For the purposes of this Article, the following terms are defined.
shall mean a residential unit in a multiple dwelling where each unit is rented or leased for occupancy as a residence for one family.
"Community apartment"
shall mean a residential unit in a multiple dwelling in which an undivided interest in land coupled with the exclusive right to occupy the unit may be purchased.
shall mean an estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common in a portion of a parcel of real property together with a separate interest in space in a residential, industrial or commercial building on such real property, such as an apartment, office or store. A condominium may include in addition a separate interest in other portions of such real property.
shall mean the formal process of subdividing existing dwelling units, commercial or industrial facilities into condominiums.
"Eligible tenant"
shall mean an individual, group of individuals, or family residing in a particular residential dwelling unit of the subject property continuously for at least one year prior to the date of the mailing of the notice of exclusive right to contract for the purchase of the particular converted condominium unit.
"Special tenant"
shall mean an eligible residential tenant or tenants at least one of whom also satisfies any one of the following criteria:
Over the age of sixty-two;
Handicapped as defined in Section 50072 of the California Health and Safety Code; or
Families with one or more minor dependent children.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83)
The sale of any portion of real property on one lot to different owners constitutes a division of property and is subject to the provisions of the State of California Department of Real Estate, and the City's regulations for the subdivision of land and/or units. No apartment building can be divided to allow the sale of individual units to more than one buyer, without securing permission to convert the property.
Applications for the development of condominiums or the conversion to condominiums or similar forms of ownership shall comply with the procedures set forth in Article 22 of this Chapter regarding Subdivisions, and with the procedures specified herein below.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83; Ord. 23-18 9-12-23)
The design and construction of new residential commercial or industrial units to be sold as condominium units shall fully comply with all applicable zoning requirements of this Chapter.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83)
The conversion of apartments and community apartments to residential condominiums may be permitted only if such conversions shall comply with the following criteria.
General Plan. The conversion shall be consistent with the Land Use Element of the Inglewood General Plan.
Zoning. The conversion shall comply with all applicable zoning and property maintenance requirements, unless otherwise specified in this Article.
Unit Size. All condominium living units shall contain a kitchen and a minimum of one bedroom.
Parking. There shall be a minimum of one and one-half enclosed parking spaces for each living unit, unless the apartment facility was originally developed with a greater number of enclosed parking spaces, that greater number shall not be diminished.
EXCEPTION: Two enclosed parking spaces per each living unit shall be required for all apartment facilities built after January 19, 1978.
Utilities. Each living unit shall have individual utility shut-off services and shall have an approved electrically wired-in smoke detector.
EXCEPTION: Living units in community apartments which are being converted to condominiums are exempt from the requirement to provide individual water shut-off service.
Inspections and Corrections. All apartments and community apartments proposed for conversion to condominiums shall be subject to inspection by the Building Division of the City.
Apartments shall be inspected by the Division of Building and Safety for building or safety violations relating to plumbing, fire, housing, electrical, earthquake, and property maintenance codes which may cause health or safety hazards to current or future occupants prior to filing an application for conversion, and any corrective work to the apartment building recommended by the Division of Building and Safety resulting from the inspection shall be completed prior to approval of the final subdivision map.
Community apartments shall be inspected by the Division of Building and Safety for building or safety violations relating to plumbing, fire, housing, electrical, earthquake, and property maintenance codes which may cause health or safety hazards to current or future occupants prior to the filing of an application for conversion, and corrective work required for fire exiting, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarms and any other corrective work shall be completed prior to approval of the final subdivision map. Furthermore, community apartments shall be inspected prior to the initial sale of each converted living unit and a report of building deficiencies shall be provided to the prospective purchaser of the respective living unit.
Tenant Notification. For all applications for conversion to condominiums, tenants shall be provided with notifications in compliance with applicable state law and with the provisions specified in this Article.
Relocation Payments. For all applications for conversion of apartments to condominiums, tenants shall be provided relocation payments in compliance with applicable state law and with the provisions specified by Chapter 8, Article 9 of the Inglewood Municipal Code. Owners of community apartments which are being converted to condominiums are exempt from the requirement to provide relocation payments specified in this Article. Such conversions are not exempt from any payment which may be required by state law.
Condominium Conversion Tax. For all applications for conversion of apartments to condominiums, a condominium conversion tax shall be paid pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of Chapter 9 of this Code.
Building Security. Certain building security measures including security lighting and other measures shall be identified on plans reviewed and approved by the City of Inglewood and when identified by the City must be installed in each apartment building prior to submittal of an application to the California Department of Real Estate.
Sound Transmission. Energy conservation insulation shall be installed in all heated or cooled buildings in accordance with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations and the Inglewood Noise Element sound insulation standards. Common walls and common floor/ceilings between units shall be insulated to reduce interior noise levels to a maximum of 45 dBL.
Each unit shall be provided with an AC-powered smoke detector approved by the State Fire Marshall. Installation of smoke detectors shall comply with California Uniform Building Code Section 1210(a).
Undergrounding of Utilities. All new utilities or relocated utilities both on-site and off-site shall be undergrounded to reduce visual clutter unless this requirement is waived by the Community Development Director.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83; Ord. 06-18 10-10-06; Ord. 23-18 9-12-23)
The City Council shall not approve the final map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of apartments and community apartments into condominium unless the applicants for conversion have certified that each of the tenants of the proposed condominium project has been given notice of an exclusive right to contract for the purchase of their respective units upon the same terms and conditions that such units will be initially offered to the general public or terms more favorable to the tenant. The right shall run for a period of not less than ninety days for eligible tenants and one hundred twenty days for special tenants from the date of issuance of the subdivision public report pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code or from the date of the notice, whichever is later, unless the tenant gives prior written notice of his intention not to exercise the right.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83)
All applicants applying for the conversion of apartments to condominiums shall provide relocation assistance to each tenant household as specified below:
Moving Costs. The applicant shall pay the actual moving and relocation costs in compliance with Chapter 8, Article 9 of the Inglewood Municipal Code.
The City Council shall not approve the final map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of apartments into condominiums unless the applicant for conversion has certified that the above-specified relocation payments have been or will be paid to each eligible or special tenant.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83; Ord. 06-18 10-10-06; Ord. 23-18 9-12-23)
The following provisions and restrictions are required for the conversion of apartments into condominiums:
Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions. Conditions, covenants and restrictions upon the property and binding upon all owners of condominium units shall be prepared and recorded for each condominium project, including all conversions of apartments and community apartments to condominium units. An assessed monthly reserve fund for the maintenance of all common areas in a condominium project shall be a mandatory component of all conditions, covenants and restrictions.
Change of community apartments to condominiums shall require as a condition precedent to final approval that all individual owners legally record an additional covenant which shall mandate that, prior to the initial sale of each individual unit, the conversion tax shall be paid and a presale inspection report shall be prepared for said unit and provided to prospective purchasers.
Owners Association. An association comprised of all owners of condominium units for each condominium project shall be established and incorporated. By-laws for the administration of such association shall be adopted by each association.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83)