Zone.
MU-1A, TOD Mixed-Use 1A Overlay.
MU-2. TOD Mixed Use 2 Zone.
MU-2A, TOD Mixed-Use 2A.
MU-3. TOD Mixed Use 3 Zone.
MU-4. TOD Mixed Use 4 Zone.
MU-A, TOD Mixed Use Arts Cluster.
MU-C, TOD Mixed Use Corridor Zone.
A-C, Airport Campus.
C-N. Neighborhood Commercial Zone.
H-C. Historic Core Zone.
C-1, Limited Commercial Zone.
C-2, General Commercial Zone.
C-2A, Airport Commercial Zone.
C-S, Commercial Service Zone.
C-3, Heavy Commercial Zone.
M-1, Light Manufacturing Zone.
M-1L, Limited Manufacturing Zone.
M-2, Heavy Manufacturing Zone.
S-1, Special Zone (Cemetery).
S-2, Special Zone (Cemetery).
CC, Civic Center Zone.
O-S, Open Space Zone.
T-C, Transportation Corridor Zone.
D, Supplemental Design Review Zone.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 95-11 5-2-95; Ord. 09-10 7-8-09; Ord. 17-01 11-01-16; Ord. 22-03 12-14-21)
Zoning law has been held to be one of the most essential powers of government and one that is least limitable.
** Consolidated Rock Products Co. vs. City of Los Angeles 20 Cal Reptr. 638 Beverly Oil Co. vs. City of Los Angeles 40 Cal 2d 552.
The zone classifications, as set forth in Section 12-2 of this Article, are delineated on the Zoning Map of the City of Inglewood, which map and all notations and information thereon is hereby made a part of this Chapter by reference.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any zone shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Where zone boundaries are indicated as approximately following street and alley lines or lot lines, such lines shall be construed to be the zone boundaries;
In the case of unsubdivided property and where a zone boundary divides a lot, the locations of zone boundaries, unless the same are indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the Zoning Map;
Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to abutting property shall apply to the vacated or abandoned street or alley.
The boundaries of all zones, as shown upon the Zoning Map, are hereby adopted and approved; and the regulations of this Chapter governing the use of land and buildings, the height of buildings, and sizes of yards about buildings, and other matters as herein set forth, are hereby established and declared to be in effect upon all land included within the boundaries of each and every zone shown upon the Zoning Map of the City of Inglewood.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
It is unlawful for any individual, partnership, company or corporation to erect, reconstruct, add, enlarge, alter, move, remove and/or use any building, structure and/or sign in any manner or for any purpose not specifically permitted and set forth in this Chapter including, but not limited to, compliance with requirements for providing or maintaining minimum site or buildable area, open space, yards, building setbacks, building separation, building height, on-site parking, walls and fences, for the zone in which the building or structure is located.
It is unlawful for any individual, partnership, company or corporation to use, alter for an intended use, and/or occupy any land, building or premises in any manner or for any purpose other than for a use listed in this Chapter, or amendments thereto, for the zone in which the land, building or premises is located.
It is unlawful for any individual, partnership, company or corporation to commence any construction, addition, alteration or removal of any building, structure or sign, and/or to commence any use or occupancy of any building, structure or premises, without first obtaining any permit(s) or authorization specifically required for such purposes as set forth in this Chapter.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 00-14 8-29-00)
If any use of property is for any reason omitted from the lists of those specified as permissible in the various zones herein designated, or if ambiguity arises concerning the appropriate classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this Chapter, it shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to ascertain all pertinent facts concerning this use and by resolution of record set forth its findings and the reason for designating a specific classification for each use and such findings and resolutions shall be referred to the City Council and, if approved by the City Council, thereafter such designated classification shall govern.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. Where this Chapter imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or land, or upon the height of buildings, or requires larger open spaces than are imposed or required by other provisions of this Code, by other rules and regulations, or by easements, covenants or agreements, the provisions of this Chapter shall control.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
All departments, officials or public employees vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses where required by law, shall conform to the provisions of this Chapter. No such license or permit for uses, buildings or purposes, where the same would be in conflict with the provisions of this Chapter, shall be issued. Any such license or permit, if issued in conflict with the provisions of this Chapter, shall be null and void.
No required permit or license for the use, occupation, development or improvement of any land, or for the construction, erection, or structural modification or alteration of any building or structure shall be issued without prior determination by the Planning and Building Department Director or designated representative that the request or application for such permit or license is in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
Any application for a zoning action requiring a hearing or a review of plans as specified in this Chapter shall be filed with the Planning and Building Department together with a fee or fees as specified in the Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 13-04 11-5-13)
All regulations and provisions of this Article shall be applicable to all zone classifications, all properties and all uses of same, unless specified otherwise.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Public art that is required under Article 14 of Chapter 11 and that is proposed as a part of a development project shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission consistent with the following regulations:
Purpose. The purpose of the Planning Commission Review is to consider the proposed on-site location of the artwork in relation to the entire development project.
Standards Governing Approval. The Planning Commission shall review the location of the artwork and approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the location according to the following standards:
Adequate vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation areas shall be maintained; and
The location of the artwork allows for unrestrained viewing from a variety of vantage points on the site.
Notice of Determination. The Planning Commission shall transmit a notice of its determination within ten business days of its action or an extension of time agreeable to the applicant and the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department. Failure to give such notice within ten days shall be deemed a disapproval for purposes of appeal to the City Council.
Appeal Procedure. Within ten business days after the notice of disapproval or conditional approval has been mailed to the applicant, the applicant may appeal to the City Council by filing a written notification thereof with the Planning and Building Department Director or designee. The City Council shall consider the appeal duly filed at a regular meeting to be held within thirty business days after the filing of said appeal. If no appeal is filed pursuant to the provisions of this Section, the action of the Planning Commission shall be deemed final.
Expiration of Approval. The Planning Commission approval of a public art location within a development project shall not expire.
Re-Review of Amended Development Project or Public Art Location. If a development project, that includes public art that was previously approved by the Planning Commission, undergoes substantial changes in the site layout or if the public art location undergoes substantial changes, the Planning Commission shall be required to re-review the public art in the context of the development project.
(Ord. 12-01 2-7-12)
The provisions of Section 12-4.1 shall not apply to development within the Hollywood Park Specific Plan zone.
(Ord. 15-10 2-24-15)
Every residential unit and place of business shall be designed to permit pedestrian access from a public street without the need to only utilize an alley or adjacent property for such access. However, any legal lot or parcel, previously created, not abutting a public street may utilize an alley for sole access.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Every dwelling unit shall contain permanent kitchen facilities. A kitchen shall be a room, or a portion of a room, in which there are a sink, a refrigerator and one or more appliances for heating food.
Every single apartment unit (with kitchen but without a separate bedroom) shall contain not less than five hundred square feet of floor area.
Every dwelling unit, except single apartments, shall contain not less than seven hundred square feet of floor area plus an additional one hundred fifty square feet of floor area for each room in excess of one kitchen, one or more bathrooms, one living room, one bedroom, one laundry room and any number of windowless closets.
No condominium dwelling unit shall contain less than seven hundred square feet of floor area and less than one separate bedroom.
One bedroom per each dwelling unit shall contain not less than one hundred twenty square feet of floor area (exclusive of closets) with a minimum horizontal dimension of ten feet, and any additional bedrooms in a dwelling unit shall contain not less than one hundred square feet of floor area (exclusive of closets) with a minimum horizontal dimension of ten feet.
Any dwelling unit containing two or more bedrooms, including any den, shall have utility connections for a washing machine and clothes dryer in each unit. Any multiple unit structure or complex containing one bedroom units or single apartment units shall either provide such utility connections within each unit or provide a laundry room that contains washing machines and clothes dryers and that is accessible to the occupants of these units.
Throughout the City, except for Historic Core, Mixed-Use 1—4, and Mixed-Use Corridor zones, a private exterior balcony, deck or patio shall be provided for each dwelling unit permitted for construction after July 1, 1990. Such facility shall be located at the same floor level as the respective unit for which it is provided and shall be immediately adjacent to and accessible from the dwelling unit. Balconies, decks and patios shall contain not less than eighty square feet of area with a minimum horizontal dimension of eight feet. Fifty percent of the floor area of any private balcony or upper story deck may be used to satisfy part of the minimum floor area requirement of the dwelling unit for which the balcony or deck is provided, so long as the interior floor area of the unit is not reduced by more than fifty square feet.
Within the Historic Core, Mixed-Use 1—4, and Mixed-Use Corridor, a private exterior balcony, deck or patio shall be provided for each dwelling unit permitted for construction after July 1, 1990. Such facility shall be located at the same floor level as the respective unit for which it is provided and shall be immediately adjacent to and accessible from the dwelling unit. Each residential unit shall have a minimum of one hundred twenty-five square feet of common and/or private open space. Balconies, decks and patios shall contain not less than forty square feet of area with a minimum horizontal dimension of five feet. Fifty percent of the floor area of any private balcony or upper story deck may be used to satisfy part of the minimum floor area requirement of the dwelling unit for which the balcony or deck is provided, so long as the interior floor area of the unit is not reduced by more than fifty square feet. Up to twenty percent of the units in a development may provide a balcony that is less than the above standards provided the overall minimum common and private open space requirement per unit is maintained.
A children's play area shall be located within the rear yard or within an interior courtyard for all multiple unit structures or complexes that contain six or more multiple-bedroom units. The size and design of the play area shall be determined during site plan review per Article 18.1 of this Chapter.
Private open space areas shall be at least forty square feet.
Private open space located on the ground level (e.g., yards, decks, patios) shall have minimum dimensions no less than ten feet long by four feet deep. Private open space located above ground level (e.g., balconies) shall have minimum dimensions no less than six feet long by four feet deep.
Common open space located on the ground level shall have minimum dimensions no less than twenty feet by twenty feet. Common upper-story decks shall have minimum dimensions no less than ten by ten feet in dimension. Roof decks shall be no less than fifteen feet by fifteen feet.
Each unit shall have a minimum of eighty square feet of common and/or private open space.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 90-23 9-11-90; Ord. 18-03 1-23-18)
Whenever the room layout within any dwelling unit, guest room, or recreation room therein, is so designed, including, but not limited to, multiple room or hallway entrances, multiple toilet and bathing facilities, or sink installations, that it can be easily divided into or used for separate dwelling units or rental guest rooms, the lot area requirements and automobile parking requirements shall be based upon the highest number of potential dwelling units or guest rooms obtainable from such room layout. Furthermore, the total number of potential units shall not exceed the maximum density permitted by the zone in which the property is located.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Except as provided in the Subdivision Regulations of this Chapter, no parcel of land may be subdivided or otherwise reduced in area to less than six thousand square feet. Any legally established lot may be enlarged without conforming to the six thousand square foot minimum area.
No developed lot or parcel of land shall be reduced in size if such reduction will cause any of the following:
The creation of front, side or rear yards less than the minimum required.
A density of units on the lot that will exceed the maximum density permitted.
A reduction or loss of required parking facilities, minimum driveway access, or other required improvements on the lot.
The creation of any other condition that will be in violation of any provision of this Chapter.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
A development of property, for which any application is required, shall have a site that is consolidated or reconfigured to ensure that no individual structure, and all required associated facilities, will occupy more than one lot or parcel of land. A required parking facility in conformance with Section 12-41 of this Chapter located on a noncontiguous lot may be excepted. Any consolidation or reconfiguration necessary to comply shall be accomplished by the recordation of a parcel map prior to the enactment of a permit or variance or prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, or as required by the Planning and Building Department Director. The applications, for which a development would be subject to this provision, shall include applications for a building permit, special use permit, variance and/or site plan review.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08; Ord. 14-01 2-11-14)
A parcel of land may be deemed merged with the adjacent parcel of land and not sold or developed separately, if:
The subject parcel is under the same ownership as the adjacent property; and
The subject parcel does not meet the minimum size required for a subdivided lot (two thousand five hundred square feet for lots zoned for commercial or industrial use and five thousand square feet for lots zoned for residential use); and
The subject parcel is not improved with a structure or is only improved with one or more accessory structures or facilities required for the use occurring on the adjacent property.
The Director of Planning and Building Department may effect such merger by notifying the subject property owner by certified mail of the intended merger and, if the subject owner files no objection with the Director within thirty days, a notice of merger specifying the name of the owner and a legal description of the subject parcels shall be recorded with the County Recorder within the following ninety days. If any appeal is filed, the Planning Commission shall conduct a hearing within sixty days thereof and shall determine the status of the intended merger. The subject property owner shall be notified of the time and place of the hearing by certified mail.
A parcel of land shall be deemed merged with the adjacent parcel of land and shall not be sold separately if a building or comparable structure mutually occupies part or all of both parcels. A notice of merger may be recorded with the County Recorder with concurrent notification of the subject property owner.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 98-28 12-15-98; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
Except as provided otherwise, no building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered or exceed the height limit established for the zone in which such building is located.
The building height shall be based upon the existing grade of the site or, if the existing grade of the site is lower than all adjacent properties, upon the lowest grade of any abutting interior lot line. The building height shall be measured vertically from the average level of the highest and lowest point of the portion of the site covered by the building to the ceiling of the uppermost story. Refer to Diagram A.
Height Exceptions. Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required for the operation of buildings, and fire or parapet walls, skylights, flagpoles, chimneys, or similar structures may be erected above the height limits here prescribed, but no equipment penthouse, roof structure, or other space above the height limit shall be allowed for the purpose of providing additional floor area.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Every required front, side or rear yard shall be open and unobstructed by any portion of any structure, from the ground to the sky, unless specifically permitted otherwise in this Chapter.
Every residential front yard, and any residential street side yard not enclosed by a solid fence or wall at least four feet in height, shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs and lawn or ground cover, including the use of decorative rock materials. Concrete, asphalt or comparable pavement in such yards shall be limited to only the minimum areas necessary to provide pedestrian footpath access to the residential structure(s) and vehicle access to garages, as specified in Article 19 of this Chapter. Additionally, in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 5 of this Code, parkways shall be landscaped with City-approved trees and with lawn, ground cover plants, and/or shrubs and flowers not exceeding two feet in height.
No yard or open space on an adjoining property shall be considered as providing a yard or open space on a lot whereon a building is to be erected.
Reversed Corner Lot. There shall be a side yard along the street side of a reversed corner to not less than fifty percent of the front yard required of those lots located at the rear of the subject corner lot; provided further, that this regulation shall not be so interpreted as to reduce the buildable width (after providing the required interior side yard) of a reversed corner lot of record as of December 17, 1946, to less than twenty-eight feet. Refer to Diagram B.
Through Lots. Either lot line separating a through lot from a public street may be designated by the owner as the front lot line for the purpose of determining the required building setback. In such cases, the minimum rear yard shall be the average of the existing yards on the next adjoining lots. If such adjoining lots are undeveloped, the minimum rear yard shall conform to the front yard setback for the zone in which the property is located.
Alley as Portion of Rear Yard. The depth of any required residential rear yard may be reduced by a maximum of five feet if the rear lot line abuts a public alley. However, no such reduction shall result in the remainder rear yard having a depth less than five feet.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 90-31 11-20-90)
There shall be at least ten feet separation between two one-story dwelling structures on the same lot.
There shall be at least sixteen feet between a two-story dwelling structure and any other one-story or two-story dwelling structure on the same lot, plus two additional feet for every story over two stories for the higher building on the lot.
Exception: A second story addition upon an existing one-story dwelling structure may be made provided:
The existing one-story dwelling is separated at least ten feet from any other one-story dwelling on the same lot; and
The second story addition shall not be located closer than sixteen feet to any other dwelling structure on the same lot.
There shall be at least six feet between any dwelling structure and any accessory structure on the same lot.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Whenever two exterior walls of a dwelling structure are designed to oppose each other, thereby creating outdoor courts or atriums, the separation between opposing walls shall conform to the requirements for separations between dwelling structure per Section 12-10 of this Article. Exception: if a court is enclosed on only three sides by the structure and the depth of the court (as measured inward from the open side) is less than ten feet, the width of the court (as measured between the two opposing side walls) shall not be less than the depth. Refer to Diagram C.
Except as provided for eaves and balconies, all courts and atriums located within residential buildings shall be fully open and unobstructed from the ground, or floor surface of the court, to the sky.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Dwellings Above Stores. The front and side yard requirements for dwellings and apartments shall be waived where the latter are erected above stores, unless specified otherwise in this Chapter.
Garage Apartments. Residential yard requirements may be modified to accommodate a garage apartment structure when developed per Section 12-11 of this Article.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
One apartment unit may be located over a detached garage structure provided that:
No portion of the apartment unit shall be located upon the ground floor level, unless constructed or approved for construction prior to January 1, 1989.
The garage apartment structure shall not exceed a total of two stories in height.
The apartment unit shall not exceed two bedrooms (inclusive of any den or family room) and shall not exceed nine hundred square feet in total floor area.
The garage apartment structure shall maintain a setback from the rear property line not less than:
Five feet if the subject lot is less than six thousand square feet in area or if the structure was constructed or approved for construction prior to January 1, 1989.
Ten feet, if the subject lot equals or exceeds six thousand square feet in area but is less than seven thousand square feet.
Fifteen feet, if the subject lot equals or exceeds seven thousand square feet.
The garage apartment structure shall observe the side yard setbacks required for its respective zone and an open area comparable to the otherwise required rear setback for that zone shall be maintained between the garage apartment and any other structure on the property. Refer to Diagram D.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
A detached accessory structure may occupy not more than twenty-five percent of a required rear yard, provided such structure is not more than one story in height. Excepting garage apartments or ADU's, no two-story accessory structure shall occupy any part of any required yard. No accessory structure shall exceed two stories.
A detached accessory structure shall not be located between the front lot line and the building line of the main dwelling structure, excluding any front architectural projections or open porches or balconies of the dwelling structure. Such an accessory structure may be attached to a main dwelling structure, and be deemed a part thereof if in compliance with the dwelling setbacks, by means of a permanent roof (breezeway) not less than five feet in width.
A detached accessory structure shall not be located within six feet of any main dwelling structure nor within six feet of any other accessory structure.
A two-story accessory structure shall not be located within any part of any required side or rear yard area and shall not be located within five feet of any interior side or rear lot line.
A detached accessory structure on a corner lot shall not be located within ten feet of a street side lot line or within a reversed corner lot side yard, whichever is greater, or as provided in Section 12-18.3 of this Chapter.
A detached accessory structure shall not be located within fifteen feet of the rear lot line of a through lot, or within any portion of the required rear yard of any through lot exceeding one hundred forty feet in depth.
No accessory building on a reversed corner lot shall be located within five feet of the rear lot line, being the side lot line of the adjacent property.
On corner lots occupied by a single family residence, the garage may be located within the required rear yard and connected to the residence with a one-story covered passage or breezeway not less than five feet in width, provided an interior side yard equivalent in area to the required rear yard is maintained adjacent to the garage. The garage shall maintain the minimum street side yard required for the residence or for accessory structures, whichever is greater. Further, the garage shall not be located closer than five feet to the rear lot line.
Other than required garage facilities, the total floor area of accessory structure(s) shall not exceed four hundred square feet on any lot containing fewer than five residential units.
Miscellaneous residential yard facilities including, but not limited to, clotheslines, trash can storage areas, refuse enclosures, portable storage sheds, permanent barbecue grills and other comparable accessory facilities and devices shall not be located within any yard separating a residence from a public street, except within a street side yard that is enclosed behind a wall or opaque fence not less than five feet high.
(Ord. 94-09 5-26-94; Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 10-09 5-25-10; Ord. 23-07 1-31-23; Ord. 24-02, 12/12/2023)
Cornices, eaves, sills, buttresses, and similar architectural features that do not provide additional floor area may project or extend into any required front or rear yard not more than thirty inches and into any required side yard not more than twenty-five percent of the required side yard, or thirty inches, whichever is less. Eaves may project into any court not more than ten percent of the smaller horizontal dimension of the court.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Open unenclosed stairs and landings, not covered by a roof, may project or extend not more than four feet into a required rear yard.
No stairs, landings or fire escapes shall project or extend into any required front yard or side yard, except that stairs may be incorporated into the front entry walkway so long as such stairs approximate the slope of the front yard and do not extend more than one foot above grade at any point.
Stairs, landings and fire escapes located on the front elevation of residential structures having more than four units shall be enclosed within the structure.
Stairwells, providing access to subterranean garages or other below grade facilities in residential zones, shall not be located within any required front yard or side yard.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
Balconies may project into any required front or rear yard not more than six inches.
Balconies may project into any court not more than five percent of the smallest horizontal dimension of the court.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 90-23 9-11-90)
A porte cochere may be placed over a driveway in a side yard, provided such structure is not more than one story in height, is unenclosed on at least three sides and is entirely open except for the necessary supporting columns. A porte cochere shall not exceed twenty feet in length and shall not exceed the width of the driveway so long as a minimum nine-foot wide clearance is provided between the supporting columns and the dwelling structure. A porte cochere shall not project forward beyond the front building line of the dwelling structure and it shall not be attached to any accessory structure. A porte cochere shall architecturally complement the structure to which it is attached in terms of detailing, materials and roof type.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
No antenna structure shall be located in any front yard or street facing yard, or within five feet of any abutting property and no antenna structures shall occupy any required parking space or driveway. Not more than one pole antenna and one dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot in any residential zone. An antenna structure is an accessory structure and shall require review and approval from the Division of Building and Safety prior to installation. Additionally, all antenna structures shall comply with the following regulations:
Commercial broadcasting antennas and telecommunication facilities are subject to compliance with Article 31 of this Chapter.
Non-commercial amateur ham radio antennas are not to exceed a maximum height of fifteen feet above the maximum building height allowed in the zone in which the subject antenna will be located.
Dish Antenna.
In the R-1, R-1-1/2, R-2 and R-2A zones, a dish antenna shall have a maximum diameter of twelve feet and shall have a maximum height of fifteen feet above grade. Dish antennae exceeding six feet in diameter are prohibited upon roofs.
In the R-3, R-4, R-M and P-1 zones, a dish antenna shall have a maximum diameter of twelve feet and shall have a maximum height of twenty feet above grade if ground-mounted or twelve feet above the roof if roof-mounted.
In all commercial and manufacturing zones, a dish antenna shall have a maximum diameter of fifteen feet and shall have a maximum height of forty feet above grade if ground-mounted or fifteen feet above the roof if roof-mounted.
EXCEPTION: Any dish antenna located within fifty feet of any R, R-M, or P zoned property shall comply with the size and height regulations of subsection (c)(2) hereinabove.
Any roof-mounted dish antenna shall be located upon the rear portion of a roof whenever possible or be located so as to minimize its visibility from any public street.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 98-20 9-29-98; Ord. 11-07 6-14-11)
Utility meters, electric panel boxes, transformers and similar utility facilities shall not be located within any landscaped setback or upon or in front of any street-facing façade of a building, unless such facilities are located underground or, in the case of a nonresidential property, are fully screened by a decorative and landscaped wall.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88)
All buildings or structures hereafter constructed shall provide adequate refuse and recycling storage areas in conformance with the following standards:
Residential Use.
For sites having three or less residential units, no recycling area or enclosure is required.
For sites having four units, an enclosure having at least sixty-four square feet of area shall be provided. No recycling area is required.
For sites having five to twenty units, an enclosure having at least eighty square feet of area shall be provided.
For sites having twenty-one to forty units, an enclosure or enclosures having a minimum total area of one hundred twenty square feet shall be provided.
For each additional twenty units, an additional forty-eight square feet of enclosure area shall be provided.
Each separate enclosure shall have a minimum area of eighty square feet with the smaller interior dimension of at least six feet.
Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Use. There shall be six and one-quarter square feet of refuse enclosure per each one thousand square feet of net floor area of building or structure, provided that each individual enclosure shall have a minimum interior area of eighty square feet with the smaller interior dimension of at least six feet.
Refuse and Recycling Enclosure Design.
All refuse and/or recycling enclosures shall be constructed of a masonry block wall not less than five feet nor more than six feet in height.
Any enclosure shall have an opening six feet in width with an opaque panel gate the same height as the enclosure wall.
A water faucet for hose attachment shall be located adjacent to or within the enclosure.
The enclosure shall be constructed with a concrete floor sloped to drain.
The enclosure shall be so located upon the site as to be readily accessible to the collection vehicle at all times.
Miscellaneous Refuse and Recycling Standards.
A recycling area must be provided on a site when there is an addition to an existing development of thirty or more percent to the existing floor area; or if an addition to a commercial, institutional or industrial site exceeds ten percent of the current assessed value of the subject parcel and an application has been submitted for Site Plan Review.
All refuse and recycling bins and containers must contain easy-to-handle lids.
A recycling area shall have a one foot by one foot sign specifying "Recycling Area" located on the enclosure nearest the bin(s) or container(s) used to store recyclable materials.
All recycling areas in multifamily residential developments shall be located within two hundred fifty feet of any residential unit.
Internal storage space of three cubic feet per residential unit shall be provided in residential developments.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 93-14 6-29-93)
It shall be unlawful for any person on any R or P zoned property or on any residentially developed property to:
Store or park any commercial or construction equipment or materials, boat, house trailer, camper trailer, detached camper trailer top, motor vehicle or dismantled motor vehicle on vacant lots or parcels.
Store or park any commercial or construction equipment or materials on any lot or parcel except equipment or materials being used for construction on the premises where a valid building permit has been issued or applied for.
Store or park boats, house trailers, camper trailers, detached camper trailer tops, dismantled vehicles and other trailers in any front yard or street side yard.
Store or park any automobile or other motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, motorcycles, in any front yard or street side yard provided, however, that not more than a total of three vehicles may be parked upon a paved driveway in these yard areas if each vehicle is currently licensed and operative.
Store or park a vehicle or other object in violation of any provision of the Property Maintenance Regulations of Chapter 11 of this Code or of the Parking Regulations, Recreational Vehicle Parking, or Mobile Home Regulations of this Chapter.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 10-16 1-25-11; Ord. 12-04 4-10-12)
In order to make specific housing available to an individual with a disability, a disabled person or representative may request reasonable rules, policies, practices and/or procedures of the City of Inglewood to ensure that a disabled person has an equal opportunity to use and enjoy their dwelling unit. If that individual needs assistance in making a request for reasonable accommodation, or if they appeal a determination regarding reasonable accommodation, the Planning and Building Department will endeavor to provide the assistance necessary to ensure that a reasonable accommodation process is accessible to a disabled applicant or his or her representative. The applicant shall be entitled to be represented at all stages of the proceeding by a person designated by the applicant. The Planning and Building Department shall prominently display notices in conspicuous places informing those persons with disabilities, or their representatives, that they may request reasonable accommodation in accordance with all applicable provisions of Sections 12-15.1, 12-15.2, 12-15.3, and 12-15.4.
A request for reasonable accommodation in laws, rules, policies, practices and/or procedures may be filed on an application form provided by the Planning and Building Department at any time that the accommodation may be necessary to ensure equal access to housing.
The Planning and Building Department Director shall have the authority to consider and act on requests for reasonable accommodation. When a request for reasonable accommodation is filed with the Department, it will be referred to the Planning Division and/or the Building and Safety Division as appropriate for their review and consideration. The Planning Division and/or the Building and Safety Division shall issue written findings to the Planning and Building Department Director. The Director shall then issue a written determination within thirty days of the date of receipt of a completed application and may: (1) grant the reasonable accommodation request; (2) grant the reasonable accommodation request subject to specified non-discriminatory conditions; or (3) deny the request. All written determinations shall give notice to the applicant of the right to appeal and the right to request reasonable accommodation on the appeals process, if necessary. The notice of determination shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested.
If additional information is needed for the Director to make a determination on the request, the Director can request that the applicant provide additional information. The Director shall specify in detail what additional information is needed. When a request for additional information is made, the thirty day period allowed for the Director to issue a written determination shall be stayed until the applicant responds to the request.
(Ord. 02-16 3-26-02; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Planning and Building Department Director must consider, analyze and adopt the following findings prior to taking any action to approve or deny a request for reasonable accommodation and the findings must be incorporated into the record of the proceeding relating to such approval or denial:
The housing, which is the subject of the request for reasonable accommodation, will be used by a disabled person protected under the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.
The request for a reasonable accommodation is necessary to make specific housing available to the disabled person protected under the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.
The requested reasonable accommodation will not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the City.
The requested accommodation will not require a fundamental alteration of the zoning or building laws, policies and/or procedures of the City.
(Ord. 02-16 3-26-02; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
Within thirty days of the date the Planning and Building Department Director issues a written determination, the applicant requesting the reasonable accommodation may appeal a denial or appeal any conditions or limitations stipulated in an approval. The applicant shall submit a statement stipulating the grounds for the appeal. In the even an appeal is filed, the appeal would be reviewed and considered by the Assistant City Administrator. The Assistant City administrator shall render a written determination within thirty days of receipt of the appeal and shall consider the same findings as stipulated in Section 12-15.2 in making a determination.
Within thirty days of the date the Assistant City Administrator issues a written determination, the applicant requesting the reasonable accommodation may again appeal a denial or appeal any conditions or limitations stipulated in an approval. The applicant shall again submit a statement stipulating the grounds for the appeal. In the event another appeal is filed, the appeal would be considered by the Planning Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting, occurring later than fourteen calendar days after the appeal is filed, but not more than sixty calendar days after an appeal has been filed. The Planning Commission's determination shall address and be based upon the same findings as stipulated in Section 12-15.2. The Planning Commission's findings and determination shall be final. (Note: An applicant may request reasonable accommodation in the procedure by which an appeal will be conducted.)
(Ord. 02-16 3-26-02; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
Any requests for reasonable accommodation relating to increased occupancy of a group home shall be filed with the Planning and Building Department. When such a request is made the Planning and Building Department Director shall hold an administrative public hearing on the request for reasonable accommodation relating to the increased occupancy of a group home. The Director shall hear the matter and issue a written determination within thirty days of the date of receipt of a completed application and must be in accordance with all applicable provisions of Sections 12-15.1, 12-15.2 and 12-15.3. Notice of the hearing shall be provided not less than ten days prior to the hearing and shall be mailed to all owners of property located within a five hundred foot radius of the exterior boundary of the subject property as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll of Los Angeles County. The applicant shall pay the City's property owners list and notification fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule for the cost of the mailing.
Within thirty days of the issuance of a written determination on the hearing conducted by the Director, any interested person may file an appeal from the determination of the Director. An appeal to the determination of the Planning and Building Department Director shall be to the Planning Commission. In the event an appeal is filed, the appeal must be scheduled for a public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting, occurring later than fourteen calendar days after the appeal is filed, but not more than sixty calendar days after the appeal has been filed. The Planning Commission's determination shall address and be based upon the same findings as stipulated in Section 12-15.2. An appeal to the determination of the Planning Commission shall be to the City Council. In the event an appeal is filed to the City Council, the appeal must be considered by the City Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting, occurring later than fourteen calendar days after the appeal is filed, but not more than sixty calendar days after an appeal has been filed. All appeals must contain a statement of the grounds for the appeal. Any determination by the Planning Commission or City Council shall address and be based upon the same findings as stipulated in Section 12-15.2. The applicant shall pay the City's property owners list and notification fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule for the cost of the mailing for each public hearing.
No increased occupancy request for group homes shall supercede any applicable Inglewood Municipal Code provision that regulates group homes. Nor shall any increased occupancy request be used or construed to establish a group home that otherwise cannot be established through the applicable Inglewood Municipal Code provisions.
(Ord. 02-16 3-26-02; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08; Ord. 13-04 11-5-13)
The regulations specified in Sections 12-16.1, 12-16.2 and 12-16.7 are applicable to the development and/or operation of certain uses, that do not require a Special Use Permit, in any zone where these uses are permitted, unless specifically provided otherwise in this Chapter.
(Ord. 88-32 10-25-88; Ord. 90-21 8-28-90; Ord. 13-05 12-17-13)
All hotel or motel facilities hereafter built shall contain no fewer guestrooms than the minimum number required by their respective zone classifications and shall occupy sites having a minimum area of twenty thousand square feet and a minimum street frontage of one hundred fifty feet. Exception: An existing nonconforming motel or hotel located on a property with a "C" (Commercial) or "M" (Manufacturing) zoning classification that does not meet at least one of the development standards of this subsection mentioned above, may add guestrooms provided the minimum number of guestrooms added is five, that the exterior of the existing motel or hotel must be renovated to ensure that the aesthetic quality of the facility is enhanced, and that the new guestrooms comply with all other applicable Municipal Code requirements. The exterior renovation must include painting and the installation of a new façade when the existing façade is in poor condition. The exterior renovation and the façade of the new guestrooms must be the same or aesthetically compatible. Additionally, new landscaping must be installed adjacent to street frontages where no landscaping previously existed. This is subject to areas being available along the street frontage for the installation of landscaping. Any nonconforming motel or hotel located in any other zone classification may not add new guestrooms.
No hotel or motel structure shall be located within fifteen feet of any public street right-of-way or within five feet of any alley right-of-way. Such setbacks shall be increased, for the entire structure, by an additional two feet per story for every story above the first two stories.
No hotel or motel structure shall be located within twenty feet of any abutting R or P zoned property. Such setback shall be increased, for the entire structure, by an additional two feet per story for every story above the first two stories.
All structures, cumulatively, shall not occupy more than sixty-five percent of the entire hotel or motel site.
One or more outdoor amenity area(s) shall be provided for each hotel or motel facility, based upon the provision of twenty-five square feet of such amenity are per guestroom, to a total maximum requirement of two thousand five hundred square feet. An amenity area may include such facilities as patios, playground equipment, a swimming pool, tennis courts, and comparable recreational installations. All amenity areas shall be landscaped.
Every hotel and motel facility hereafter built or enlarged shall contain an interior lobby not less than four hundred square feet in floor area, exclusive of any office area.
There shall be a minimum of three hundred twenty square feet of floor area per guestroom, inclusive of bathroom and closet(s).
No kitchen facilities shall be provided in any guestroom. Kitchen facilities shall be limited to being provided in the manager's dwelling unit and any on-site development.
One manager's dwelling unit shall be provided within each hotel or motel facility having fewer than one hundred guestrooms and such dwelling unit shall contain at least one bedroom but not more than two bedrooms (any den shall constitute a bedroom).
All rooms used for utility, janitorial or linen storage shall have no windows.
It is unlawful for any individual, partnership, company or corporation to rent any motel or hotel room by the hour or a few hours. It shall be unlawful to permit any room to be rented for any occupancy more than once per day; or to permit any guest to occupy any room more than one hundred twenty consecutive days. Guests requiring longer stays shall be relocated to another room.
Every person or entity that owns or operates a hotel, motel, auto court and/or place used or intended to be used for guest sleeping purposes shall maintain on the premises at all times a permanent guest register in which shall be entered the following guest identification information:
The printed name and address of each paying or nonpaying guest who rents a room or rooms in the hotel, motel, auto court and/or place used or intended to be used for sleeping purposes;
The name and address of each person that will occupy the room as part of the guest's party. This may include adults and children;
The guest room number and number of room(s) to be rented by the guest;
The date that the west room or rooms are rented and the date of guest departure;
The guest identification information shall be maintained for each reregistered paying or nonpaying guest for a minimum of ninety days. Guest identification information shall be made readily available for the review, inspection, photocopying, investigation or referral to other law enforcement agencies by the Inglewood Police Department immediately upon request.
(Ord. 90-21 8-28-90; Ord. 02-20 6-11-02; Ord. 07-10 5-15-07)
Review Process.
The conversion, alteration, expansion, or development of shopping centers shall be subject to Special Use Permit approval as specified in Article 25 of this Chapter except as provided in subsection (a)(2).
Exceptions. The following categories of development shall be exempted from the requirements of subsection (a):
Shopping centers located in the M-1L zone and subject to the requirements of Article 11.1.
The construction, demolition, or alteration of one wall only that separates one tenant space from another and minor associated exterior changes to the location of windows and doors in an existing shopping center.
Design Standards.
Each tenant space within a shopping center shall be separated from any abutting tenant space by not less than a full height.
All individual tenant spaces within a shopping center shall have a minimum interior floor area of seven hundred fifty square feet.
All public walkways, plazas or similar areas within a shopping center shall have a minimum width of eight feet to allow unobstructed passage of pedestrians, wheelchairs, shopping carts, strollers and similar appurtenances.
A shopping center that has a minimum floor area of fourteen thousand square feet shall include one or more anchor tenants that offer a variety of quality services and merchandise and that serve as a primary "draw" or attraction to the shopping mall. The number of anchor tenant spaces and the total minimum percentage of the shopping center floor area occupied by anchor stores shall be based on the following criteria:
Shopping Center Type
Building Size
(sq. ft.)
Site Size
No. of Anchors
Percentage of Center
Neighborhood Center
30% minimum
Community Center
Regional Center
Super-Regional Center
All shopping centers shall provide security measures such as parking lot and individual tenant space security cameras, pedestrian and vehicle security patrol guards, dusk to dawn parking lot lighting, retractable security gates (subject to Section 12-16.5), and other similar security measures.
The design shall incorporate a variety of massing and forms to add variety at the ground level and roofline of the project. All walls that face a street or parking area shall extend no more than fifty feet without incorporating a significant offset in the wall plane and shall incorporate design elements or architectural features that aesthetically enhance the walls such as arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, overhangs, cornices, trellises, projections awnings, insets, and variations in material, texture, and color. Walls that do not face a street or parking area shall incorporate design elements and/or treatment that is similar and complementary to the massing and materials applied to street and parking area facing walls.
Shopping centers that contain a minimum of fourteen thousand square feet of floor area shall include active customer areas that include, but are not limited to, active display windows or doors that allow pedestrian viewing of indoor uses, outdoor fountains, gazebos, courtyards, paseos, public food courts, and similar site amenities that enhance the overall customer shopping experience.
New free-standing fast-food restaurants are subject to Special Use Permit approval.
(Ord. 94-09 4-26-93; Ord. 08-20 8-26-08; Ord. 12-02 2-28-12; Ord. 12-18 8-14-12; Ord. 23-19, 9/26/2023)
It is unlawful for any person on any R-1, R-1Z or R-1½ zoned property to construct or reconstruct a second dwelling unit as specified in California Government Code Section 65852.2. A second dwelling unit constructed in all other residential zones shall comply with the provisions of this Chapter.
(Ord. 04-12 6-15-04)
(Ord. 17-18 10-3-17)
In Commercial (C) and Manufacturing (M) Zones, retractable security gates, window bars, or mall-style roll-up doors shall be subject to the following requirements:
Within Commercial (C) and Manufacturing (M) Zones, retractable security gates, window bars, and mall-style roll-up doors shall be installed to the inside of existing windows or glass doors when a business proprietor desires to install physical security measures on a building façade. A mall-style roll-up door must not be visible during business hours. Metal gates, stored in a wall pocket or similar enclosure so as not to be visible during business hours, and scissor-style security grilles, retracted into casing during business hours, may be approved at the discretion of the Planning Division.
Laminated glass or security film, when desired by a business proprietor, shall be installed to the inside of existing windows or glass doors. The laminated glass shall be a minimum of two one-eighth-inch thick pieces of glass laminated together with a minimum six one-hundredths-inch thick inner layer. The security film shall be a minimum of four ten-thousandths of an inch thick.
(Ord. 10-09 5-25-10; Ord. 14-01 2-11-14)
A new automobile repair facility or the expansion of an existing automobile repair facility in the C-3, C-S, M-1, or M-2 zones shall require a Special Use Permit.
A new automobile repair facility or the expansion of an existing automobile repair facility shall be prohibited in the C-1, C-2 and C-2A zones.
A new or expanded automobile repair facility property shall have a minimum separation of five hundred feet from all other properties with active, licensed automobile repair facilities within the City.
All new or expanded automobile repair facilities shall provide a fully enclosed minimum storage space of fifty square feet per service bay to temporarily hold items such as discarded oil, flat tires, used parts, etc. The storage space may be provided within the main service building, within a freestanding permanent structure, or enclosed by a minimum six-foot-high decorative and landscaped wall.
All automobile servicing and repair uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building.
Service bay doors shall be oriented away from a public street when located adjacent to other commercially or industrially zoned properties. If infeasible to orient bays away from the street due to lot configuration, the minimum three-foot front yard landscaped buffer adjacent to a public street shall be increased to five feet.
The dismantling of vehicles for any purpose except as required to conduct immediate repairs, shall be prohibited.
New and expanded automobile repair uses shall require a minimum lot size of six thousand square feet. Exception: Existing automobile repair uses that contain less than six thousand square feet must obtain a variance in order to expand facilities.
Exterior building and parking lot lighting shall be directed downwards and shielded away from surrounding properties.
No vehicle rental or sales activities shall be allowed on an automobile repair site unless approved as incidental uses that cover less than thirty-five percent of the gross land area.
Driveways and service areas shall be maintained and kept free of oil, grease, litter, etc.
Vehicles requiring multiple days of repair must be stored overnight within a fully enclosed service bay.
Vehicles under repair, vehicles slated for repair, or repaired vehicles intended for customer pick-up shall be parked on-site at all times.
Automobile repair use properties shall be bound by a minimum six-foot high, decorative and landscaped wall on the interior side and rear property lines with adequate openings provided for alley ingress/egress if applicable. Barbed wire and chain link fencing shall be prohibited on an automobile repair site.
Unenclosed, overnight vehicle storage shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 11-03 4-19-11)
Emergency shelters for the homeless shall be subject to the following requirements:
Separation Distance. A separation distance of three hundred feet is required from similar uses, as measured from property line to property line.
Capacity. A maximum capacity of one hundred single beds.
Client Intake Area. Nine square feet per bed of client intake area provided indoors or in an enclosed outdoor area.
Laundry Facilities. Washer and dryer pair shall be provided at a minimum rate of one pair per twenty beds. Fractions shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Lighting. Exterior lighting that is adequate for security purposes, shielded and directed downwards, and of an appropriate brightness for the surrounding areas is required.
Hours Open to the Public. The shelter shall establish and maintain set hours that it will be open to the public, which must be prominently posted on-site.
An onsite manager is required twenty-four hours a day.
Security. A security guard is required during the hours the facility is open to the public.
Other amenities as recommended by the Planning and Building Department Director.
Maximum Stay. An individual may stay in the shelter a maximum of one hundred eighty contiguous days.
Supportive Services Plan Required. The operator of the shelter must provide a plan outlining procedures for individual case management and the coordination of supportive services with the goal of transitioning clients to permanent housing within one hundred eighty days.
(Ord. 13-05 12-17-13)
The Crenshaw/Imperial, Downtown Inglewood, Fairview Heights, and Westchester/Veterans Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plans are by reference incorporated into the Zoning Code Regulations and are applicable to all properties contained within the TOD boundary. In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions, requirements, or policies of the TOD Plans with other provisions in the Zoning Code, the TOD Plans shall govern.
(Ord. 17-01 11-01-16; Ord. 22-03 12-14-21)
"Tailgating" shall be subject to the following requirements:
Shall only be permitted on non-residential developed properties with a valid license approved by the Permits and Licenses Committee for parking for major event patrons per Section 12-42(G), subject to rights provided by any applicable development agreement;
Shall be subject to Permits and Licenses Committee approval for tailgating;
Shall only be permitted on surface lots; not permitted in any parking structures or garages;
All amplified sound shall comply with the City of Inglewood Noise Regulations (Chapter 5, Article 2);
No amplified sound shall be permitted after the scheduled event at the major sports or entertainment facility has ended;
Shall not encroach in or obstruct any public right-of-way, including public streets, alleys, sidewalks, or parkways;
Shall not obstruct any required parking spaces or access to required parking spaces;
Shall be restricted to start no earlier than seven a.m. or four hours prior to the start time of a scheduled event at a major sports or entertainment facility, whichever is earlier, and to end one hour after the scheduled event has ended;
All tailgating areas shall be cleared one hour after the end of the scheduled major sports or entertainment facility event;
All tailgating areas shall be cleaned by eleven fifty-nine p.m. on the same day as the major sports or entertainment facility event;
Prohibited items and/or activities shall include:
Vehicles exceeding a size of nine feet by eighteen feet,
Overnight parking,
Drinking games,
Glass containers. All drinks shall be placed in plastic or other non-breakable cups or cans,
Generators (greater than 600W),
Charcoal grills of all assortments,
Any cooking that results in substantive amounts of smoke,
Deep fryers or any oil-based cooking,
Open fires or flames,
Megaphones, airhorns, and other noise making devices,
Sale of food or beverage items, and
Sale of items or soliciting of any promotional or marketing activities.
"Tailgating Events" shall be permitted subject to the following requirements:
Subject to rights provided by any applicable development agreement, shall only be permitted on non-residential developed properties with a valid license approved by the Permits and Licenses Committee for parking for major event patrons per Section 12-42 (G) and that are contained within a continuous block that is located within one mile of Hollywood Park, subject to the following site specific requirements:
On sites with two hundred ninety-nine or fewer major event parking spaces that comply with Section 12-42 (G), shall only be permitted in conjunction with sporting events to be held at SoFi Stadium; or
On sites with three hundred or more major event parking spaces that comply with Section 12-42(G), shall be permitted in conjunction with events held at a major sports or entertainment facility in Inglewood.
Shall be subject to Permits and Licenses Committee approval for tailgating events;
Shall only be permitted on surface parking lots and open air rooftop levels of parking structures;
All amplified sound shall comply with the City of Inglewood Noise Regulations (Chapter 5, Article 2);
No amplified sound shall be permitted after the scheduled event at the major sports or entertainment facility has ended;
Shall not encroach in or obstruct any public right-of-way, including public streets, alleys, sidewalks, or parkways;
Shall not obstruct any required parking spaces or access to required parking spaces;
Shall be restricted to start no earlier than seven a.m. or four hours prior to the start time of a scheduled event at a major sports or entertainment facility, whichever is earlier, and to end one hour after the scheduled event has ended;
All tailgating areas shall be cleared one hour after the end of the scheduled major sports or entertainment facility event;
All tailgating areas shall be cleaned by eleven fifty-nine p.m. on the same day as the major sports or entertainment facility event;
Prohibited items and/or activities shall include:
Overnight parking,
Drinking games,
Charcoal grills of all assortments,
Any cooking that results in substantive amounts of smoke,
Drones, and
Megaphones, airhorns, and other noise making devices.
(Ord. 21-12 8-10-21)