This Article provides minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property, and the public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, quality of materials, construction, size, height, illumination, location, and maintenance of all signs, sign structures, and other exterior advertising devices.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
Certain words and phrases as used in this Article are defined as follows:
"Advertising device"
shall mean any sign, object, or merchandise so displayed outside as to attract attention to the property or to the merchandise available. For purposes of this Article, an advertising device shall not mean any merchandise placed within a storefront display window.
"Architectural element"
shall mean such major functional or decorative elements of a building as windows, doors, columns, pilasters, arches, eaves, cornices, gables, pediments and the like.
shall mean a sign made of any lightweight, non-rigid material such as plastic, fabric or other flexible material with no enclosing framework.
"Bi-faced sign"
shall mean a sign having two flat parallel surfaces displaying the sign message or graphics in two opposing directions.
shall mean an off-site sign that displays regularly changed advertising graphics and is operated and maintained by an outdoor advertising company for income purposes.
"Commercial sign"
shall mean a sign which is designed for the purpose of advertising goods, wares, merchandise or real property.
"Construction sign"
shall mean a sign stating the names of those individuals or business directly connected with the construction project, together with their addresses and/or telephone numbers.
"Digital sign" or "tri-vision sign"
shall mean a form of billboard sign on which artificial light is not maintained stationary and constant in intensity or color at all times when such sign is in use, including, but not limited to, moving, rotating, flashing, oscillating, shuttered or similar signs.
"Directional sign"
shall mean an on-premises sign designed to be read by a person already on or accessing the premises and used only to identify the location of a business entrance, exit, telephone, parking lot, drive aisle, service area or route. Directional signs may contain the name or logo of the business, but cannot advertise merchandise or services. Directional signs shall not exceed six square feet in total area. The maximum height of a directional sign cannot exceed three feet above grade if freestanding.
"Free-standing sign"
shall mean a sign not attached to or located upon a building.
"Height of sign"
shall mean the distance between the grade of the property at the base of the sign and the highest point of the sign or sign support, whichever is the higher.
"Illuminated sign"
shall mean a sign which has a source of artificial light on its surface or in the interior of the sign itself.
shall mean a parcel of land of contiguous lots under the same ownership or which are occupied by the same commercial activity. For purposes of this Article, a shopping center or a commercial condominium complex shall be considered to be a lot.
"Lot frontage"
shall mean the lineal dimension of the common boundary of a lot and the public street or streets along which the lot is located. A public alley, freeway, or utility right-of-way shall not be considered to be a lot frontage.
"Monument sign"
shall mean a free-standing sign typically located upon the ground or raised off the ground by a very small distance.
"Mural wall sign"
shall mean any on-site graphic or painted design, colored bands, stripes, patterns, outlines or other graphic art techniques installed or painted on a building or finished wall. Mural signs cannot have exposed illumination such as neon and fiber optics. A super graphic wall sign, tri-vision sign or digital billboard sign that advertises off-site commercial or noncommercial uses shall not be considered a mural sign.
"Nonconforming sign"
shall mean a sign lawfully erected, constructed or painted on a premises which does not conform to the provisions and regulations of this Article.
"Off-site sign"
shall mean a sign or other advertising device whose message does not relate directly with an active use of the premises upon which it is displayed.
"On-site sign"
shall mean a sign or other advertising device whose message relates directly with an active use of the premises upon which it is displayed.
"Pole sign"
shall mean a free-standing sign elevated above the ground by means of one or more poles or other supporting structure.
"Projecting sign"
shall mean a sign which projects more than twelve inches horizontally from a wall or building to which it is attached.
"Real estate sign"
shall mean an on-site sign which pertains only to the sale, lease or rental of the property upon which it is located.
"Roof sign"
shall mean a sign located upon a roof, or a sign attached to a building and projecting above the roofline of the building, or a sign whose supporting structure is attached to a roof of a building.
shall mean:
Any display or delineation of letters, words, characters or other figures upon a building, structure or other object, for the purpose of attracting attention to the building or property or to merchandise or services offered. A sign shall include all parts, portions. units and materials composing the same, together with the frame, background, lighting, support and anchorage of same. For purposes of this Article, a sign shall not mean any sign inside a building not designed to be seen from the outside.
Any notice, placard, bill, card, poster, banner, sticker, temporary sign or other device or arrangement attached to or printed on any surface which attracts or is intended to attract attention to an object, product, place, event, idea, concept, activity, institution, assembly, announcement, person, group, or includes a letter, word, bill, poster, picture, display board, lithograph, painting, sketch, map, balloon, inflatable, valance, sandwich board, model, figure, symbol, banner, flag, fluttering object, pennant, insignia, device or representation used as, or which is in the nature of, an announcement, direction, advertisement, declaration or illustration.
"Sign structure"
shall mean all parts of a sign including its supporting elements.
"Sign, super graphic wall"
shall mean a wall sign intended for temporary display constructed of fabric, plastic, paper, or other light pliable material not enclosed in a rigid frame that is posted or painted upon, suspended from or otherwise affixed to an exterior wall, fascia, canopy, or marquee with the face of the sign approximately parallel with the wall or fascia to which it is attached.
"String pennants"
shall mean multiple small flags or pennants repetitively attached to a string or cord.
"Temporary sign"
shall mean a sign which is used or intended and designed to be used for a limited period of time. Such definition includes:
Any sign which is not securely affixed to a building or permanent structure, or imbedded in concrete;
Any portable sign capable of being transported and which, when erected, is not affixed to the ground or any buildings or permanent structure;
Flags, pennants, balloons, banners, streamers, or cloth signs and other like materials tied, mounted or attached to any building, fixture or structure; and
Super graphic signs, oversized banner signs and the like.
"Wall sign"
shall mean a sign attached to and parallel with the wall of a building that does not project above the eave or roofline of the building. Exception: A wall sign may be placed upon the vertical face of a roof dormer structure or a roof penthouse enclosure.
"Window sign"
shall mean a sign which is permanently affixed to the inside surface of a window.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 02-13 3-19-02; Ord. 10-06 3-30-10; Ord. 14-04 3-25-14)
It is unlawful for any persons to install, maintain or cause, allow or permit the installation or maintenance of any sign or other advertising device upon any property or upon any structure except in accordance with the following respective regulations and limitations and other applicable provisions of this Code.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
It shall be the duty of the Planning Division of the Planning and Building Department to enforce the provisions of this Article, except as specified for those signs requiring a permit which shall be enforced by the Building Division of said Department.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
It is unlawful for any person to erect, install, place, replace, move, or enlarge any sign on any premises or upon the exterior of any structure without having obtained sign approval and permits issued by the Planning Division and the Building and Safety Division unless otherwise specified in this Article. A separate permit shall be required for each sign or set of signs to be installed or altered. The provisions of Chapters 11 and 12 of this Code governing the procedure in making application for permits and the payment of fees therefor shall be applicable.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 95-26 11-7-95)
It is unlawful for any person to place, post, print, stick, stamp, tack, or otherwise affix, or cause the same to be done, any notice, placard, bill, card, poster, sticker, banner, sign, advertising, or other device calculated to attract the attention of the public, to, at, from or upon any post, fence, wall, building, structure, tree, or area located upon any private premises or property without the written consent of any of the following: the owner, agent, or occupant; and without complying with the provisions of this Article where they are applicable.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
The following signs and/or sign structures are permitted and are exempt from the permit requirement of Section 12-72; provided, however, that such signs shall comply in all respects to all other applicable requirements of this Article:
Public Notices and Signs. Public notices posted pursuant to law, signs erected by governmental agencies and public utilities, and warning or information signs required by law for public health and safety.
Parking and No Trespassing Signs. Signs such as "no trespassing," parking, or on-site directional information signs that do not exceed six square feet in area and which do not advertise merchandise or services.
Real Estate Signs. Real estate signs which are specifically permitted in Section 12-79.
Political Signs. Political signs shall be removed within ten days following the election for which they were intended. Such signs exceeding thirty-two square feet in area shall be subject to structural approval by the Building Division.
Portable Signs. One bi-faced, free-standing sign not exceeding four feet in height per each street frontage for a commercial property if such signs may be readily removed from public view at the end of each business day and if such signs are not placed upon any public right-of-way or in any on-site parking space or in any landscaped planter area.
Temporary Decorations. Temporary graphics and decorations for a holiday season which do not advertise merchandise or services, provided that such graphics and decorations are installed not more than thirty days before the date of the holiday and removed not later than two weeks after the holiday or a holiday season.
Temporary Construction Signs. Construction signs, provided that such signs are removed not later than one week after the completion of the construction project.
Changeable Copy Signs. The changing of advertising copy or message on theater boards, marquees and bulletin boards, when the basic board or marquee is permitted under the provisions of this Article.
Flags. National, state or other governmental flags, or flags depicting logos of, and displayed by, public institutions or nonprofit service organizations. Additionally, flags may be displayed in the same circumstances that string pennants may be displayed. All flags shall be maintained in a nondeteriorated condition. Notwithstanding this Section, flag poles are not exempted from requiring a Building Permit.
String Pennants. String pennants may be displayed only over automobile sales lots, plant nurseries, and other businesses that are permitted to maintain merchandise outdoors, and only when the string pennants are displayed in an orderly and well-maintained condition.
Temporary advertising items may be placed on the sidewalk in front of a business subject to compliance with Section 12-77.11 of this Chapter.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 2537 6-10-86; Ord. 2544 8-12-86; Ord. 02-13 3-19-02; Ord. 10-06 3-30-10; Ord. 10-09 5-25-10)
The following signs and/or sign-structures are prohibited:
Signs Not Specified. Any sign, sign structure, or advertising device not specifically permitted in this Article.
Traffic Safety. Any sign or device which by design or location resembles or conflicts with any traffic control sign or device.
Safety Hazard. Any sign or device that creates a potential safety hazard by obstructing views of pedestrian and vehicular traffic at street intersections or driveways or by creating glare or other hazardous distraction.
Safety Clearance. Any sign that is erected within six feet horizontally or twelve feet vertically of any overhead electric conductors exceeding seven hundred fifty volts.
Roof Sign. Any sign erected upon a roof, or attached to a building and projecting above the roof line or eave line of said building, unless a Special Use Permit pursuant to Article 25 of this Chapter has been approved and only when it can be determined that circumstances prevent the utilization of any otherwise permitted signage.
Incompatible Signs. Any sign or sign structure that interrupts or covers a major architectural element upon a building or that disrespects such architectural considerations as symmetry, design, materials, or color.
Nondurable Material. Any sign constructed of a nondurable material including, but not limited to, cloth or other fabric (except when used as a political or other temporary sign), cardboard, paper, and unfinished wood.
Wind-activated Sign. Any wind-activated sign, including, but not limited to, flags, pinwheels or string pennants (except as specifically permitted in this Chapter).
Painted Wall Signs, unless a sign adjustment pursuant to Article 26.1 of this Chapter has been approved, and can/cabinet wall signs. Neon wall signs are excepted.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 2544 8-12-86; Ord. 95-26 11-7-95; Ord. 96-35 1-7-97)
The following regulations and standards shall apply to all zones and areas in the City unless otherwise specified:
Sign Area Calculations. The surface area of a wall sign shall comprise the smallest area that can be enclosed by no more than eight connected straight lines, drawn so as to include all lettering, words, figures, lights, special painted surfaces, borders, or fringes within said lines. The surface area of a free-standing, projecting or roof sign shall be calculated by including all the surface of all sign faces of a sign. The area of signs listed in Section 12-74 as not requiring a permit shall not be included in the calculation of the total sign area of a lot or parcel of land.
Multiple Tenants. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner or his authorized agent to allocate sign area to each tenant when more than one business is located within the same building or upon the same lot or parcel of land or in the same shopping center. The total sign area of all individual tenant signs and any other signs on the property, when summed together, shall not exceed the maximum sign area or types of signs permitted by the specific sign standards for a single property for the respective zone in which said property is located.
Projecting Signs. Clearance. A minimum eight feet vertical clearance is required from the bottom of a projecting sign, marquee or awning to the sidewalk or grade immediately below the sign, etc. For projecting or pole signs only, one inch of horizontal projection is permitted for each additional inch of vertical clearance over eight feet, provided that no such horizontal projection into the public right-of-way shall exceed two and one-half feet.
Exception: Awnings designed primarily to provide protection or shade to pedestrians may project further over a public sidewalk, subject to City approval. Signs may be located only upon the vertical face of an awning or canopy and no sign shall be attached above or below an awning or canopy.
Moving or Animated Signs. Signs that rotate, flash, or otherwise change appearance are only permitted as follows:
A revolving pole sign if the revolution is symmetrical around the vertical axis and if the diameter of the revolution does not exceed eight feet.
Any electronic sign that changes its message utilizing a grid of lights to display time, temperature, or other public service messages.
Any sign or graphic which displays its message through a sequence of at least three distinct and different changes in color or light intensity of sign letters or characters to create the image of motion or animation.
Any billboard sign that is subject to Planning Commission review and approval of a Special Use Permit.
Sign Design. The colors, design and materials of a sign and of its supporting structure shall complement the colors, design and materials of the subject building. The location of signs shall respect and compliment any architectural design or symmetry. Structural bracing for signs or for their supporting structures shall not be visible. When site conditions permit, pole signs shall be symmetrical.
Sign Location. Upon buildings having three or more stories, signs may be located only below the second-story windows or above the uppermost story windows. (Exception: Billboard signs that are subject to Planning Commission review and approval of a Special Use Permit.) (G) Sign Illumination. If illuminated, pole signs and projecting signs shall be internally lighted only. Monument signs, wall signs and billboards may be externally illuminated but such spotlight devices shall be minimally noticeable and shall not shine directly upon any public right-of-way or upon neighboring property.
Wall Signs. All permitted wall signs shall be made of individually-cut, molded, or embossed lettering or recessed into the façade. Neon wall signs are excepted. A business logo or symbol is allowed as long as it does not have a sign area in excess of four square feet and does not project more than nine inches from the building face. Painted wall signs are only allowed if a sign adjustment has been approved pursuant to Article 26.1 of this Chapter.
Marquee Signs. The height of letters located on a marquee shall be affixed flat to the surface and shall not have a vertical height of more than two feet and shall not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the marquee. Marquee signs are permitted for theaters, ticket outlets, sports and live entertainment uses and the signs may be utilized only for publicizing upcoming live events and live entertainment events. A marquee sign shall have a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet above grade.
Mural Wall Signs. A mural may cover a building or fascia wall a maximum of seventy-five percent. A mural may cover a maximum of one exterior building wall, or one side of a freestanding wall. Mural signs cannot have exposed illumination such as neon and fiber optics. Murals are subject to design review approval by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 95-26 11-7-95; Ord. 96-35 1-7-97; Ord. 02-13 3-19-02; Ord. 10-06 3-30-10; Ord. 15-18 8-18-15)
The regulations and standards set out in Sections 12-77.1 through 12-77.9 shall apply to the respective zones in the City unless otherwise specified.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
No sign or other advertising device shall be permitted upon any property in the R-1, R-1½ and R-2 Zones except:
Real estate signs, political signs, temporary construction signs, decorations and the like, in conformance with the provisions of this Article.
Signs for permitted businesses in existing commercial structures in said zones and only when in compliance with the sign standards for the R-M Zone.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
No sign or other advertising device shall be permitted upon any property in the R-3, R-4, P, and P-1 Zones, except:
Nameplates not exceeding two square feet in area, containing the name and occupation of the occupant of the premises, and located upon the structure.
Building name identification signs not exceeding twenty square feet in area for multiple-unit dwellings and similar permitted uses.
Real estate signs, political signs, temporary construction signs, decorations and the like, in conformance with the provisions of this Article.
Signs for permitted businesses in existing commercial structures in said zones and only when in compliance with the sign standards for the R-M Zone.
Signs on parking lots in parking zones designating the business for which the parking is provided, in conformance with the provisions of Section 12-70.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
The following regulations shall apply to the C-1 (Limited Commercial), CC (Civic Center), H-C (Historic Core), MU-1 (Mixed-Use 1) and R-M (Residential-Medical) Zones:
The surface area of all signs on a lot or parcel shall not exceed three square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of lot frontage.
All signs permitted shall be attached to and shall be parallel with the wall of the building and shall not project more than twelve inches from the wall of the building, except:
Theater marquees and awnings over public sidewalks when in conformance with the provisions of this Article.
One monument sign not exceeding six feet in height per lot or parcel.
Pole signs, projecting signs and roof signs are not permitted.
Properties developed exclusively with residential structures shall comply with the sign regulations for the R-3 Zone.
Menu or product boards for drive-through restaurants, pharmacies, banks, and the like, cannot be more than six feet in height above grade, if freestanding. The menu board must be located adjacent to the drive through aisle and cannot be located within twenty feet of the street. No more than two menu boards shall be allowed per establishment.
Murals are subject to design review approval.
(Ord. 02-13 3-19-02; Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 23-07 1-31-23)
The following regulations shall apply to the MU-1A (Mixed-Use 1 Overlay), MU-2 (Mixed-Use 2), MU-2A (Mixed-Use 2A), MU-3 (Mixed-Use 3), MU-4 (Mixed-Use 4), MU-A (Mixed-Use Arts Cluster), MU-C (Mixed-Use Corridor), C-N (Commercial Neighborhood), C-2 (General Commercial) and C-3 (Heavy Commercial) Zones:
The surface area of all signs on a lot or parcel shall not exceed three square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of lot frontage.
No sign or advertising structure shall exceed twenty-five feet in height above the grade unless attached to the building as a wall sign.
In addition to wall signs, there shall not be more than one pole sign or, in lieu thereof, one projecting sign or monument sign per each lot or parcel, except that in cases of corner properties having at least two hundred feet of lot frontage per each street, there may be one monument sign for each frontage. Monument signs shall not exceed a height of six feet above grade.
Properties developed exclusively with residential structures shall comply with the sign regulations for the R-3 Zone.
Menu or product boards for drive-through restaurants, pharmacies, banks and the like, cannot be more than six feet in height above grade, if freestanding. The menu board must be located adjacent to the drive-through aisle and cannot be located within twenty feet of the street. No more than two menu boards shall be allowed per establishment.
Permanent window signs shall not exceed twenty percent of the total street-facing window area. If there is wall signage, the window signage cannot exceed five percent of the total window area. Window signs shall not be placed above the second floor of the building. Window signs must be placed on the interior surface of the window and the lettering must be individually cut. Window signs shall be limited to the business name, hours of operation and identification of the products sold or services offered.
Murals are subject to design review approval.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 02-14 3-19-02; Ord. 23-07 1-31-23)
The following regulations shall apply to the C-S (Commercial Service) Zone:
The surface area of all signs on a lot or parcel shall not exceed four square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of lot frontage.
No sign or advertising structure shall exceed forty feet in height above the grade unless attached to the building as a wall sign.
In addition to wall signs, there shall not be more than one pole sign or, in lieu thereof, one projecting sign or monument sign per lot or parcel, except that in cases of corner properties having at least two hundred feet of lot frontage per street, there may be one monument sign for each frontage. Monument signs shall not exceed a height of six feet above grade.
Menu or product boards for drive-through restaurants, pharmacies, banks and the like, cannot be more than six feet in height above grade, if freestanding. The menu board must be located adjacent to the drive-through aisle and cannot be located within twenty feet of the street. No more than two menu boards shall be allowed per establishment.
Permanent window signs shall not exceed twenty percent of the total street-facing window area. If there is wall signage, the window signage cannot exceed five percent of the total window area. Window signs shall not be placed above the second floor of the building. Window signs must be placed on the interior surface of the window and the lettering must be individually cut. Window signs shall be limited to the business name, hours of operation and identification of the products sold or services offered.
Murals are subject to design review approval.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 02-14 3-19-02)
The following regulations shall apply to the C-R (Commercial Recreation) Zone within two hundred feet of the public right-of-way:
The surface area of all signs on a lot or parcel shall not exceed one-half square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of lot frontage.
There shall not be more than one pole sign per each lot frontage. No such sign shall exceed twenty-five feet in height above the grade and no such sign shall exceed two hundred square feet per sign face.
Monument signs shall not exceed fifteen feet in height above grade. Mural signs are allowed.
Projecting signs are prohibited.
Signs located more than two hundred feet from the public right-of-way shall be exempt from subsections (A) through (D) and shall be regulated through design review approval by the Planning and Building Department Director or designee. Such approval or denial may be appealed by the applicant to the Planning Commission in accordance with the appeal procedures for a zone adjustment as specified in Article 26.1 of this Chapter. Application for design review approval shall include a site plan drawn to scale showing property dimensions and placement of all existing and proposed signs that are or will be within the design review area.
The fee for the design review shall be the same as for site plan review as specified in the Master Fee Schedule.
An off-site advertising message sign is permitted subject to Special Use Permit approval if located within the same sign area as a monument sign, pole sign or wall sign and that complies with the following:
The total surface area of all off-site advertising signs shall not exceed fifty percent of the total area allowed for a monument sign, pole sign or wall sign.
An off-site sign that emits sound, odor, or visible matter, strobe lights, searchlights or similar attention-attracting devices, is prohibited. An animated video sign (TV-like images) is not permitted. Rapid changing animated graphic display signs (more than one change every three seconds) is not permitted.
An off-site sign shall not be located within a one-hundred-foot radius of any residentially zoned property or located within five hundred feet of any existing off-site sign.
An off-site sign must be located adjacent to a major or minor arterial street.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 94-08 4-5-94; Ord. 02-14 3-19-02; Ord. 04-08 4-13-04; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08; Ord. 13-04 11-5-13)
The following regulations shall apply to the A-C (Airport Campus), M-1 (Light Manufacturing) and M-2 (Heavy Manufacturing) Zones:
The surface area of all signs on a lot or parcel shall not exceed one and one-half square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of lot frontage.
Exception: Any business fronting upon Manchester Boulevard may install signs in conformance with C-2 Zone standards.
No sign or advertising structure shall exceed twenty-five feet in height above the grade unless attached to the building as a wall sign.
In addition to wall signs, there shall not be more than one pole sign or, in lieu thereof, one projecting sign or monument sign per lot or parcel, except that in cases of corner properties having at least two hundred feet of lot frontage per street, there may be one monument sign for each frontage. Monument signs shall not exceed a height of six feet above grade.
Permanent window signs shall not exceed twenty percent of the total street-facing window area. If there is wall signage, the window signage cannot exceed five percent of the total window area. Window signs shall not be placed above the second floor of the building. Window signs must be placed on the interior surface of the window and the lettering must be individually cut. Window signs shall be limited to the business name, hours of operation and identification of the products sold or services offered.
Murals are subject to design review approval.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 02-13 3-19-02; Ord. 23-07 1-31-23)
The following regulations shall apply to the M-1L (Limited Manufacturing) Zone:
The surface area of all signs on a lot or parcel shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for each foot of frontage on the property.
No sign or advertising structure shall exceed fifteen feet in height above the grade.
In addition to wall signs, there shall not be more than one pole sign or, in lieu thereof, one monument sign, except that in cases of corner properties having at least two hundred feet of lot frontage per each street, there may be one monument sign for each frontage.
A projecting sign is permitted in lieu of a pole or monument sign if located upon any building erected prior to April 7, 1981. Projecting signs are prohibited from any building erected under the provisions of the M-1L standards after said date.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
Any sign located in either the S-1 or S-2 Cemetery Zones and that is visible from the public street shall be subject to Planning Commission review and approval and payment of a fee equal to the Design Review fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule.
No commercial sign shall be located in the O-S (Open Space) Zone.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 13-04 11-5-13)
For such purposes as promoting an opening or a closure of a business, banners, and bunting may be displayed at the location of such events for a period not to exceed thirty days or periods totaling no more than sixty days in a calendar year. The total surface area of all temporary signs shall not exceed fifty percent of the total allowed permanent sign area.
A Temporary Promotional Advertising Sign Permit shall be required prior to the installation of said temporary sign. The permit shall be posted in a window, glass door or similar street façade opening of a building for the duration of the temporary sign approval period while the temporary sign is in use.
(Ord. 10-09 5-25-10)
Temporary freestanding sidewalk signs, clothed mannequins, display cases, clothing racks, and other non-permanent, freestanding items used to attract attention to businesses may be placed on the public sidewalk, directly outside the front of a commercial establishment structure in the C or M Zones that has less than an eighteen-inch perpendicular separation between the outermost building wall and public sidewalk. Said temporary advertising paraphernalia is subject to the following requirements:
Temporary advertising items shall not project more than eighteen inches into the public right-of-way and shall not be placed in such a manner as to interfere with pedestrian or equipment use of the public sidewalk.
Temporary advertising items shall not restrict the clear space on the public sidewalk for the passageway of pedestrians to less than six feet.
Hours of Operation. The placement of such items on the public sidewalk shall be limited to the hours of operation established for the commercial establishment.
Dimensions. Temporary advertising items shall not exceed five feet in height and shall not cover an area greater than eighteen inches deep by six feet wide.
Temporary advertising items shall be tethered or secured in place throughout the day if they have the potential to be moved by strong winds or passer-bys. Items shall be located eighteen horizontal inches from shop entrance and exit doors.
(Ord. 10-09 5-25-10)
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 14-01 2-11-14)
The following real estate signs are permitted in addition to any other sign permitted in this Article.
Residential Zones. One unlighted sign, not to exceed six square feet per site and not more than five feet in height is permitted per lot or parcel. Flags (pennants) are permitted only when staked in the front yard area and only during the hours the property is available for interior inspection (open house). Any sign, flag, or other advertising device is prohibited in the public right-of-way and off-site directional signs are prohibited.
Exception: A condominium complex may additionally install one banner upon the wall of the building during the first sixty days only when the condominium units are initially available for sale.
Commercial and Industrial Zones. One sign not exceeding thirty-two square feet per side and not more than six feet in height, unless mounted flush upon the wall of the building, is permitted per lot or parcel. In no event shall roof signs be permitted for such use. Off-site directional signs are prohibited.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
The following standards shall apply to all billboards and other types of off-site advertising:
Prohibited Zones. Billboards and other types of off-site advertising are prohibited (except as provided for in subsections (F) and (I) of this Section) in all residential zones, in the R-M (Residential and Medical), P (Parking), P-1 (Parking), C-1 (Limited Commercial), C-R (Commercial and Recreation), CC (Civic Center), O-S (Open Space), S-1 (Special Cemetery), S-2 (Special Cemetery Restricted) and M-1L (Limited Manufacturing) zones, and in any public, flood control or railroad right-of-way.
Billboard Sign Standards. A billboard sign may be installed only if the following conditions will exist.
A Special Use Permit shall be required for the installation of any new, relocated, or enlarged billboard sign or to allow a second face addition to an existing billboard sign that also complies with subsection (2) of this Section.
The location of any billboard sign installed after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter shall be limited to a major arterial street as identified in the Inglewood General Plan Circulation Element and no new sign shall be located within one thousand feet of any existing billboard sign. The modification or replacement of any existing billboard frame, poles, posts or similar supporting apparatus on a property that does not face a major arterial street shall be prohibited.
The owner of any new, relocated or enlarged billboard advertising sign shall agree in writing approved as to form and content by the Planning and Building Director, and determined acceptable by the City of Inglewood City Attorney's office to permanently remove, exchange or convey four square feet of illuminated or non-illuminated existing billboard face(s) in the City of Inglewood for each one square foot of sign area being created. The removal, exchange or conveyance of existing billboard sign area will not be required in order to install a super graphic wall sign that is temporary in nature and is subject to a separate negotiated agreement approved by the City Council.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit to allow the installation of a new, relocated, or enlarged sign area of existing sign face(s), a billboard applicant shall agree in writing to remove the existing billboard face(s) including the sign or display surface and all appurtenances of the sign structure within a period specified by the Planning Commission or Planning and Building Director.
Prior to the installation of the new, relocated or enlarged sign area, a billboard applicant shall agree in writing that the City of Inglewood may remove any existing billboard face(s) including the sign or display surface and all appurtenances of the sign structure that are not removed in compliance with this Code Section and the applicant further agrees to pay to the City, the actual cost of sign removal including labor, equipment, materials and any related legal or administrative costs.
The new, relocated or enlarged billboard sign will not be located within a one thousand-foot radius of any other existing outdoor advertising billboards, unless a variance under Section 12-97 of this Chapter has been granted. This separation requirement shall not apply to a super graphic wall sign that is temporary in nature and is subject to a separate negotiated agreement approved by the City Council.
The new, relocated or enlarged billboard sign will be set back from any street public right-of-way a distance not less than the lesser of the following:
One-third the total height of the sign; or
The largest setback distance of any building on an abutting parcel on the same street as the subject parcel.
The sign will not be located upon the roof of a building.
The sign structure will not cantilever the sign over a building.
The sign and supports shall be symmetrical, wherever site conditions permit.
A new, relocated, or enlarged ground or wall mounted billboard sign intended as a permanent sign display shall not exceed an area of six hundred seventy-two square feet per sign face and shall not exceed thirty-five feet in height. Exception: A super graphic wall sign that is temporary in nature and that is subject to a separate negotiated agreement approved by the City Council shall also be subject to subsection (G) of this Section.
A new, relocated, or enlarged fixed billboard sign shall not be located within two hundred feet of any residentially zoned land or upon any residentially used land, and shall be designed and located so that it does not substantially impact the visual environment of a residential neighborhood.
A new, relocated, or enlarged fixed billboard sign shall not require the removal of trees or other on-site landscaping or the reduction of any required on-site parking spaces.
The installation and use of any new, relocated or enlarged permanently affixed billboard sign approved after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter shall be limited to twenty years from the date that a building permit is issued to allow installation of the sign, however in no case shall a billboard sign be used on or after January 1, 2050. The sign area including the sign face(s) or display surface, frame and all appurtenances of the sign structure shall be removed no later than thirty calendar days after the signed agreement has expired. Failure of an applicant, or any person or entity that is legally responsible for billboard ownership to remove the billboard sign including the sign or display surface and all appurtenances of the sign structure within the specified thirty calendar days is unlawful. This requirement shall not apply to a super graphic wall sign that is temporary in nature and is subject to a separate negotiated agreement approved by the City Council.
The installation of and use of any new, relocated or enlarged billboard sign shall be subject to payment of a billboard sign cost recovery fee specified in subsection (H) of this Section.
Special Use Permit Required. A Special Use Permit shall be required prior to the installation of any off-site sign, (except as otherwise provided for billboards) and such off-site sign shall not exceed the requirements for an on-site sign for the respective zone in which it would be located.
Modification upon Existing Billboard Structure. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (B) of this Section, a second sign face may be installed, without Special Use Permit approval, upon the rear side of an existing billboard sign, subject to the following provisions:
The size of the second sign face shall not exceed the size of the existing billboard sign face;
There shall be no increase in the size or number of existing sign supports and/or sign poles;
The second sign face shall be attached directly upon and shall be parallel with the rear of the existing sign face;
The top and bottom of the second sign face shall not project above or below the top and bottom, respectively, of the existing sign face, and neither side of the second sign face shall project beyond the corresponding side of the existing sign face;
No second sign face shall be installed upon a billboard structure for which a Special Use Permit has been approved, by the Inglewood Planning Commission or the City Council, with the specific prohibition of a second sign face;
No second sign face shall be installed upon an existing billboard located in a zone or location specified in subsection (A) of this Section or in an adopted plan area approved by the City Council in which billboards are specifically prohibited.
The applicant for any illuminated digital wall sign, tri-vision wall sign or other billboard sign (excluding a super graphic wall sign that is subject to a negotiated agreement) on which artificial light is not maintained stationary and constant in intensity or color at all times when such sign is in use, including, but not limited to, moving, rotating, flashing, oscillating, shuttered or similar signs must submit written documentation to the satisfaction of the City of Inglewood Planning and Building Department that shows that artificial light from within, behind or upon such sign shall not interfere with normal use of adjacent roadways and properties.
Prohibited Billboard Advertising. It is unlawful for any person or entity to place, display, establish, keep, maintain or locate any advertisement for any tobacco product or any alcoholic beverage on any billboard within one thousand feet of, or so oriented that the message portion of the sign is visible from, any property zoned for residential use, school, child care facility, nursery school, hospital, place of worship, park or recreational facility in the City of Inglewood. Exceptions to subsection (F):
These provisions shall not apply to advertising or promotions for tobacco products and/or alcoholic beverages located inside commercial establishments, such as stores and restaurants where tobacco products and/or alcoholic beverages are sold, as long as such advertising or promotions are not visible to the public from the outdoors.
These provisions shall not apply within commercial establishments where access to the premises by persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited by law.
These provisions shall not apply to adult or trade schools that do not educate or train persons under eighteen years of age.
These provisions shall not apply to commercial vehicles used to transport tobacco products and/or alcoholic beverages.
These provisions shall not apply to any advertising or public service message sponsored by a Federal, state or local government entity or by a nonprofit entity, designed to communicate the hazards of smoking or to encourage minors to refrain from smoking or buying cigarettes or other tobacco products, and/or designed to communicate the hazards of the consumption of alcoholic beverages or to encourage minors to refrain from the consumption or purchase of alcoholic beverages.
Super Graphic Wall Sign Standards. Refer to Section 12-80.5.
Billboard Sign Cost Recovery Fee. The following fee(s) shall become due and payable to the City of Inglewood prior to the issuance of any building permit for installation of any new, relocated or enlarged fixed billboard ground or wall sign:
New, Relocated or Enlarged Permanent Ground Mounted or Wall Mounted Billboard Signs. A one-time fee based on the real cost of service for a billboard as specified in the Master Fee Schedule less any site plan review or plan check fees paid by an applicant. Building permit fees shall not be deducted from the real cost of service fee. In no event shall the fee equal a number that is less than zero (negative). This Section of the Code is not intended to apply to super graphic wall signs that are temporary in nature and subject to City Council approval of a negotiated sign agreement. The cost of service fee shall be collected by the Building Division at the time that a building permit is issued and such fee shall be deposited into a City of Inglewood General Fund Account.
Exempted Billboards. A billboard that is allowed as part of development of any island, triangular or irregular shaped corner residentially-zoned property as set forth in Section 12-18.8(b) (or subject to a negotiated agreement as approved by the City) shall be exempt from the requirements set forth in subsections (B) through (H) of this Section but shall comply with the following:
Billboard Sign Standards. A billboard sign may be installed only if all the following conditions are met:
The location shall be limited to a major arterial street as identified in the Inglewood General Plan Circulation Element and no advertising shall be directed towards any City of Inglewood residential use or school site.
An agreement shall be entered with the City that establishes provisions for the City to receive a percentage of the billboard revenues and sets forth other standards as deemed appropriate and necessary to mitigate any impact to any adjacent property zoned for residential use, school, child care facility, nursery school, hospital, place of worship, park or recreational facility in the City of Inglewood. In negotiating an agreement pursuant to this Section, the City Manager shall consider standards established under subsections (B) through (F) of this Section to mitigate the impact of any proposed billboard. The agreement shall be negotiated by the City Manager and/or designee and thereafter placed on a regular City Council agenda by the City Manager and/or designee.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 94-19 10-4-94; Ord. 97-20 9-23-97; Ord. 98-19 9-22-98; Ord. 04-08 4-13-04; Ord. 10-06 3-30-10; Ord. 13-04 11-5-13; Ord. 14-01 2-11-14; Ord. 14-03 3-25-14; Ord. 15-17 8-18-15)
This Section preserves all other provisions of this Chapter if one or more sections is found to be invalid or unconstitutional. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Chapter is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.
(Ord. 10-06 3-30-10)
Any billboard, display, or device allowed under this Chapter may contain, in lieu of any other copy, any otherwise lawful, noncommercial message, including any political message, that does not direct attention to a business operated for profit or to a commodity or service for sale, and that complies with all other requirements of this Chapter.
(Ord. 10-06 3-30-10)
A super graphic wall sign may be installed only if the following conditions are met:
Sign Dimensions. The height and length of a super graphic wall sign shall be determined and established in a negotiated agreement between the City Manager and/or designee and the applicable outdoor advertising company sign applicant (the "Applicant"); however, in no instance shall the entire area of a super graphic wall sign cover more than seventy-five percent of a wall surface.
Installation. Super graphic wall signs shall be affixed parallel to a permanent part of the exterior of a building and shall project no more than eighteen inches from that wall.
Sign Height. No portion of a super graphic wall sign shall extend in height above the roofline of the building wall or fascia to which it is attached.
Sign Lighting. No super graphic wall sign shall be so illuminated that it interferes with the safety of aircraft flights in the vicinity of the super graphic wall sign location. No super graphic wall sign shall employ direct, indirect, internal, flashing, or other illumination with light sources or reflectivity such that the brightness of the illumination shall constitute a hazard to air traffic or a nuisance, interferes with the safety of motorized vehicles in the vicinity of the super graphic wall sign location, confuses or obstructs the view of any authorized traffic sign or signal, obstructs the sight distance triangle at any street or freeway intersection, extends into the public right-of-way, or interferes with the use and enjoyment of property of any adjacent property owners.
Sign Agreement and Fee. The super graphic wall sign agreement shall require payment by the Applicant to the City of Inglewood a fee equal to forty percent of the "net advertising revenues" generated in a given month. For purposes of this amendment and the sign agreement, "net advertising revenue" shall mean gross advertising revenues less production and installation cost not to exceed twenty percent of advertising revenues. The sign agreement shall provide for the specific terms and conditions of the fee payment. All fee payments must accurately reflect the advertising sign revenues earned for each month of display.
Street Location. A super graphic wall sign shall be located on a street that is designated as a major arterial street and is located within one thousand feet of a freeway. A super graphic wall sign shall not be located on a minor, collector, local or other street.
Sign Materials. A super graphic wall sign shall be constructed of materials that are durable and that are able to withstand sixty-five wind knots (equivalent speed of seventy-five miles per hour).
Sign Forms, Guidelines. The City Manager and/or designee is hereby authorized and directed to develop as necessary and implement these regulations, an appropriate application form, guidelines or other related information governing the form, size and location of super graphic wall signs.
Sign Agreement Procedure. All super graphic wall signs, except as otherwise provided in these regulations, shall require City Council approval in the form of a sign agreement negotiated by the City Manager and/or designee that will be placed on a regularly scheduled City Council agenda for approval consideration by the City Council.
Sign Agreement Broker. In the event that the City Manager utilizes the services of a broker or other third party consultant to negotiate some or all of the terms of a sign agreement, the services rendered by the broker or third party consultant shall be paid for entirely by the Applicant. The manner and timing of the payment of such fees shall be specified in the sign agreement.
City Manager Authority. The City Manager and/or designee may include assigned staff, an independent broker, an independent City contractor, a City representative or other consulting party that may from time to time be given the responsibilities and duties to negotiate the sign agreements or prepare independent market surveys, analyses or studies and other related items and materials for consideration by the City Council.
Sign Agreement Request. All requests for a permit for the installation or relocation of a super graphic wall sign shall be submitted to the City Manager and/or designee and shall contain or have attached at a minimum the following information in either written or graphic form:
The date of the request, the name, and address;
The telephone number of the proposed super graphic wall sign owner;
If different from the Applicant, the name, address and telephone of the property owner on which the super graphic wall sign will be erected;
The address of the property where the super graphic wall sign will be erected;
The signature(s) of the Applicant;
A map or written description that identifies the location of the proposed super graphic wall sign on the property in relation to the public rights-of-way, lot lines, buildings, sidewalks, streets and intersections, zoning districts, and other super graphic wall signs;
The general description of the design and construction of any frame or supporting materials around the sign face, drawing(s) of the proposed super graphic wall sign which shall contain specifications indicating height, perimeter, and area dimensions, means of support, methods of illumination if any;
Any other significant aspect of the proposed super graphic wall sign;
A site plan showing the property and proposed sign location, together with certification(s) from licensed professional engineers that the wall surface where the proposed wall sign will be placed is capable of sustaining the proposed load and that any electrical and/or audio components of the proposed sign are satisfactory;
A notarized statement from the applicant agreeing either to: (a) reimburse the City of Inglewood for the cost of staff research, review and processing of an application that is referred to the City Council by the City Manager and/or designee at an hourly staff rate of $55 per hour; or (b) pay to the City of Inglewood the cost of a third party broker, or contract consultant selected by the City Manager and/or designee to perform the negotiating services. In the event that the City Manager and/or designee chooses to hire a third party broker or contract consultant to negotiate the terms of a sign agreement, the hourly staff rates shall not apply. However, in lieu of the payment of the staff hourly rates, the Applicant shall pay the City an administrative oversight fee as determined by the City Manager based upon the amount of oversight required of City staff; and
Any other information requested by the City Manager and/or designee in order to commence and carry out the negotiation of the sign agreement in accordance with the purpose and intent of these regulations.
Sign Agreement Application Completeness. Within twenty working days of receiving a request for a super graphic wall sign permit from the Applicant, the City Manager and/or designee shall review it for completeness. If the City Manager and/or designee finds that it is complete, the permit application shall then be processed. If the City Manager and/or designee finds that it is incomplete or lacks specificity, he or she shall notify the sign Applicant within the twenty working day period, regarding the specific items missing or incomplete to allow further review and the scheduling of negotiations. In the event that the Applicant fails to correct all deficiencies within a reasonable period of time as determined by the City Manager and/or designee, the permit application materials together with a brief written explanation rejecting the application shall be returned to the Applicant.
Scheduled Sign Agreement Negotiations. When the City Manager and/or designee makes a determination that the permit application materials comply with the specific requirements for a super graphic wall sign, he or she shall schedule and notify the Applicant of a scheduled meeting to review the permit application materials and to commence negotiations regarding the terms of a sign agreement. The City Manager and/or designee shall also describe the billing procedure for research, review and processing of work items including applicable staff costs, or third party broker or consultants costs.
Terms of Sign Agreement Negotiations. The City Manager and/or designee shall schedule one or more additional meetings with the Applicant to discuss the intended duration of wall sign use, the frequency of changes to sign copy, the location and intensity of lighting, the type of sign material, the height of the wall sign, the wall sign fee(s) to be paid to the City of Inglewood, insurance and indemnification requirements, violation fines, the schedule for sign removal once the agreement terminates, and a full description of all other particulars that will allow the safe and orderly use of the proposed super graphic wall sign.
Sign Agreement Approval Recommendation. Based on a determination by the City Manager and/or designee that a proposed sign agreement complies with the intent of this Code Section, the City Manager and/or designee shall forward a copy of the proposed sign agreement to the City Council with a written recommendation for final approval of the sign agreement. Prior to a sign agreement being placed on a City Council agenda, the City Manager and/or designee shall obtain full payment for research, review and application processing costs from the Applicant. A proposed sign agreement shall not be submitted to the City Council until such time that the staff costs or third party costs (as applicable) have been paid. In the event that a third party broker, consultant or other party negotiates the sign agreement, the City Manager and/or designee shall ensure that funds are paid to the third party broker, consultant or other party in a manner consistent with City of Inglewood billing procedures.
Sign Agreement Denial Recommendation. In the event that the City Manager and/or designee determines that the Applicant fails to conform with the requirements of this Chapter and unable to negotiate a sign agreement, or if the Applicant is unwilling to agree to specific proposal requests by the City Manager and/or designee, the City Manager and/or designee shall forward a written recommendation for denial to the City Council. Prior to a sign agreement being placed on the City Council agenda, the City shall have received full payment for any and all research, review and application processing costs from the Applicant. A proposed sign agreement shall not be submitted to the City Council until such time that the staff costs or third party cost (as applicable) have been paid. In the event that a third party broker, consultant or other party negotiates all or a portion of a negotiated sign agreement, the City Manager and/or designee shall ensure that all such funds shall be paid to the third party broker, consultant or other party in a manner consistent with City of Inglewood billing procedures.
Sign Agreement Non-public Hearing Review. The City Manager and/or designee shall place the matter of the sign agreement on a regularly scheduled City Council agenda as a non-public hearing item that shall require a majority vote of City Council for sign agreement approval.
Denial of Sign Agreement. In the event that a majority vote of City Council determine that the super graphic wall sign request fails to conform with the requirements of these regulations and vote to deny the sign agreement, or in the event of a tie vote, the sign agreement shall be deemed denied and the Applicant shall be prohibited from submitting the same or a similar super graphic wall sign application for the subject property for a minimum of six months. The action taken by the City Council shall become final. However, the City Manager and/or designee shall not be required to return the permit application and accompanying materials to the Applicant. In case of a denial by the City Council, the City Manager and/or designee shall notify the Applicant within forty working days following the City Council action of the reasons for the denial action taken by the City Council.
Approval of Sign Agreement. In the event that a majority vote of the City Council determine that the sign agreement conforms with the requirements of these regulations and vote to approve the sign agreement, the City Manager and/or designee shall obtain original signatures on three sets of the sign agreement from the City Clerk, City Manager, City Attorney and the Applicant. An original sign agreement shall be permanently maintained in the City Clerk's Office, one permanently maintained in Administration and one provided to the Applicant. The action taken by the City Council shall be final once taken.
Super Graphic Signage Considered On-site Signage. Under circumstances where a building or buildings is occupied by a valid City-licensed business with a retail component related to the super graphic wall sign, the applicable super graphic wall sign shall be constituted "on-site signage" and shall be regulated in accordance with the terms and conditions of a sign agreement.
Super Graphic Permit Fees. Any super graphic wall sign fees approved by the City Council shall be paid to and collected by the City upon issuance of a building permit by the Building Division. Once paid the fees shall be non-refundable.
Request for Clarification. From time to time, the City Council may refer a sign agreement back to the City Manager and/or designee with a request for further clarification of items or with direction regarding items that it believes requires further negotiation or staff review. This referral shall not constitute approval or denial. Any sign agreement subsequently returned to the City Manager and/or designee for further clarification or negotiation may be reviewed in its entirety or may focus only on those specific items that the City Council directed staff to negotiate or review. The Applicant shall not be required to pay staff review, research or processing costs for an item referred/returned by the City Council.
Annual Business License. All Applicants subject to these regulations shall pay to the Inglewood Business License Division an annual business tax equal to two percent of the gross annual revenue produced by the super graphic wall sign. The business license tax shall be prorated for periods that are less than a twelve-month calendar year.
Inspection Upon Completion. Any person installing, structurally altering or relocating a super graphic wall sign for which a permit has been issued shall first obtain approval for a sign permit from the Planning Division and a building permit from the Building Division. Final inspection from the Building Division shall be required upon completion of any such work. Other City permits, unless specified as a term and condition of the sign agreement shall not be required for a super graphic wall sign. If the construction is complete and in full compliance with these regulations and the building and electrical codes, the Planning Division and Building Division shall issue final sign approval. A site plan review shall not be required for super graphic wall signs.
Lapses of Super Graphic Wall Sign Permit. A super graphic wall sign permit shall lapse if the sign is abandoned, or if the Applicant's business license lapses, is revoked, or is not timely renewed. A super graphic wall sign permit shall lapse if the use of the super graphic is discontinued for a period of one hundred eighty days or more. A super graphic wall sign that was installed or maintained in conformance with a permit under these regulations, but for which the permit has lapsed, shall be in violation of these regulations and subject to Section 11-96.6 (Administrative Fine) of Article 11.4 (Administrative Citations) of Chapter 11.
Assignment of the Super Graphic Wall Sign Permit. A current and valid super graphic wall sign permit shall be freely assignable to a successor, as owner of the property where the super graphic sign is located subject to the filing of a permit application with the City. The City Manager may require as a condition of negotiating a sign agreement the payment of any applicable Business License Division fee for change of ownership. The assignment shall be accomplished by filing and shall not require City Council approval.
Violations. The City Manager and/or designee, upon finding that any provision of these regulations or any condition of a permit issued under these regulations is being violated, is authorized to direct staff to issue citations or may institute legal proceedings to enjoin violations of these regulations.
Complaints and Revocations. The City Manager shall be authorized to directly investigate any complaints or violations of these regulations or may assign the investigation of complaints to City Enforcement staff or to an outside contractor. Based on a complete investigation, the City Manager and/or designee may recommend to the City Council that a sign agreement be revoked if there is any violation of the provisions of these regulations, or any misrepresentation of any material facts in either the permit application or plans. The revocation of an approved sign agreement shall be scheduled in the same manner as a request for sign agreement approval and shall require a majority vote of City Council for revocation. In the event that a majority of the City Council does not vote for revocation, the City Council may refer the matter back to the City Manager for further review and/or corrective action.
Expiration of Sign Agreement. If an approved super graphic wall sign is not installed within a period of six months from the date the sign agreement is fully executed by the required signatories, the sign agreement shall expire and become null and void and the Applicant shall be prohibited from filing the same or a similar application for the subject property for a minimum period of six months.
Non-permitted Super Graphic Wall Signs. The City Manager and/or designee may direct City Enforcement staff to remove or order the removal at the expense of the Applicant, super graphic wall sign owner or lessor, as applicable, of any non-permitted super graphic wall sign or any other signs, other than an approved super graphic wall sign. The City Manager and/or designee may also impose fines specified in Section 11-96.6 of the IMC.
Immediate Harm or Hazard. If the City Manager and/or designee finds that any super graphic wall sign poses an immediate harm or hazard to persons or property, the super graphic wall sign shall be immediately removed and the City Manager and/or designee shall notify the City Council within a reasonable period of time about reasons for the sign removal. If the Applicant, super graphic wall sign owner or lessor (as applicable) cannot be located and notified of immediate removal of the super graphic wall sign, he or she shall order the removal of the wall sign at the expense of the Applicant, super graphic wall sign owner or lessor (as applicable), who shall be required to reimburse the City within thirty calendar days for all staff costs associated with sign removal.
Sign Agreement Amendments. From time to time the City Manager and/or designee may initiate amendments to this Section of the Code by following the procedures established for a general text change as outlined in Article 27 of Chapter 12, except that the City Manager may make direct requests to the City Council for the approval of minor adjustments that do not affect the intent of this Section of the Code. At that time, it shall be the responsibility of the City Council to determine if the request should be approved or denied.
(Ord. 10-05 3-30-10; Ord. 14-04 3-25-14)
Notwithstanding other provisions of this Article, the City of Inglewood may permit the installation and maintenance of large informational signs in strategic locations abutting freeway rights-of-way that offer visibility to large numbers of passing motorists to facilitate the dissemination of venue and event information to arriving motorists and potential patrons of the large-attendance sports or entertainment venues in the City.
Special venue freeway signs shall be restricted to displaying:
The name(s) of one or more sports or entertainment venues or facilities that can accommodate ten thousand or more patrons in permanent seats; and
Information about particular events that are or will be occurring at each venue, including, but not limited to, dates, times, participating teams, performers, event sponsors, ticket prices, ticket availability and venue location; and
Information about the City of Inglewood and community events of general public interest; and
Other businesses, products and services available within the former Inglewood redevelopment project areas, as permitted by State of California (CalTrans) regulations.
Special venue freeway signs shall also be limited to the following:
Each special venue freeway sign shall be subject to Special Use Permit approval.
Each special venue freeway sign shall be located within a former adopted redevelopment project area.
No special venue freeway sign shall be located within a one mile radius of any other special venue freeway sign within the City of Inglewood.
No special venue freeway sign shall be located within a certain distance of any residential (R or P) zone, such distance being equal to twice the total sign structure height.
The height of a special venue freeway sign shall be determined as a condition of the Special Use Permit, but at no time shall the height exceed one hundred twenty feet above grade at its base.
Subject to Special Use Permit approval and State of California (CalTrans) regulations, a special venue freeway sign may display animated graphics and/or changeable copy graphics.
(Ord. 97-02 1-28-97; Ord. 14-01 2-11-14)
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 2498 5-14-85)
Except for signs approved as part of a Master Sign Plan in connection with a Sign Overlay Zone as set forth in Article 17.3 of Chapter 12 of this Code or a temporary banner program under subsection (c) below, no person shall paint, mark or write on, or post or otherwise affix, any handbill or sign to or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, curb, curbstone, street lamp post, hydrant, tree, shrub, tree stake or guard, railroad signs, posts or poles, electric light or power or telephone or telegraph pole, or wire appurtenance or support thereof, or upon any fixture of a fire or police communications system, or upon any lighting or electrical power system, public bridge, drinking fountain, street sign or traffic sign, bus or parkway bench, bus shelters, sidewalk kiosks, fixture or object located upon or in a public street, sidewalk, walkway, boulevard or parkway maintained by the City, or any property of a public utility maintaining such property or improvements under easements granted by the City except as permitted by Section 12-77.11 of this Chapter.
Any handbill or sign found posted or otherwise affixed upon any public property contrary to the provisions of this Section may be removed by the Police Department, the Departments of Parks, Public Works, Code Enforcement, or other concerned observer. The person responsible for such illegal posting shall be liable for the costs incurred in the removal thereof and the Finance Department is authorized to effect the collection of said costs.
Notwithstanding any language in this Code to the contrary, the Public Works Department may establish a temporary banner program utilizing light poles located in the public right-of-way subject to the criteria set forth in Chapter 10, Article 5 of this Code.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 2498 5-14-85; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 97-02 1-28-97; Ord. 10-09 5-25-10; Ord. 12-08 5-15-12; Ord. 21-11 8-3-21)
Advertising upon bus benches, bus shelters, sidewalk kiosks and the like is permitted if specifically authorized and licensed by the City.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)
Any entity installing and maintaining (or causing the installation and maintenance of) banners or other signage in the public right-of-way shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Inglewood, its officers, agents, boards and employees, and assume liability, for the repair and maintenance of such banners or other signage, and damages resulting from their installation and use.
(Ord. 12-08 5-15-12)
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 2498 5-14-85)
Abandoned Signs. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or permit any nonconforming sign to remain in place for more than sixty days after the business to which the sign pertains has discontinued use of the site where the sign is located. It shall also be unlawful for any person to maintain or permit any conforming sign that advertises or denotes a previous tenant or use of a building to remain in place more than sixty days after a new tenant or use occupies the subject building or property.
Alteration of Nonconforming Signs. Nonconforming signs shall not be enlarged by any means or altered, except to make the sign conforming to the standards of this Article. Repairs as necessary to maintain the sign in a good and safe condition are permitted; however, in the event a nonconforming sign is damaged, it may be restored to its original condition only if the damage is estimated by the Superintendent of Building and Safety to be less than fifty percent of its before-damage condition.
Enforcement of Nonconforming Signs. No new signs shall be permitted upon any property or building until any existing nonconforming on-site sign is removed or altered to be made conforming to the standards of this Article. Additionally, nonconforming signs may be required to be removed or altered to be made conforming in consideration for the approval of any Special Use Permit, adjustment, variance, exception, and the like. Otherwise, any nonconforming sign may continue to be maintained only for periods designated within the amortization schedule specified in Section 12-87.
Nonconforming Billboard Signs. No new, relocated or enlarged billboard, pole(s), post(s) or similar supporting apparatus shall be permitted upon any property or building that is located on any street that is not designated as a major arterial street in the City of Inglewood Circulation Element and such property or building must be suitably zoned to allow a billboard sign.
Except as required under Section 12-87, any billboard sign, frame, pole(s), post(s) or similar supporting apparatus that exists on a "C" or "M" zoned property on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter shall be removed no later than forty years after the date that a business license was first issued for the billboard sign. In the event that a business license was not issued, the sign shall be removed no later than forty years from the date that a building permit was first issued for the billboard sign. Billboard signs that were installed prior to 1983 shall be removed no later than December 31, 2023. This Section shall not apply to super graphic wall signs, or billboard signs for which a new permit is issued after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter. Billboard signs that are installed after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter may be used for no more than twenty years but in all instances must be dismantled and removed from a property no later than December 31, 2050.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 10-06 3-30-10)
All nonconforming signs and sign structures shall be modified pursuant to this Article or removed within the following time periods:
Appraisal Replacement Value of Sign
Period for Removal
$50.00 or less
12 months
$50.01 to $100.00
18 months
$100.01 to $200.00
24 months
$200.01 to $500.00
36 months
$500.01 to $1,000.00
48 months
$1,000.01 to $7,500.00
60 months
$7,500.01 to $15,000.00
72 months
$15,000.01 and over
84 months
Billboard signs that existed prior to the effective date of ordinance codified in this Chapter
40 years from the date a business license or building permit was approved but no later than December 31, 2050. Billboards installed prior to 1983 shall be removed no later than December 31, 2023.
Billboard signs that existed after the effective date of ordinance codified in this Chapter
20 years from issuance of a building permit but no later than December 31, 2050
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83; Ord. 10-06 3-30-10)
The appraised replacement value of signs made subject to removal by this Article shall be determined by the Superintendent of Building and Safety who shall compute said value on the basis of the prevailing costs for said replacement.
(Ord. 2459 12-13-83)