The following supplemental development standards shall apply to the service station use classification.
Minimum parcel size: 22,500 square feet.
Minimum frontage: 150 feet and located at the intersection of arterial highways.
Site Layout. Conditions of approval of a Conditional Use Permit may impose restrictions on outdoor storage and display and location of pump islands, canopies and service bay openings and require buffering, screening, lighting, or planting areas necessary to avoid adverse impacts on properties in the surrounding area.
Design Standards.
In reviewing proposals, emphasis shall be placed on quality design of building materials and landscape features. Service stations shall be designed so that form and scale are harmonious and consistent with the character of the specific site, the adjacent uses and structures, and the general neighborhood.
The location, number, and design of driveways as well as on-and off-site traffic circulation impacts shall be analyzed.
Service bay openings shall be designed to minimize the visual intrusion on surrounding streets and properties. A maximum of three service bays shall be permitted per site, none of which shall face a public right-of-way.
Lighting shall be of low profile design, indirect or diffused, and shall create no negative impact on surrounding uses.
A minimum 10% of the site shall be landscaped. Landscaping plans shall conform to all applicable provisions of Chapter 232 as well as conform to the following requirements:
A three-foot wide planter (inside dimension) along interior property lines shall be provided, except at vehicular circulation openings. Additional landscaping may be required to screen service bays from surrounding properties.
A 600-square-foot planter with a minimum dimension of 20 feet shall be provided at the corner of intersecting streets.
A total of 70 square feet of planting area shall be located adjacent to and on the street side of the main building.
Buildings shall conform to the setback regulations stated for the district in which the site is located. Pump islands and canopy structures shall maintain the following minimum setbacks from street side property lines:
Pump island: 20 feet.
Canopy: 10 feet with ground clearance of 12 feet.
Storage of Materials and Equipment. The provisions of Section 230.74, Outdoor Facilities, shall apply, except that a display rack for automobile products no more than four feet wide may be maintained at each pump island of a service station and a single tire storage display no more than eight feet high and 16 feet long may be located on the site of a service station. If display racks are not located on pump islands, they shall be placed within three feet of the principal building, and shall be limited to one per street frontage. Outside storage of motor vehicles for more than 24 hours (seven days if the vehicle is actively being serviced) is prohibited, except as provided for truck and utility trailer rentals. The location of display racks and vending machines shall be specified by the Conditional Use Permit.
Accessory Uses. The accessory uses listed below shall be permitted as included on the approved site plan. Such uses shall be subordinate to the main operation and shall not impede safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation or be detrimental to surrounding properties or potential customers. Such uses shall be included as part of the original Conditional Use Permit request or shall be subject to a new Conditional Use Permit if proposed subsequent to the original Conditional Use Permit.
Convenience markets are permitted provided no automotive repair or truck or trailer rental is permitted on the same site.
Automatic washing, cleaning and waxing of vehicles. Such activity shall be of an integral design with the main structure.
Truck and utility truck rental is permitted provided the trucks do not exceed 25 feet in length and are stored a minimum of 50 feet from the street property lines.
All goods, wares, merchandise, produce, and other commodities which are stored or offered for sale or exchange in the commercial and industrial districts shall be housed in permanent buildings except as otherwise provided by this Code.
Purpose and Intent. It is the purpose and intent to implement the requirements of Government Code Section 65089.3(a)(2), to mitigate the impacts that development projects may have on transportation mobility, congestion and air quality, and to promote transportation demand management strategies.
Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions for the following terms shall apply:
Alternative Transportation Mode.
Any mode of travel that serves as an alternative to the single occupant vehicle. This can include all forms of ridesharing, public transit, bicycling or walking.
Building Size.
The total gross floor area measured in square feet of a building or group of buildings at a worksite. Includes the total floor area of both new development and existing facilities.
Two to six persons traveling together in a single vehicle.
Any person employed by a firm, person(s), business, educational institution, non-profit agency or corporation, government agency, or other entity which employs 100 or more persons at a single worksite. "Employee" shall include persons employed on a full-time, part-time, or temporary basis.
Any person(s), firm, business, educational institution, government agency, non-profit agency or corporation, or other entity which employs or houses tenants that collectively employ 100 or more employees at a worksite on a full-and/or part-time/temporary basis.
Mixed Use Development.
New development projects that integrate any one of these land uses with another: residential, office, commercial, industrial and business park.
The lessee of facility space at a development project who may also serve as an employer.
Transportation Demand Management (TDM).
The implementation of programs, plans or policies designed to encourage changes in individual travel behavior. TDM can include an emphasis on alternative travel modes to the single occupant vehicle (SOV) such as carpools, vanpools and transit; and reduction of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and the number of vehicle trips.
A vehicle occupied by seven or more persons traveling together.
A building or group of buildings which are under common ownership and the place of employment, base of operation, or predominate location of an employee or group of employees.
These provisions apply to commercial, industrial, institutional, or other uses which are determined to employ 100 or more persons, as determined by the employee generation factors specified under paragraph 4 of this subsection. This includes any permit for existing facilities that already have 100 or more employees or will have 100 or more employees.
These provisions apply to all districts, planned communities and specific plan areas including those covered by development agreements. These provisions shall supersede other ordinances with which there is a conflict.
Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this subsection, the following uses and activities shall be specifically exempt from the provisions of this section:
Temporary construction activities on any affected project, including activities performed by engineers, architects, contract subcontractors and construction workers.
Other temporary use classifications or as authorized by the Director when such temporary activities are for a period not to exceed 30 days and held no more than once a year.
Employee generation factors shall be based on one of the following:
Employment projections developed by the property owner, subject to approval by the Director;
Building sizes shall be considered equivalent to the 100 employee threshold as follows:
Type of Use
Building Size (in Sq. Ft.)
Equivalent to 100 Employees
Hospital and Medical/Dental
Industrial (Excluding Warehouses)
0.8 Employees/Hotel Room
Resort Hotel
Mixed or Multiple Use
The employment projection for a development of mixed or multiple uses shall be calculated on a case-by-case basis based upon the proportion of development devoted to each type of use.
Site Development Standards. Development projects subject to this section shall comply with the following site development standards:
Parking for Carpool Vehicles.
The following percentages of the total required parking spaces per Chapter 231 shall be reserved and designated for employee carpool vehicles by making such spaces "Carpool Only":
Type of Use
Percent of Total Parking Devoted to Employee Carpool Parking
Office Professional
Hospital and Medical/Dental Office
Space for every 2 employees
Carpool spaces shall be located near the building's identified employee entrance(s) or at other preferential locations within the employee parking areas as approved by the Director.
Shower and Locker Facilities. Shower and locker facilities shall be provided for use by employees or tenants who commute to the site by bicycle or walking. The use of such facilities shall be provided at no cost to the user. The design of such facilities shall be shown on the plot plans in the permit application and conform to the following:
Lockers shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one for every 20 employees.
Separate shower facilities shall be provided at a minimum rate of two per 100 employees.
Bicycle Parking.
Bicycle parking facilities shall be provided at the minimum rate of one bicycle parking space for every 20 employees or fraction thereof, in a secure location, and in close proximity to employee entrances, for use by employees or tenants who commute to the site by bicycle.
A bicycle parking facility shall be a stationary object to which the user can lock the bicycle frame and both wheels with a user provided six-foot cable and lock.
Commuter Information Areas. A commuter information area shall be provided to offer employees appropriate information on alternative transportation modes. This area shall be centrally located and accessible to all employees or tenants and shall be sufficient size to accommodate such information on alternative transportation modes.
Passenger Loading Areas. Unless determined unnecessary by the decision maker, per Title 24, passenger loading areas to embark and disembark passengers from rideshare vehicles and public transportation shall be provided as follows:
Passenger loading area shall be large enough to accommodate the number of waiting vehicles equivalent to 1% of the required parking for the project.
The passenger loading areas shall be located as close as possible to the identified employee entrance(s), and shall be designed in a manner that does not impede vehicular circulation in the parking area or in adjoining streets.
Parking for Vanpool Vehicles. Unless determined unnecessary by the decision maker, per Title 24, parking for vanpool vehicles shall be provided as follows:
The number of vanpool parking spaces shall be at least 1% of the employee carpool parking spaces and reserved for such by marking the spaces "Vanpool Only."
For parking structures, vanpool vehicle accessibility shall include minimum seven-foot-two-inch vertical clearance.
Vanpool parking spaces shall be located near identified employee entrance(s) or other preferential locations.
Bus Stops. Unless determined unnecessary by the decision maker, per Title 24, bus shelter, pullouts, and pads shall be provided as necessary in consultation with affected transit service providers.
The following supplemental requirements shall apply to the operation of game centers, including mechanical or electronic games or any other similar machine or device, in order to control the location and hours of operation of game centers so as not to allow school children to play the games during school hours or to encourage minors to congregate in areas close to commercial establishments that sell alcoholic beverages. The following conditions shall apply:
Neighborhood Notification. Submit a request to the Director with Neighborhood Notification pursuant to Chapter 241.
Adult Manager. At least one adult manager shall be on the premises during the time a game center is open to the public.
Hours of Operation for Minors Under 18 Years of Age. No game center owners, managers or employees shall allow a minor under 18 years of age to play a mechanical or electronic game machine during the hours the public schools of the district in which the center is located are in session, or after 9:00 p.m. on nights preceding school days, or after 10:00 p.m. on any night. It is the responsibility of the owner or manager of the game center to obtain a current schedule of school days and hours.
Locational Criteria. A game center shall not be permitted within 2,500 feet of a school site, 300 feet of the boundary of a residential district, or within 500 feet of a liquor store, a nightclub, cocktail lounge or bar. The distance shall be measured as walking distance from the game center to the property line of the school site, the district boundary, or the property line of the liquor store, nightclubs, cocktail lounge, or bar, as the case may be.
Restrictions. The Director may impose reasonable restrictions on the physical design, location, and operation of a game center and require a special bicycle parking area in order to minimize the effects of noise, congregation, parking, and other nuisance factors that may be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the surrounding community.
(3710-6/05, 4040-12/14)
Permit Required. A Conditional Use Permit may be issued for the construction and operation of a heliport, helipad, or helistop if the Planning Commission finds that:
The helipad, heliport, or helistop conforms to the locational criteria and standards established in subsections B and C of this section, and the requirements of the California Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics;
The heliport, helipad, or helistop is compatible with the surrounding environment; and
The proposed operation of the helicopter facility does not pose a threat to public health, safety or welfare.
The commission may impose conditions of approval on the Conditional Use Permit to prevent adverse impacts on surrounding properties. If such impacts cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level, the Conditional Use Permit application shall be denied.
Locational Criteria.
Minimum Separation. Minimum separation between heliports, helipads, and helistops shall be 1.5 miles, except for facilities specifically intended for emergency use, such as medical evacuation or police functions, and temporary landing sites.
Protected Areas. No heliport, helipad, or helistop shall be located within 1,000 feet of an R district or the site of a public or private school, except for heliports or helistops specifically intended only for emergency or police use. Temporary landing sites within 1,000 feet of a public or private school may be allowed with a temporary use permit subject to approval of the California Department of Transportation.
Site Development Standards.
Approach and departure paths 65 feet wide shall be free of obstruction for a minimum distance of 400 feet.
Setbacks from property lines shall be as follows:
Takeoff and landing area: 50 feet;
Helicopter maintenance facilities: 25 feet;
Administrative or operations building: 15 feet.
Any lighting used for nighttime operations shall be directed away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way.
A telephone shall be provided on or adjacent to the heliport, helipad or helistop.
Helipads or helistops intended for emergency use shall have a landing pad with a standard landing area designated and the words "Emergency Only." The initial direction of the departure routes shall be indicated on the takeoff and landing area.
Application Requirements. The following additional information shall be submitted with a Conditional Use Permit application:
An area map, at a scale of 1″ = 800′ showing existing land use within a two-mile radius of the facility site and the proposed flight paths.
A plot plan of the site and vicinity, including all land within a 400-foot radius of the takeoff and landing area, that shows clearly the height of the takeoff and landing area; the height of existing, approved and proposed structures and trees within 50 feet of the approach and takeoff flight paths; and the maximum allowable building height under existing zoning.
A description of the proposed operations, including the type of use, names and descriptions of helicopters expected to use the facility, and anticipated number and timing of daily flights.
A helicopter noise study including a map of the approach and departure flight paths at a scale of 1″ = 800′ showing existing day/night average noise levels in decibels (LDN noise contours), future day/night average noise levels with the proposed facility and anticipated flight operations, and single event maximum sound levels associated with the types of helicopters expected to use the facility.
(3710-6/05, 4040-12/14)
Permit Required. The Zoning Administrator may approve a Conditional Use Permit for a bed and breakfast inn in any C District and RMH A District after a duly noticed public hearing upon finding that:
The bed and breakfast inn will be operated by a property owner living on the premises;
The bed and breakfast inn conforms to the design and development standards of subsection B of this section and is compatible with adjacent buildings in terms of building materials, colors and exterior finishes; and
Public and utility services, including emergency access, are adequate to serve the bed and breakfast inn.
Design and Development Standards.
Minimum Size and Maximum Number of Guest Rooms. The inn shall contain at least 2,000 square feet, but no more than six rooms shall be rented for lodging.
Parking. The requirements of Chapter 231 shall apply.
Signs. The requirements of Chapter 233 apply. In addition, in the RMH A district, no identifying sign shall be displayed other than a sign no larger than two square feet identifying the name of the establishment. The face of the sign may be indirectly illuminated by an exterior light source entirely shielded from view, but no internal illumination from an interior light source shall be permitted.
(3710-6/05, 4040-12/14)
Collection containers shall be permitted for charitable organizations such as Goodwill. Recycling and collection containers shall not be located within required parking or landscaped areas or obstruct pedestrian paths. Recycling as an accessory use shall not exceed 500 square feet including any required attendant parking space. A recycling operation as a primary use shall comply with the development standards contained in Chapter 212.
Single room occupancy (SRO) shall comply with the following requirements:
General Provisions.
All projects shall comply with the most recently adopted City building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, fire, and housing codes.
No more than one person shall be permitted to reside in any unit, excluding the manager's unit and up to 25% of the total number of units which have double occupancy.
A management plan shall be submitted for review and approval with the Conditional Use Permit application. The management plan shall contain management policies, operations, emergency procedures, overnight guest policy, security program including video cameras monitoring building access points at every floor, rental procedures and proposed rates, maintenance plans, staffing needs, and tenant mix, selection and regulations. Income levels shall be verified by a third party and submitted to the City of Huntington Beach as part of the annual review.
An on-site 24-hour manager is required in every SRO project. In addition, a manager's unit shall be provided which shall be designed as a complete residential unit, and be a minimum of 300 square feet in size.
Rental procedures shall allow for monthly tenancies only; deposit requirements shall be specified.
All units within SRO projects shall be restricted to very-low-and low-income individuals as defined by the City's housing element, with the exception of the 24-hour manager. Rental rates shall be calculated using a maximum of 30% of income toward housing expenses based on County of Orange income figures.
Each SRO project shall be subject to annual review by the City which includes the review of management services. The management services plan shall define third party verification criteria. The SRO project owner shall be responsible for filing an annual report to the Community Development Department and Office of Business Development, which includes the range of monthly rents, the monthly income of residents, occupancy rates, and the number of vehicles owned by residents.
The Planning Commission or City Council may revoke the Conditional Use Permit if any violation of conditions or any of the adopted Huntington Beach codes occurs.
Unit Requirements.
Minimum unit size shall be 250 square feet except double occupancy units shall be a minimum of 400 square feet.
Maximum unit size shall be 300 square feet excluding manager's unit and double occupancy units.
Each unit shall contain a kitchen and bathroom.
Kitchens shall contain a sink with garbage disposal, counter top (minimum 16″ x 24″), refrigerator, and stove/oven unit and/or microwave.
If stoves/oven units are not provided in each unit, then stoves/oven units shall be provided in a common kitchen area(s).
Bathrooms shall contain a lavatory, toilet, and shower or bathtub.
Each unit shall have a minimum 48 cubic feet of closet/storage space.
Project Requirements.
Common recreational space shall be provided in each project as follows:
Minimum common recreational space shall be 400 square feet.
For projects exceeding 30 units, an additional 10 square feet of recreational space per unit is required.
Units that are 400 square feet or greater shall have a minimum of 15 square feet of recreational space per unit.
Common recreational space may be indoor or outdoor provided there is at least 40% allotted toward indoor space and 40% outdoor space; the balance may be either indoors or outdoors.
Common recreational space may be in separate areas provided each space is not less than 200 square feet in size and has no less than a 10-foot dimension.
A single controlled entryway for routine ingress and egress shall be situated adjacent to and in full view of the manager's desk.
A secured office area shall be incorporated in the facility for the storage of confidential resident records and security office personnel.
Mailboxes shall be provided for each unit located near the lobby in plain view of the entry desk.
Handicap access facilities shall be as required by applicable state or local law.
At least one handicapped accessible unit shall be required for every 20 units.
Laundry facilities shall be provided in a separate room in a location near the common indoor recreational space. Washers and dryers may be coin operated.
A cleaning supply storeroom and/or utility closet with at least one laundry tub with hot and cold water on every floor shall be provided on every floor.
Storage Lockers.
Storage lockers shall be provided in a secured area.
The cumulative total of locker space shall be no less than a ratio of 10 cubic feet per unit.
All common indoor space areas shall have posted in a conspicuous location a notice from the Department of Community Development regarding contact procedures to investigate housing code violations.
Bicycle stalls shall be provided at a minimum of one stall per five units in a secured and enclosed and covered area.
Trash disposal chutes as well as a centralized trash area shall be provided on all multi-story projects.
A minimum of two pay telephones shall be provided in the lobby area. The telephone service shall only allow outgoing calls.
Phone jack(s) shall be provided in each unit.
A shipping and receiving/maintenance garage shall be provided near a convenient vehicular access on the ground floor.
(3494-5/01, 4040-12/14, 4096-10/16)
Permit Required. Equestrian centers shall be permitted in the OS-PR and PS Districts, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. Where all off-site improvements are not provided, initial approval shall be for a maximum period of five years subject to annual review. One-year extensions of time may be granted after public hearing by the Planning Commission. On requests to allow a facility on a permanent basis, the Planning Commission shall determine required improvements based on the existing and proposed land uses and the existing off-site improvements within the area.
Design and Development Standards.
Minimum Parcel Size/Frontage. The minimum lot size and lot frontage shall be:
Temporary facilities:
2 acres
100 feet
Permanent facilities:
5 acres
100 feet
Density/Riding Areas. Maximum density for horse facilities shall be determined by the following criteria:
Maximum density shall be 25 horses per acre.
Minimum riding area shall be 5,000 square feet per 15 horses. For facilities with over 100 horses, two separate arenas shall be provided. In the alternative, off-site riding area shall be provided adjacent to the facility at the rate of one acre per 15 horses.
Exercise rings shall have no dimension less than 30 feet.
The minimum arena size shall be 10,000 square feet with no dimension less than 80 feet.
Maximum Building Height. Maximum building height shall be 30 feet.
Required Setbacks.
50 feet
(30 feet for caretaker's residence)
Interior side:
25 feet
Exterior side:
50 feet
25 feet
Minimum distance to any residential zone or use:
300 feet
Corral Design. Corrals designed for one horse shall comply with the following requirements. Corrals designed for more than one horse shall provide a minimum area per horse as indicated below. All corrals, racks and stalls shall be of compatible design, materials to be approved by the Fire Department.
Corral size: 288 square feet; minimum dimension: 12 feet. Shelter size: 96 square feet; minimum dimension: 8 feet.
Each corral shall have an approved water system with automatic drinking controls provided.
Box stalls may be provided in lieu of horse corrals. Such stalls shall be a minimum of 144 square feet with no dimension less than 12 feet.
Wash Rack. One wash rack per 35 horses or fraction thereof shall be provided subject to the following requirements. Wash racks designed for more than one horse shall provide a minimum area per 35 horses as indicated below:
Individual wash racks shall be six by eight feet.
Each wash rack shall have an approved watering system and be connected to a sewer facility with a back-siphon device at the water source.
A concrete slab floor shall be provided.
Insect and Rodent Control.
Feed mangers or boxes shall not be placed near water sources.
Nonleak valves shall be provided for all troughs, bowls, cups and other water sources.
Automatic valves or sanitary drains shall be provided for large troughs or cups.
Grading in paddocks and corrals shall be properly integrated into a master drainage plan to prevent ponding of water. Shelters shall be sloped away from the center of the corrals, or rain gutters shall be installed to the exterior of the corral.
Method of disposal of solid wastes shall be approved by Planning Commission. Trash disposal areas and dumpsters shall be designated and conveniently located with an all-weather road access provided.
All dry grains shall be stored in rodent-proof metal containers and hay storage shall be covered. Bulk or commercial amounts of grain or hay shall be located a minimum of 50 feet away from any horse enclosure.
Miscellaneous Operating Requirements.
The ground surface of horse enclosures shall be graded above their surroundings. A grading plan shall be submitted prior to issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.
Storage and tack areas shall be designated on the site plan.
Continuous dust control of the entire premises shall be maintained subject to the regulations contained in Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 8.24. The method for water sprinkling arenas and exercise pens shall be indicated on the site plan.
A permanent single-family residence shall be provided on the site with a watchman on duty 24 hours a day. Two fully enclosed parking spaces shall be provided. Where a mobile home is used to satisfy this requirement, one carport space and one open space shall be permitted.
A back-siphoning device shall be installed to protect the public water supply. An approved pressure vacuum breaker is recommended on the waterline serving the corrals. The vacuum breaker shall be at least 12 inches above the highest point of water usage or an approved double check valve may be used.
Security lighting shall be confined to the site and all utilities shall be installed underground.
A log containing the name of every horse, its location in the facility, the owner's name and address, and the names and addresses of persons to be notified in case of emergency shall be maintained in the watchman's quarters for ready reference.
All fire protection appliances, appurtenances, emergency access, and any other applicable requirements, pursuant to Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 17.56, shall meet the specifications of the Fire Department.
The entire site, exclusive of riding areas, shall be fenced in such a manner as to confine horses within the site in order to protect the perimeter landscaping from damage. Individual corrals shall be enclosed by a minimum five-foot high fence.
Off-Street Parking and Landscaping.
Parking and circulation design shall comply with the standards outlined in Chapter 231. In addition, the perimeter of the parking area shall be delineated by pilasters or wooden poles with chain, cable, or heavy rope connectors. The parking lot shall be surfaced in accord with the specifications of the Department of Public Works.
Landscaping, as set out in Chapter 232, shall be provided except that the minimum landscaped area required shall be a 10-foot-wide (inside dimension) planter along all property lines.
Indoor swap meets/flea markets shall comply with the following requirements:
Conditional Use Permit Required. Indoor swap meets/flea market uses may be permitted as temporary uses only upon approval of Conditional Use Permit by the Zoning Administrator for a period of time not to exceed 10 years. One-year extension of time may be granted after public hearing by the Zoning Administrator.
Location Considerations. The Zoning Administrator shall consider the following issues when evaluating a proposed Conditional Use Permit:
The site's proximity to residences, schools, hospitals and other noise sensitive uses.
The potential adverse impacts on traffic circulation and pedestrian safety.
The site's proximity to other indoor swap meets/flea markets to avoid overconcentration of facilities.
The site's proximity to businesses processing hazardous materials.
Location Criteria. Indoor swap meet/flea market uses shall only be allowed on property located adjacent to arterial streets.
Minimum Building Size. Minimum building gross floor area shall be 100,000 square feet.
Miscellaneous Requirements.
Ancillary Uses. Ancillary uses may be permitted as included on the approved site plan. Such uses shall be included as part of the initial Conditional Use Permit requirements or shall be subject to new entitlement if proposed after the initial application has been filed.
Signs. Individual vendors shall not be permitted any outdoor signs, including temporary. Signs shall comply with the standards outlined in Chapter 233.
Parking. Parking shall comply with the standards outlined in Chapter 231.
Emergency shelters may be permitted subject to the following requirements:
A single emergency shelter for 50 occupants, or a combination of multiple shelters with a combined capacity not to exceed 50 occupants, shall be permitted. Religious assembly uses within an industrial zone may establish emergency shelters for up to 30 occupants provided they meet the minimum development standards of the zone in which they are located.
Stays at the emergency shelter facility shall be on a first-come first-serve basis with clients housed on-site. Clients must vacate the facility by 8:00 a.m. each day and have no guaranteed bed for the next night.
Maximum stay at the facility shall not exceed 120 days in a 365-day period.
A minimum distance of 300 feet shall be maintained from any other emergency shelter, as measured from the property line.
An on-site client intake and waiting area shall be provided in a location not adjacent to the public right-of-way, be fully screened from public view, and provide consideration for weather events including shade and rain cover. The waiting area shall contain a minimum area of 10 square feet per bed.
Any provision of on-site outside storage shall be fully screened from public view.
Exterior lighting shall be provided for the entire outdoor area of the site consistent with the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance.
A minimum of one staff person per 15 beds shall be awake and on duty during facility hours of operation.
On-site parking shall be provided at the ratio of one space per staff member, plus one space for every five beds and an additional one-half space for each bedroom designated for families with children.
A Safety and Security Plan shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development for review and approval. The site-specific Safety and Security Plan shall describe the following:
Both on-and off-site needs, including, but not limited to, the separation of individual male and female sleeping areas, provisions of family sleeping areas, and associated provisions of management.
Specific measures targeting the minimizing of client congregation in the vicinity of the facility during hours that clients are not allowed on-site. Goals and objectives are to be established to avoid disruption of adjacent and nearby uses.
Provisions of a system of management for daily admittance and discharge procedures.
Any counseling programs are to be provided with referrals to outside assistance agencies, and provide an annual report on a facility's activity to the City.
Clients are to be appropriately screened for admittance eligibility.
Refuse collections schedule to provide the timely removal of associated client litter and debris on and within the vicinity of the facility.
A proposed emergency shelter offering immediate and short-term housing may provide supplemental services to homeless individuals or families. These services may include, but are not limited to, the following:
An indoor and/or outdoor recreation area.
A counseling center for job placement, educational, health care, legal or mental services, or similar services geared toward homeless clients.
Laundry facilities to serve the number of clients at the shelter.
Kitchen for the preparation of meals.
Dining hall.
Client storage area (i.e., for the overnight storage of bicycles and personal items).
(3861-2/10, 4040-12/14, 4096-10/16)