Pipelines and appurtenances shall be constructed and maintained in a good workmanlike manner in conformity with applicable law and the terms and conditions of any City ordinance, rule or regulation now, or as hereafter amended, adopted or prescribed by the City. All pipelines and appurtenances will be installed in accordance with the latest revision of the "American Standard Code of Pressure Piping ASA B31.4."
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
New installations or replacements of pipelines and appurtenances and all other facilities necessary for the installation, operation, maintenance, and safety of pipelines and conduits shall be laid and maintained only pursuant to applicable law and permit issued by the department. All such installations or replacements shall be reviewed by the Director as to the most desirable location in the streets of the City and his or her decision shall be final and binding on the franchisee.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
Where the provisions of any City ordinance, resolution or regulation, which shall be in force at that time, require the issuance of an excavation, encroachment or other type of permit, the franchisee shall not commence any excavation or encroachment work under the franchise until it shall have obtained such permit from the department except in cases of emergency affecting public health, safety or welfare or the preservation of life or property, in which case the franchisee shall apply for such permit not later than the next business day.
The application of the franchisee for such permit shall show the following facts: the length and proposed location of the pipeline and/or appurtenance intended to be installed, and such other facts as the department may require. The franchisee shall pay any and all permit inspection fees required by the department.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
The work of constructing, laying, replacing, maintaining, repairing or removing all pipelines and appurtenances authorized under the provisions of this chapter in, over, under, along or across any street shall be conducted with the least possible hindrance to the use of the street for purposes of travel. As soon as such work is completed, all portions of the street which have been excavated or otherwise damaged thereby shall promptly and in a workmanlike manner be repaired, replaced or restored and placed in as good condition as before the commencement of such work and shall be done to the satisfaction of the Director at the expense of the franchisee, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of any City ordinance, resolution or regulation. For streets that have been rehabilitated within three years prior to the proposed work, the City shall require the resurfacing, or other treatment, of the entire lane widths of the street as directed by the Director. For those streets that have not been rehabilitated by the City within three years prior to the proposed work, the restoration shall be in full compliance with City requirements. All restoration, repair or replacement work shall be done to the satisfaction of the Director at the expense of the franchisee in accordance with all applicable law. In the event that the franchisee shall fail or neglect to make such highway repair, replacement or restoration work, 10 days after notice therefor has been given franchisee by the Director, the City may repair, replace or restore said highway at the expense of franchisee. Franchisee agrees to pay to the City the cost of performing such work. The amount so chargeable shall be the direct cost of such work plus the current rate of overhead being charged by the City for reimbursable work.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
In the event that the franchisee fails to complete the work within the time specified in the permit, the City may require the franchisee to pay to the City not more than $500.00 per day as liquidated damages for each day construction extends beyond the time specified in the permit.
Whenever the franchisee fails to complete any work required by the terms and provisions of the franchise, and the permits issued thereunder, within the time limits required thereby, the City may complete or cause to be completed any and all such work at the expense of the franchisee. The franchisee agrees to pay to the City the cost of performing such work. The amount so chargeable to franchisee shall be the direct cost of such work plus the current rate of overhead being charged by the City for reimbursable work.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
Upon the completion of the construction of any pipelines or other facilities constructed pursuant to said franchise, the franchisee shall submit a statement to the Director, identifying the permit or permits issued by the department, the total length of pipeline, pipeline material, diameter of pipeline, the construction of which was authorized under such permit or permits, and the total length of pipeline or facilities actually laid and as-built drawings.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
In addition to any indemnification set forth herein, franchisee shall be specifically responsible to the City and shall save the City, its officers, agents, and employees, free and harmless from all damages or liability arising from any damage or injury suffered by any person by reason of any excavation or obstruction being improperly guarded during any work authorized pursuant to the franchise or the failure or neglect of the franchisee to properly perform, maintain, or protect any phase of such work.
The franchisee shall have the right to construct, maintain and repair such traps, manholes, conduits, valves, appliances, attachments and other facilities as may be necessary or convenient for the proper maintenance and operation of the pipelines under said franchise, and said facilities shall be kept flush with the surface of the street and so located as to conform to applicable law including any ordinance, resolution or regulation of the City, or of any permit issued by the department in regard thereto and shall not interfere with the use of the street for travel. The franchisee shall have the right subject to such ordinances, resolutions and regulations as are now or may hereafter be in force, to make all necessary excavations in said street for the construction, maintenance and repair of said facilities; provided, however, that the franchisee shall first obtain an excavation permit from the department for doing any such work.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
The franchisee shall provide at its sole cost such shoring or other support as shall be reasonably required to support, maintain, and protect franchisee's facilities in connection with any storm drain or sewer construction by the City or in connection with any facility constructed by the City, or by any successor agency.
The franchisee shall be privileged to excavate in the road or street for line repair for the number of days agreed upon by the franchisee and the department; provided, however, that the franchisee shall first obtain an excavation permit from the department for the doing of any such work.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
The City reserves the right to change the grade, to change the width or to alter or change the location of any street over which the franchise is granted. If any of the pipelines, facilities or appurtenances heretofore or hereafter constructed, installed or maintained by the franchisee pursuant to the franchise on, along, under, over, in, upon or across any street are located in a manner which conflict in any way with the change of grade, traffic needs, operation, maintenance, improvements, repair, construction, reconstruction, widening, alteration or relocation of the street, the franchisee shall relocate permanently or temporarily any such facility at no expense to the City upon receipt of a written request from the Director to do so, and shall commence such work on or before the day specified in such written request which date shall be not less than 30 days from receipt of such written request. Franchisee shall thereafter diligently prosecute such work to completion.
The City reserves the right for itself, and all other public entities which are now or may later be established, to alter, relocate, and maintain subsurface or other facilities or improvements of any type or description in a governmental but not proprietary capacity within the streets over which the franchise is granted. If the City or any other public entity finds that the location or relocation of such facilities or improvements conflicts with the facilities laid, constructed or maintained under the franchise, whether such facilities were laid before or after the facilities of the City or such other public entity were laid, the franchisee of such franchise shall at no expense to the City or public entity, on or before the date specified in a written request from the Director, which date shall be not less than 30 days after the receipt of such notice and request to do so, commence work to change the location either permanently or temporarily of all facilities so conflicting with such improvements to a permanent or temporary location in said streets to be approved by the Director and thereafter diligently prosecute such work to completion.
If any portion of the street shall be damaged by reason of breaks or leaks in any pipe, conduit, or appurtenance constructed or maintained under the franchise, the franchisee thereof shall, at its own expense, immediately following written or oral notification thereof, promptly repair any such damage and put such street in as good condition as it was in before such damage or leak, all to the satisfaction of the department. The franchisee shall obtain an excavation permit from the department for the doing of any such work.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
At all times during the term of this franchise, the franchisee shall maintain or arrange for, on a 24-hour a day basis adequate emergency equipment and a properly trained emergency crew within a radius of 25 miles from any facilities installed or maintained pursuant hereto for the purpose of shutting off the pressure and the flow of contents of such facilities in the event of an emergency resulting from an earthquake, act of war, civil disturbance, fire, flood, or any other cause or nature whatsoever.
At the expiration, revocation or termination of this franchise or the permanent discontinuance of the use of all or a portion of its facilities, the franchisee shall, within 30 days thereafter make written application to the Director for authority either: (1) to abandon all or a portion of such facilities in place; or (2) to remove all or a portion of such facilities. Such application shall describe the facilities desired to be abandoned or removed by reference to the map or maps required by Section 3.44.080 and shall also describe with reasonable accuracy the physical condition of such facilities. The Director shall determine whether any abandonment or removal which is thereby proposed may be effected without detriment to the public interest and under what conditions such proposed abandonment or removal may be safely effected and shall then notify the franchisee of his or her determination. The franchisee shall pay to the City the cost of all tests required to determine the disposition of the application for abandonment removal.
Within 30 days after receipt of such notice, the franchisee shall apply for a permit from the department to abandon or remove the facility and shall pay all fees and costs related thereto. Such permit is to contain the conditions of abandonment or removal as may be prescribed by the Director. Any abandonment shall be conditioned, in part, upon the franchisee's compliance with the provisions set forth in this chapter.
The franchisee shall, within 90 days after obtaining such permit, commence and diligently prosecute to completion the work authorized by the permit. If the franchisee applies for authority to abandon all or a portion of its facilities in place, and the Director determines that abandonment in place of all or part of the facilities may be affected without detriment to the public interest, the franchisee shall pay to the City a fee which shall be computed as follows:
Pipelines with an Internal Diameter of
Amount per Lineal Foot
0-12 inches
14-18 inches
20-30 inches
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
If any facilities to be abandoned "in place" subject to prescribed conditions shall not be abandoned in accordance with all such conditions the Director may make additional appropriate orders, including an order that the franchisee shall remove any or all such facilities. The franchisee shall comply with such additional orders.
In the event that the franchisee shall fail to comply with the terms and conditions of abandonment or removal as may be required by this chapter and within such time as may be prescribed by the Director, the City may remove or cause to be removed such facilities at the franchisee's expense. The franchisee shall pay to the City the cost of such work plus the current rate of overhead being charged by the City for reimbursable work.
If, at the expiration, revocation or termination of this franchise, or of the permanent discontinuance of the use of all or a portion of its facilities, the franchisee shall, within 30 days thereafter, fail or refuse to make written application for the above-mentioned authority, the Director shall make the determination as to whether the facilities shall be abandoned in place or removed. The Director shall then notify the franchisee of his or her determination. The franchisee shall thereafter comply with the provisions of subsection B of Section 3.44.420.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
Facilities abandoned "in place" shall be subject to the condition that if, at any time after the effective date of the abandonment, the Director determines that the facility may interfere with any public project, franchisee or its successor in interest must remove the facility at its expense when requested to do so by the City or to pay the City for the cost of such removal.
(2319-10/78, 3889-9/10)
If a franchise is to expire within 60 days according to the franchise terms, and a new franchise has been requested, but has not yet been granted, the franchisee may request the Mayor and City Council to issue the franchisee a written revocable license, for a renewable term not to exceed 120 days from the expiration of the franchise, permitting the franchisee to continue to locate its existing facilities in or upon public property in the City during the term of the license. The Mayor and City Council may issue such a revocable license, subject to any restrictions, terms, and conditions (including compensation), without limitation, that they deem to be in the best interests of the City. Nothing herein requires the Mayor and City Council to grant such a revocable license, nor does the issuance of such a revocable license require that the Mayor and City Council grant the franchisee a new franchise. Upon request of the franchisee, the City Clerk shall provide a revocable license application form.