The athletic fields at La Puerta Sports Park shall be lighted only for use at youth soccer practice sessions. The lights may be used every year from September 1st through March 31st only. They may be used Monday through Thursday only, between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. only.
(94-15; 95-01)
Editor's note: Ordinance 95-01 amended subsection (A) of § 9.44.170, which was repealed by 94-15 and recodified as § 11.08.010.
No formally organized sports competitions may be held in La Puerta Sports Park on Sundays unless a permit has been authorized by the Community and Human Services Commission; provided, that when games originally set for other days must be rescheduled because of rain, they may be played on Sunday without obtaining a permit up to four times in any calendar year. Permits may be issued only after notice as provided in this section. Before authorizing the manager to issue the permit, the Community and Human Services Commission shall determine that the park is adequate to accommodate the proposed use, that the traffic generated by it can be properly managed, and that the proposed use will not have any adverse effect on adjacent property. In making these findings, the Community and Human Services Commission shall consider the frequency with which such permits have been issued and their cumulative impact on the neighborhood. The decision of the Community and Human Services Commission may be appealed to the City Council at its next regular meeting following the action of the Community and Human Services Commission on the proposal by filing a notice of such appeal with the City Clerk or by the request of any City Council member at such meeting.
(94-15; 12-04)
This chapter may be amended only after a public hearing before the City Council. Notice of the public hearing shall be posted at La Puerta Sports Park and mailed to the owners of each home within three hundred feet of the park, as listed on the latest assessor's roll, at least ten days before the hearing.