means a device upon which any person may ride, propelled by human power through a belt, chain or gears and having two or three wheels in a tandem or tricycle arrangement.
"Bicycle lane"
means that portion of a roadway, other than state and county highways, set aside by striping for the exclusive use of bicycle riders and so designated as provided by this chapter.
means running, trotting or alternately running and walking.
means a person who is engaged in the activity of walking or jogging.
"Recreational pathway"
means a pathway for bicycle riders and pedestrians that has been so designated and is physically separated from a roadway.
means that portion of a highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic.
means hiking or walking.
(Prior code § 20A-1)
The city council is authorized and empowered by resolution or motion to establish bicycle lanes and recreational pathways within the city in the interest of providing recreation and development open space programs.
(Prior code § 20A-2)
There shall be maintained on file in the office of the city clerk and the Riverton police department and available for inspection by the public, a map showing the bicycle lanes and recreational pathways as established from time to time by the city council.
(Prior code § 20A-3)
The Riverton police department shall designate bicycle lanes and recreational pathways and regulate the use thereof by the placement of appropriate signs and roadway markings.
(Prior code § 20A-4)
It is unlawful for any person to do any of the following acts on or adjacent to the officially designated bicycle lanes and recreational pathways within the jurisdictional limits of the city as provided in Section 2.04.020:
To injure or remove trees, shrubbery, wildlife or other natural and man-made objects;
To operate any motorized vehicle upon a recreational pathway or bicycle lane, except:
Motorized wheelchairs being operated by or for the benefit of a physically handicapped person, and
Other motorized vehicles entering a bicycle lane or recreational pathway for the purpose of crossing such pathway or lane at the entrance to a private drive, or for the purpose of yielding the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle as otherwise prescribed by law;
To ride or lead a horse upon the recreational pathways;
To trespass on private property adjacent to recreational pathways;
To permit pets to roam at large or on a leash or restraint longer than ten feet in length;
To fail to obey all signs and markings regulating recreational pathway or bicycle lane use;
To engage in any activity which may constitute a hazard to the safety of other users of the recreational pathways or bicycle lanes or in any other manner, significantly interfere with the enjoyment of these recreational pathways and bicycle lanes by others.
(Prior code § 20A-5)
Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a recreational pathway, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian, and when overtaking and passing a pedestrian shall give an audible signal. A person riding a bicycle off a recreational pathway or a bicycle lane and onto a roadway shall yield to all traffic on the roadway.
(Prior code § 20A-6)
Persons operating bicycles on a bicycle lane or a recreational pathway shall not ride more than two abreast; provided, however, that if riding two abreast shall impede the normal and reasonable movement of pedestrian and bicycle traffic, riding two abreast shall be prohibited.
(Prior code § 20A-7)
A person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and the penalty for such violation thereof shall be that set forth in Section 1.20.010.
(Prior code § 20A-8)